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Posts posted by dhream

  1. If this is a foretaste of the junta's fixation with red clothing, then you had better forget about Christmas in Thailand this year!

    We can't have too many Santa Clauses in traditional red costumes running around brainwashing impressionalbe children, and making perverse political statements like "Peace on earth", and "Goodwill to fellow men", can we?

    Despite what the junta may prefer though, I just can't see the yellow Santa Claus costumes catching on any time soon.

    only Santa can bring back happiness to the people, or the shopkeepers, and hoteliers anyway.

  2. This is terrible treatment of people. If you detained 9000 people in western countries on *suspicion* of overstaying but without proof it would be condemned by everyone. They also targeted the Africans, I don't see any farangs or Asians in that group. It's funny how Thailand can do what they want. Meanwhile in Europe hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees keep coming in without identity checks and anyone raising a finger of caution gets labeled a racist.

    Well i just saw a pic with mostly whites AND Asians all wearing a black T shirt of shame.

    I am far from right wing on human rights, however, let's review the simple facts, innocent bar patrons report that this operation (the request for ID) was carried out with politeness and a light hand. Therefore, if one was nicked on 'suspicion' in this operation you can bet there was something absolutely not right with their paperwork.

    It is only right that law enforcement have the right to detain on suspicion, provided due process is followed, most arrests worldwide are initially made 'on suspicion' the charging only comes later when enough evidence supports the suspicion. Were this not the case the Yorkshire Ripper might never have been caught, for instance.

    Every single one of those SoB's is in violation of the Immigration act, and several hundred have already been identified as wanted on separate criminal charges.

    I'm willing to bet the few that are simply 'libertines', and guilty of no other offence, are less than a dozen.

    I agree that 9000 or you pick a number, would create an outcry in a 'western' country, yes you're right, but the outcry would be over why didn't these reprobates get thrown out sooner!

    The numbers reflect the fact that things here are always done sporadically, and whenever some honcho hands down a press release. Then it's back to the cops doing something close to nothing until the next crackdown.

  3. Africans what a suprise

    Probably wanted on murder charges back home

    Oh great work boys you just cured the NANA drug trade

    Really good to see

    It is good to see, but the drug trade will now resume its local flavour, that shit is NEVER going away, it's never going away in Nana or anywhere, it's past time for a rethink on global responses to it.

    On a slight tangent, anyone pigshit dumb enough to 'deal' in Thailand who is not a Thai, is going down anyway, it's only a matter of time...

  4. I have never been a racist. But why are ALL the people in the picture Africans? What do they want in Thailand?

    Same thing a lot of the whiteys want cheap women

    it's not generally a good idea to say: "I'm not racist, but..." moving on from that, they want to scam whitey so they can afford the cheap women, or failing that, pimp their own women to whitey so they can 'top-up' with cheap local poon. I'm referring to the Sukhumvit loiterers, not bona-fide visitors of African descent/origin.

  5. I am not an overstayer and have never been one, however this type of incident happens all over the world and not just Thailand. The positive side is that those overstayers are contributing to the economy and at this moment in time Thailand as many farangs as possible as it is there money that feeds and supports many local economies without them the country would suffer a lot more, surely there is a better solution than banning an overstayer from coming back to the Kingdom. I was always of the impression that Thailand wanted to attract visitors not deter them !

    I think that most chronic, long-term overstayers are contributing very little to the Thai economy. Anyway, that's what I've seen to be true.

    Overstayers are seldom innocent victims, and very likely to be criminal or fugitive in more ways than just overstaying. The rules are clear, either address the requirements, or <deleted>.

  6. Dennis

    You still seem to think the fact you are well off entitles you to break the rules at your convenience. You admitted this in an earlier post. If you are that rich then pony up for the elite visa. You belittle people that come on a nickel and dime yet you admit you will break immigration laws to save a nickel and a dime. It comes across as hypocritical to say the least.

    At least if you are yourself breaking the law then don't throw stones from your glass house. If you believe your own BS you should then be deported and banned for the things you do. You have basically asserted you are above the law because you have money. Evidently not enough money to buy an elite visa though.

