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Posts posted by hellohello123

  1. I like thai food, but in terms of comparing asian food for example, japanese is far far far far better in almost every way

    thai food uses too much sugar, a lot of deep frying, coconut creams/milk, msg,

    Japanese food doesnt have any of those problems

    I reckon if a farang with their bigger appetites ate thai food all the time, theyd get fat pretty quickly

    • Like 1
  2. thanks for all the really helpful feedback

    unfortunately today she seems to have changed her mind

    i guess things aren't going so well with the "rich guy"

    anyway this info will be helpful when she changes her mind again


    so now what? she comes back to you cos her better ATM has shut down?

    and you will continue to get ripped off until she finds another ATM?

    and you take her back???? I sincerely hope you still have your balls intact!

    • Like 1
  3. Why don't these westerners who complain about such things in Thailand just move to the Philippines where most of these issues would be resolved? Same weather, prices, girls, but with small land ownership available and easier business setup process, easier visa, locals all speak decent English, and you have great casinos etc.. Only downsides are the disgusting local food (eat foreign food) and higher crime (be safe). Why waste your money on a place like Thailand? Leave the place to the Eastern Europeans and the Chinese

    I dont know what you call this phenomenon

    but any loser back home, divorced multiple times, ugly, fat, old, unattractive, poor, alcoholic etc. etc. is going to be ignored so nobody really cares what they think

    they come to any thirld world country, especially one where farangs are put on a pedastal

    they then experience, being noticed and actually given some respect,

    so they get some form of entitlement and think they the world owes them something and they should be treated like a god

    look at how many posts on TV demanding, why the thais cant do things the correct farang why? why cant they do it better like the farang way?

    its a natural human reaction for the most

  4. for me it is very simple. I am 67 and find a bar girl 33 . every one gives is part in the deal no money no honey and no honey no money. we are together 3 years and I enjoy my life . she is good to me and I give her money that make her able to save give 3000 the parents and stop working at the bar. we are renting a condo in Bangna near Mega and have a swimming pool and fitness room. the only think that you need is to be carful with money . there is an amount that I give her monthly and she can do what she wants with her money. when I am in Thailand I pay all the living expenses and when I am out for work she buys food from her money.

    I would call it great arrangement for an old guy like me. at least better from what I can get at home.

    congratulations, you are one of the very few men on here or in thailand that can see reality,

    if it works for you and her then good for you,

    Most of the others have a wild imagination , whether its gained in Thailand or they had it before they arrived, I do not know

    • Like 1
  5. never meet a thai lady that did not ask for money or car house ,what does that make them all , for sure i am old got nice young lady in Bed and its cost me ,but its better than a OAP home and i can't take the money with me when i go ,thats the wives words

    how would she react if you asked her to give her money to you citing "you cant take it with you"

  6. Thai men are just less susceptible to blackmail.

    My former western wife tried it on with me, being a sensible Thai man, I just moved country.

    They/we just place "not being a pussy whipped doormat" above "being a dad".

    Sounds like a loser attitude, real men take care of their kids.

    thats the typical "im a farang, I know better then everyone attitude", and is completely BS

    I actually agree with you on the concept, but not on the delivery, referring to "real men" is a cop out

    some countries, the men dont do housework, cooking and cleaning, as think long as the father financially supports the kid, then his responsiblities are done,

    who are you to say which is better, you could also argue that being blackmailed and badmouthed by the mother is just as toxic and its better for the child to not know the father instead of knowing the father while being poisoned by the mother,

    who are you to judge

    • Like 1
  7. I hope I don't regret posting this...

    Social status, 'pecking order' is complex in every society and always difficult to determine by anyone from another country. I think this is more how Thai people see it:

    1. Royal family and their descendants

    2. Highest ranking Armed Forces and Privy Councillors

    3. Rich families with established business empires

    4. High ranking Armed Forces, high ranking civil servants and politicians

    5. Other wealthy and overseas/best Thai uni educated people who are associated with any of the above

    6. Senior grade professionals including bankers, doctors, technicians, industrialists, other business people and professors

    7. Middle grade professionals, Armed Forces, civil servants and politicians including doctors, technicians, industrialist, other business people and teachers

    8. Salaried employees of all types ranked by wealth and position. Small business proprietors

    9. Wage earners

    10. Farmers

    11. Unemployed and self employed in dubious professions

    Thais are well aware of their status and that of other Thais. They cannot readily determine the status of foreigners and so unless the foreigner is known to clearly fit into one of categories above, tend to lump them all together (in one word or another). Thai language ability has no relevance to a foreigner's status. If a foreigner's status if not known as above, it is determined more by their dress, manners, behaviour and to some extent yes, by the status of their Thai partner (which is easy for another Thai to determine).

