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Posts posted by dhream

  1. So all you farang apologists don't think people get beat up for not paying their tab in US/UK/Australia? Stuff like this happens all the time there and often it goes unnoticed, and in worse case scenarios, victims are never heard from again.

    Yes, Thais can be guilty of over charging but if you stay in a bar and drink until 6am, expect to be taken advantage of anywhere in the world. Sadly many farang bring misfortune upon themselves with loudmouth, belligerent behavior while treating Thais like dirt.

    And tell me who many places in US/UK/Australia presents a 20k bill instead of 2K to foreigners (arbitrary numbers).

    And minorities in those countries have been overcharged for decades by white owned businesses and still do today. It wasnt until 40-50yrs non-whites were allowed to eat/drink in the same place as whites.

    These places are universal, there are few countries where they dont exist and extort, in the UK they are called clip joints.

  2. There's a few Chiang Mai karaoke shops that prey on tourists and are well known for their scams. Sit down for a couple hours and you get presented with a bill for 30 or 40,000 baht. Then they beat the crap out of you if you don't pay up. They've been doing this for a long time and have beaten up a lot of tourists with no repercussions.

    Not exclusive to Thailand, clip joints in Soho, Reeperbhan etc etc. Not much the law can do anywhere.

  3. All the assets of these baech vendors and their relations should be confisticated by the NCPO immediately and they should be jailed as they have been using public land to genarate profits form teh past few years. These scumbags and their families should just be left to rot and no decent person should have any sympathy for these dogs. I really hope people like thse die very slowly and suffer.

    Don't hold back, Nick.Tell us what you really think of them.

  4. i have never been to "Wong Amat beach".

    is it nicer there ? (aside from gun-shooting salespeople)

    does it mean that the police will not allow deck-chair sellers on Wong Amat beach only? or are they talking the whole of Pattaya?

    What will people lay down on when they want to sunbathe? and where will people sit?

    I assume if they remove deckchair vendors, then they will provide free chairs instead, yes?

    but actually i am pretty sure that they have a few days or a week of not allowing the sellers,, and then they let them back again. (coz thats Thai Style). Lol

    'Shoo' as in bounce, not 'shoot'

  5. My wife got a message on her Facebook (it's now friends only) from a guy declaring his undying love for her. Said he was from Canada ... they obviously don't learn english there.

    She replied sorry but said a friend would be interested and I made up an e-mail address.

    We have now been declaring undying love for each other for 3 weeks. He says he's building a VIP Lounge at the new Doha Airport. A 1.4 million dollar project.

    I just snipped a few pics from the internet and send them now and again with a sweet message written on the pics. I use a VPN ... guess I'll get bored soon.

    just for shits and giggles, ask him for some money, let us know what happens next!

  6. To be honest 3BB has been <deleted> for the last few months. They have even been disconnecting my line with the message "go to your nearest 3BB shop to pay your outstanding bill". I could understand this if I was behind with my bills but I am one month paid up ahead. Plus they have cut me off upto 4 days before the actual bill is due.

    I just moved from 3BB yesterday.

    To SiNet fiber. At around 6pm the line went dead, reset the ussual hardware, no dice.

    Called SiNet and spoke to two very fluent English speakers, the initial lady operator, and then a male tech. He heard me out, including the fact that I messed up by asking the install contractor to directly connect my router, rather than the SiNet router, and then realised that it would have been better to use that as a bridge to my router.

    He promised to call back and he did. He said the fault was on their end, and that my service might be down all night. But that he would try to get it back by 10pm.

    He also said he had opened a ticket to get the contractor to return and install the SiNet router/bridge tomorrow.

    By 7.40pm the service was back on, I think I made the right decision for once, In my service provider.

    They are not the cheapest around, but sometimes, even in Thailand you get what you pay for.

    As a fitting finale, my missus went into 3BB to cancel the old ADSL line, and they said they would let it run till 31st. We quickly set our old ADSL router up again tonight, thinking that SiNet would take at least until tomorrow to fix our service, and guess what? 3BB had already shut us down on their network, say no more...