    Yes I break the rules at my convenience.

    No I won't waste money on a Thai Elite visa if there are other ways to accomplish my goals.

    I never said I'm rich, what is rich actually? Is 5000 euro/month income rich in Thailand, if so then yes I'm rich as I make more than that.

    I've known poorer times as well so I consider 400 euro/mo for Thai Elite quite a lot of money (based on living here only 6 months a year that is).

    Just because I have some money doesn't mean I should waste it on stuff I don't need.

    Evidentely? Does that involve the word evidence?

    Listen, I used to rent a house here for 50k baht/month, that's at times that I made more then I do now, eg used to make 10k+ euro/mo, what I do, I cancelled the house, not cause I can't afford it anymore but I like to save money, I'm still relatively young so I have a long time to go and as I'm involved in a fast changing industry (internet marketing) I can't say I will make the same money in 1, 2, 5 or 10 years from now. Makes sense right? So why waste money on stuff I don't really need. I rather have a few more beers and bitches instead wink.png

    I personally interpretate rich as either having a few million dollar in the bank or having more than enough to spend each month, well I don't have a few million dollars yet though that is my goal so if I earn less I adjust my lifestyle by spending less so that I can keep saving. I'm far from western retiree age so long time to go still, who knows what happens.

    So at this point I consider the Thai Elite visa a HUGE waste of money.

    That previous post was focused towards someone that talks about entrepreneurship while complaining about the visa rules, you ever heard me complaining? If I decide to stay here 12 months a year I guess I must buy this Elite visa so I will and you won't hear me nagging about it.

    I have other things to complain about Thailand but that's completely irrelevant to this sub forum, and that's why I think about changing from non stop living here to 50/50, eg miss real friends and such, life feels fake here at times.

    It could be said you are the sort of Cheap Charlie Thailand doesn't need then. Anybody with a pot to piss in can afford the elite card.

    The Elite card is a joke. If you can afford it, you don't need it!

  7. there are many pepole that are overstaying there visa's but spend tons of Money in the country.

    what do Thailand loose if somebody overtstay? NOTHING..

    time to make it easier for those under 50 years to stay here longer without much hassle. ed visa to much bla bla bla

    they are breaking the law and haven't got a pot to piss on

    Agreed with Frits, and if they are rich young 'digital nomads' we don't want them here acting like overpaid and therefore self-entitled jerks all over town, we have enough locals and tourist w-anchors doing that as it is. When you have lived your life, keep your nose clean, and earned the stripes, and provided you don't kill yourself before 50, then by all means.

    Invitation by natural selection, sounds fair to me.

  8. And don't forget your police report...yes it required with all the other paper work as if you were doing the renewal.

    I have never been asked for a police report, including throughout my retirement extension process (in-country).

    I got my UK license exchanged for a 2 year Thai without needing an 'International' licence, and I expressly asked about this at their office, so it's not as if it was 'overlooked' by them.

    I got my address verified at the offices opposite Promenada Mall.

    At the driver center I did a colour blind test (traffic lights in the wrong order -Huh??) and the medical consisted of 3 questions and a blood pressure test at a hospital nearby.

    This was about June 2015.

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  9. Douwe Egberts 500g 'Standard' (the 'Premium' is about B10 more) works for me and is cheaper than Bon Cafe, which IIRC is only sold in 250g.

    I use it in a drip filter for morning brew.

    I lived in Melbourne, so know about good coffee. Granted, some espresso-at-home fanbois may disagree, but if you just want something that is agreeable with a splash of milk to get you started, you could do worse...

  10. Censorship of certain web sites is already commonly done by Thai gov't minders. There is no discussion with the general public. One day a site exists, then next moment it's not accessible. One of UK's major daily newspapers is censored in Thailand. A sole gateway would simply facilitate that - and it will encourage clandestine (proxy) servers, similar to how Prohibition in the US encouraged bootleggers. Looked at another way, it will criminalize a whole slew of people who wound ordinarily not break the law. It will also make some shady people rich, like dealers of illegal drugs get rich nowadays. Everything about the single gateway is bad, ....unless you're one of the few positioned to make a heap of money out of it. ....or unless you're an unelected military gov't which wants to heavily censor conten

    Agree with everything you've said, except calling the Daily Fail a 'newspaper'. It is and always was a rabble rousing, juvenile, poorly informed (aircraft doors do not 'blow out' it's against the laws of physics) dangerous rag -dangerous, because they were Nazi sympathisers, right up until the war broke out, and they're borderline bigots even now.

