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Posts posted by PepperMe

  1. PDRC leader signals move to protect key independent public agencies

    BANGKOK, 14 March 2014 (NNT) — PDRC core leader Suthep Thaugsuban has urged all PDRC supporters to be ready if Prime Minister Yingluck is ruled guilty in her case with the NACC, as he believes the UDD would try to besiege the independent public agency.

    Leader of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee Suthep Thaugsuban stated at the Lumpini Park rally site that all PDRC supporters should prepare themselves if Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra is found guilty by the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) — believing that the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) would immediately rally to her defense against the verdict.

    The PDRC leader went on to say that he believed the UDD will target independent public agencies as they have already started their attempts to close down the NACC office.

    Mr. Suthep also urged Ms. Yingluck to respect the Constitutional Court’s decision on rejecting the 2 trillion baht mega project budgeting. He said Thailand must be governed by the Rule of Law and that the law must be respected.


    -- NNT 2014-03-14 footer_n.gif

    This will end up in violent and deadly clashes between the two sides.

    A mini civil war will be fought around the areas of the different independent organization HQs.

  2. More rubbish from The Nation, there is more water than there was last year.

    Actually it is more a case of

    'more rubbish' from YOU/.

    It is only March, there are 4 to 5 months of dry season remaining.

    Wait till the real hot season is in full swing, then look at the numbers. These dams may well dry up altogether and farmlands are already parched across the nation and crops on the verge of withering away.

    Many parts of the country are already declared disaster zones...

    If we have a particularly dry rainy season this year, prepare more massive problems for the country. Because there will be another long dry season ahead of it next year.

  3. good luck yingluck its all the yellas and power against democracy

    Democracy?.... where??

    Yingluck and her entire cabinet are in the dock on several fronts which are ALL linked to breeches of democracy.

    Yrs, we 'yellas' HATE democracy, when it is this style of democracy.

    Dictatorship would even be a better than this pathetic system of what you lot call 'democracy'...... now give it a rest, do some reading on the true principles of democracy.


    Come back when you have read it. Then try to explain your comment.

  4. Is this the 20 Billion that the EC said was OK to borrow, or is this another 20 Billion they need?

    It would seem the first, the 20 billion the EC OK-ed.

    Note that with the date of 31st of May for return of those 20 billion and with the government selling rice 'earning' less than 10 billion a month, it would seem that any of the additional payments to farmers and others need to way till after the 31st of May. Note that the government indicated they'd like to borrow 130 bililon. All in all it would seem that around end of this year with the rice stocks sold out the BAAC will be stuck with a 700++ billion Baht deficit which was guaranteed by the government AKA the taxpayer sad.png

    Can't you see the dubious nature surrounding this 20 Bn baht loan from the central fund?

    This is the money the EC allowed on condition it was all paid back with rice sales from the stockpiles by May? (itself an almost impossible task).

    A week ago this was permitted by the EC, the money has not been paid out yet. Why are the Finance Ministry sitting on it and not paying it out to the farmers? What are they doing with that 20 Bn that nobody can see??

    The normal channel for flow of funds is from the Finance Ministry directly to the BAAC for disbursement... So why is it all of a sudden flowing through the Ministry of Foreign Trade when this is clearly a domestic issue and nothing to do with foreign trade? Is some of this going to plug financial holes in that department??????

    Everything is fishy about this 20Bn loan. I have a feeling this money is being siphoned off as we speak with a negligible amount ending up in farmer's hands.

    Surely the EC must be concerned about what is happening with this money.

    The EC seem very incompetent about this.. I was very uncomfortable with their decision to allow this loan in the first place. They should not have sanctioned that this government are allowed to touch a single baht for a scheme that is under investigation of fraud.

    Seems to me it is still happening with this particular money.

    Why didn't the EC lay down specific conditions that this money be moved directly to the BAAC within 48 hours of the loan being signed off????

    If this money has found the same fate as the other 700 Bn baht known to be missing, then the EC has put itself in a position of accountability for anything that happens to that money because of their incompetence.

    In a few months, Yingluck will be laughing at the EC from Dubai when she reads the EC directors have been sacked for falling into the Thaksin regime's trap to steal even more while in caretaker role........ you couldn't make it up.