  7. This is the beginning....

    Fine will soon be raised to 200,000 baht, assets frozen, bank accounts seized as fines are taken.. then 1 million baht fines....

    Forget laws on the books, it only matters when they ENFORCE the laws.

    Bar girls' activities are likely illegal....but that's not really enforced so nobody cares...

    Now wait for the backpackers to blackmail all homeowners by saying they are there for over 24 hours and not reported...

    If we don't know what the hell is going on i doubt backpackers would be able to join the dots, much less get into the blackmail game. Have you considered writing crime fiction?

  8. Chiang Mai Immigration notified my wife of this 2 weeks ago, saying she could be "in trouble" if she didn't come and report me living here. We both went, and she wasn't polite. She asked them how stupid they had to be, seeing as we have been living here as husband and wife, originally with a Marriage Extension, which was later changed to Retirement, for the past 7 damn years, with me reporting every 90 days, and with them originally coming to the house to verify it. They told her it was "policy", to which she replied - "Policy is fine, but you're all a bunch of idiots!"

    I was even shocked, as my wife is normally a very polite, very soft spoken woman, but this touched a nerve somewhere inside of her that set her off. They finally filled out the forms, with a receipt for me to place in my passport, stating that without it, I would not be able to renew my yearly again. Needless to say, they were happy to see us leave.

    I am sorry I can only click "like" one time.

    This is so true.

    Are you saying that we have to do this on top of the 90 report? I find that a stretch. For the record, I filled out one of these when i first moved from a hotel into a girlfriends house, and everyone thought I was anally retentive, but it's what the website asked for. Now, I'm as cynical as everyone else here, and find it hard to believe, may i ask how immigration came to threaten your wife two weeks ago, and why haven't thye warned anyone else (apart from this article?)

  9. Sorry to be a bit dim on this but I am still not clear on my requirements. My wife and I married several lifetimes ago in Hong Kong and registered in Thailand. I presently live and work in Hong Kong and my wife lives at our house in Thailand; she does allow me to visit regularly but I suspect it's just because the dogs like me!

    I arrive at swampy and always fill in the address on the form handed to Immigration, is my wife still required to report my arrival at the house on the TM 28 & 30? If so, is there any way we can avoid this?

    Kind informative replies offering insight and good advice will receive a 'like' from me.

    Cynical, mickey taking and cruel replies will be read and chuckled at.

    I can only offer my own interpretation of this if i was in your shoes, as I think we're all a bit unclear on this.

    I'm assuming you arrive here on a tourist visa each time, or do you have a Non-O extension?

    If tourist, then you've correctly observed that it usually falls to the residence manager (your wife) to report your presence.

    If you're on any other permission, eg retiree, marriage, etc. then your 90 day report OR your annual extension, if you don't do a 90 day due to extended absence, would cover your coming and going. You may be unaware that the 90 day report is now available as an online option, and I do believe that in the last few days the 90 day report can be done at any 7/11, however, I have not followed that info up to confirm yet.

    The third option, of course, is to ignore it!

    Up to you to decide if they are ever going to be so 'granular' as to check on every single person staying at where they said they would, on the Arrivals Card.

    I think not.

  10. Guys,

    I’ve been on the golf course for most of the day, so I’m just catching up on this stimulating forum.

    Just a small point of clarification needed here!

    For those of you giving Prayut credit for the BTS operation, I would like to point out that BTS is a public company (owned by shareholders, including myself). It’s largest shareholder (with a 27% stake) is its founder, Keeree Kanjanapas!

    The question needs to be has he been able to make the State Railway of Thailand run on time. Answer, alas no!

    I hope your golf is better than your attention span, because had you read the thread through, you would have discovered that the BTS comment was totally misunderstood, and quickly explained, in about three separate posts following it.

  11. Foreign press has speculated about why the good general is hanging on for as long as it takes, but it cannot be mentioned in Thailand.

    And the good General appears not to be at all entertained, in fact it seems he's getting grumpier by the day... I bet he gets a proper earful every day when he gets home.

