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Posts posted by dhream

  1. "I lived in Melbourne, so know about good coffee"....

    So that's the sum total of your coffee "expertise"? cheesy.gif

    I liked your post, even though I think that you finished it with an idiotic enervating retarded emoticon. You might want to grow up. But I agree with your post. Except for the emoticon. Am I clear?

    All I meant was, I know a good cup vs a bad cup.

    I didn't realise one had to be a barista to post here, but I give as good as I get, so I suppose this little exchange above is not a defence of my post but just one obnoxious fcuker trolling another, go for it you sad old losers, I'm unfollowing.

    Thanks to everyone else who was mature enough to simply keep it civil and on topic.

  2. I have driven and cycled here for a few years, and most people I have encountered are actually pretty 'sabai'. They take it slow, they hardly ever use the horn (in CNX anyway) and they defer to, rather than challenge, the nutters.

    But then again there is an old saying, "It is amazing how the idiots on the road disappear when I slow down!" I took that to heart early on in life.

    Do Idiots abound? No more than anywhere else in my experience, and hey, good to see so many of you right here on this thread!

    The appalling death rate here is due to an infernal stew of issues that have been well covered already, but chief among them, lack of the 'E's and bikes 73% fatality rate, good grief!

    I also don't think Thais are any better or worse than other people as drivers, it is the system that has failed them. Frankly I'm glad so many have the sense to be 'zen' because if the majority drove like the Portuguese (worst road safety in EU, but who have much better road systems and enforcement) there would hardly be anyone left here by now.

    Are you ready for my parting note? (I un-follow so don't waste your time defending the indefensible).

    I agree with all that cumgranosalum wrote, those that shot him down showed their reasoning skills to be flawed, never mind he is a traffic EXPERT, this is exactly the blustering know it all type that cause accidents, full of piss and vinegar, they laugh, ha, ha, remove the trees, woo! What self-righteous farang doesn't blame the Thai drivers? ho ho, he, he, these F1-a-bees are blind to their own sense of papal infallibility, regular little James Hunts. Rhymes with? :)

  3. WHO report figures they collect. Thailand's by no means as bad as some Ive driven in. India must be worse but don't report if there is no insurance claim.

    China, but only because they use the horn like other people use the brake, it is hellish and incessant noise pollution that achieves nothing, a horn there is meaningless, really.

    Malaysia, a place with good roads, but lane markings are meaningless, and almost everyone is determined the next guy just can't get in front of them, or they might lose... what?

    Portugal is truly frightening, really cool laid back people get behind the wheel there -and turn into motorised werewolves.

  4. We have a "government" whose primary reason for existing and whole focus is on making sure the masses never get the chance to elect a government of their choice again and yet something like this, which kills tens of thousands of Thai citizens yearly is ignored. When exactly does reform of the police begin? That would be a primary solution to much of this bloodshed. Never is the probable answer sadly.

    Good job! Managing to bring the present government to task for a situation that has been exactly the same for more than a decade, unless you count Yingluck bringing another million plus cars to public roads without improving driver training, actually making things worse. Way to stick your foot in your mouth!

    I think the thrust of most arguments here is that this parliament have ramped up the rhetoric about discipline and 'right thinking' in general, pardon the unintended pun. Therefore, perhaps road safety, and lane discipline, juxtaposed onto this preventable carnage, is a wee bit more important than kindy kids reciting pledges of loyalty, among other dubious 'do as I say, not as I do' directives.

    That has absolutely nothing to do with what I was talking about.

    I think the condition of this Country has improved quite a bit under the Junta leadership and I actually see greater harmony on the roadways today.

    So you believe that road discipline by 'osmosis' is yet another miraculous result of the current state of State Affairs? Well I thought you might be a tanks-r-us apologist, bless your olive drab socks, but that you actually believe the presence of the junta (your word) has led to more harmonious traffic, without them actually DOING ANYTHING deserves the ridicule I'm lavishing upon it.

    Assuming you are somehow correct, then all this harmony MUST lead to improved road death statistics, and yet, this is not so! Surely after a year of 'happiness' the road toll would have at least shifted into third worst in the universe?

    In all seriousness, I think you are seeing what you want to see on the roadways today (your ailment is called 'delusion' it was very popular in certain parts of Europe in the 1930's) because the present management has done precisely zero about the situation being discussed here, apart from recommending we all get on our bicycles.

    I'll do that when the PM cycles to work, after all, as an ex-military man, both you, and one hopes, the right honorable gentleman, would understand leadership by example is the most admired. Parade Disss-miss!

