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Posts posted by hellohello123

  1. If you have some old receipt or internet transaction you can see the last 4 digits there, it's always like **** **** **** 1967 (example)

    I think those last 4 digits are from the credit card number, not the cvc code ?

    It's not the last three digits of the front

    It's the last three digits.of the printed code on the back

    Its.to.prevent spammers who may have gotten your digits at the front,

    It's far.harder to.get the digits on.the back, and.hence it's. A double.security measure

    Also, to.the op are you sure either not faded or scraped off, Ive yet to.see a visa or Mastercard without.any.digits at the back


  2. If you were unsuccessful with normal women in your home country, you will be unsuccessful with normal women here.

    The difference being, plenty of hookers for hire at cheap rates over here.

    Althoufh I disagree with painting everyone with the same.brush,

    I.completely.agree with you

    If you've a loser.back.home.what makes.you think.you deserve to be a Casanova somewhere else

    Unfortunately, most losers don't understand this and come on here asking "I'm 60, old,.fat and.ugly,.why don't I have 25 year old fhm models throwing themselves at me!"


  3. I'm a restaurant/Cafe consultsnt as a side business, my dad has been involved in restaurants for over 30 years, but back home and not thailand

    So I.know what I'm talking about

    For all of those.complaining that their.spelling errors.on the menu, it completely depends on what cycle.the market is,

    If.you are the very few .German restauarants in th area or country, spelling errors don't mean squat!

    You need.to.target the right market, tourists or long term.Expats or.locals

    The first restaurants of.a particular culture need to.get the word out on the cuisine and.to.adapt to.local tastes

    You could have Michelin star food but.if.no.body wants to try it then you've going got.fail unless you.have marketing or.celebrity backing

    As for.spelling errors, have you ever been to a restaurant in thaialbd and seen poor translations and being offended by it as long as the food was ok????

    Unfortunately.food is very subjective and competitive

  4. Some Thais believe the more they go and more they give etc the better or more lucky life will be for them not just in this life but the next.

    I would just point out "paying forward" is fine if thats her belief but tone it down, its easy to be free and give more when its someone elses money.

    My wife goes around once a month, usually 50 baht, if its a special ceremony or calender event its 100.

    I moan about giving them money anyway, but its her belief and as long as its wi

    thin reason, then ok upto her.

    Fair enough,!

    Well maybe she should pay for it, then she would get the kudos from the god

    As for why some people pay for things they would.never pay for.back.home, I will never understand

  5. What i heard is that assets you had before marriage stay yours and only what is acquired during the marriage is 50 / 50. Maybe someone more knowledgeable about this as me can correct me if im wrong.

    I had a friend whose wife divorced him through the courts in America and she got half his assets. Thai women are very smart. Do you really think they fall in love with old Hank from Houston or old Helmut from Hamburg?

    Especially if they are 20 years older, ugly, a loser, fat, ugly, an alcohokicad well!!!!!!

  6. 80K ??

    I would not have guessed it was that high a figure.

    Nothing really more to say WW.. 7 long pages of hard brutal advice, but all on the money.

    As I said early, they start with the easiest and most vulnerable targets [ATM's] and of course they would nearly all be 'falang', and by the sound of it, you rank quite high in this group.

    Take the advice of the majority of folks here and get far away from this leech.

    That's 80,000 reason to suggest she really is not your friend.

    Agree with you 110% but for some reason, I think the op has already made up his mind to shaft himself but was unfortunately looking for others to support his.decision

  7. Making a restaurant profitable is tough anywhere in the world, yet for some reason so many people come to Thailand with no restaurant experience, sink their life savings into it, then are amazed when it fails. Margins on food are wafer thin, generally restaurants (in the US at least) make a good percentage of profit from the drinks they serve with the food. I'm not saying it can't be done, but without any previous experience it's a tough business at best

    its because they think the women are considered easy, its a 3rd world country, so hard hard must it be to start a restaurant when uneducatd thais are running them apparently succesfully, when an educated farang could do far better

    • Like 2
  8. Get DNA verification and if it is your child, financial support would be the right thing to do. Feel blessed you are not in the EU or USA. Abortion is illegal in Thailand but aside from that, abortion is a personal choice by the mother and should be respected.

    OK, let's get a few things crystal clear for the benefit of the board:

    1. I had a vasectomy over 20 years ago and the doctor assured me that only microsurgery could reverse it - not a single scare since

    2. The last time I had sex with the lady in question was August 2010

    3. Whether she is 8 weeks pregnant or 10 weeks pregnant, I was still in Australia - absolutely no need for any tests

    skint raises the question re what gives me the right to pay to abort another man's child and its a good one. I have absolutely no right, and I'm playing God by even suggesting it to her, but if she wants to play hardball and ask me outright for 80k baht I believe I have the right to make a counter offer. I'm afraid the compassion meter has been replaced by something a lot harder and colder overnight, aided and abetted by a couple of my associates here in Pattaya who are convinced that she is simply working me over, baby or no baby. I've got a target on my forehead and ATM emblazoned across my chest - might be time to address that, non ?

