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Posts posted by hellohello123

  1. 1.Consequences meeting western woman could ruin your life . ( my 3 marriages left me heart broken and penniless but ex's have everything after my hard work)

    2.Western woman have to many rights against man .(Man should start fighting to get rights back)

    3.I always wonder what western woman is looking in Asia.....( there is a plenty idiots in western world....)

    4.There is more decent Thai woman then in western world . (With exception that if they will gain same amount of rights it will be similar scenario as in western world. )

    5.I just can not trust western woman anymore.

    Prefer to loose with Thai then win with western woman. (Reading many posts on different forums you can find growing hatred of western woman toward Asia woman.....)


    Everyone (man) living in Thai knows this (: ...5555.

    How many western couples live in Thailand on retirement compare to single man...... all ages??? and why?


    "They did a segment on "A current Affair" of "today tonight "(Aust.) a few months back,apparently in place Australian women are out numbered 5 to 1 - or something like that ,in some places- aussie men.

    However,after talking to the women in these areas,most of them said it wasn't the fact that they they couldn't find a man,it was that the men were...not nice.A matter or quality vs quantity, if you get my drift "

    Is it means... all quality man going away to different countries ???? if so ..why?

    Man, three divorces and you are still trying!!!

    I admire your courage/persistence/stupidity!!

    • Like 1
  2. Thanks for the posts all.

    Im non the wiser really.

    Just have to accept it as there way of avoiding conflict.

    The white lies are not malicous just silly IMO.

    Budhism allows a lie apparently if it means the party does not get hurt.

    If we were all like this, having no backbone to tell things as they are, where would we be?!

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Ever tell a girl she doesn't look fat in that dress? Ever tell your host the dinner was delicious?

    Westerners have a version of saving face too.

    doesn't explain why Asian people will always tell you about the pimple on your chin though. 5555

    With respect, I've heard heaps of people use that example, it's not correct, and I think it's a convenient excuse of behaving badly

    A lot of people say by lying about how good their cooking was, it saves their face!

    No it doesn't

    In the west you may lie about someone's cooking because you don't want to hurt their feelings

    feelings, it has nothing to so with how you are going good lose/maintain/gain face

    A lot.of.people will.say its about.minting face of.the chef in front of other people, so what happens if it's just you and the.chef eating dinner!?!?!!??

    See how.face.is highly.hypocritical

    In the western society which I'm not saying is perfect either, it's about being nice an snot hurting their feelings.

    If it was all about face, when your five year old shows you a picture they have drawn, you'd have no.hesitation in saying "that's a terrible.picture, even for a five year old" it's about being considerate and not hurting their.feelings

    • Like 1
  3. the utter racism shown toward thai females simply trying to survive in amazing. I know many good thai ladies who do not scam men.I know many ex-bar girls with hearts of gold. We men balme everything upon these poor girls who are only doing what they have to do in ordfer to survive.

    If the world was not so male dominated they would not have to do this.

    Are the girls really only doing what they are doing to survive?

    Good question to place on Thai visa though I'm sure its been asked before.

    Lets post it!

    The previous post to the above is a cop.out

    Everybody has choices, take.responsibility for.your choices

    What next "oh I had to murder that person so I could.afford a new iPhone, so that makes it ok!"

  4. Did you ever meet a Thai or other SE Asian before coming to Thailand? Maybe you noticed how easy they were to get along with. It is because of this sensitivity to not offending others.

    You may never be able to fully understand it, but if you try some, you will learn some good diplomacy skills you can use when you do return home.

    That's a pretty good description. Better than what some of these other nutjobs are coming up with. "Face" is an Asian thing, related to maintaining harmony and peace. In other words, why insult someone and cause them to lose face (or as referred to in the west, to "publicly humiliate someone") when it's not necessary? That's all it is.

    Yes it's. A pretty

  5. Saving face is pretty simple to understand and for the most part we do it in the west.

    It is simply not going out of your way to embarrass people when especially in the long run it isn't needed.

    Don't like the service? Smile, but don't come back.

    Someone is wrong? Smile, and never talk to that idiot again (NB. Involves chosing not marrying one to begin with either).