    The irony is this is the biggest single issue that needs to be addressed. Whatever you think of squareface, he ruffled the wrong feathers, and that was the real reason he was singled out, when everyone else really was as morally bankrupt, and still are. Thai English language uptake might be woefully inadequate for a globally competitive workforce, but they are fluent in Arselickhan, and that's all that seems to matter, at any cost, even to the point of breaking the place apart.

  12. That is good news and good to hear. I hope he stays for ten more years. The country is actually functioning, well, at least as well as can be expected here. Sure as heck better then under the so called "democracies" that paraded through here the last 20 years. Screw the western govts and their opinions, they should look to their own broken govts before telling others how to run theirs. Some groups don't work well nor actually want nor need "democracies". This country worked quite well in the 1970's and 80's under the various Generals in charge, well, enough to take off as an "Asian Tiger". People tend to forget that. Things only went pear shaped when so called "democracy" was implemented and one corrupt and purchased "democratic" govt after another took charge and raped the populace. Keep the Generals, the people are happier and the place actually works.

    Good post, couldn't have put it better myself!!

    Have you smug 'tanks-r-us' apologist geniuses stopped to consider what happens if the gets replaced by a 'Burmese' style general?

    Oops, no way to remove them, since democracy is in the trash chute. And the constitution is in a nice Martial lockdown.

    Democracy is broken everywhere, we can agree on that, most politicians in the world are arsehats, but at least it is not so broken that they can't be removed if they go beyond reasonable arsehattery.

    Good luck with that, when 'tanks-r-us' decide to put the army boot on your throat.

    Democracy is a nation's parachute for when idiots take control of the aircraft.

  13. The self elected one has never had any intention to leave his plum job , he was most probably planning to become PM two years before his retirement !

    You could have a point its funny how he went from retirement right into this office directly. Kismet? A star alignment? Preplanned? Its not just Thailand people world wide are loosing their rights left and right. The IMF keeps coming out with some weird stuff lately one world economy, legalize all drugs (keep the masses sedated.) one world currency all electronic and the list goes on. We are under attack subtly yes but from many directions.

    Uh-oh you said the 'trigger word' drugs.

    Now that you grudgingly understand, but won't accept, drug liberalisation is a fact of life, for reasons even blind freddy could see last century, you ham-handedly turn it around, and claim 'they' want to 'sedate' everybody. If this were true, Singapore for one, would have more 'coffee shops' than Amsterdam.

    Plus how would we ever get drugphobics like you to go along with their cunning plan?

    If you cannot ever comment about drugs without sounding like you are on them, then don't!

    If anything drug liberalization means individuals gain sovereign freedom over themselves and their bodies, including the choice NOT to use drugs. It is precisely the opposite outcome to your imaginings, and that is why mass sedation theory is ridiculous. And also why the elite are being dragged kicking and screaming to try a new approach, they instinctively know they are losing a large degree of 'control' over the individual, the drug debate at its heart is not about the drugs, it is about who gets to control the drugs. Us or them.

  14. The life of the Expatriate in Thailand has not been impeded by the Junta at all. We come and go as we please. We still enjoy the weather, the beaches, nightlife or whatever Thailand has to offer. No one is running up to us asking who we support or do not support and keeping score. No foreigner has been taken to a dark place and questioned as to their political leanings. Those of us who watch Thai TV still see different opinions being offered. We still get our letters and packages from abroad without being censored. If anything, our life has improved. There are no street demonstrations obstructing traffic and business. We can still complain about everything without fear of censorship on this board. Stop wishing this place was like New York, London or Singapore.

    I would hate Thailand to be like anywhere else I've lived.

    Does it occur to you for a second that many 'expats' here would consider Thai residency, or citizenship, and the right to vote, run a business on a level playing field without being 'taxed' just to register etc etc if given the right?

    What about those expats who have half Thai or adopted Thai sons and daughters, who want to give them the chance to process their thinking through both Western and Thai philosophies, how might those children grow up and perhaps lead Thailand to a better place in it's history?

    Those particular expats literally have their blood mixed with the blood of this country, and yet they are forever outsiders.

    As the fathers of Thai citizens they deserve the right to participate in shaping their children's futures as much as any Thai born Dad.