    As always, I've unfollowed, I have said my piece and you're free to disagree, but I'm not interested in arguments, they're pointless. Anyway champ, this is not about you, I just hate the Mail. :-)

  11. It is not possible to build a 'gateway' period, if it was, MANY countries would have done it by now. (Gateway in the sense that the goons want it to be a gateway of control)

    Hello Commie China, billions of RMB later, with thousands of nasty nosey little geeks tapping away at hot screens, and yet, you STILL can't stop me from doing whatever I want from behind your tinpot 'Great FireWall of Buffalo Dung' biggrin.png

    They are counting on the majority of the sheeple being dumber than they are, and sadly, reading through the comments here...

    VPN's simply ignore 'walls' and 'gateways' VPN's don't go anywhere near them, they 'tunnel' or 'leap' or you pick the word, from your device, right to where you want to be, the USA the Netherlands, wherever. The wonks can 'block' a VPN, temporarily at best, and doing that can mean they block legitimate business for functioning.

    To understand it in simple terms, messing with VPNs to seal off your country is like cutting your finger off to remove a ring.

    If they ever do figure it out, simply use your overseas contacts to open an internet account there in your name, and reverse VPN!

    They can't win, but they live in lala-land most of the time anyway, so let them carry on dreaming.

    Don't worry, be Veeping!

  12. ‘National' Gateway Moves Forward

    And Thailand moves backward.

    No internet users need worry too much, even China can't fight all the VPNs out there, and they invest massive resources into it, you see, shutting down VPN's shuts down or compromises big businesses too that NEED to protect themselves.

    If the guy in charge of all of data security only yesterday came out with a statement that he has been tasked to 'keep an eye' on hackers (which is like being asked to keep an eye on a mirage, actually it's worse, most people can SEE a mirage, good luck ever 'seeing' a hacker at work) then that should tell you all you need to know about what these guys know about technology which is less than my hamster, and i don't even have a hamster.

    If that makes no sense to you, then neither should their babbling about the internet, because they have no clue what they are even up against.

    They won't get 'help' from China either, no-one is about to share what little they know about hacktivists with other states, lest it be used against them at a later date!

    People rejoice, for they cannot ever kill the internet, and they themselves cannot live without it now, even though they don't understand it, and never will. It's organic, it morphs and changes by the hour. This was sent by VPN.

  13. Using a hookah for smoking the shisha tobacco is more harmful than cigarettes. But the BIG issue why it's banned here in Thailand is that a hookah can also be used to smoke weed...

    And 7/11 drinking straws and empty red bull bottles can be used to smoke yaa-ice, so what is their point?

    The smoking implement minus the drugs solves or proves what exactly? Also a bong (if they want to do weed) is easier to hide than a bloody massive shisha, and as if anyone with half a brain stem would even TRY to smoke grass in a bar in Pattaya (well dumber things have happened, but still...)

    Also, I smoked shisha in Europe, and there was zero tobacco, or any other drug in it. Only some sort of flavoured herb, but it was not tobacco, because I can't handle tobacco. And I was instructed NOT to inhale but sort of hold and 'taste' the smoke in my mouth then blow it out. I'm just scratching my head here, trying to find a point to this police raid.

  14. "If one obtains a multiple entry extension of stay based on retirement in their home country does one need to obtain a "re entry" permit at the airport to keep the extension of stay alive when coming and going from Thailand during that 12 months?"

    I moved this quote because there are limits on how many comments one can make in in those boxy things...

    No, your multiple entry is exactly that, you can come and go as you please within the 12 months. No further re-entry application is needed.