    It puts the onus in yourself to do a bit more homework in advance, and be prepared to go around rather than through people.

    Instead of 'you are wrong' say 'but I read that it can be done this way and XYZ over there has done it that way'.

    For times that you need to hold your ground there is a particular type of arrogance you can employ to project your superiority. But you use that sparingly. As the saying in the west goes. Being polite costs nothing.

    Problem is too many farang here are used to being door mats. They don't realise that in the everyday run of the mill social interactions in Thailand people will generally hold them as a higher 'status' (until they prove themselves otherwise - read Pattaya). Given this you can from time to time employ effectively the arrogance I speak of and get away with it to your advantage.

    Well said, Samran. This whole "face" thing is not nearly as sinister as some farangs make it out to be. As you mentioned, it's done in the west as well. For example, western managers know that if they want to chew someone out, it's best to do it in private and not in front of the whole office. Prevents a "loss of face" unnecessarily.

    Perhaps a better example for farangs in Thailand is this: If your buddy has just met a new Thai female with whom he is completely enamored with, and you meet her for the first time and your first impression is that she is a total skank, do you tell him so? Tell her so? I think not.

    that's not quite how face works

    Anotehr example

    You go into a go go bar

    A girl asks you to barking her

    You say no for whatever reason


    You come back the next night and see another girl who is friends with the original bargirl and bar fine her

    She loses face because you chose her friend

    In developed world, that would either mean her friend was better then you, or the customers tastes were to her and not you

    That's life that's business, move on, you win some you lose some, thinking about face in these situations is just unnecessary energy and agro, in my.opinion

  6. If you want to understand the sensation of 'losing face', imagine the worst embarrassment you ever had in your life - the worst public humiliation - and ideally one when you were in your childhood, so were particularly sensitive. Remember the feeling of being crushed like an insect, feeling like you had no value as a human being whatsoever, and how you just wanted the earth to open up and swallow you?

    Right, now take that feeling and multiply it by 50 ... and imagine that that feeling could be set off by the smallest ill-timed perceived insult or slight. Then you'll have some idea of what it feels like to Thais to save face... and why they are so desperate to avoid it happening to them - and to those around them.

    And why, if in that moment they have a gun to hand, they are likely as not to blow the head off the person who pointed out whatever inadequacy of theirs has caused this embarrassment... and then be sorry afterwards.

    Um talk about an exaggeration

    The idea is correct however

    The idea of face I think is ridiculous

    When it gets in the way of solving problems or.creating unnecessary problems I think it's really unproductive and hypocritical

    What also annoys me.is that they hide.behind the concept of face to shy away from their responsibilities and obligations

    However its how they are programmed so you just have to bite your tongue when some idiot has given you the wrong order at a restaurant for example even though you confirmed the order with them three times, or they told you it's sold out and they are still serving it

  7. Foreign women don't dig me. I hansum man in Thailand

    May be all too true, but it works the other way, sometimes.

    Sitting, having a coffee early one morning in Phuket, a well-worn caucasian woman came up to me and said in a Slavic accent, "I'll do anything you want for B1,000."

    I told her, I preferred Asian women; hence, me being in Thailand.

    She insisted, "I'll do anything for B500."

    I told her to wash my Harley. She got mad, called me all sorts of names.

    Haha that's hilarious

    • Like 1
  8. Some men simply prefer Asian women. I know I do. Overall, Asian women are much more feminine than Western women, know better how to treat a man, and have a longer shelf-life. That is my opinion, but mine is the only opinion I can have.

    I have had three wivesthe first North American, the second two Southeast Asian. In between those marriages, I have also had three live-in girlfriendstwo Western and one Eastern. All six were good-looking, well-educated, and sexually compatiblethat may be superficial to you, but it is important to me. Two of my wives and one of my gfs were wealthy, the others from middle-class backgrounds, but had good jobs. The first five relationships ended due to me; my fault. I simply had not found THE one, enough said.

    I have been married to number six for 35 years now, I am still in love. She satisfies me in every way--she actually cares about meor at least makes me believe thatand takes better care of me and our son than either one of us probably deserve; and she is a self-sufficient well-educated career woman.

