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Posts posted by hellohello123

  1. Just remember next trip Thais have a zero accountability when mistakes are made, They expect you to pay up and smile.When served an incorrect drink just drink it and be sure to let them know exactly what you want next round.

    just shut up and drink it? No, make your order certain, do not to drink or pay for the mistake; and talk quietly, but firmly.

    Exactly, and what do you do if you order a $20 bottle of champagne and they bring and open a $500 bottle of red wine??? Just pay for it!?!?!?!

    • Like 1
  2. I don't like getting scammed period!

    nobody likes getting scammed, but welcome to TIT, its a national sport here...so as suggested before get used to it and adopt the Mai pen Rai attitude or book your hospital bed....or in other words don't sweat the small things.

    They quickly let me know of the mistake, and I apologised profusely and gave them $15 change, as I didn't want them to think I was ripping them off

    The Thai variant on this in some places would be not to say anything, pocket the money and then tell you haven't paid enough...wink.png

    Had the taxi driver asked me for $2 for his sick buffalo , I would have given it to him....the ladies are going to love you...if I give you my bank account details can you send me some money I got a sick buffalo too..whistling.gif


  3. I was also staying in a $150 per night hotel which I didn't deem relevant, but it was one of the better hotels in the area

    so you staying at THB 5k/night hotel and you getting yourself worked up over THB 70 a few years ago ?.... USD 2.0 or there about' s...whistling.gif

    I don't like getting scammed period!

    I'd rather have dropped a $20 note on the ground , then to be scammed out of $2

    Had the taxi driver asked me for $2 for his sick buffalo , I would have given it to him

    I guess it sort of relates to when I used to manage a restaurant,

    The change from a bill was supposed to be $9, because I was busy, I accidentally, gave them $6 on the change tray

    They quickly let me know of the mistake, and I apologised profusely and gave them $15 change, as I didn't want them to think I was ripping them off

    They came up to me and said "appreciate your honesty" and left it all as a tip!

    Its not really about the dollar value for me smile.png

    Restaurant manager gives change? And stays in $150 rooms.

    What's next? Hotel charges double for water? nah

    ,was thinking about stealing the

    Nah, was thinking about stealing the towels from the hotels too!!

  4. I was also staying in a $150 per night hotel which I didn't deem relevant, but it was one of the better hotels in the area

    so you staying at THB 5k/night hotel and you getting yourself worked up over THB 70 a few years ago ?.... USD 2.0 or there about' s...whistling.gif

    I don't like getting scammed period!

    I'd rather have dropped a $20 note on the ground , then to be scammed out of $2

    Had the taxi driver asked me for $2 for his sick buffalo , I would have given it to him

    I guess it sort of relates to when I used to manage a restaurant,

    The change from a bill was supposed to be $9, because I was busy, I accidentally, gave them $6 on the change tray

    They quickly let me know of the mistake, and I apologised profusely and gave them $15 change, as I didn't want them to think I was ripping them off

    They came up to me and said "appreciate your honesty" and left it all as a tip!

    Its not really about the dollar value for me :)

    • Like 2
  5. Why does this almost always happens to someone with a female friend who is not a hooker?!whistling.gif

    I have a theory that when someone goes to great lengths to point out the lady concerned is not a BG etc. they have already admitted to world that the young lady concerned is a hooker, its a defensive mechanism me thinks, certainly when the statements concerned have absolutely no relevance to the topic being discussed

    bit like the posts on TV that start...."My wife/GF is a well educated non-EX BG, Hi-So Thai/Chinese Nuclear physicist and would like to know where to get a Thai drivers license BKK ? "


    I actually thought it was fairly relevant because if it was a bar girl, she would just assume me being a rich faring, I would simply pay up.

    if it was a decent girl, the probably would have handled it differently

    I was also staying in a $150 per night hotel which I didn't deem relevant, but it was one of the better hotels in the area

    You are missing Thailand aren't you?

