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Posts posted by dhream

  1. I think it's rather basic. The only people who do not have to do 90-day reporting are people with permanent residence.

    Not sure what you mean by permanent residence. Those holding permanent residency do not have to do the 90 day reports.

    Anybody on a temporary permit to stay must report if they stay in the country longer than 90 days.

    He said what you said, only different, or to use Thaiglish :D Same same but different.

    I understand PR here is a very rare thing, but happy to stand corrected.

    I have never met, or even heard of anyone with PR in Thailand.

    I may be wrong, but even for spouse of Thai this is not a given?

    BTW if you're retired, and you marry a Thai, do NOT give up your retirement extension to get a Marriage extension, you will double your bureaucratic aggravation every year. The only benefit is you need to show THB 400,000 per year instead of THB 800,000 per year, which to me is counterintuitive, but maybe they're assuming your Thai wife is gonna chip in Hahaha! RIGHT!

    • Like 1
  2. Thanks , might as well purchase it while there.

    90 day reports are free. Did you use an agent? I must say for someone who has already got your extension, you don't seem to be too familiar with the whole process.

    Agents are a big waste of money unless you are earning so much by the hour, or you have a year to live or something, and it's just not worth your while to show up and DIY, also, you'll know nothing about the basics, which can ultimately disadvantage you down the track, because... this is Thailand!

  3. Sorry but isn't an O-A visa a retirement visa? It's certainly called that on the embassy websites.

    Classic example of accepting what your Government tells you as gospel. They are WRONG.

    That's not a swipe at you, we've all been jerked around by our respective Governments, just be wary, and double check everything they say independently if humanly possible.

  4. Thanks guys,

    guess I will go and do it.

    Yes, you should go and do this and may I recommend that the first time or two you do this in person.

    This is because you will never be considered a True Farang unless you suffer at least one day at a Thai Immigration Office feeling totally lost, confused, and like a complete fool.

    Haha goldbuggy (and I identify with your nickname totally!) I was on another 90 day thread earlier, and it seems the new online experience is designed to make you feel just as dazed and confused as the real thing without leaving home!

    What they need to do now is widen the 'retirement extension' vlidity for 2 or 5 years, meaning, you get the extension less, but with the cost increasing x2 or x5 to reflect that increased extension lifespan. They would achieve the same revenue, but reduce the work for us and them by a factor of four.

    The only drawback is people of limited savings would have to stump up a lot more each time, but maybe they could stay with the annual option? Either way, renewing every year, especially for retirees, is overkill for us, and expensive on a cost/benefits ratio for them.

    • Like 2
  5. Many people like to keep a valid single re-entry permit in their passport in case of a sudden emergency which requires an urgent departure. Something like a family crisis such as sudden illness etc.
    The cost of a single re-entry permit is 1000 Bht which some consider good value.

    I'm not sure about the provincial airports like Utapao or Hat Yai, but the 4 main international gateway airports, BKK, DMK, CNX, HKT all have Immigration officers on hand to handle re-entry permits. Chiang Mai travellers should note that they are open for all flights regardless of the hour. In CNX and BKK I can confirm you do it AFTER you go through check in and airside security (departures level) while it won't hurt to get it done in advance, especially if you're the type who runs late for your flights, it's worth knowing that you can get it done at these airports so long as there are flights departing, no matter if it's outside office hours. The downside of getting it done too far ahead of time, or just in case is that you might not use it before your next extension date, and then you've wasted THB 1000.

    Related to this, I keep a few spare mugshot photographs handy for emergencies like this, photographs that satisfy precise government dimensions and all the weird 'rules' about smiling and hats glasses, halloween masks, and not giving the finger, might be a bit harder to arrange at 11 pm or 5 am at an airport near you.

  6. So, in lieu of employing qualified staff from the international arena, they opted for Thai airforce personnel...ok.......

    I can't see the inspectors having much confidence in this move........even if they state that it is only a short term fix for now when short term fixes here in Thailand most likely end up a permanent solution.....as it's easy.

    The FAA will be back, they will have to follow through, because this is not going to be a set and forget inspection. Aviation safety culture is constant, evolving, cyclic, and almost impossible to fudge. It either passes muster, or it does not, based on a set of universal checks and balances. It is the pinnacle of logical thinking, and it learns and evolves from every error. Aviation self-corrective and cross-checking techniques are so well developed that the medical fraternity adopted them to reduce screw ups in hospitals and theatre.

  7. I strongly feel the results of nepotism, bought degrees and positions are glaringly evident here. Many/most of the statements/actions of individuals in "lofty" positions are mind-boggling.