  5. I would like to know how many of these deaths occurred at U-Turns.

    Every few hundred metres on major 3 lane highways these are just accidents waiting to happen. How many times have you been driving along at 120kph in the outside lane (when there's no overloaded truck or bus blocking your way) and had to slam the brakes on to avoid running into a queue of traffic trying to do a U turn. Madness.

    I totally agree with this. It is amazing to me that they go all the out in the fast lane and wait to get hit. All they have to do is continue moving forward (completing the u torn) and it would be a hundred times safer.

    But the real people to blame are the ones that design the roads. They don't know what real intersections are. They don't make lanes for motorbikes to travel safely away from speeding cars. The u turns they design don't have large enough turning radius or Adequate area for cars to safety que.

    It is perplexing because some roads like the Elavated highways and motorways are very well designed. But the roads where there is a lot of cross traffic and u turns and what not seem to have no thought put into them at all.

    The big projects are boilerplate. They buy the elevated highway plans from overseas. And possibly the senior engineers to oversee them built correctly. No mai bpen rai there.

    Apart from the drivers, mechanics changing tyres at roadside auto-stands without even a hi vis shirt, let alone bollards, as traffic speeds by inches away.

    Roadworks in the fast lane with very little warning signs lights, bollards or space to merge safely, crews wearing regular clothing, not hi vis.

    Not a safety issue but a combo of bad design and zombies at the wheel who block the right turn and u turn lanes, thus creating huge tailbacks as turning traffic that can't move, adds to the congestion. Crazy one way systems that mean you have the choice of walking a kilometre or driving 4 to get to the same place.

    Motorbikes with this suicidal 'trend' of disabling or not replacing the tail light bulb -why in all that is sacred, WHY!?

  6. We have a "government" whose primary reason for existing and whole focus is on making sure the masses never get the chance to elect a government of their choice again and yet something like this, which kills tens of thousands of Thai citizens yearly is ignored. When exactly does reform of the police begin? That would be a primary solution to much of this bloodshed. Never is the probable answer sadly.

    Good job! Managing to bring the present government to task for a situation that has been exactly the same for more than a decade, unless you count Yingluck bringing another million plus cars to public roads without improving driver training, actually making things worse. Way to stick your foot in your mouth!

    I think the thrust of most arguments here is that this parliament have ramped up the rhetoric about discipline and 'right thinking' in general, pardon the unintended pun. Therefore, perhaps road safety, and lane discipline, juxtaposed onto this preventable carnage, is a wee bit more important than kindy kids reciting pledges of loyalty, among other dubious 'do as I say, not as I do' directives.

  7. This is good. Get rid of the trash. You want to stay here in Thailand ??? DO IT LEGALLY or get out.

    Maybe a bit harsh, calling an overstayer TRASH (no, I am not one, here very legally...)? Whats it to you if someone overstays on the visa?

    I know exactly what it is to me if they overstay. The THB 800,000 I have to remove from a good investment account to show every year I'm here legally. They don't. I have a problem with that.

    Law enforcement have learned (well the better ones) that criminals tend to flout most societal conventions, apart from their 'main game', that's why experienced traffic cops can often get decent criminal arrests out of an everyday stop for failing to indicate, or a busted brake light.

    The Yorkshire Ripper was initially held on suspicion of stealing license plates. That's why most of these are rightly labelled trash, 9/10 they're bad news. Overstaying is the least of it!

    Plus, all Governments have a tiresome kindergarten habit of punishing the many for the sins of the few. I do NOT want to see my privileges to enjoy what this country has to offer, become eroded or even more expensive, as a 'punishment' for trash like these.

    Selfish? No more than they are, arsehats.

  8. My Laos friend just told me they all pay 500 baht at the border to be allowed in. Haven't asked about stamps or anything, he arrived this week and is still here.

    I think most expats would agree that the border states migrations are more about peasant folks finding work, than evading justice at home, coming here to pimp, deal, scam and otherwise leech. Not saying every one of them is an angel, but by next year they're supposed to be able to come here legally, cue the Thai version of "They're stealing our jobs!" I didn't know cleaning McD toilets was so hotly fought over!

    It's really a waste of resources chasing Cambodians etc out at this point, but the Russian girl flirting with you in a coffee shop, or an overly friendly Nigerian type. They're not here to stock shelves in Tesco, or admire the freakin' temples.

