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Posts posted by lvr181

  1. Until he cancel martial law, he is still authoritative and imposing his hard stance on the citizen who can't gather and express their opinion. Soft is never in his vocabulary as he answer to no one.

    And the politicians before him answered to no one (except their financial backers) either! Eventually all will answer to someone.

    Democracy should be for the good of all people, NOT just those who led the democracy at the expense of those who "voted" them into power.

  2. And the largest group of all of them had no say at all on who is running the country now. That is what is being forgotten.

    With Pheu Thai having got 34% of the electorate voting for them in 2011, it would indeed seem that for a while already the largest group had no say in who would be running the country for them.

    That seems to be forgotten.

    My maths suggest that the "other" 66% are the majority?

  3. Good question, bit complicated though. Are you talking about your right to cast a vote or my right to protest peacefully without being maimed and killed by grenades? What about the rights of people to rally for the political party of their choice? Not in the North where Democratic Party rallies were bombarded with sound from trucks, red shirts threw bottles, stones, potted plants, nuts bolts etc. Who was looking after respecting their votes, not Thanet that's for sure. Respect my vote, a red shirt slogan is all that is.

    Nobody should be allowed to protest violently. All sides were just as guilty as each other in that regard. The police should have been allowed to enforce the law and arrest violent protesters on both sides, bit the army didn't allow them to do that.

    It's interesting that you would see this as a just reason to deny the citizenry their constitutional right to vote though. I don't see how one justifies the other. By his own boasting admission, this course of action was what Suthep agreed with the general before this latest insurrection started.

    Where were the police in 2010? Where were the the police in 2013/4. They sure as hell weren't out on the streets enforcing the law against the demonstrators were they? While in both instances the demonstrators had the democratic rights to protestthey didn't have the rights to do what both sides did.

    \Were the Police not being paid by the demonstrators, hence the non involvement of Police?

    And talking about demonstrators, what ever happened to Suthep and all the "donations" he received? Did he ever publicly declare what he did with the money? Maybe he is quietly spending it?

    • Like 1
  4. I know a lot of Thai's across the community from fairly High So's to the dirt poorest people living in unsanitary old wooden homes in the sticks. I've not met one yet who is truly interested in what's best for the country; their main priority is what's best for them personally and/or their families. Getting enough money to improve lives is the main theme, and lets be honest, that's the main interest in just about any country. After all; when you lived in your own country did you spend much time thinking about 'what's best for the country ' ? I doubt it because personal survival always comes first.

    In short; people want more money in their pockets to do things that will improve their lifestyles and unless any Government can provide enough of it and the ways and means of getting it honestly, the cycle of corruption and general unhappiness will continue.

    Well Trainman, easy to see that your glass is half empty.. get a life mate..

    The usual of crap about "half empty and half full glasses"! A glass is always full. Don't have a go at Trainman (and I don't know him from a bar of soap) - perhaps you need to improve your education?

    But I do know many Thai who are truly interested in their country and not just themselves.

  5. Personally I don't have a big problem with them, they are a part of Thai life and the stalls give an income to many people.

    BUT, I do think that the amount of footpath space used is too much in that it is cutting down on the area where people can walk safely. So, only allow them a set amount of space (proportionate to the footpath they are working on) by regulation thus allowing safe walking for pedestrians. And above all else be prepared to "police" it (without corruption).

  6. Therapy and fines = bulls hit. Police need to get off their backsides and enforce the laws. 2nd (or maybe first offence) confiscate bike and crush. No bike no street racing. Forget parents and bike builders. Parents cannot control the kids (otherwise the kids would not likely be street racing) and many bike builders have legitimate business, so punish ONLY those who are supporting these kids. Swift and perhaps draconian measures will work better than a slap on the wrist or purse. Get real!

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Have set up a fund as I have before with youcaring, all proceeds will be donated to the account held by her Dean. Link is below



    And how can we be assured that the money raised will go to this little girl? This is Thailand, I trust very few people other than my wife. And $1000 is not going to get this young lady much of an education. I think the goal is way too low maybe $10,000 or $20,000 might be a more reasonable figure for her education. You cannot go to uni on 30,000 baht.

    I knew there would be doubters and critics when I stood u to do something. I don't care if you doubt me, don't donate. It seems now thankfully that the King has stepped in and done something, bless him! I will now close the charity. It was better to have tried something in any case than to have done nothing, had this not happened.


    Good on yer mate for trying. All's well that ends well.

    • Like 1
  8. Take the "toys" off them and crush the bikes - that will have a greater effect that trying to fine all and sundry! Giving fines does not worry rich people. Deal directly with problem. CRUSH!! No bike = no street racing. Simple really.

    "The power of accurate observation, is frequently called cynicism by those who don't have it."

  9. Here is the Canadian governments advice on Cryptosporidium and Giardia ...NB - Cryptosporidium is very resistant to chlorine treatment.