    My relationships with the Western women always seemed to leave me hollow, wanting something. They all seemed to think it was all about them. The Asian women I have known are different. They cared about me, wanted to please me. That expression of consideration for me made me want to reciprocate, to be good for them.

    So, by all means, try the Western women. I am sure there are good ones out there.

    Ready now, to the tune of Brown Eyes, lets sing. Beautiful, beautiful slant-eyes, I may never love round-eyes again.

    Are you serious????

    You are boasting. About have being married three times, but count it as six because of a live in gf

    Let Me guess, you are old but look younger and your wife is.20 years younger and super hot

    If I was married three times, I'd say maybe my judgement of.character is seriously screwed and not even.bother, let alone be proud of it

    I'm so lost for words

  9. Well unfortunately to say, but thailand is a country where losers especially old, ugly, poor have a decent chance of scoring with a woman thats better then the exact reciprocal of themselves.

    Why would they go for a Caucasian women

    I quite like Asian woman, so I guess I'm a loser too

    Happy to admit to that! Or else it would be highly hypocritical

    One thing I always wonder is if a Caucasian women works or chooses to work in Thailand for medium to long term,

    How do they handle the lesser attention when it comes to dating, women don't handle lessening of attention in nay respect very well

  10. The most stunning beautiful, funny, sensual, professional woman I met on Tagged was a 45 years old medical doctor. We just become, and still good friends, because she was looking for a younger farang and with the same financial level. I am 70 and poor. That was 3 years ago, we still good fiends. I am married now, she still alone. I asked why she was on an online dating site, and with her pictures, if she it is well known in her town. Her answer makes a lot of sense to me. She said that she never will go to dating bars or karaoke places where farangs use to go. She also only go out with girl friends from work, and very rare a farang approached them. She said that she is not interested in another Thai men for many good reasons, and that Thai men, that will recognize her, do not look in online dating sites for women. In her page in Tagged she states that she is looking for "friends"...that is the way most good women do, even if its are looking for a date. Yes...she still alone, she still in Tagged, she is tall, slender, and she is an amazing beautiful and educated 47 years old Thai woman. Sorry..I will not give any clues or referral about. And before you do ask, my wife is in the same age and even more beautiful. And before you do ask...I know about beautiful women and I do not settled for less. I am Brazilian. My wife never will wear a "tanga" on Copacabana beach just because she is Thai, but she can compete with my 38 years old Brazilian daughter...and win. Keep looking online for the right one, be a believer, and you will found it....

    The reason she is still alone, too old! She had a product nobody wants.

    Lived alone until 47, good god, she would be a total nightmare to live with.

    It is very interesting to see how close minded some people are. Now to live alone means to be undesirable, that is probably why many farangs in Thailand settle for the first woman that go to bed with them...

    It's interesting how every farang on tv over the age of 50-70, is married to a beautiful girl 20 years younger, has a masters in medicine, can speak 40 languages, looks like a model, and a body to die for

    While he looks 20 years younger, works out and is above average looking, and never has been asked for a dollar while getting stares of jealousy walking down the street

    But yet no one is willing to post a photo of themselves or their beauty

  11. Lose the need to be always right and lose the need to always have to show that you are right.

    I've learnt not to bother with showing a person who uses face as a lame excuse for behaving like an idiot

    But a lot of times its not about proving who is wrong or right, often it's about getting what you paid for or deserve

    Eg go to a restaurant, ask the waitress if a particular dish is vegetarian, order it and it comes out with meat in it, if you tell the waitress she made a mistake, and she starts crapping on about face, then you need to get the correct dish!

  12. Saving Face! IMO is the inability to face up to ones faults, and truth and reality,obviously covered up by denial,broadly accepted as normal behaviour!

    Add to that the excuse of face to not accept your consequences and to behave against logic or respect while trying (successfully or not) to justify it

    • Like 2
  13. HeavyDrinker, seems you are not willing to believe a true story for some reason.

    We met through TF, chatted online for 4 months, met in person late last year, decided to get married and that is that.