    I agree with a lot of what you wrote, but just saying to us : "Look they have not bothered us (yet) so shut up, squeeze your tirak, and drink your beer." is not really a response at all.

    A lot of the discussion around Thailand, as I have said before, is stymied because of 'the great taboo' plus the unfortunate assumption that a lot of what goes on here is not 'farang' business. Well, if one contributes to this economy significantly, and raises a family, then why is it not?

    Also, the other side of the argument, such as ginja or whatever his name is, think they can switch their 'Thainess' on and off, to suit the argument of the day.

    That's nonsense, we're all fundamentally one race, the Human race.

  15. I don't think there will be a civil war at all. If an elected government comes into place without the dinosaurs of the past in any position of power, it will be accepted. This is going to be difficult unless they ban all of the former politicians on both sides and crush the money politics of the past. As long as no one from the Shin Clan can ever hold power- things should go as smoothly as possible with the gives and takes of any government.

    A civil war is inevitable. It won't be in Bangkok.

    Agreed. A continued failure to even be able to talk about certain dynamics, will eventually lead to the breakup of the nation as we know it.

    The situation that has existed here since forever can be allegorized as trying to get a 4x4 selectable drivetrain vehicle out of quicksand without even being able to suggest the driver engage the 4x4 drivetrain OR the cable winch.

  16. The lives of 70 million Thais are not impeded at all except for the few that want to flaunt the authority that is keeping order and trying to improve Thailand. there are no concentration camps with thousands of political prisoners. Those who flout the regime and engage in politics are taken in and questioned. Thai people go to work every day or go to their shops and business and conduct themselves the same way as they did before the coup. As I mentioned previous Thai Television still shows discussions on various topics pro and con. The newspapers are relatively free but without different political camps attempting to fool people into believing they will actually do something.. Shall we return to the street demonstrations; seizing of portions of downtown Bangkok and burning of buildings . All the Thai people I know like the quiet.

    "All the Thai people I know like the quiet."

    Yes, that is what you hear.

    Because it is illegal to speak out against "the quiet".

    Thaidream, Get 'your' Thai people to call 'my' Thai people and we'll 'do lunch'. Just don't bring any sandwiches... wai.gif

    Up north 'the quiet' is because many talk in whispers now, and my Thai friends remind me that in Thailand, a silent smile can mask many many emotions.

  17. The Junta's main goal that way I read it is to rid Thailand of the Shin Clan and its brand of money politics as well as preserve Thailand's traditions which in the mind of many were under attack from the Shin Clan. Rewriting the Constitution and the organic laws to do this is a huge undertaking but to accomplish the goal of stopping the ability to buy elections it has to be done. Looking back at past military and civilian administrations a few stand out. The Prem government is responsible for the huge growth in GDP in Thailand and the opening of tourism and liberalized Visa rules If you think extension of stay is bureaucratic now- you should have seen what it was 40 years ago. The Kukrit Pramoj Government ordered the departure of US Forces from Thailand which stabilized its relationship with other Asian Nations. the Anand Government liberalized business and opened the country to more overseas investment which created jobs for Thais. It is interesting to note that 2 our of the 3 were military type government as the result of a coup. However, none of the governments were able to tackle the insipid corruption that permeates the country.

    While I do not think military governments are the wave of the future as the military normally does not have the expertise to do the job. However, I see the current Prime Minster as bringing into his cabinet experts to handle things like Finance and Foreign Affairs and others. that is what a good leader does. You are only as good as your support staff. The job he has undertaken is so incredibly difficult it will be a miracle if he can completely succeed. We all know what the problems are..He has only been in power 18 months nowhere near enough time to solve the problems that prior governments could never solve. He does have Section 44 but every time he uses it he is criticized for using it. Unfortunately, he is using it for some of the minor things.

    How he will transition from a military government to an elected one is really going to be difficult. I really don't see any leaders out there who could be elected and make any difference. Thailand needs a young, energetic type person who can rally the electorate to him/her and push all the reforms needed. He may go to an interim civilian leader to do this before a vote. I hope he succeeds. A return to the Red Shirt-Yellow Shirt days will be chaos. I rather like the calm.