    Can I ask why 80k?

    Seems a lot.

    I assume she has a family farm somewhere she can go and stay.

    Health care and birth are free, so why 80k?

    Glad to see you appear to have come to your senses.

    Claims its to start a business to support herself and the baby - not exactly the kind of stressfree activity I'd be recommending to a pregnant woman, but there you go. Appears to have no interest in the public health system - fine with me if she was paying her own way but clearly she has other sources of funding.

    Hey Mr world wide

    I'm currently pregnant

    I need a chateau for 60m baht for my child

    I need a Ferrari for 15m baht to take my child.places

    I need a business for.60m baht to support my child

    I need a personal nail artist to.do my nails to look good to her friends

    Here is my account details, please transfer into my account as soon as possible because the chateau I want is pink and the only one available and I'm sure the kid likes pink

  9. Get DNA verification and if it is your child, financial support would be the right thing to do. Feel blessed you are not in the EU or USA. Abortion is illegal in Thailand but aside from that, abortion is a personal choice by the mother and should be respected.

    OK, let's get a few things crystal clear for the benefit of the board:

    1. I had a vasectomy over 20 years ago and the doctor assured me that only microsurgery could reverse it - not a single scare since

    2. The last time I had sex with the lady in question was August 2010

    3. Whether she is 8 weeks pregnant or 10 weeks pregnant, I was still in Australia - absolutely no need for any tests

    skint raises the question re what gives me the right to pay to abort another man's child and its a good one. I have absolutely no right, and I'm playing God by even suggesting it to her, but if she wants to play hardball and ask me outright for 80k baht I believe I have the right to make a counter offer. I'm afraid the compassion meter has been replaced by something a lot harder and colder overnight, aided and abetted by a couple of my associates here in Pattaya who are convinced that she is simply working me over, baby or no baby. I've got a target on my forehead and ATM emblazoned across my chest - might be time to address that, non ?

    Hhaha are you serious?

    Did you leave your brain at the airport

    You give a new definition to the word "doormat" and "suckered"

  10. Putting judgementals aside,

    video said, most had separated from their thai wives and were kicked out of home and had no recourse because they were bought in there wives name,

    very sad! you could be financially stable, happy one minute, the next minute kicked out, homeless and no legal right to a house that you most likely paid for

    Shitty system

    don't blame the system dear boy....one suspects many of these individuals knew the risks and reputation of Thailand in this regard, but yet they went ahead all the same and threw their lot in...

    Anyone with even a gram of common sense, would always have a plan B.

    Some farang's in Thailand bang on how westerners have superior intelligence in comparison with the natives, but yet a young lady with no more than a primary school education, a pair of breasts and a trick pelvis can to take them to the cleaners financially and they are hoofed out onto the street...

    You wont get any argument from me!!!!

    Mostly not, but sometimes you get guys who are rich, successfull, and intelligent, leave their brains behind at the airport,

    however, there are many losers in thailand who you'd expect to shaft themselves.....all all by a farm girl in her 20s who dropped out of school at 14!

    and yes, who is the smart one!

  11. I always ask myself, so assuming you werent marrying a bargirl half your age,

    how would you go abouts protecting yourself so people dont say "see, I told you so!"

    because one day thai wife could decide to cheat on you, and decides selfishly that you should be out on your a$$,

    and its the house that you bought with your own money that had to be put in her name to buy it

    what else could he have done????

    I dont know im afraid

  12. Putting judgementals aside,

    video said, most had separated from their thai wives and were kicked out of home and had no recourse because they were bought in there wives name,

    very sad! you could be financially stable, happy one minute, the next minute kicked out, homeless and no legal right to a house that you most likely paid for

    Shitty system

    • Like 2
  13. Maybe I had such wonderful parents but to ask an ex bf via email for the first contact in 4 years for money for my own doing, let alone an amount, is such a absurd idea It does not even compute!

    Maybe cos im not thai,

    I would only be doing that if I had absolutely no family/friends left on this earth, ive gone and approached charities and other help services, and that I had no food for the next day , would I even consider

  14. A woman sharing a comment. If I were that woman who could not afford raising her own baby alone, I would not keep the baby. But to many Thai women, they'd rather keep that mixed baby regardless whether they could afford raising it or not. I have known a of couple Thai women who chose to get pregnant by their white men fling. Only one reason is to have a mixed baby !!. Those babies have grown up to be spoiled and arrogant young persons.