    She is 42 and works as a Biochemist at Siriraj Hospital with a salary of 49.000 Baht a month.

    I am 55, work as an Air Traffic Controller at Prestwick Centre and am lucky to earn £94,959 pa

    I will be drawing down my final salary pension next April and then hope to work part-time and spend every other month in Thailand, if NATS (www.nats.aero) will not agree to that, then my pension (£42,000 pa) and lump sum (£280,000) will be sufficient for all our future plans.

    My wife will be quitting her job early next year and returning to Ubon to run her business http://www.pratinmansion.com , taking care of her one son and letting her retired teacher mother have more time to herself.

    I am neither deluded or a liar, if any of you don't want to believe I have been very lucky then that's your problem.

    Only in thaialbd!

  14. Off topix I know but one thing I've never understood is why thai girls cry so easily when it comes to relationships

    Recent incident, was chatting with girl from tll, I told her I wasn't interested and she said friends only is fine, so we became.friends, I lost my.phone and didn't.contact.her for about three or four days and the next morning she Sent me a video of her crying her eyes out, all red and tears streaming down her eyes

    Another incident, I met up with a girl for the second time, we were getting along well, my sister sent me a msg that went "hope you are having a good time, take.care, love NAME"

    She stormed off and the next day she sent me a photo of her crying.her eyes out in bed.

    I don't think I've seen a western woman cry unless it's a long term.relationship or a marriage

  15. Finally a post I can contribute!

    I'm a rookie here. Been in bkk for a whopping 3 weeks. Back in Chicago, 99% of my dates came from POF (Plenty of Fish) and OkCupid. Both are free and both have TONS of chicks. Got laid on 80% of the dates. I'm maybe slightly better than average looking. Athletic. 45 yrs old.

    So... before I came out here, I took a look at Thai Friendly. Costs money? No go. I don't pay for that. Too many free sites. Then I changed the location on POF and OkCupid and low and behold... a gold mine of single ladies and since their profiles are in English, no language barrier. Now... granted, I assumed I wouldn't need this once arriving to bkk, but I gotta tell ya, the bargirls IMO are bargirls because ya gotta be drunk to take one of them home. Great bodies... just .... naw. I know they're out there and I haven't been to a lot of the bars and even though 1500 baht is cheap... but to me, there's a cheaper way to get better quality women. ONLINE.

    So I check out the sites and I just write to a bunch of the hot ladies and I'll get about half writing back. Back and forth a few times and let's just say that in the 3 weeks I've been here, I've been on 5 dates. ALL 1st dates were at a coffee shop. 100-200 baht? Just let them see that I'm not a creeper or that I at least look like my photos. All very nice looking women, some with better English than others, but I'm telling you... definitely better than bar girls. AGAIN... just my opinion.

    Out of 5... there was only 1 that would only have sex AFTER marriage. So she was out. The rest I took out on a second date. A cheap meal or a movie. 200-300 baht? Banged 3 out of the 5 on date 2 and the 4th one took a 3rd date (300 baht meal). Takes a little while longer, but the quality to me (again, I've only been here 3 weeks and I'm sure there's many other ways of finding quality) was pretty damn good and I didn't pay 1500 baht. Plus... sex for me is better after knowing a girl after 1 or 2 dates, but that's just me.

    So I suggest sticking with the free sites and post a really good profile. Photo of you alone. Photo with friends. Photo of you doing a sport. Photo of you with your dog, cat or whatever pet or animal and they will write you.

    On Thursday I'm off to Phnom Pen and I've already found some cuties on OkCupid and haven't even looked on POF.

    If you gotta pay, walk away.

    ahh good old TV, makes me laugh

    Why is every post the following:

    I'm 40, 50, 60 but I look younger and I work out and I'm good looking

    I never pay for sex OR I get bar girls giving me freebies

    I go on thaifriendly or TLL and have girls throwing their selves at me

    My current girl is different

    She is university educated and has never asked me for money,

    She is hot and looks younger then she is


    What a bunch of losers, is it because if you wrote that back home you'd get laughed back to the stone age?!>!>!

