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Posts posted by PepperMe

  1. How about dealing with calls for overthrow of a sitting government by groups in Bangkok?

    What are you talking about???

    The police and the government have been doing everything they can to crack down on protesters in BKK. Arrest warrants, staging of fake evidence, fake kidnapping charges and even ordering bombs to be thrown at them and guns to be shot at them, and even killing random children that are not even protesters (strange how 2 days in a row the kids were killed who were alongside the rallies to make a point that the rallies are dangerous and possibly turn the locals against the rallies).

    I would think they have been doing plenty.

    The only people who are allowed to break the laws and NOT have the government or police act are the red shirts, UDD and of course PTP cabinet ministers. But most of all, government backed terrorist rebels who call for a republic of Lanna, and who will create a situation in the north many times worse than what we already have in the south.

    Get your facts straight before posting.

    • Like 1
  2. Thailand will become a trading hub of ASEAN. will it?

    What with its massive corruption, and its worst record of English speaking record in the world almost. Also the fact it is very difficult to move stuff in and out of the country unless you pay 'overtime' to the customs. Not to mention the worst education system churning out the most uneducated in ASEAN and finally having to come against with and cope with 'Thainess' that throws up obstacles everywhere (huge amount of paperwork for everything and the most bureaucracy I have encountered in any country as far as conducting business is concerned..

    Wait till they see the import duty tariffs, if they rely on bringing in materials from outside ASEAN, they will get a shock, also even China which is suppose to be free of duty, you can waive your form E in the air at customs all you want, you still have to pay them a decent amount of tea money to get your stuff.

    I would think many other countries will be miles above Thailand as the hub. Singapore for one.

    Thailand is a very difficult place to do business.

  3. Satish made a mistake and that is his problem now. He should not waste the time of such a truly wonderful person, who should not be dragged into these type of trivial and stressful personal mistakes, and '"put on the spot" in this way.

    If you loved Thailand you would not pester such an illustrious person in his elderly frail condition, it is disrespectful.

    Especially when Satish is simply receiving the justice promised him - all foreigners were clearly told to avoid protest sites and incendiary rhetoric, and Satish didn't.


    Surely you yourself, and me myself and just about anyone on this news section at times have voiced political preferences and backed them up with accusations against the other side, politicians and their supporters.

    Technically we are also in breech of the same laws of Thailand, namely defamation laws.

    Most of us are no better than this guy, and he has lived here 65 years and paid much more tax than most of us.

    If anything we have less right to be here than he has.

    His only mistake was to think he would never really need Thai citizenship when he could have had it almost by default many years ago.

    Leave the guy alone... He has done plenty of good for Thai tourism over the years, and brought much money and attention to Thailand. He probably has done enough for this country to at least be allowed to speak out against those who have been doing wrongs to it.

  4. Commerce Minister: Farmers will be paid next week

    Unless the EC do a u-turn on their decision to allow the government to borrow the money following repeated assaults from government ministers with threats to sue them etc...

    If I was Somchai, I would have pulled it today and cited the government's fault for attacking the EC after they secured the money.

    If this is the way this government repays the ECs decision to help pull them out of the crap they put themselves into, then they deserve no help at all.

  5. Kotee

    If you had any rational thought processes, you would not be coming out with this sort of silly rubbish.

    Welcome to the rest of your very short life.

    I wonder what you will be thinking as you gasp for your final breath?

    'I did what I did for Thailand, I will be reborn a hero'.


    'I wish I hadn't done this.... I don't want to die'.

    I think your hard wired instinct to wish to stay alive will suggest the latter.

    Too late, you have just signed your own death warrant.

  6. One can only hope that she is now a more mature and responsible PM, after the bitter experience of the past few months, and she now knows full well, how the people feel about her brother and his cronies, as well as the wrath of the Thai people should they not be treated fairly. I think that we all hope that in the future she will be a wise and intelligent Pm and listen to the voice of the people and the ones that care about the country and not their pockets.

    You think she will still be a PM in the future? You are joking mate.

    You statement.

    'and she now knows full well, how the people feel about her brother and his cronies,'

    Should read

    'and she now knows full well, how the people feel about her, her brother and his cronies,

    With PTP getting only about 15% of the popular vote, which also equates to 85% of the electorate don't want them. Then that is actually what the masses think about these people.

    You think she can retain any power with that sad excuse of a mandate? The courts will void those results as unacceptable for a mandate and run new elections, and will probably change the makeup of the constituencies as well beforehand.

    No Thaksin government will ever gain power every again.

  7. The comment was in reply to the recent rumors that the EC would petition the Charter Court to rule on the legality of last month’s polls, which could result in the nullification of the results.

    This would be the C Court's decision, not the EC's... so they are going after the wrong man as usual.