    I doubt that the woman wants the abortion. You'd better not offer her financial help at the moment. If you give her money, it would be more and more........

    I found a very useful website for legal abortion in Bangkok in Sukhumvit soi 12 Clinic Dr. Meechai found by a famous well-known Mr. Meechai Weerawaitaya (Not sure with spelling)

    Clinic Dr. Meechai


    Website in Thai language. if you need further translation, please let me know and I will translate it.


    BTS station Asoke and walk about 10 minutes to Soi Shkhumvit soi 12

    Clinic hours: Mon - Fri 8:30 AN - 4:30 PM

    Fee: 3,000 THB (Base on 2012) Current fee may be higher (Fee includes ultrasound and abortion)

    Procedure: Awake procedure. First taking a pain killer before procedure.

    tel.# (092) 582-3877 or (093) 619-0846

    If she decides to have an abortion, do not simply wire her the money, you must accompany her to the clinic to make sure that she would do it otherwise she may lie to you and kept the money. Act fast. The longer she waits the higher risk will be.

    I cannot believe that someone could be stupid enough or willing to take that much of a risk in keeping a halff farang baby!!!


    Unless they only had one encounter with a farang thats rich and living in Thailand, why would you be willing to become a single.mother when chances are you don't even know who the father is or the father isn't even in the country any more


  15. One thing which jumps out at me here is why not help her track down the irresponsible deadbeat who enjoyed the parking of his taddies but seems to have vanished into the ether.

    <deleted>, unless you are a private investigator or have connections, why would you do all of this for her

    She should find him hersel


    I don't get why it would even enter your mind? Like what you'd say to me.if I asked you for money, you'd tell me to get lost

    If someone helped me in my time of need and I would be ever grateful, and would never ask or expect anything else


    It seems that a lot of Thai women will get upset if you stop supporting them or expect more

    If someone has line of thibking, they get no sympathy or support from me whatsoever

    Talk .about biting the hands of your feeder

  16. If you didn't penetrate her and the baby cannot possibly be yours then why even ask? This is a bar girl you are talking about? Since you think there are others it's safe to say she is a bit of a slag?

    Of all the replies, yours is by far the least helpful - no surprises but was it even vaguely possible that you might have addressed the question re abortion ? Would you completely turn your back on a woman back in your own country if she told you she had nowhere else to turn to ? All I'm looking for here is some way to dig her out of the hole some lowlife has dug for her - you know and I know how few Farang in Thailand are serious about wearing a condom - branding her a slag helps no one,

    Hang on a minute, and I'm not being cynical/negative like a lot of members are on here for the sake of it

    Why do you assume the father is a low life, maybe she dumped him, maybe he is dead,

    It takes two to tango, she needs to take some responsibility for her own child

    Thirdly, its got nothing to do with you, other then you are an ex bf or still have the host for her

    Would you give money to female friend back home who was pregnant and needed money? I doubt it

    So many men, leave their brains behind when they leave their own country

    If she is a working girl and got pregnant, then that's her doing, if it was from a one night stand or she doesn't even know who of the 100 farangs shes been with, hoping to hit the financial jackpot, well that's a gamble she took and didn't pay off

    I hate it how firings go to Asia and think they are superior and think they are above everyone else and that their way of thinking is better, and they think they can improve their life throb their own personal judgements

    he CAN improve her life

    And whose right or position is to determine what's an improvement for her? Not anyone but herself

    If all she has asked for is money, then will money improve her life?

    It didn't work out well for that rich kid who went on a shooting spree recently, all the money in the world and ends up dead and responsible for other deaths

    Also, for those that are discussing the pros and cons of abortion, there is the option of adoption too, its not a two way option of abortion or a life of missy for the kid

  17. If you didn't penetrate her and the baby cannot possibly be yours then why even ask? This is a bar girl you are talking about? Since you think there are others it's safe to say she is a bit of a slag?

    Of all the replies, yours is by far the least helpful - no surprises but was it even vaguely possible that you might have addressed the question re abortion ? Would you completely turn your back on a woman back in your own country if she told you she had nowhere else to turn to ? All I'm looking for here is some way to dig her out of the hole some lowlife has dug for her - you know and I know how few Farang in Thailand are serious about wearing a condom - branding her a slag helps no one,

    Hang on a minute, and I'm not being cynical/negative like a lot of members are on here for the sake of it

    Why do you assume the father is a low life, maybe she dumped him, maybe he is dead,

    It takes two to tango, she needs to take some responsibility for her own child

    Thirdly, its got nothing to do with you, other then you are an ex bf or still have the host for her

    Would you give money to female friend back home who was pregnant and needed money? I doubt it

    So many men, leave their brains behind when they leave their own country

    If she is a working girl and got pregnant, then that's her doing, if it was from a one night stand or she doesn't even know who of the 100 farangs shes been with, hoping to hit the financial jackpot, well that's a gamble she took and didn't pay off

    I hate it how firings go to Asia and think they are superior and think they are above everyone else and that their way of thinking is better, and they think they can improve their life throb their own personal judgements

    he CAN improve her life

    Who's Right and position is it to determine what's an improvement or not?