    They are 'political' appointments, this is nothing new, or particularly Thai.

    Thankfully, the worker bees usually know what they are doing, or talking about, and they're the ones that fly the planes, heal the sick, grow the food, and even pick up the trash.

    If we footsoldiers were as utterly hopeless as the political elites in ANY country, the planet would be in even more of a chaotic mess than they've already managed to make it.

    Granted, they do take leadership incompetence to towering heights here, despite fierce competition from their global peers.

  8. The problem is that all religions get this hall pass everywhere. Even the author claims it's 'laudable' to defend your faith, really? Can't your God(s) defend themselves?

    Religion is a mass delusion at best. In the past, it served to keep societies cohesive, it was a fait authority, law, and police. It's now more or less defunct, at best a 'comfort' when people face uncertainty and the unknown, but that's about it.

    Every single religion started with a human being. Merely someone with the charisma and smarts to claim and convince others they had some sort of divine hotline to God, and this back when there was no Science, massive superstition, and all but a handful of people could read and write. And from there the mass kool aid swallowing began and continued by means of forced conversions on pain of death. Nice.

    Scientology reveals that even now, with all we know about the vastness of the universe and the minds of men, many 'want to believe'.

    Why should Christ be granted any more credibility than L. Ron Hubbard when you stop to really think about it? All the stories around Christ have never been verified by any Scientific means, nor any of the prophets before or after him.

    Scientology has been thoroughly debunked as a caper. Yet continues to flourish. In a few generations, Hubbard is likely to be deified and credited with 'Miracles' just because people refuse to accept they can get by on their own, without some imaginary friend looking down from Felix's Baumgartners balloon.

    Religions, Meh, they all should be chucked in the bin, time we accepted each individual is sovereign over himself. The day some guy or gal actually performs miracles that are verifiable, recordable, and Scientifically beyond doubt is the day I get my God on, until then... keep prayin suckers!

  9. But... Swine Queen?

    Dept of Livestock sponsorship?


    Then they wonder why some men come here looking to treat local women like pieces of meat?

    Nothing more to be said.

    Oh dear, someone forgot to put the milk your tea vicar.

    This from a dude with a daughter and granddaughter, amazing. And then you buggers wonder why so many of you wake up dead at the hands of your spouse one fine morning.

  10. "I reported to the PM about the hacking movement [on Thursday evening] and he told me to keep close watch on those who have ill-intention and pose a threat to the websites," Uttama added.

    Well, first you have to find them to keep an eye on them.

    Someone tell me a very good team of hardworking comedy writers is furiously scripting these stories. I don't know whether to laugh or cry, it's farce, upon joke, upon silliness.

  11. Been doing 90 day reports for 6 years, this is the third attempt to do it online, previous 2 failed also.

    My guess is you are using the wrong browser, from memory (last month) my first attempt failed using chrome, then i saw something about it only working when you use Internet Explorer (not Windows 10 Edge) you need to use IE.

    Try that and let us know how it goes, pay it forward! Thanks.

    I'm using Explorer on Windows 7

    Well, this and all the other posters suggestions are good, so if that's the case, and you've had a few tries over a few days, either the system is busted somewhere between you and them, or THEY have incorrect data on your file at their end, and that's causing a rejection. I'm sure you've already double checked the most recent flight number the arrivals officer noted in your passport? Also, as a last resort, have you got any third party firewall (non windows) installed, if so turn it off, and try one more time. They are still running XP there I think, which is no longer supported by Redmond, it's only a matter of time before somebody hacks the bejesus out of them.

  12. Been doing 90 day reports for 6 years, this is the third attempt to do it online, previous 2 failed also.

    My guess is you are using the wrong browser, from memory (last month) my first attempt failed using chrome, then i saw something about it only working when you use Internet Explorer (not Windows 10 Edge) you need to use IE.

    Try that and let us know how it goes, pay it forward! Thanks.

  13. Yes, I applied for the retirement visa right away and wondered about the 15 month length of time. Thanks 4 the info.

    It's confusing as hell, and a lot of wrong terminology such as 'Retirement Visa' info online does not help us, but it's important you get across the detail of everything if you want to retire here, as any mistakes can be costly and extremely inconvenient to fix! Remember that this circus will happen every year until you die, so get it sorted out in your head now and save yourself aggro next year.

    Also, make sure you have all the paperwork and photocopies you need and sign everything, always. If you stuff that up, and the sarge on duty is in a bad mood, it's back to the end of the long queue you go! Which usually means coming back the next day.