    It is nice to see a pro-PM response that is coherent and draws upon fact.

    However, applauding the few, sporadic, and piecemeal changes past junta/governments ushered in is not an excuse for running a 21st century dynamic asian country based on the 'Serfdom' model. That is at the root of all the issues the country faces today.

    A continued failure to even be able to talk about these dynamics, will eventually lead to the breakup of the nation as we know it.

  18. "Take it your backing up Lhanna Guy. just the usual reply I would expect from a PM hater on TVF ( it is general on TVF if you do not hate the PM your deemed as being a lover of) ridiculous. MY first 5 words has nothing to do with this love you talk about. grow up if you cannot contribute better than this."

    Ginjag, welcome to my reply post. Please 'take a number' and I will be with you shortly after I have run your above response through 'Google Translate' to understand it...

    I understand you love the PM, unconditionally. Please understand that many of us have well reasoned arguments why you and your team are firmly on the 'wrong side of history'. What is most worrying is that the vast majority of pro-army supporters don't seem to be able to demonstrate much in the way of independent thinking, you in particular even 'sound' like the PM, hence my 'juvenile' response. By the way 'Lampoon' is not a province in Thailand. No doubt that humble attempt at wit will also sail over your head like the BTS.

    Do continue, I've watched all the John Oliver episodes about Thailand on youtube, and could use a good cackle.

  19. Good to hear…...

    Never mind the bossy Yanks shouting about democracy. They should mind their own business.

    An Election here would be a disaster as all the crooks, corrupt cronies and the Square Head Mafia would be back just as before.

    The poor people of Issan control the winner of any election and that's not good ….. regardless of democracy.

    The situation here is unique and the General PM knows it.

    Democracy globally has become an elite in-joke, granted.

    The people he replaced were execrable, granted.

    In many cases recent history has shown that removing a strongman regime from power, makes things irretrievably worse, granted.

    I don't think many of the PM's statements have given much of us cause to feel he is likely to continue to wield executive authority, without actually resorting to execution at some point (he has even 'joked' about killing wayward reporters, what a charming soul!) and THAT is the concern that many have.

    If anyone is OK with that, then it seems the lessons learned at the cost of millions of lives in the last 100 years has yet to be learned, what happens then is people will keep dying until the lesson is learned, simple really. Carry on.

  20. The one upside to this insidious regime is that the baht is going to tank next year and tank bigtime.

    Quite appropriate, considering the place has been run for half its modern history by successive iterations of 'tanks-r-us'.

    If the baht 'tanks', every expat here will be in clover. The baht desperately needs to drop anyway, and the sooner the better, if it collapses before the next GFC (which is months, not years away) then it will act as an insulator domestically to even more fiscal chaos that will follow the next global shamozzle.

  21. I've been sideblinded by this, that he would actually go back on his word and stay on.

    A bit of difference MAY stay on IF The haters and losers stop their antics..

    The PM always said he would stay for as long as it takes IF The haters calmed down and tried to help.

    YOUR VERSION has this rhetoric twist to it, the same the rest on here who lunge at the topic like bees round a honey pot.

    The country is important NOT THAKSIN or the PM......understand. agenda comes to mind --like it or lump it.

    and of course YOU see no veiled threat only peace, love and harmony

    what are you on as I'd like some

    My sight is Thailands stability--future, It is not my fault that your a Minority PM hater.

    General, is that you posting under an alias? You're such a lovable old rogue, you are!

  22. Ginjag - I was under the impression I had answered the question. My now crappy internet is a real pain in the arse. Previously replying to the likes of your good self was a case of tappity tap, Send, done. Now it is Hit 'Quote', wait, try again, blank page, refresh, start typing, page drops out.. Have you not noticed this yourself?

    Now I spend quite a bit of time online for one reason or another, so I would say the inconvenience is making my life worse.

    I think you need to scoot over to the tech threads on this site and start asking about a new internet plan.

    Even in China, the actual speed of the internet works just fine, even with a thousand spying eyes upon it.

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