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Posts posted by dhream

  1. See, this is why the whole 'mai bpen rai' deal has got to stop.

    We can't have half assed rules, either ban and STRICTLY ENFORCE all laws, or don't bother at all.

    Wait until these lackadaisical retards lack of complete enforcement brings down a fuel loaded A380 on a Bangkok suburb, then see what happens...

    By 'complete enforcement' I mean to ban public access to fireworks and lanterns.

    A licensed private company deals with pyrotechnics in Sydney NYE and they are the ONLY ones with fireworks in Sydney. Everyone has a great show and nobody dies from a rocket in the face.

    Thailand, you gotta STOP selling pyrotechnics to idiot punters, period.

  2. All publicity is good publicity, while we debate the merits or otherwise of this stunt, Google spiders are busily at work. They don't measure opinions (yet) they just measure what is 'trending'.

    Trending data makes money, the more the haters hate, or the lovers love, the more they feed the trend, this is why the internet is such a goldmine for the people who understand it's all about the clicks, and not about what you feel, that makes the data marketable.

    If only I could figure out how to siphon off some of the anti-progressive drivel here to my own feed... ker-ching!!!!

  3. Too dumb to get a normal job and earn a decent living so they come up with this pitiful crap.

    Is there any end to this internet/youtube crap?

    So you'd rather they worked in a bank, or food cart, or bar, like a good little prole? just to please your sense of 'order' in the world?

    I think that they are pretty smart cookies, and they have balls too, considering how loopy the law is here, and they are not scamming anyone. So your problem boils down to... jealousy?

    Some people just hate to see anyone get ahead, the raving angry dog up there to the left pretty much visually sums up such a mean spirited, bitter comment, old boy.

    So... you think they are pretty smart cookies and they have balls?


    Why do you have a picture of Hank Moody from 'Californication' up? Cyclothymic? Troll? Ironic? Or just confused?

    These 'bimbos' will likely be able to buy and sell you within 5-10 years, stay tuned...

  4. Very short term thinking by these girls. If they ever hope to get a real job in the future with a real company- their prospects are more limited. You Tube lasts forever. Thai girls getting dumb and dumber for 15 minutes of 'fame'. I suspect next week they will also get an attitude adjustment. Their parents must be so proud.

    15 minutes of fame vs youtube is forever, make up your mind, Thaidream.

    And the 'get a real job' mantra is a standing joke among young rebels who've gone on to win fame and fortune since the fifties, and it still sounds ridiculous now, if not more so. I would never tell a kid to 'get a job', real or otherwise, it was without a doubt, the worst life advice I've ever been given! I would suggest they instead learn to create their own opportunity model, so long as it's legal. To hell with societal norms, whatever they are, this century is all about creative disruption, and I love it!

    If Youtube is forever, so is the Ad revenue. Think about that for a second.

    I can tell you from personal experience of looking for evidence of someone that I KNOW made porn, that the chances of it surfacing are remote indeed, particularly if they are a 'nobody'. There are now billions of naked women online, it's like looking for salt among the grains of sand on a beach. Think about that too, for a second.

    The Junta may pull it down here, but it can be posted ad nauseam elsewhere and monetized up the wazoo with the right knowledge.

    It's funny to see how many of you guys are missing the point entirely.

    If my female relatives did this, I would have no qualms whatsoever! There is no shame in earning a living by one's' wits or sex appeal, it's what makes half the modern world go round.

    Who cares what a bunch of buttoned up old farts think if one's video is pulling down passive income for life?

    Not me, I make very legitimate money by being inane/entertaining for the entertainment of millions of internet users too. I don't scam the clicks, it's their choice, and yours too! Reacting to these harmless and banal antics negatively, when there are so many more important things to fix here, is redundant.

  5. Many US grocery lines will include Corn Syrup and/or Hydrogenated oils, the syrup is a cheap and nasty sweetener, and the hydrogenation process preserves the shelf life of baked and fried stuff.

    There is no need to look any further than the obese poor of American cities to see how these two particular food ingredients have failed to 'love back' the people that love them.