    I have done both single and multiple entry stamps, so I am talking from experience. It is immaterial where the stamp was issued. So long as you are referring to a Thai Consular issued re-entry permit, and not your home country government re-entry permit, it is valid in Thailand.


    Re-Entry permits can only be issued by Thai Immigration Officers at Thai Immigration Offices, some Thai airports and a few Thai land borders.

    A multiple entry visa does not require a re-entry permit whilst the visa remains valid. The clue is in the name!

    Re - Entry permits are NEVER issued by a Thai Consulates or Embassy's.

    I am wrong only in terms of terminology, I used 'permit' and not 'visa'. My advice above concurs with your second sentence.

    Given the bureaucratic minefield Thai immigration is, even a stickler for detail like me is going to go astray at times. Visas, extensions, permits, yada yada. The bottom line in this particular instance, is if the stamp was a Thai Government ISSUED multiple-entry stamp/visa/permit/whatever and NOT a foreign stamp then he was good to go! Or come back, for that matter.

    And perhaps not at his whim, but every 90 days -minimum, there is no stated maximum. However that was not the question. He asked if he needed a re-entry permit, he doesn't.

    Here is the explanation of the difference from Thai Legal site:

    The 1-Year Multiple-Entry Non-Immigrant Thai visa is issued to foreigners who wish to obtain a long term visa stay to Thailand. The issuance of this visa mainly depends on the purpose of the application. This type of visa is valid for use within one year from the date of issue and can be extended to 3 months on or before the visa expiration date.

    However, this type of visa requires the visa holders to exit and re-enter Thailand every 90 days by air, sea, or land travel.

    So by definition, as underlined it IS a re-entry visa that 'permits' re-entry. But thanks for pointing that out, I tend to be a stickler for the correct terminology myself.

  15. Another thing about agents, and I have touched on this above, is you remove yourself from the loop, and that is not a good thing when you're talking about your right to remain in Thailand.

    I'm not one of the paranoid conspiracy theorists on this board, but I will say that if your agent is on some dodgy deal with Sgt. Bribeasy unbeknown to you, and the sarge or the agent goes down, then, lo and behold you may find your visa has been Cancelled without your knowledge, and what's worse YOU are responsible, always, not the agent, for any stuff ups, because all governments see it like that anyway. And the double whammy of that is... this is Thailand.

    Another thing, you can be sure agents are not telling the older gentlemen here, that the 90 day report is now online, and in any case a lot of them can't use a computer anyway, so it's moot, but the point I'm making is that if you blindly trust an agent, and never keep across the visa situation (which has already changed dramatically under the junta) then you could be charged for stuff you might soon be able to do online for free. Or worse, fall foul of some new law that the agent does not know, or care about.

    Some have valid reasons for using an agent. But if simply 'avoiding the hassle' is the main reason, and you are not time-pressed, and of sound mind and body, then you are throwing significant sums of money away IMO.

  16. Thanks , might as well purchase it while there.

    90 day reports are free. Did you use an agent? I must say for someone who has already got your extension, you don't seem to be too familiar with the whole process.

    Agents are a big waste of money unless you are earning so much by the hour, or you have a year to live or something, and it's just not worth your while to show up and DIY, also, you'll know nothing about the basics, which can ultimately disadvantage you down the track, because... this is Thailand!

    I was in Thailand 2002 to 2005 and did it all myself.

    It was such a hassle, I did not want to go through that experience again.

    Whatever, I paid the agent, it was well worth it (this time around).

    Back then, we didn't have to do the 90 day report so was just asking to see I could do this myself without going back to that agent.

  17. "If one obtains a multiple entry extension of stay based on retirement in their home country does one need to obtain a "re entry" permit at the airport to keep the extension of stay alive when coming and going from Thailand during that 12 months?"

    I moved this quote because there are limits on how many comments one can make in in those boxy things...

    No, your multiple entry is exactly that, you can come and go as you please within the 12 months. No further re-entry application is needed.

    I have done both single and multiple entry stamps, so I am talking from experience. It is immaterial where the stamp was issued. So long as you are referring to a Thai Consular issued re-entry permit, and not your home country government re-entry permit, it is valid in Thailand.

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