    My life would be greatly improved by a Ferrari and a chateau, but I'm not expecting anyone to give me one'

    I don't have either of them because I'm not smart and/or lucky enough, or I'm not. Good enough to be able to afford one

    • Like 1
  18. Man, I wish I could play the lottery of life, screw up, and get bailed out by some gullible outsider

    Obviously Money is impotant to Thai women, and if some outsider comes and bails them out when poo hits the fan, what sort of message are you sending??

    She'll be doing the same thing and will have 5 kids from 5 different fathers , and supported by 5 random people and earning 5 times the average salary while you are working your butt off at home


    • Like 2
  19. If you didn't penetrate her and the baby cannot possibly be yours then why even ask? This is a bar girl you are talking about? Since you think there are others it's safe to say she is a bit of a slag?

    Of all the replies, yours is by far the least helpful - no surprises but was it even vaguely possible that you might have addressed the question re abortion ? Would you completely turn your back on a woman back in your own country if she told you she had nowhere else to turn to ? All I'm looking for here is some way to dig her out of the hole some lowlife has dug for her - you know and I know how few Farang in Thailand are serious about wearing a condom - branding her a slag helps no one,

    Hang on a minute, and I'm not being cynical/negative like a lot of members are on here for the sake of it

    Why do you assume the father is a low life, maybe she dumped him, maybe he is dead,

    It takes two to tango, she needs to take some responsibility for her own child

    Thirdly, its got nothing to do with you, other then you are an ex bf or still have the host for her

    Would you give money to female friend back home who was pregnant and needed money? I doubt it

    So many men, leave their brains behind when they leave their own country

    If she is a working girl and got pregnant, then that's her doing, if it was from a one night stand or she doesn't even know who of the 100 farangs shes been with, hoping to hit the financial jackpot, well that's a gamble she took and didn't pay off

    I hate it how firings go to Asia and think they are superior and think they are above everyone else and that their way of thinking is better, and they think they can improve their life throb their own personal judgements

    • Like 1
  20. I was also staying in a $150 per night hotel which I didn't deem relevant, but it was one of the better hotels in the area

    so you staying at THB 5k/night hotel and you getting yourself worked up over THB 70 a few years ago ?.... USD 2.0 or there about' s...whistling.gif

    I don't like getting scammed period!

    I'd rather have dropped a $20 note on the ground , then to be scammed out of $2

    Had the taxi driver asked me for $2 for his sick buffalo , I would have given it to him

    I guess it sort of relates to when I used to manage a restaurant,

    The change from a bill was supposed to be $9, because I was busy, I accidentally, gave them $6 on the change tray

    They quickly let me know of the mistake, and I apologised profusely and gave them $15 change, as I didn't want them to think I was ripping them off

    They came up to me and said "appreciate your honesty" and left it all as a tip!

    Its not really about the dollar value for me smile.png

    I was wondering when the old "it isn't about the money its the principle " BS would come into play. whistling.gif

    I can't understand anyone getting "Furious " over such a piddling amount. Slightly annoyed OK but furious ? blink.png

    Just once I would love to have someone admit that yes it really is about the 2-3 Dollars and nothing to do with principles rolleyes.gif

    I think as they say in the USA you need to get some therapy my friend and especially if you are going to continue coming to Thailand where this type of thing is a regular occurrence and even more so if you intend to stay a long time.

    I got taken for several thousand Dollars a few years ago but have got over it and even then wasn't furious.

    I would have thought that the amount of $2 would prove that it's principle

    It's also the inconvenience of a ten minute trip now taking 30 mins

    And yes furious was probably a too strong word,

  21. Just remember next trip Thais have a zero accountability when mistakes are made, They expect you to pay up and smile.When served an incorrect drink just drink it and be sure to let them know exactly what you want next round.

    just shut up and drink it? No, make your order certain, do not to drink or pay for the mistake; and talk quietly, but firmly.

    Exactly, and what do you do if you order a $20 bottle of champagne and they bring and open a $500 bottle of red wine??? Just pay for it!?!?!?!
    No, you wait for 2 years and then make a post about it on Thai visa

    Blah blah blah blah

    Do you think you are funny?

    Surely you have better things to do then waste bandwidth?

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