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Posts posted by PepperMe

  1. So why not put the loan bill through the normal Parliamentary process?

    Sent from somewhere in the Pacific

    because it was never intended for infrastructure so it needed to be off budget meaning they could use the money for anything they liked for e.g. replacing the 800 billion they stole from the rice scheme and paying the farmers, it also seems the first car scheme has money missing also - what next

    All they had to do was process the loan proposal with openness transparency and proper budgetary responsibility and it wouldn't have been an issue but then that would have restricted it's flexibility and made it useless for it's true intended purpose

    Anyone involved in this deception should be jailed

    I think this should include the senate. They completely failed in their role. Completely and utterly.

    Well a certain portion of the Senate anyway..... 'the red portion'.

  2. he sees the writing on the wall...i was just following orders guv honest i was..spineless pathetic man..wai2.gif

    No way

    He see's dear YK getting the boot and him stepping in as caretaker PM, one supposes this is what the minister of ear medicine,s meeting was about with Thaksin of Arabia in Singapore

    He has as much chance of getting that role as he has getting a BJ off the pope.

    He killed his chances by saying 'acceptable to the people'... he wouldn't even be seen as acceptable by the UDD and the most uneducated of the north.

  3. WOW..... The PTP now are reduced to begging the courts not to accept cases that may end up not working out for them..... Probably because they know they are lost causes because they know full well what the rulings will be, and even without bias, the rulings would amount to exactly the same conclusion.

    They now seem to have all but realized that they are sunk on so many levels and they are shit frightened about what is potentially about to follow.

    They are fighting for their lives now.... Thaksin making outbursts against factions of his camp within LOS, as well as his own sister.

    Chalerm making very strange noises and trying to think of a way out of the shit pile. (too late mate).

    Yingluck crying like a baby as she realizes that all is lost.

    Acceptance of such a negative chain of wrongdoings and their consequences are just a bitch...... aint they?

    Life today is very good.

    They say that music has the power to cheer people up..... so just for you.

    • Like 2
  4. RT@tulsathit: RT @Aim_NT: On the bill's content, judges unanimously deem it unconstitutional. On procedures, majority said unlawful. Via @Chanikarn_nna

    This is my favourite.... 'On procedures, majority said unlawful'.

    Fingers are crossed that they will find this lawless set of procedures to be serious enough to impeach and dissolve those responsible.

    'Unlawful' = 'illegal'

    Under the 'rule of law' appropriate punishment should be handed down.

    This case is split into 2

    1. The constitutionality of the bill.

    2. The manner in which the bill was unlawfully pushed through.

    1. requires those responsible to accept responsibility and are 'expected' to at least resign (as per international standards).

    2. Requires those responsible to be appropriately punished.

    So if the rule of law is to be followed, then it should be a clear case of impeachment, and not left to the discretion of the perpetrators.

    • Like 2
  5. Mr Chalerm said the ruling will not affect the government, but instead, the development of the country.

    We will see about that once the constitutional court have totally finished with this case.

    Strange now that a few top figures are losing their brash denial that they can and will be defeated. Seems to me that they have gone from denial to acceptance.

    Back peddling and getting the statements out in advance of the ultimate defeat. Softening on the SOE decree hoping that they will be forgiven for their abuse of it.

    It won't work.


  6. Question now is the Constitutional Court has found this unconstitutional so now criminal charges can be laid against all of Pheu Thai and the puppet ex PM?

    They can be impeached without charges, all of them and the PTP party dissolved.

    This is the ruling that has been released to the media, it has not yet real out the sentence that can possibly come with it.

    Maybe that will come after the judges have released their statements. The fact that the ruling especially drew attention to the way the bill was actually unconstitutionally 'enacted'. I think we can assume that the 'enactment' part is going to play some key role in the fallout from this ruling.

    It is little wonder that Yingluck was in tears at the ruling, she now has been hit with a 'reality sledgehammer' blow, that all this corruption that has existed throughout her administration has no way of ever being covered up now and I think she is seriously looking at the possibility of prison or life in exile for her and her son.

    I await with baited breath to see what sort of punishment the judges are going to hand down and to who.

    We may actually see Chalerm's head roll from this.

    Come on judges, do the decent thing, you have a great opportunity to end all this right here and now, and it is probably going to be a very popular decision, as the huge majority (even most red shirts) will agree this loan was totally inappropriate.

    when will the judges statements be released ?

    This afternoon.

  7. If it is real information, it should be put before a court before spraying it over the press.

    I agree, and I can't believe the amount of farang on here that are demanding it all be made public first so that all this evidence will become tainted or all the revelations covered up by the perpetrators.

    They will reveal it in their own good time. Just because they don't bend to people's stupid demands is no testament that they don't have the goods.