    Sort of! When I visit a country I'm try and learn all the ins and outs as best I can so future visits are just as enjoyable :)

  6. Why does this almost always happens to someone with a female friend who is not a hooker?!whistling.gif

    I have a theory that when someone goes to great lengths to point out the lady concerned is not a BG etc. they have already admitted to world that the young lady concerned is a hooker, its a defensive mechanism me thinks, certainly when the statements concerned have absolutely no relevance to the topic being discussed

    bit like the posts on TV that start...."My wife/GF is a well educated non-EX BG, Hi-So Thai/Chinese Nuclear physicist and would like to know where to get a Thai drivers license BKK ? "


    I actually thought it was fairly relevant because if it was a bar girl, she would just assume me being a rich faring, I would simply pay up.

    if it was a decent girl, the probably would have handled it differently

    I was also staying in a $150 per night hotel which I didn't deem relevant, but it was one of the better hotels in the area

    • Like 1
  7. And please no smart ads comments!

    Happened on a trip a few years ago

    1. Caught a taxi back to the hotel in pattaya, was with a friend's friend (Thai girl from Bkk, and no not my gf or bar girl). She tells the taxi driver the name of hotel in Thai, agree on the price which was the same as when we got there (about 200baht). About a 10 min trip, about 5 mins later I Say to my friend "are we going in the right way? This doesn't look familiar", she talks to the driver and apparently he misheard her, and since its now further away fro. The destination, he wants us to pay 270 baht. I'm like <deleted>! Why the hell should I pay for your mistake when she spoke to you in Thai??? I know that ridiculously, in Thai culture, me losing m temper is a loss of face which does me no good. So we end up paying. In my country if the service provider makes a mistake, its their obligation to fix it at their cost

    2. Ordered a whiskey and soda at a bar, drink arrived, I tasted it and it was whiskey and lemonade or coke. Apparently the guy in the next table had ordered a whiskey and coke/lemonade.

    So the waitress took my drink back and brought the correct one. When I got the bill I had been charged for two drinks, I told them the error and they told me I had been charged because they couldn't sell/give the original drink!

    <deleted>!!! Once again if I lose my temper I loser face. I don't recall what I did but I probably paid it as even though I am very stubborn on my principals, I don't want to get beaten up

    So how should I have handled it and should I have been furious?

  8. One thing I have realised is that thai women do say "i love you" and "I miss you" very early in relationships or even encounters

    maybe im old school (even though im in my 30s) and back in my home country, you dont say "i love you" to someone unless you truly do,

    If you start chatting to women online, for a week or two, so many of them say "I miss you", yet you'll never hear from them again 5 seconds later,

    in fact I had one lady whom I got along very well with, tell me off for not saying "I love you" back when she said it when we had only met twice for a grand total of 10 days

    how do you know theyre sayin I miss you? are they speaking english? do they understand the real translation?

    of course in english! the ones that say it usually have ok to better english, and "I love you" is hardly a hard statement to translate in any language, Hell I can say I love you in about 6 languages, and I only speak 2

    i didnt ask you about "i love you"

    well, not much differnece between "i love you" and I miss you" in terms of linguistics

    so my answer still stands

  9. One thing I have realised is that thai women do say "i love you" and "I miss you" very early in relationships or even encounters

    maybe im old school (even though im in my 30s) and back in my home country, you dont say "i love you" to someone unless you truly do,

    If you start chatting to women online, for a week or two, so many of them say "I miss you", yet you'll never hear from them again 5 seconds later,

    in fact I had one lady whom I got along very well with, tell me off for not saying "I love you" back when she said it when we had only met twice for a grand total of 10 days

    how do you know theyre sayin I miss you? are they speaking english? do they understand the real translation?

    of course in english! the ones that say it usually have ok to better english, and "I love you" is hardly a hard statement to translate in any language, Hell I can say I love you in about 6 languages, and I only speak 2

  10. One thing I have realised is that thai women do say "i love you" and "I miss you" very early in relationships or even encounters

    maybe im old school (even though im in my 30s) and back in my home country, you dont say "i love you" to someone unless you truly do,

    If you start chatting to women online, for a week or two, so many of them say "I miss you", yet you'll never hear from them again 5 seconds later,

    in fact I had one lady whom I got along very well with, tell me off for not saying "I love you" back when she said it when we had only met twice for a grand total of 10 days

    how do you know theyre sayin I miss you? are they speaking english? do they understand the real translation?