    Mr. Surapong said he could ask the Office of Auditor General and the Comptroller’s General Department assistance in looking into the EC's spending whether it was transparent. He also reintroduced his idea of having the senatorial election and MP poll re-runs held on the same day.

    So make an official allegation of corruption then, and you will go to jail for defamation... With all this anti-corruption crap going on at the moment, you seriously believe that the EC are going to steal anything when they know that people like you are around waiting to pounce? I doubt that.... How about the AG order an inspection of your ministry's finances and see what they come up with.

    The Deputy Prime Minister also demanded that the EC announce poll results in constituencies where the election went smoothly, claiming that the election panel might have to face legal action for failing to do so.

    The EC has the right to not announce the results till completion of the election, only a few days ago you were openly threatening to sue the EC for 'leaking results'. At the same time you ignored the fact that Chalerm actually officially announced 'victory to the PTP'..... If that is not leaking a result, then I don't know what is.

    Regarding to Suthep Thuagsuban's attempt to unseat the caretaker Government with the help of independent agencies, Mr. Surapong said the U.S. had already expressed its grave concerns over the opposition using non-democratic means to oust the current administration. In addition, the concept of having a Neutral Prime Minister is not acceptable by an international standard, Surapong added.

    Those independent agencies will only unseat this government if they find glaringly incontrovertible evidence of wrongdoing, I don't think it is going to be difficult to come up with a glut of evidence to support them. Once the ruling is made on the back of such evidence, I think the international community including the US are going to fully support their removal.

    • Like 2
  8. this man is absolutely sh*tting himself, if the ptp are kicked out he and his ptp mates are all likely to face serious charges, we may even see his son face the charges for allegedly shooting the police officer again without his "dad" there to bail him out. There will be a lot of sh*t coming after the ptp are gone so he just wants to try to stop it by trying to force elections to win again, dont like his chances some how.

    One glaringly important detail that this entire outfit are blind to, is that once these elections are complete, they will never be in a position to convene a parliament, so essentially they would remain in caretaker mode until they are physically removed.

    Even if they get all those constituencies with a candidate which will be merely a single PTP candidate, there would be no voter turnout, or those who do, will put in a 'no vote'. The PTP will not get much and certainly won't get the 10% of the electorate for that constituency and certainly won't beat the 'no votes' so that seat won't be filled.

    So a double barreled failure awaits every one.

    The constitution says they just keep holding fresh ballots until they get the seat filled, but will come a point in time where the repeated results will cause the C Court to totally void the election as non-completable.

    Then a new decree will have to be called for and new elections set. This will all have been a result of YL/PTP refusing to postpone the elections after the EC repeatedly warned of this.

    Then there is the problem of the PTP popular vote only being about 15% of the electorate, and that is NOT a mandate from the people. 85% do not want them or they would have voted for them. They could never carry a mandate like that into parliament.

    However, by the time all this plays out, the government will be gone anyway.

    The Dems will win the next election, I can assure everyone of that. They had 11.7 in the last ones and I doubt they have lost any of their voter base, whereas the PTP have lost a massive amount of their 2011 voters and the number is dwindling at an amazing rate what with the rice farmer problem, and now the secession affair that most Thais know full well, Thaksin is behind.

  9. Where is the Airforce Auditorium then? Sounds like it's in Bangkok, and if that's the case people seemed to have missed the fact she's not exactly in hiding in Chiang Mai then ??

    She is back there now. She could not avoid this meeting because her dear brother MUST see this list as soon as possible, his plans depend on it. She has announced the next 5 days are in the north (as usual) But apart from this crucial meeting, she is back in exile and a state of abandonment of office.

    I doubt that it is going to make good bedtime reading for him.

    Onwards and upwards.

  10. This writer was convicted of election campaign irregularities in the USA representing the laundering and funneling of more than 700k dollars into the Democratic Party fund raising on behalf of CP group and others she "insisted" on bringing to the luncheons...she should know from first hand knowledge about corruption and how deeply rooted it is... and she should look in the mirror before she opens her mouth...

    And the proof is here:


    perhaps Ms Pornpimol has learnt that in a developed democracy corruption is by stealth.

    Read it.

    They were acquitted as the case was dismissed.

    • Like 1
  11. The hysterical reaction to claimed "separatism" by red shirt activists in the north has seen the military, always predictably hysterical in such situations, reverting to 1960s/1970s counterinsurgency language and methods.

    The mutually-supportive quotes from both the coup-monger spokesperson, and police complaints by the military, clearly shows the collusion between the two.

    It may seem odd then that the anti-democrats themselves have created their own separated domain in the center of Bangkok.

    That said, what is the headline?....An anti-Yingluck one, even when she clearly states her opposition to anything to do Separatism..... Damned of you do - damned if you don't.