    You chose to quote my post, so..... where did I write that I "look much younger and work out"?

    Where did I write that I never pay for sex or get freebies?

    We're a bunch of losers?

    Didn't you post that you were on thailovelinks?

    That's like calling someone a fag with a dick in your ass.

    haha your reaction proves my point completely

    you've missed the point complexly as well

    Being online wasn't even remotely the point

  16. Finally a post I can contribute!

    I'm a rookie here. Been in bkk for a whopping 3 weeks. Back in Chicago, 99% of my dates came from POF (Plenty of Fish) and OkCupid. Both are free and both have TONS of chicks. Got laid on 80% of the dates. I'm maybe slightly better than average looking. Athletic. 45 yrs old.

    So... before I came out here, I took a look at Thai Friendly. Costs money? No go. I don't pay for that. Too many free sites. Then I changed the location on POF and OkCupid and low and behold... a gold mine of single ladies and since their profiles are in English, no language barrier. Now... granted, I assumed I wouldn't need this once arriving to bkk, but I gotta tell ya, the bargirls IMO are bargirls because ya gotta be drunk to take one of them home. Great bodies... just .... naw. I know they're out there and I haven't been to a lot of the bars and even though 1500 baht is cheap... but to me, there's a cheaper way to get better quality women. ONLINE.

    So I check out the sites and I just write to a bunch of the hot ladies and I'll get about half writing back. Back and forth a few times and let's just say that in the 3 weeks I've been here, I've been on 5 dates. ALL 1st dates were at a coffee shop. 100-200 baht? Just let them see that I'm not a creeper or that I at least look like my photos. All very nice looking women, some with better English than others, but I'm telling you... definitely better than bar girls. AGAIN... just my opinion.

    Out of 5... there was only 1 that would only have sex AFTER marriage. So she was out. The rest I took out on a second date. A cheap meal or a movie. 200-300 baht? Banged 3 out of the 5 on date 2 and the 4th one took a 3rd date (300 baht meal). Takes a little while longer, but the quality to me (again, I've only been here 3 weeks and I'm sure there's many other ways of finding quality) was pretty damn good and I didn't pay 1500 baht. Plus... sex for me is better after knowing a girl after 1 or 2 dates, but that's just me.

    So I suggest sticking with the free sites and post a really good profile. Photo of you alone. Photo with friends. Photo of you doing a sport. Photo of you with your dog, cat or whatever pet or animal and they will write you.

    On Thursday I'm off to Phnom Pen and I've already found some cuties on OkCupid and haven't even looked on POF.

    If you gotta pay, walk away.

    ahh good old TV, makes me laugh

    Why is every post the following:

    I'm 40, 50, 60 but I look younger and I work out and I'm good looking

    I never pay for sex OR I get bar girls giving me freebies

    I go on thaifriendly or TLL and have girls throwing their selves at me

    My current girl is different

    She is university educated and has never asked me for money,

    She is hot and looks younger then she is


    What a bunch of losers, is it because if you wrote that back home you'd get laughed back to the stone age?!>!>!

  17. If it's her money = fine. Otherwise: OP should explain to her that the 6000 Bht per month are budgeted to practice his religion. That is to visit bar-ladies occasionally to perform short-term sessions to seek enlightenment, peace of mind and generally bring him closer to Nirvana.

    The Thai Lady, being religious herself will understand.


    I'm not a very religious person myself but wouldn't making offerings to the gods with someone else's money defeat the purpose of the exercise?

    Or is more a self conscious way to make your self feel better for your wrong doings like how bar girls go to a temple to detox but say it's an offering or praying

  18. Good story op

    I sincerely hope its a true story,

    I really respect people who go out of their way to help others, so the daughter and mother in this situation I really respect

    That being said, I don't for a second believe any of this, they had no choice garbage,

    Everybody has a choice except for trafficked people

    You make a choice and you live with the consequences, you can cry all you want at night, but you've only got your self to blame

    To become a Hooker, you don't need any qualifications, experience or expertise, all you need is to be a woman, and to be average or above physically,

    You don't need to be able to speak English, let alone have good customer service skills

    And on top of that you can earn 5-100 times what a 7-11 or office girl can earn

    Its the easy way out, no ifs and buts, I'm sorry to say

    hookers will get no sympathy or respect from me , Thailand or not

    edit: do you give drug drakes any sympathy if they get jailed?????