  14. There are cultural differences here as far as people commenting on appearance goes. It is, I agree, 'politically refreshing' that Poumpouy = FAT, and if 'fat' is what you are, then fat is what you're called to your face, in a not insulting way! Likewise if you *really are* handsome, or beautiful, in Thailand , strangers will remark on that everywhere you go, not just outside a beer bar door.

    So I can see that to them it's all a bit of fun, but it's how the meat industry is sponsoring it that is just a little bit off for me.

    Maybe in Thai culture that juxtaposition works like bread and butter, but I just can't get my western head around it.

  15. I, for one, am pleased that my 8 year old son will still be able to make his own wine in school for free next year. This will lower my wine bill by several hundred baht per week I expect. Good on ya government! Good ruling!

    Those businesses that sell alcohol way after school hours end and the school is closed for the day? Guess they will have to move a bit to show that they are no longer near the school. Since there is no precise number on the distance, a bit will have to suffice, or the police will be abusing their authority. Easy targets for class action suit for all alcohol sellers.

    I'm too lazy to confirm this as fact, but I'm reasonably sure class-action suits are either dis-allowed or severely limited in application in most ASEAN countries, because:

    1) People do things in groups anyway, and as such would jump on this opportunity to right a myriad of wrongs like flies on a carcass.

    2) The Govt does the suing, thank you very much! AKA the Singapore conundrum.

  16. With the alc. purchasing laws what they are ( Lotus ,eg 11am-2pm then 17,00 - 22.00 ) Why can't the same apply here ? We went to a smart new restaurant 3 weeks ago up here in woop-woop. Around 11am , I wanted a coffee and some lunch. The first thing I was told was " Solly , no beer " A primary school is next door ,in fact there is a gate between the 2 buildings. The owner of the restaurant says it gets busy in the evening. My point is why cannot a sign be put up outside saying " No alcohol sold before 6pm " The school is shut , kiddies at home for 'eavens sake . Or would this be too easy and makes too much sense ?

    How did he know your name was Solly?

  17. One thing you can say about the current stupidity in Thailand at the moment is, at least it's consistent........Consistently stupid. In a country where everyone has to have an ID card or carry passport ID, what's the problem with just having what the west uses and just ask for ID before sale of alcohol ? Because as we all know, if you really want alcohol, you could probably find it on the moon. I've worked in Saudi for years, and even there if you want a drink you can get one......Anyone caught underage drinking should be charged with that, also where it was purchased from, very simple, maybe too simple..... What's the next law going to be ? All alcohol will only be sold in Songhklah on a wednesday afternoon between two and three ...... ?

    Well, they already shutter the 7/11 booze fridge between breakfast-lunch & lunch-dinner do they think the nation is so alcoholic it needs to do this?

    Reflecting on this, to us it seems farcical, and it is. But behind this is the quite sinister imperative for paternalistic control of adult lives.

    They have co-opted religion and other sacred institutions to bolster this imperative, we used to have this form of governance in the West for Centuries too, but while we've chipped away at this in the last 200 years, they want the old school style of serfdom to flourish forever, modernity be damned.

    It's not particularly Thai, it's evident throughout the Far East. They even managed to turn Communism into a capitalist vehicle for the Dynastic Elite!

    It's just the way it is, and is likely to be for the next thousand years, only a cultural shift from within individual hearts and minds will change that, I'm not holding my breath.

  18. One thing that keeps amazing me about Thailand is why the National Government would be involved in formulating alcohol laws or closing times or anything along these lines. These are local issues and this whole issue is an example of why changes need to be made within the country. It should start with the police . They need to be broken apart and decentralized. Alcohol laws, closing times etc shroud be decided by local people or left at least to the Provincial authorities. There may be some areas that want to have no closing time such as certain sections of Bangkok, Pattaya or Phuket. Other provinces may want to restrict the sale of alcohol based upon cultural or religions norms. In Thailand everything has to be decided by the central government which causes huge bureaucracy and laws which are vague and inconsistent opening up each one to potential corruption. I certainly do not want Thailand to become like the West but it appears they are working on it.

    You are being far too sensible and pragmatic, stop it, you're making the hosts look bad! ;p

  19. I don't suppose the global response of 'No +18 ID No Alcohol sold' has occurred to them?

    There is NOTHING to stop any kids drinking away from a school or university, and why would they want to risk a bust by teachers anyway?

    A very popular seafood joint in Chiang Mai now cannot sell beer, but you can BYO. Wait, what?!

    There are several massive food courts/night markets across the road on two sides of CMU campus, what about them?

    Does anyone actually think this stuff through, for like 30 seconds, even?

    if I have to roll my eyes at the news today one more time, I'll go blind.

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