    • Like 1
  5. Meanwhile, Education Minister Chaturon Chaisaeng made Facebook posts asserting that there are 3 problematic issues with the Constitution Court's verdict.

    Who the hell made this total incompetent an 'education minister'??

    The court may be interfering with the work of the legislative branch, because rulings on such an issue should be made by Parliament and not by the court.

    Rulings are NOT made by parliament, bills are suggested, debated and voted on. What you are saying that no matter how illegal and unconstitutional it is, and the procedures illegal, the government has absolute impunity to do what they want regardless of the constitution???.... Yo are so wrong.

    The court may also be interfering with the work of the executive branch, in making decisions about what projects should be undertaken.

    No, the decisions by the C-Courts have nothing to do with the projects and everything to do with a very dodgy 2.2 trillion loan bill.

    Finally, the court's verdict may contradict its earlier ruling that deemed the issuance of a loan bill for the Thai Khem Khaeng initiative, under the Democrat administration, constitutional.

    I think you will find that the Dems' 1.4 trillion loan bill was done with the utmost transparency, with full details of all financial disbursements and projects etc... The vote was not in the middle of the night, the bill was not to be a total secret devoid of all checks and balances and the voting MPs did not vote several times.... completely different to the way the Thaksin regime insisted on conducting business.

    This stupid little man should be impeached immediately if not for deriding the constitutional court's ruling... then for just being a total and complete incompetent idiot!

    Hey red Thaksin loving mob..... You actually throw your support behind these people?.... have you any idea???????

    • Like 1
  6. Still failing at going after real criminals? It's ok..maybe next time.

    Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Counterfeit sellers ARE 'real criminals'.

    They are also under the control of huge counterfeit networks organized by Chinese snake head style gangsters and they own the police and customs.

    There are many rival networks and if you operate outside of their network in their area, they will take you out by one means or another.

    These police are acting on behalf of a rival gang... trust me, I know. My wife's aunt fell foul of the gangsters when she was selling fakes on a market surrounded by many other fake sellers and she had a visit by a couple of very scary Chinese guys who threatened her to buy their stock at a higher price than she was paying another supplier. She stupidly refused and was singled out by a police raid who totally ignored all the other fake sellers.

    She lost everything and made to pay a massive 200,000 baht fine. It ruined her.

    Obviously the vendors at Mike's were not buying their gear from the right people.

  7. Ahhh. The Chinese communist model. Death. Quick trial, out back, up against the wall. Death.

    That was Thaksin's policy remember.... At least the Chinese got a swift trial, Thaksin's death squads were allowed to execute immediately on the side of the road. Others disappeared into thin air (especially those who openly opposed him).

    Just because a death sentence is the highest punishment for a certain crime does not necessarily mean they would get that sentence. It is more of a symbolic deterrent. Hwever, life in prison for those in the highest levels of office and thus responsibility should definitely face life in prison with no opportunity to buy themselves out or a royal pardon. That is sufficient to stop all corruption at the top.

    I also definitely agree with swift action by having a specialist department of investigation for political graft, corruption and fraud for all levels of political office including provincial governors, officials and state officials, police etc.... So a case can be completed with say 60 to 90 days, not the current 8 to 10 years.

    Swift action with harsh penalties and a symbolic death sentence I am totally comfortable and agreeable with.

    Maybe a public bureau where the public can directly report incidents of corruption which can result in an investigation, say.... the police on the streets.... Or employees reporting their bosses for corruption, so long as there is evidence there can be a case.

    Those at the upper levels will make sure that everyone below them can't be corrupt if they themselves can't be, and that will roll down the levels right to the bottom (If I can't do it, then neither can you)... Should throw a huge spanner in the works and start changing the Thai attitude to all forms of corruption.... I think it will work. I really do.

    Imagine all the money siphoned off from public coffers in the past 20 years.... Imagine how much it would amount to.

    It would probably be upwards of 10 trillion, they could have had 5 mega projects by now and a great national health service.

    Police more active in crime prevention rather than being too busy collecting cash from the road for their boss.