    Besides, astute observers will realize all of this is in fact another fabricated issue and tempest-in-a-teapot, expressed with over-the-top self-righteous indignation by the coup-mongers and shadowy supporters, trying to obfuscate their coup-intentionism.

    The anti-democrats have taken over Lumpini Park and have taken the law into their own hands, searching anyone entering the supposedly public park.

    There have been numerous complaints that people being spoken to rudely, manhandled and theft. There have also been allegations of assault. Little of it reported in their supportive media.

    Of course this is normal for the anti-democrat guards who are thugs and alleged military men.

    The anti-democrats seem to have created an anti-democrat mini-kingdom in the heart of the city.

    Above the law, the anti-democrats are still able to act with impunity.

    Can I ask?

    Is it the 'be all and end all' of your life to come on here, spout the exact same crap post in every single thread regardless of the OP just to collect your 'LIKE' from Kikoman?

    I am just curious.

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  12. It is the EC function to hold an election within the time allowed by the constitution, every other EC was able to fulfill its job requirements, the EC failed to post Army or police to insure voting could take place uninterrupted and closed some polling place to insure a protest could be filed against the election.

    It is the EC function to implement the laws that govern the election, not re-writing those laws, they should be responsible for the cost of the election for failing to properly preform their required duties!


    Who cares what you think? none of it matters.... we only stick to facts on this forum, you can lie to yourself and your other red cohorts all you want.

    The rest of us will just stick with the truth and the facts.

    Stop attempting to appeal to more intelligent people with your bullshit facts.


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  13. The C Court has already ruled them to be legal.

    Seems to me that this is just another tactic to slow down the work of the C Court on other matters, but it will be likely just added to the queue, and by the time it does get looked at, this government will no longer have any position. Then it will be thrown out... again.

    Stop wasting the court's time, you have no evidence, just like you never have evidence of everything that is done against the PDRC protest such as mass slaughterings, infant murder, bombing of courts and agencies, secession.... strange that.

  14. Chalerm is now handing out warnings to the 'independent' courts on a daily basis along the lines of, if you rule against us our red shirt terrorists will rise up against you and you will be in trouble.

    Surely the man should be arrested for judicial sedition against the courts.

    Surely the army should now seriously consider martial law to stamp this out on the basis that anything they hand to the police including charges are just brushed aside on a 'no evidence' basis as long as they are in any way against the government and any person or movement associated with them.

    This is a great opportunity to impose martial law and remove the police from anything connected with politics or crimes against the state.

    Until I read otherwise, I am condemning the army for being totally useless, and dragging their feet and allowing opportunities pass them by while the country is being set up for a fall and the courts are openly being threatened by a so called director of an agency for peace and order.

  15. The only way you can take Yingluck out of her position as PM, is to vote her out of office or impeach her, Same as it has alway been!


    until the new government is formed or the Constitution Court rules otherwise.

    The key words here..... 'or the Constitution Court rules otherwise.'

    Which is what is going to happen whether a caretaker justice minister likes it or not.

    Roll on Friday. (or sooner)

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  16. Well who is in charge???

    As much as I would like to see the backs of the Shinawatra's, you can not have a country without someone in charge...

    And if YL did find it to much and did a runner who will appoint a new PM?

    After giving this a lot of thought.

    I think the likelihood would be that the constitutional court will probably slap this into the hands of the EC and the Senate to decide between them. Or possibly only the senate.

    A new PM can be put in the next day, and I think they will already have someone in mind who is already primed for the position. The rest of the cabinet can be replaced by next week.

    But the main thing would be that Yingluck will be gone forever. Soon to be followed by the likes of Surapong, Chalerm and a few other undesirables.

    I doubt that the C Court will make any decisions as to who, why or what, they will allow someone else to take the decision. They will make that decision permissible constitutionally.

  17. and the tooth fairy and Santa Clause will walk hand in hand watching the sunset from Lamseng beach in Patong..are you sure you're not Michael Yon??

    I don't believe for one minute that even if Yingluck were to be removed that everything would go back to a sense of normality, the nutters and psychopaths within the Red Brigades wouldn't allow that to happen..I'm all for reforms, I'm totally against violence of any kind, seen enough of it in my life when two factions are head to head and one is intent in causing as much carnage as it can to the other.

    You think that Suthep and the heads of the PDRC will be able to sleep peaceably in their homes at night if the current Governemnt is kicked into touch? If the mentality as as claimed by the anti reds/shins, then not a chance, they'll be sought out, and red retribution will just spark even more violence.

    You think that Thaksin will allow the PTP to be disbanded and split and his family humiliated? If he hates Thailand as much as it's claimed by some TVF members, then if you think it's bad now, I doubt you'll have not seen the full extent of his clutches and vindictiveness...

    The end?? It might only just be the beggining of something even more bloodier, and I hope I'm wrong, and you're right, and it's all pearly white smiles, sunshine and harmony and everyone sings Kumbayah at the end of the night around a camp fire wink.png

    No need to tell us what Thaksin is capable of.