    They took the easy way out dealing drugs, earning much more then average , at the risk of getting caught

    You reap what you sow

    • Like 2
  19. last year I went on thailovelinks and chatted to a few before I visited,

    chatted to this early 30s girl, 2 kids to a thai man, living in bkk, very sensual looking, very very attractive to me, and many others

    I had 2 freinds with me, we decided to meet at my hotel lobby and go to RCA or khao san rd, when I heard Khao san road, I immediately assumed she was a freelancer for rich farangs

    she picked us up in her 4wd/suv, drove us to the club, we paid for our individual entry fees,

    she proceeded to buy a 1700 baht bottle of vodka for all of us, left a 1300 tip,

    second bottle, she also tried to pay for , I paid,

    had an awesome night!

    unfortunately, saw her a few days later but one of her friends got sick and she had to go really early, and I never saw her again even though I tried to organise another meeting, I was disappointed

  20. Whats your idea of a classy place to meet an internet date for the first time and how much should you spend? Lets say you have never met her before, and you are currently playing the field with a few different women, and you dont have a steady GF yet. And lets also say in the process of finding your Ms. Right, you like to date 3 times a week, not for sex, just to meet women for the first time. Dating can get expensive if your first dates are always going to be 1000 baht first dates. Ot maybe I am just a cheapskate not wanting to spend 1000 baht on a first date.

    Sitting in a drive through car wash with a bag of peanuts would be a classier first date than an MK restaurant.

    and here we go again...fixated on the cost of date, I can see a pattern developing here...maybe this is why Southerndrawl is not having much success...

    I have never dated anyone from the internet, but if I did, as a gentleman, I would enquire as where the young lady would like eat, if she didn't know, I would suggest a few possible locations based on her culinary preferences (not MK,McD's/KFC BTW) and we would have dinner at the selected location with the intent of having and enjoyable evening, if at the end of the evening, I have had an enjoyable time, I couldn't really care if I have spent THB 1k, THB 5k, 10k...

    I have had a goodnight out, now here is the clever bit, if both parties are not "clicking" one suspects the evening will be cheaper, simply because one or both parties want to get out of the place as quickly as possible... thumbsup.gif

    Whats wrong with being aware of the cost of a date! I said aware, not fixated,

    If I was an old ugly fart trying to pickup 20s year old normal and bar girls, yes I would expect to be seen as a walking ATM, why else would would they even look at me!

    I apply the same rules in Thailand as I would back home

    if the girl suggests a really expensive place, then either she is paying for it, or im not going,

    however, if ive been showing off my wealth then thats your problem and you deserve to get taken for a financial ride

    My first date is at a cafe/bar , or a restaurant that is average or medium,

    If I am going to get judged on where I suggest for a first date, as long as its not a street side stall or Burger King, then I dont care how hot she is, there wont be a second date

    Maybe cos Im not too old (30s) that you guys in your 50s-70s are more old fashioned (with no disrespect) and are more used to paying for absolutely everything as this was the norm,

    when im seriously dating a girl, I expect her to chip in, whether it be, paying for every 2nd or 3rd date, or if she borrowed my car, to fill it up with fuel ,

    oh and the idea of giving someone pocket money/allowance is just bizzare and a foreign concept to me

  21. If you have some old receipt or internet transaction you can see the last 4 digits there, it's always like **** **** **** 1967 (example)

    I think those last 4 digits are from the credit card number, not the cvc code ?

    I don't mean to sound rude, but come on mate...besides my 16 month old daughter, you must be the only one in the world who doesn't know where the cvc is.

    Always 3 digits long, at the end, printed on the back slightly off centre to the rest.

    <deleted>, I.use my.credit.card.three.times.every day for.online and.phone ordering and.I only.found out about what a cvc. Number was until about two.years ago

    Ask.my parents what a cvc number is (and they order online too) and they couldn't even.spell it m

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