  8. The Constitutional Court's long-awaited ruling today on the 2 trillion baht bill will be a seminal event and the first major volley in the series of legal challenges that the former Yingluck administration faces. If the Constitutional Court deems it unconstitutional, Suthep's suspicions regarding Pheu Thai's response will be spot on. If he is, and Pheu Thai defies the court once again, then that establishes a precedent too frightening to contemplate - a situation where a Constitutional Court ruling is simply ignored, and law itself is seen to be dismiss-able. That is the climate that Pheu Thai and the UDD have been so careful to prepare. It should scare everyone. So, the focus should not be whether Suthep manages to get hundreds of thousands on the streets or even only three or four people. This has never been about Suthep, or the numbers on the streets, or the numbers of tents erected in Lumpini Park. If it was, this movement would have been a non-event from the word go. It hasn't though, and that is because it is a movement of beliefs, not numbers. And the thing about what the PDRC has been consistently right about, and why they have struck such a deep chord in Thai society - is that each day we see actions from Pheu Thai that illuminate the very abuses of power that the PDRC speaks of. Todays' ruling - and Pheu Thai's reaction to it - will indeed be the game-changer. And for those who are skeptical about how the public feels about this throughout the county - need only cast your minds back to the days and weeks following the passing of Thaksin's amnesty bill in the middle of the night.

    Quote: " it is a movement of beliefs, not numbers"

    Yes Scampi, for once you admit the truth. The belief is the the amart has to control the country. That ordinary Thais are not part of this belief system is indicated by the lack of numbers supporting Suthep and his backers. The protest sites are now occupied only by those paid to be there. Ordinary Thais have sussed out Suthep long ago.

    Hold on, you can't say that. You will hurt the feelings of some on TVF that claims the "majority" does not support the current Govt.

    He is absolutely correct... the vast majority do not support this government and wait patiently for their ultimate removal and hopefully some very long prison sentences as a bonus.

    8 million votes from the 40 million who were able to vote. is 20% of the popular vote.

    The other 8 million in BKK and the south have yet to vote and I doubt the PTP will get a single extra vote. So about 15% want them and 85% don't.

    But then again I assume this math is not above you... It is just another case of lying when you have no defense. Your 'Thainess' is blooming.

  9. He demanded the bank to buy at 13,000 baht/ton saying farmer withdrawn from warehouse at 12,000 baht.

    However the bank’s executive who came out to negotiate later agreed to buy only at 8,000 baht/ton just for white rice while it did not want the paddy.

    So in other words, when the taxpayer is footing the bill, paddy is worth 15,000 and the BAAC are happy to pay it out considering they are on a % cut of all transfers to farmers.

    Yet when it is them paying with their own money, they clearly acknowledge that actual milled and processed white rice is only worth 8000 baht/MT. God only knows what actual value they put on paddy then.... 6000 baht/MT perhaps?

    Hopefully that 160K baht will fund more farmers' trips to the capital.

    I hope they take the airports for real this time. I am fully aware of the negative impact on Thailand, but this seems to be the only way to bring this whole affair to a real conclusion...... Desperate times requires desperate action. This has dragged on long enough.

    It is about time this whole mess was put to bed once and for all.

    • Like 1
  10. He said this information will be unraveled in the next few days and that the Thaksin regime would be shaken if it is exposed.

    And still they won't budge and just deny it all before several lawsuits will be filed against him.

    Just hand the entire findings to the NACC along with all the other cases pending.

    However, this must be particularly juicy, because as far as Thai acceptance of corruption goes, if such a disclosure threatens to shake this regime to the core and 'shock' both Thais and the entire world...... It must be pretty bad.

    I can't wait.

    • Like 1
  11. Asked how the government would accept responsibility if the bill was ruled unconstitutional, Phongthep said in normal circumstances, the prime minister might have had to take responsibility and resign or the government would have had to dissolve the House.

    "But, as House has already been dissolved and we're a caretaker government, we don't need to do anything to accept responsibility," Phongthep said

    Yes, but have you stopped to consider that YOU and EVERYONE in the PTP and Senate who voted in favour of this loan bill, can be IMPEACHED for this?

    After threatening to IMPEACH 5 C Court judges, conveniently in the run up to this decision to gain leverage, do you really expect this court to be lenient on your asses??

  12. With so many charges already against these people and more pending it will be a long time coming before these people will be able to walk without looking at each step they take.

    With so many cases against them surely 1 will be won that will be enough to remove them from office and send them home with their tails between their legs. Then maybe this country can begin to move forward again.

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I dunno about sending any of them home. I think a very long prison sentence to serve as a deterrent would be the thing to do.

    I am all in favour of it.

  13. I applaud the courageous and brave Thai citizens who will rally peacefully in support of their freedom, rights and liberty.

    I commend the organizers for choosing a place where the likelihood of a confrontation and violence will be minimized.

    It is quite thoughtful of the UDD to organize its rally so as to avoid inconveniencing Bangkok residents who have suffered from the tyranny of Suthep and his gang of thugs who shut down major roadways and intimidated people.


    I think you will find that they won't come into BKK because they are shit scared to.

    That is why I know that there will never be a mass assault on BKK, they are nothing more than cowards and paid mouthpieces these days, and will more likely just end up a fully functioning terrorist unit with cowardly attacks on mostly innocent people followed by a retreat back to their rat holes.

    The UDD will end up no different to Al Qaeda... you just watch this space in the coming months and see if I am right or wrong.

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