    To put it more lyrically; never love a food that doesn't love you back!

  6. I believe 100 % in Mediterranean Diet, which include pure olive oil. I use extra virgin for cook and for salad. the properties and the taste of olive oil are incoparables. Do not use refined oils. Dangerous the food in most of thai restaurants , who often heated repeatedly refined oil, resulting in a carcinogenic product. I Speak knowingly , again, nothing comparable to olive oil , believing in the health's benefits, like control cholesterol, prevention of diseases and ultimately helps longevity. No matter the price, the quality of a product that is consumed daily.

    But AFAIK, olive oil, for all its good properties, is not suited for frying at high heat levels.


    The heat tolerance of any oil is called the 'smoke point' google for more info, there are formulas out there for mixing oils to achieve high temperature cooking, without compromising flavour and increasing the smoke point of the more delicate and or desired oils.

  7. I recommend spending some time on any Paleo website for clarity on this issue. Not saying you need to follow the diet/lifestyle just good info on those sites.

    Correct me if I'm historically wrong, but I don't think oils were available to Paleolithic humans, ergo this is yet another (internet profiteering) fad, and for that reason any 'advice' there is best avoided. I have seen zero independent research promoting what is basically a cave-man diet in the 21st Century (would one recommend Paleo medicines, and witchdoctor spells, for example?).

    Whereas the Mediterranean diet, olive oil (and cheese!) is contemporary and has both science, and a legion of ancient but healthy Mediterranean folks to back it up, even then, THEY have used the diet their entire lives, and are not exactly couch potatoes, so I doubt if a McD muncher who switches mid-life will achieve stellar results, but who knows?

    Coconut oil may be great for a lot of applications, but unless you're cooking tropical foods or desserts, I doubt you'd want your omelette to taste of Coconut!

    Palm oil should be discontinued, the environmental cost outweighs the cost-benefit of the food chain.

    I'm using Canolas/Sunflower, Butter, Olives, and Coconut depending on the dish.

    Moderation is the key, using any one particular oil is not going to be a miracle heart medicine in dietary terms IMO.

    Whatever you do, avoid reusing oil, the chemical processes that occur in heating and re-heating, make it very bad for you, and another thing to be wary of at extremely cheap food stalls.

  8. When I die I figure that as I can't take it with me, so why do I need to own it.

    Because TiT, and plenty people, not necessarily your trusted wife, but maybe her evil second cousin, might reach exactly this conclusion, and help you both on your way to the boneyard!

    I'm sorry, but until this country has rule of law, every expat would do well to trust NO ONE, or at least have a whole set of checks and balances, or a limited amount of assets here, for the sake of their own health, wealth, and general longevity.

  9. I've heard, but no-one can confirm this, that there are certain trends among youthful drivers here that are seen to be cool, because these trends are reckless and rebellious.

    They are apparently removing rear view mirrors on scooters and bikes, and removing or disabling bike tail lights on purpose, just because, cool!

    I'm sure the latter is true, as every time I'm on the road after dark i spot at least 3 bikes ghosting along without tail lights.

    Now, there are some decrepit vehicles out there, but I'm sure the failure of tail lights, and the cost of replacing them is not so high that this is just laziness, I do suspect they are in the majority of cases, purposely disconnected. Whatever, it is idiotic, and life threatening, whether it is deliberate or just maintenance neglect, and it is high time the cops crucified the lot of them.

    Anyone else got a Thai partner 'hip' enough to confirm or deny this theory?

  10. How is the linksys overall? Was excited when I first heard about it but thoughts downhill since.

    Wrt54g was a true classic, solid, reliable, affordable and fully configurable. Bought loads and connected to one on wifi right now.

    New model fails affordable test, reliability unproven and at launch no opensource, Think ddwrt now but not tomato as far as aware. Had it been a good priced AC capable wrt54 replacement would have killed the market.

    These days Asus fill my tomato/ddwtt needs and growing fonder of ubiquity for higher grade solutions.