    Did you not read my posts regarding secession and red force building already going on by Thaksin/UDD/Red rebel army???? and of course many PTP members including Chalerm.

    We already know what they are hatching when the inevitable happens.

    It doesn't need YOU to tell us. You and your post are merely GLORIFYING IT.

    I bet you can't wait. I hope the army smashes them to pieces if they attempt it. I really do.

    Yeah and I replied about the red army in that thread, I think it was more a PR thing and sabre rattling than anything, it takes months to train an army to a reasonable standard of combat.

    And you're wrong, I do not wish for any escalation of violence as just like now, it's always the innocents who suffer, definately not a supporter nor an advocator of any form of uprising there's been enough senseless deaths.

    I hope that it never ever comes to anyone smashing anyone to pieces mate, Thailand deserves better!! wink.png

    But you understand that if the reds do come to BKK, they will smash things to pieces and they in turn will get smashed to pieces.

    That is how it works here, if the reds have not learned that lesson already, then they really need to go to Suthep for lessons.

    A fool is someone who will never learn by their past mistakes.

    Only the fools will dare come to BKK at Chalerm's call.

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  18. "a huge number of people will take to the streets to object"

    I don't think so...

    Chalerm is right about this. Many people WILL take to the streets to protest if this gov is removed. All of them will be REDS from the north.

    They do not agree with the constitution and want the PTP to rule the land with their simplistic understanding of democract.

    Plus there is the fact that the ruling gov (including Chalerm) do not want to lose their postion of power.

    Chalerms statement about forming a new party is dubious to say the least. He fails to mention that any new party needs approval before they can participate legally in politics. Also there are the cases against these PTP leaders and current leaders that should have all of them banned from politics.

    As seen in another post these leaders are already trying to get their family members into the senate. I dont think the PTP foresaw the Senate as a threat to them so did not infiltrate that gov position.

    They do not agree with the constitution? You clearly have no idea as to what has been going on in Thailand for the last decade. The Yellows are the only ones that have ever operated outside of the constitution with their military and judicial coups as well as their illegal street mobs. The Reds in the streets in 2010 were actually there to defend and uphold the constitution against the elite upsurpers who had stolen power from the people. The Reds have fought and died before to defend the constitution and Charlem is just stating the obvious fact that the Reds will again do what must be done to defend the rule of law in the land they love. The Yellows would be much better served if they learnt to accept election results because the consequences of them not will be devastating.

    So if you are trying to tell us that Chalerm is calling for an uprising from the red shirts, then surely we ought to be contacting the army right this moment and tell them so they can crush them in advance and remove the head from the snake forever.

    'The Yellows would be much better served if they learnt to accept election results'???

    They did accept them quietly for two and a half years until the amnesty bill, the attempt at changing the senate and the massive corruption that even the Thais baulked at... kicked it all off and the people finally had to come out.

    The reds might send a tiny few down, because they know it will be to their doom, and they will run away back north crying like they did back in 2010. This time it won't be months before they are cracked down on, it will be with immediate effect.

    If the reds are so fearsome as you suggest, why didn't they stay and finish the battle back then? Could it be that they were 'frightened'.?

  19. and the tooth fairy and Santa Clause will walk hand in hand watching the sunset from Lamseng beach in Patong..are you sure you're not Michael Yon??

    I don't believe for one minute that even if Yingluck were to be removed that everything would go back to a sense of normality, the nutters and psychopaths within the Red Brigades wouldn't allow that to happen..I'm all for reforms, I'm totally against violence of any kind, seen enough of it in my life when two factions are head to head and one is intent in causing as much carnage as it can to the other.

    You think that Suthep and the heads of the PDRC will be able to sleep peaceably in their homes at night if the current Governemnt is kicked into touch? If the mentality as as claimed by the anti reds/shins, then not a chance, they'll be sought out, and red retribution will just spark even more violence.

    You think that Thaksin will allow the PTP to be disbanded and split and his family humiliated? If he hates Thailand as much as it's claimed by some TVF members, then if you think it's bad now, I doubt you'll have not seen the full extent of his clutches and vindictiveness...

    The end?? It might only just be the beggining of something even more bloodier, and I hope I'm wrong, and you're right, and it's all pearly white smiles, sunshine and harmony and everyone sings Kumbayah at the end of the night around a camp fire wink.png

    No need to tell us what Thaksin is capable of.

    Did you not read my posts regarding secession and red force building already going on by Thaksin/UDD/Red rebel army???? and of course many PTP members including Chalerm.

    We already know what they are hatching when the inevitable happens.

    It doesn't need YOU to tell us. You and your post are merely GLORIFYING IT.

    I bet you can't wait. I hope the army smashes them to pieces if they attempt it. I really do.

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