    of course in english! the ones that say it usually have ok to better english, and "I love you" is hardly a hard statement to translate in any language, Hell I can say I love you in about 6 languages, and I only speak 2

  11. One thing I have realised is that thai women do say "i love you" and "I miss you" very early in relationships or even encounters

    maybe im old school (even though im in my 30s) and back in my home country, you dont say "i love you" to someone unless you truly do,

    If you start chatting to women online, for a week or two, so many of them say "I miss you", yet you'll never hear from them again 5 seconds later,

    in fact I had one lady whom I got along very well with, tell me off for not saying "I love you" back when she said it when we had only met twice for a grand total of 10 days

  12. For me the absolute hands down winner is japan,

    the hygeine practices, along with service, and attention to detail is second to none

    also, you simply cannot get a bad meal in japan, whether it be a local stall, local shop, or a franchise

    just the sheer variety, competition thats available is amazing

    I dont think ive ever had a bad meal in japan ever

  13. I can only speak from personal experience.Having met my wife in the U.S.,our situation is different from the typical farang/Thai marriage.We married based on compatibility and love.More than once when my own family turned their back on me,she has been there 100%.And I for her.When family health issues called for her to return to Thailand,I had no problem with it.And even though we`re not together year round as a result,we are still completely devoted to each other.She has been without any doubt,the best part of my life.

    may I ask, what sort of time she spends away? and is it a permanent arrangement?

  14. I have to ask, what do think is typical in the western world? I actually have

    some experience in this arena and know something about the statistics of

    what happens in the western world in this situation, but need to hear your

    considerations. I am not trolling and my query is genuine before I respond

    to your question.

    Im not one of those members that want to stroke their ego by saying how good their girl/gf/wife is when they are what society calls them losers of society in the western world. if it works for them then so be it, I am in no position to judge. If it makes them happy, then good for them, Im envious that they can find something that makes them happy

    My experience in western society is that when you marry the woman of your dreams, then you stick by the words of "till death do us part"

    I am fairly young in my early 30s, never been married, and I strongly believe in it.

    in my fairly circle of friends and family, if you dumped your girl over something superficial like being sick, then that shows how insignfiicant your relationship meant.

    In a perfect world, I would like to know that if worst comes to worst, then you can rely on your partner (regardless of age and nationality) and not have to worry about superficial things. It might be hard for those old codgers that married bar girls to understand, but its important to me, when shit hits the fan that you have someone to rely on.

    just my 2c

    • Like 1
  15. How many topics are here with:

    Do Thai women....

    Do Thai men.....

    Do Thai people....

    whoever opens such a topic should thing if all people in his home country are complete uniform.....

    Do USA women....

    Do German men....

    who would have thought....... a forum about thailand in general has topics asking about Thai people!?!?!!?!?

  16. I've had mixed experiences with a couple of different Thai girlfriends. One thing that sticks in my mind, however, is the following. A couple of years ago my girlfriend had a friend who owned a beauty shop. She stopped by often to chat and I also got to know her girlfriend and her Farang boyfriend and they always seemed nice to me. One day her girlfriend was telling her friends in the shop that a woman she knows.......HAD VERY GOOD LUCK.........HER FARANG HUSBAND DIED SUDDENLY.....HE LEFT HER OVER 15 MILLION BAHT!!! This is good luck? Your husband dies? I still shake my head. To my surprise every woman in the shop agreed....THIS WAS GOOD LUCK!!! Not one word of how the poor guy passed away or sadness about his sudden demise!

    it sounds like she is a bar girl or no different to a common hooker who married some farang for money, so this behaviour doesnt surprise me,

    however, if this is the mentality of the normal thai girl, I would be very disappointed!

    Dont make the mistake to emphasize too much on bargirl or hooker in example as given above.....thats were your thinking is wrong.IMHO ofcourse.