    I think it's going to become more affordable, and the DD-WRT firmware is now supported and stable if you wanted to flash it.

    Linksys went out of their way to make this the son of WRT54G even down to the retro casing, so I think it will pass muster.

    I'm either doing it wrong, or just have a house made of lead or tinfoil or something, because, as i said, I'm not getting the signal i expected, we even placed the router upstairs, but the same dead zones were noted, only in reverse. it's a good signal where its got few obstructions (center of house hung on a thin wooden wall, about a meter from the TV and Hif crap, but, as i said, experimental repositioning (using WiFi analyzer app) achieved nothing.

    The Netis router SiNet supply as a package upgrade, or a straight out purchase from SiNet, THB1500 is a lot less the Amazons USD 69 price tag, plus, it gets great reviews. and I do wish I'd tried that before spending the equivalent of a years worth of subscription on the Linksys. Was going to return the Linksys for a shop-swap deal 2-1 at the same price but wifey and the tech wrote fcking logins and shit all over the manual during set-up Grrr!

  11. So, what did SiNet end up installing to convert the Fiber Optic to Ethernet, before connecting your Router?

    Most likely you'll have the only 5GHz Access Point signal in your area. So no real worries about congestion, though I'd suggest you verify your Router selected one of the full-power channels to use as default.

    The 2.4 GHz Access Point, being more common, will run better if you set it to compete against the weakest signals ... though picking a clear 2.4GHz channel can get a little confusing when the wireless link uses multiple-channels to support the higher-speeds. My preference is Channel 1 or 11 if they are not in use by neighboring Access Points emanating strong signals on channel, and the co-channel overlap tends to fall out-of-band. *Technically 14 is the 2.4GHz Channel that falls out-of-band, but not all WiFi connecting devices are set to use channels 12, 13, or 14 so we tend to avoid suggesting their use.

    If you have an android phone I'd suggest downloading Wifi Analyzer. Great little tool for seeing how the spectrum is currently being utilized in a given area, **and how channel overlap really only gives you 3 (possible 4) actual real 2.4GHz channels to choose from (ie: 1, 6, 11, 14).

    Those are some interesting speed results your getting.

    My TOT Fiber Optic service rarely goes above my provisioned subscription speed. The ISP's equipment usually do a good job of throttling the connection to account spec.

    It's a little box that protects the street fiber joint to the internal (fiber?) then it comes out (fiber?) into the powered unit that translates the signal into the ethernet cable hooked up to the router.

    The router is dual band, but only my macbook and my gf Samsung tab 10.1 are 5ghz ready.

    I understand that the 5Ghz signal is less robust over distances and penetrating floors and walls and other obstacles than the currently widespread 2.4 ghz. but of course, delivers that much more when it does have 'line of sight'.

    The router is particularly disappointing as 'ac' technology is supposed to 'beam' directly at any ac compatible devices, and therefore i expected all kinds of wonderful in the upper rooms, in the end, this router seems no better than the free bog standard 2.4 ghz matchbox they supply in terms of raw signal strength, and I really hope I'm doing something wrong, and can find a way to unleash this thing to match the hype i've read from other users. Perhaps they have modded the firmware, overclocking etc, which i don't want to do, but I have not heard them mention that in the reviews.

    I was on Channel 1 but then found 13 was available, so I run both off channel 13, but having read your comments...

    11 is free but surrounded by weaker signals than Ch 1 although 13 seems no better or worse than 1 (our closest neighbour happens to be on 2 which sucks) the 5Ghz is currently dormant unless I use the mac, as we get a better result with the tablet streaming any music station and youtube on 2.4 ghz under the current set up.

    WiFi Analyzer is a great help, and the speeds are likely influenced at present by lack of port forwarding, as we're hanging a lot of devices off this thing.

    I'm going to cable any new whiz-bang telly to the Linksys anyway to maximise the data throughput.

    Any hints would be welcome, but please see my comments on port forwarding to date. I had to postpone that, as one or two other tasks need attending to this week. Thanks for the help!