    Municipal drinking water treatment providing filtration and disinfection with chlorine can reduce the risk of contracting giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis. Chlorine by itself is not effective against Cryptosporidium but can inactivate Giardia. Recent research indicates that ultraviolet light will inactivate both organisms. Protection of the raw water supply is also beneficial.

    If Giardia or Cryptosporidium in municipal drinking water is suspected or known to be the cause of an outbreak, public health authorities will issue a boil water advisory to help control the spread of illness.

    In the outdoors, water should be boiled for at least one minute before it is used for drinking, food preparation or dental hygiene. This treatment will destroy not only Giardiaand Cryptosporidium, but also any other disease-causing microorganisms that might be present. Certain types of filters can remove the parasites.

    Travellers to countries where the safety of drinking water is suspect should boil or disinfect and filter water that is to be used for drinking, food preparation, or dental hygiene.

    Good advice. Boil AT LEAST one minute - not jug turn off as soon as it reaches boiling point, keep it boiling.

    Except most kettles are automatic these days...I wonder what temperature is actually needed to kill these parasites.

    1) Hold the switch on, I can do with my electric jug.

    2) 100deg C (boiling point at sea level or near to)..

  10. Here is the Canadian governments advice on Cryptosporidium and Giardia ...NB - Cryptosporidium is very resistant to chlorine treatment.

    Municipal drinking water treatment providing filtration and disinfection with chlorine can reduce the risk of contracting giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis. Chlorine by itself is not effective against Cryptosporidium but can inactivate Giardia. Recent research indicates that ultraviolet light will inactivate both organisms. Protection of the raw water supply is also beneficial.

    If Giardia or Cryptosporidium in municipal drinking water is suspected or known to be the cause of an outbreak, public health authorities will issue a boil water advisory to help control the spread of illness.

    In the outdoors, water should be boiled for at least one minute before it is used for drinking, food preparation or dental hygiene. This treatment will destroy not only Giardiaand Cryptosporidium, but also any other disease-causing microorganisms that might be present. Certain types of filters can remove the parasites.

    Travellers to countries where the safety of drinking water is suspect should boil or disinfect and filter water that is to be used for drinking, food preparation, or dental hygiene.

    Good advice. Boil AT LEAST one minute - not jug turn off as soon as it reaches boiling point, keep it boiling.

  11. I'm interested to know how they can charge 3 for wreckless driving, when only one was at the wheel.

    One can be charged for accompanying a drunken driver, but three can't be in possession of the wheel at the same time, unless they had a different agenda when driving. wink.png

    Maybe no single person will admit to being the driver and tried to pass the blame to their mates. Maybe Japan has a law which makes them all equally responsible in those circumstances - collective responsibility.

    Don't know - just offering a possible explanation to your question.

    In Thailand, "not me sir" and everyone goes home?

    But this happen in Japan and maybe someone IS going to be held responsible for death of cyclist.

  12. That has to be the funniest thing I read here for a while on the News Forum ... cheesy.gif

    So, despite the diversity of all of Thailand's water supplies, the wells, the bores, the dams, across the entire Nation ... the PWA declare everywhere is fit to drink.

    HA ... tell that to my extended Thai Family ... they refuse to drink it and wash their clothes begrudgingly in it.

    Potable water out of the pipe ... bah.gif


    In fairness, they do mention water that has passed through water treatment plants. I am not brave enough to drink it but i do wash my teeth with it in any hotel in Thailand, something I would not do in many Asian or middle east countries. Have brushed my teeth with mini-bar beer & coke on occasions in other countries In the very few instances where I have had the runs in thailand I have usually guessed exactly where the bug came from. The family here have a well that all the family & many neighbours come & fill up from. The water is that famous. I have recently put a filter on that for our own use, but I drank it straight from the bore for ages before we added the filter. My big concern for myself & younger people is dissolved limestone causing kidney etc stones.

    Kidney stones generally caused by NOT drinking enough water to dilute uric acid.

    • Like 1
  13. I though the water would be ok if I boil it for my coffee or tea.

    Then I learned about pipes in Thailand.

    boiling will get rid of a lot of bacteria, but how it hadles other pollutants is another science........ that of chemistry.

    And dissipate the chlorine, but that is all. Very very small micron filters (containing also activated carbon) needed to get rid of other "animal life" in water. Cryptosporidium cysts difficult to get rid of by water boiled very short time i.e. water boils and immediately jug turned off.

  14. The AoT is certainly very busy these days, and current-schemes running well-behind must put extra pressure, on their management.

    One hopes that they will resist any temptation, to borrow expertise from the SRT or Thai Airways' management-teams, and just get on with the job themselves ! whistling.gif

    And that the frequently-announced long-overdue expansion at Swampy is seen as a higher priority, both for management-time and for obtaining (limited) financial-backing, than renovating DMK's old buildings & bringing them back into cut-price/lower-fees use, one is the national hub-airport and the other is for cut-price airlines of lesser importance.

    It may not be in the too far distance when the LCCs bring through more people than your named "more important" airlines!

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