    Better people in top jobs, under 'best man for the job' not the unqualified parachuted into their jobs by under the table deals and nepotism....

    This place would be a much better place to live for all of us.

    Don't tell me the Thais won't go for it..... Don't insult them.

  8. She's not 'going to move to dubai' over this; it will get her a 5 year political ban and once under indictment she cannot be PM, better to stall this frivolous case at least until a new parliament is formed, that way we don't run into a constitutional crises when a caretaker PM is sacked, it will be much easier when the parliament can just elect a new PM during normal times.

    Negligence = 5 year ban

    Corruption = 5+ years gaol

    700 Bn baht..... I would say life sentence.

    People get 5 years for stealing 500 baht.

  9. He said that after the big political rallies in 2010, his foundation also found many demonstrators becoming homeless in Bangkok.

    "The longer they are in Bangkok's public areas, the harder it is for them to return to their real homes," he said.

    Families 'must take them home'

    Judging by the absolute mess left behind in Khon Kaen last week, the redshirts have proven they never take their trash home with them.

  10. Talk about the courts painting themselves into a corner, hit-the-fan.gif

    The EC seem not to know what their obligations are,? blink.png

    They seem not to know if they need a royal decree to amend a royal decree, to dissolve the house of rep's which NOT their responsibility but the PM"S and they know it...whistling.gif

    The constitution requires the election to be completed on the same day,

    well we all know just WHO is responsible for blocking that from happening now DON'T WE,,, YU'P your hero Suthep, So why is he not being charged for breaching the constitution??? You yellows love to have a cry that Y/L is breaking the law, NO double standards now,,,w00t.gif

    How about they try this one on,,, SUTHEP HAS BROCKEN THE LAWS AND HIS GUARDS ARE NOT "PEACEFUL PROTESSERS". AND PEOPLE INVADING BUILDINGS ARE NOT PEACEFUL, as the precedents have been set so why have a police force at all as they have been ruled redundant if you say we are "peaceful protesters", but we can do anything we like... and the cop's can't touch us hahahaaha1zgarz5.gif

    Or How about they try this one on,

    Clean up this mess

    Put a Nuteral caretaker into power while they clean up this mess

    and hold new election

    Yingluck does not want this as it throws out the chance her her to give her brother a Get out of Jail free

    My Thai wife says that many thai people like to bury there heads so if the can not see the truth it does not exist

    My friend you have adapted well to this culture

    Or how about try this on, If your hero respected the peoples right of choice and freedom to vote, then this "mess" would not be here now, also my friend, Suthep and his "peaceful protesters" would never fly in OZ now would it, GET YOUR head out of the sand.

    if this was in Australia all the ptp would be in jail for corruption and never be allowed to stand for elections ever again, the reds would also be locked up, the ptp voters would be charged with accepting a bribe to vote(along with the rest of the country) and we would be having totally free and fair DEMOCRATIC elections with not bribes/vote buying and parties like the ptp would never even get close to being elected because the voting public would all know the truth. Trouble is this is Thailand and the opposite is true.

    He probably wants to see Thailand dragged into the gutter by thaksin so he can feel superior to Thai people and gloat that Australia is much better than Thailand.

    There can be no other logical reason.

  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    He said Wirat Kalayasiri, the head of the Democrat's legal team, would seek an impeachment against caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra for having sponsored an unconstitutional bill.

    Unlike the Senate Reform Bill, this time it doesn't matter whether she actually showed up to vote for the bill or not. Since it was financial bill she had to sign it herself. There is more reason for the NACC to indict supporters of this bill than the Senate Reform Bill, which I admit is an iffy case.

    And absolutely farcically the judgement comes AFTER its signed into law.

    Couldn't they find a way to judge it before?

    No. The constitutional court isn't a house of review. That's the Senate. It cannot rule on legislation that hasn't yet been voted on. Imagine the mess if it could!

    I disagree. Why couldn't it be that the senate is the house and the only house to submit it for review. Why can't the CC sit as a part of the senate? Why must the CC sit completely outside the remit of the senate?

    The senate signed it off also. They are as guilty as any other party. This is why the british system is so neat. The upper house is the final court of review.