  12. Nothing. I mistakenly figured any similarly strong signal would hint at fibre throughput to their router, of course the signal I'm seeing is wireless, therefore even a 3T fibre capacity might look like any other wifi signal once it is broadcast, it was a half baked concept on my part.

    BTW, the router failed to live up to expectations, another half baked assumption on my part, I should have gone in a bit cheaper and THEN upscaled as needed. As it is, we had to get them to come back and install their little N router (that they originally took away) as an access point to get a minimum of buffering upstairs, then after all that, we found that the station itself buffers more than most, Oh well, technology... we can't fix it, and can't drag it out and shoot it at dawn.

    I'm wrestling with port forwarding now, a barrel of laughs. Tried one guys simple yet elegant port forwarding program, then discovered he can't write it to java coded routers, guess what linksys still use?

    I know that on the upside, this router can be supercharged with DD-WRT open source firmware, approved by Linksys, but I'll avoid that unless its absolutely necessary, I bricked a really nice TCL (China) octo-band phone I was given last year, trying to flash a western firmware package, so I'm leery of rooting anything now.

  13. The stupidity of some who cover up there desire for internet fame and hits under the guise of some cause or other never fails to astound and depress me.

    I agree but if they get some farang sperm maybe it will strengthen the weak and shallow gene pool here? But i doubt it...No hope for Thailand. The party is Over!!! Sayonara MFérs!!!!

    I wish it was only in Thailand, however sadly this sort of wannabe famous BS stupidity appears to be world wide.

    The millions of USD in affiliate and Ad revenue some of these kids pull in suggests a very different story.

    Everyone is entitled to harrumph all they like, but time waits for no man, one can keep up with the changes, and admire their audacity, or just sulk and bang on about standards, morals, stupidity, etc.

    I agree it's banal, but the sheeple are clicking, the gals are not harming anyone, in fact we could use more levity, lewd or otherwise IMO, Plus, they're showing significant entrepreneurial chops along with the cleavage.

    If a fraction of the deadhead yoof in Europe did something similar instead of vandalizing their own neighbourhoods, we should count ourselves blessed.

    If these girls ever read the negative comments here, they'll surely cry all the way to the bank. (My apologies to Liberace.) I hope they make a small fortune for their trouble, fair play to them!

  14. Too dumb to get a normal job and earn a decent living so they come up with this pitiful crap.

    Is there any end to this internet/youtube crap?

    So you'd rather they worked in a bank, or food cart, or bar, like a good little prole? just to please your sense of 'order' in the world?

    I think that they are pretty smart cookies, and they have balls too, considering how loopy the law is here, and they are not scamming anyone. So your problem boils down to... jealousy?

    Some people just hate to see anyone get ahead, the raving angry dog upthere to the left pretty much visually sums up such a mean spirited, bitter comment, old boy.

  15. This sounds to me very similar to the current triple-entry tourist visa, except it costs 2000 Baht more and has multiple entries not 3 entries.

    The 3-entry tourist visa disappeared from many countries long ago. You're lucky ti still be able to get one.

    I think this visa is for those who frequently travel between Thailand and other country(ies) and used to use the visa exemption way. They can now get a proper visa and no need of a re-entry-permit.

    And no, it's not a solution for those who want live here as a "permanent tourist". For them, see post above wink.png

    I'm on a retirement extension, but will continue to use a multi re-entry permit, because it costs THB 4300 (IIRC) is valid for a YEAR, and is multiple (unlimited) entry.

    Anyone NOT a tourist/long stay runner would be pretty dim to choose this over the current re-entry permit.

  16. Some guys here really think stuff has changed for the better, one poster is utterly convinced the traffic is 'calmer' since the coup.

    And this statement made on a thread about being the 2nd worst in the world for road deaths, as it was last year, and probably the year before that.

    (Apparently the 1st is Namibia, with a population of 2 point 3 million, and thousands of miles of open desert and savannah, they must drive blindfolded there is all I can say).

    back on topic, you can fool some of the people all of the time...

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