    Are you saying that they would classify say korean, japanese, indian, african, white american in teh same category???

    I can assure you ignoring money, the number of thai girls preferring White males>>>>>>>>korean/japanese>>>>>indian

  8. This has to be a troll looking at his posts.

    A better question is


    Thai bar girls are not different than any woman in any other part of the world. They marry so that they have a husband that can look after them for the rest of their lives.

    If you can not do that then what good are you?

    Do you think that if you married a good Thai lady and had no money and no means of supporting her that she would stay with you?

    How many women in your home country would go out with you if you had no money or income?

    Don't blame the girls for your own stupidity.

    well what I have learnt is that every one on TV or possibly thailand

    look 10 years younger then they are, they are handsome, and go to the gym, arent alcoholics and are not old/smelly/fat,

    and their teerak who is 20 years younger is not a bargirl, has never asked for a cent, looks 10 years younger then they are, and are haaaaaaaaawwwwwttttt and every farang who walks down the street is soooo jealous of him

  9. Actually I am always amazed at how loyal some ex bargirls are to their husbands. Of course the ones that scam their partners money are the ones you here about, but you never hear about the ones who stick with some old geezer through a bypass operation or bout of cancer. Probably because most of the guys who hook up with one will never tell you.

    well if they are havinga bypass or operation, then chances are they wont be around for much longer,.

    why would you risk a potential inheritance windfall when you are so close to the finishline!

    • Like 1
  10. Serious question, no smart ass responses

    I know of two sisters who were born in udon thani to farming parents

    both are very pale, tall and skinny and attractive

    Both went to university

    One now works in an office job,

    The other did some business and did quite well and now works In a office

    Both now live in bkk

    Both now roam the hiso scene, with their cars, jewerely, branded stuff, lubes etc etc

    From a thai perspective , is your class based on where you are born? Or the circles you move around in?

    Most people that roam the Hi-so scene are wannabes living on credit trying to land one of the real ones, but most of them are just living off parents money until they pull the plug on it.

    Most people who earned the money or are old money go no where near it.

    I agree, thats not thailand specific,

    often those that need to show it off, cant afford it

    those that are filithy rich, dont feel the need to show it

    • Like 1
  11. To climb up the social-ladder: Use liberal amounts of Skin-Whitening cream or marry a Farang.


    A whore who marries a farang is still a whore, however her husband becomes a man who married a whore.

    ie, she stays the same, he goes down a notch.


    if they are poor issarn bar girls and marry some old smelly fart on a uk pension then they are still considered the low of the low despite what they think

    however if some mid or hiso girl married a David Beckham type of guy, i would assume its an upgrade

  12. Serious question, no smart ass responses

    I know of two sisters who were born in udon thani to farming parents

    both are very pale, tall and skinny and attractive

    Both went to university

    One now works in an office job,

    The other did some business and did quite well and now works In a office

    Both now live in bkk

    Both now roam the hiso scene, with their cars, jewerely, branded stuff, lubes etc etc

    From a thai perspective , is your class based on where you are born? Or the circles you move around in?

  13. Status depends on ethnic background and skin color more than money.

    So 1 & 2 are correct, the rest is rubbish.

    Thai sex workers rank above western foreigners.

    Issan Thai below Lanna Thai.

    Hill tribe at the bottom of the Thai ranking, arranged by skin color.

    Then you get to rank non-Asian foreigners by skin color.

    White at the top, brown in the middle, black at the bottom.

    oh yeah asian foreigners get ranked above non asians.

    Are you referring to nonasians as every one that's nit oriental Asian? Or is it excluding firings?

  14. I dont think its right either, the costs involved are the same so why should double pricing exist,

    that being said, if they are going to blatently take advantage of you being a foreginer, I would hope you could take advntage of being a foreigner, but Im not sure how you could benefit, or what tax laws there are or anything

  15. What do the majority of expats come here for?Seeing as they nearly all live or sleep with younger Thai women.

    Not the ones I know. Some of you guys are like dogs rolling in a small pile of shit, claiming the whole world stinks the same as you do.

    oh i assume all your expat friends are just so hansum and awesome

    congratulations, you just fit the stereotype of deluded farangs in thailand

    What an odd comment. Why would you assume that? They're just normal people, who didn't come here because of the sex industry.
    why is it an odd comment?

    haha ignorance at its best

    cheap women isn't limited to bargirls

    what are you? A love struck teenager ?

  16. What do the majority of expats come here for?Seeing as they nearly all live or sleep with younger Thai women.

    Not the ones I know. Some of you guys are like dogs rolling in a small pile of shit, claiming the whole world stinks the same as you do.

    oh i assume all your expat friends are just so hansum and awesome

    congratulations, you just fit the stereotype of deluded farangs in thailand

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