    Once its passed there. That's it. What would be the problem with making the senate responsible for judging the constitutionality on advice from the cc? I can't see any. It would be a hell of a lot more transparent that anappointed court.

    As for prosecuting anyone for this, it is nuts. The obvious defence is, my lawyer told me it wasn't constitutional. To which some smart arse with say. Ignorance is no defence.

    To which any half decent lawyer says. I don't have a crystal ball , idiot.

    I have noticed that your allegiances have recently changed towards support for the Thaksin regime.... Can't think why you would suddenly seem to come down on the losing side just before it becomes a dead duck and a black period in Thailand's history.

    You saying that the senate and constitutional court should be merged is hilarious.

    The senate is there to watch the lower house as a checking system or a second layer of democratic security from unscrupulous governments that can easily achieve full control of the lower house.

    The constitutional court is totally non political and have one function alone 'to preserve the constitution'.

    If any behavior from the two house system is in contravention of the constitution the C-courts step in. Much the same way as non political breeches occur such as secession etc.... The constitutional court has the right to rule on an attempt to breech the constitution.

    They MUST be kept separate from the senate. The constitution is both political and non political. It is not there to just watch one thing... The constitution covers everything to keep the country in order.

    Also, your comment about charging anyone over this as being nuts is probably the craziest thing you have said.

    As a government, you are in a very high position of responsibility and trust. The people depend on you to make sure that you act responsibly on their behalf. Any breech of such a high level of responsibility carries with it serious accountability.

    This government not only tried to put through a bill that was potentially disastrous for this country, they also wrote it in such a way that was totally irresponsible. Not only this,but the way it was rammed through the parliamentary system in the most dubious of ways in the dead of night and without a full senate vote not to mention the PTP multiple voting scandal.

    They have broken many articles of the constitution and rule of law with an air or 'non-accountability'...

    This has come home to roost and they should be prepared to accept one of two shortcomings for their dubious actions and breech of the people's trust.

    1. Resign en masse (especially YL for being the actual sponsor of the bill)

    2. Or if they refuse, they MUST accept their impeachments.

    They have an opportunity to jump before they are pushed.

    If neither happens and all accountability is brushed aside then this sets a precedent for the entire future and anyone will be able to do this with impunity citing this case in any future court, and that my friend IS NUTS!!!!!

    • Like 1
  12. Not to worry the Courts will do their job and toss out the charges

    These are anti goverment protestors after all and as such cannot be held accountable for their actions.


    Not to worry... Nobody will ever be arrested for the now more that 90 acts of attempted murder / actual murder including blowing up little children / assaults on elderly protesters at a temple / secession / raising illegal armies.... etc etc.....

    This also occurred 2 days after the fatal bomb blast killed one woman and 2 children outside Big C in Ratchadamri less than a KM away.... What the hell is she doing in a protest site at such a sensitive and high security time? Also other (much more credible sources than this Thaksin funded and totally bias rag) reported that she had phoned reporters in advance to meet her there, there were also witness reports that before this happened she was seen taunting protesters....... So she was clearly setting herself up for this.

    If you go to a music festival for example, you can be detained by the security there if you are suspected of wrongdoing. No difference here. The lack of police protection and in some cases police are under suspicion of actually allowing people in and out of the areas to conduct the attacks. Is it any wonder that guards are forced to do all their own security?

    As far as I am concerned this has been a total setup from the word go.

    This silly girl should realize that we are in the middle of a big 'power shift' and she has now put herself up as a top level member of 'the enemy'. She should watch her back..... This is Thailand.

    Nothing here to incriminate these guards.... simply doing their jobs at the most sensitive time and sensitive place where attacks and murders were at their peak. They seemed to handle her much the same as shop staff would handle you if suspected of shoplifting.. I see no more than 'reasonable force'. It was reported by witnesses that she struggled with the guards, and so they used 'reasonable force'.

    Of all the skin care shops in BKK, she had to into one in the heart of a protest site, at the most critically sensitive time, and called reporters in advance....... Lol....... silly girl.

    By the time her case comes to court, there will be no PTP control, it will be thrown out and she could find herself convicted of deliberately causing the situation.

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