    I just cant fathom to understand if its not a bar girl and a typical normal person, that they would consider the love of their life, to be lucky when they die,

    I doubt ive ever seen or heard anyone ever say something like that in my country

    • Like 1
  17. I've had mixed experiences with a couple of different Thai girlfriends. One thing that sticks in my mind, however, is the following. A couple of years ago my girlfriend had a friend who owned a beauty shop. She stopped by often to chat and I also got to know her girlfriend and her Farang boyfriend and they always seemed nice to me. One day her girlfriend was telling her friends in the shop that a woman she knows.......HAD VERY GOOD LUCK.........HER FARANG HUSBAND DIED SUDDENLY.....HE LEFT HER OVER 15 MILLION BAHT!!! This is good luck? Your husband dies? I still shake my head. To my surprise every woman in the shop agreed....THIS WAS GOOD LUCK!!! Not one word of how the poor guy passed away or sadness about his sudden demise!

    it sounds like she is a bar girl or no different to a common hooker who married some farang for money, so this behaviour doesnt surprise me,

    however, if this is the mentality of the normal thai girl, I would be very disappointed!

  18. Part of the reason I ask is I see and hear many ladies when their dad is sick or something happens, they quit their jobs, even dump their current bf and look for a local husband and go back home to look after them.

    And was wondering if their husband (faring or not) would get the same treatment

    The latest example I heard was a friends sister, she is middle to upper class girl who,s father had a stroke , dumped her fairly rich Thai bf, quit her job, and went and married a local Thai man who is apparently poor, all in a period of 6 months and moved back home town to look after him (mother is still alive and healthy too!)

    I was mighty impressed but was surprised how quickly she got married,

    I think I get the point of your question and it's more about whether a Thai woman would stand by her farang in tough times. The answer would be mixed, of course. In general, I find Thai women do stand by their men if they love them. This seems to be more true if she were married to a Thai guy. I'm not sure if this is a reflection of the sort of Thai women some farang guys choose to shack up with, or just the type of Thai women who date farangs. It's rather old and tired to say that many Thai women choose a farang for financial reasons, but there's a lot of truth to that...with exceptions of course. Which would mean that the loyalty would diminish in direct correlation with the finances.

    Yes you are almost spot on, As per other posts on TV, I would never expect a partner (farang or not)to be put above family etc.

    I was more curious as to my western mentality of sticking by your partner in the tough times, whether its the same mentality in Thailand,

    its good to hear that the majority of the responses do indicate that you wont be dumped the second you get a health problem, or you lose your job ,or you get a pay cut or you get some sort of disability

    I would never do that to my partner, and would sincerely hope that it wouldnt happen to me,

    thats my moral standpoint

  19. Part of the reason I ask is I see and hear many ladies when their dad is sick or something happens, they quit their jobs, even dump their current bf and look for a local husband and go back home to look after them.

    And was wondering if their husband (faring or not) would get the same treatment

    The latest example I heard was a friends sister, she is middle to upper class girl who,s father had a stroke , dumped her fairly rich Thai bf, quit her job, and went and married a local Thai man who is apparently poor, all in a period of 6 months and moved back home town to look after him (mother is still alive and healthy too!)

    I was mighty impressed but was surprised how quickly she got married,

  20. Assuming your girl is nit a bar girl and doesn't see you as a walking atm

    Say you are married/long term, and say you got sick, or lost your job, or get health problems, or get depression or become disabled, or you become poor

    Is It Thai culture to stand by their man or do they cut you loose, compared to what is typical in the western world?

    Genuine curiosity question

  21. I have had the misfortune to see some of theses soaps,they all seem to be about hi so Thais ,screaming,hitting,schemeing and shooting each other,some of the acting is pathetic,and i think they are still using ketchup for blood,what i don't understand is the shouting and screaming as most Thai's consider this the height of bad manners,in two years here i think i have only seen two arguments were voices were raised,an then only a little,so i have a feeling it's like forbidden fruit,they can never really behave like this in real life so love to see it happen in the soaps,having said that all soaps everywhere are ridiculous,i remember a show in the uk Brookside,it was about a suburban cul de sac,which had a higher murder rate it seemed than Mexico.

    Isn't that what "the bold nd the beautiful" is all about???

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