  9. You insinuated that weed would be legal more quickly than any of us would think. You are dead wrong. Pardon my sarcasm.

    I don't have a crystal ball, but I use the dynamics of power and greed, past and current events, to tease out probable future outcomes. You on the other hand babble as if you're the one on drugs, and seem pretty damn sure of yourself for someone who has proved they keep their mind in a matchbox. You're really not in these here woods for the huntin' are ya son?

  10. The Question should be "Is it moral or ethical to use state sanctioned violence against peaceful people who are not violating the rights of others?"

    That answer is fairly clear, but as we all know, the state has no moral high ground and is not a fit arbiter of what is "good" and what is "bad". This particular issue is a clear indication that "the law" is not some decree from the Gods, but rather an opinion with a gun. Proof enough that legislators do not have the best interests of the people in mind, and are rather motivated by greed and control. As usual when other countries are moving forward, SE Asia remains stubbornly backward.

    Just think, these are the same people that want students to learn critical thinking...bit of a contradiction isn't it? They will continue to bleat on and on that cannabis is dangerous while Muay Thai events that are supposedly "against drugs" are sponsored by alcohol companies. Meanwhile their own kids are probably toking it up in their gated community mansions. Critical thinking is just a dream here... and true morality is sorely lacking in the corridors of power.

    Moral? Narcotics are good business, suppressing them keeps the profit high......There are lot of connections between drug mafia and politics......Not with this government but with a different one and as well in many other countries.....

    It may be in the realm of conspiracy theory but i am certain there is a connection between the narcotic and illicit drug industry and the arms industry,as it requires massive amounts of cash , easily obtained and using similar networks , to fund most of the guerilla or terrorist conflicts that are happening around this globe at the moment. . Next time you pull a bong or take a hit of a pipe of meth, or whatever is your poison of choice, and as the bliss hits just think of the blood that is also on it. Whilst the whole industry is illegal it will be controlled by greed , blood and politics.

    What if, and it may be in the realm of conspiracy theory, we stopped glorifying war, pointing the finger, squabbling over shit, destroying each other's countries, then after a few years of murdering each other's sons and daughters, we shake hands, and find out that our enemies are really just other people with similar dreams? And, and, and, THEN legalized, and researched, and found out how to enjoy nature's substances and LSD creatively and responsibly? And the whole world turned to Rastafarianism, thereby ending this bullshit debate about my version of god being better than your version of god? No? I thought not. Right then, tea break over, back in your machine gun pit you must go...

  11. Remember things like gay marriage aren't even being considered here along with many other things. You seem to think that Thailand is some bastion of liberal values. Thailand in particular is not getting anywhere closer to embracing the western values that you so rightfully point out are gaining traction rapidly in the USA. Give it twenty years and get back to me. I agree with you now about one thing however, we are done here.

    I have no idea where you get the idea that I think Military ruled Thailand is a bastion of liberal values!

    I said their 'values' which are conservative, nonsensical, and antiquated at best, are likely to be swayed by MONEY. As are, don't kid yourself, most of the lawmakers in the USA who have voted for change. You likely won't be around in 20 years, nicotine is a bitch, and so am I.

  12. Revenue is the only argument to legalize it. Without trying to talk down to you in a condescending manner, life isn't all about money. One day anything ingested through smoking it will be considered crazy. I am a smoker but I know that the days of it are waning. Anybody that thinks the world is better off with drugs whether it be alcohol, nicotine, ganja or whatever you use is on the losing side of the argument. Cigarettes are legal almost anywhere but becoming socially less acceptable to use.

    They are all bad for health and are undesirable for people to use in most circumstances. If you believe smoking anything is medicinal you are mistaken. All smoke is carcinogenic. I do not believe in harsh penalties of any kind for any sort of drugs but if you think they are good for the economy you are mistaken.

    Why can't self absorbed pot smokers not understand why people do not want to share their company? Even most alcoholics understand on some level that it isn't the norm.

    It is because drugs will never be more the legitimate economy anymore then they already are. Do you think buying your weed from Phillip Morris makes it any more legit? Many people in the USA which has liberal pot laws now lament that nothing has really changed. All these pot heads I meet always start talking about how evil pharmaceutical companies are and now you are suggesting we hand them the tools to monopolize weed?

    If you want to buy weed from L&M and see little producers be prosecuted for producing unlicensed products by all means make it legal. The price will not go down as seen in places where it is legally available. So your choice now is to give to small time growers because the cartels are out of business as far as weed goes. The alternative is to pay the government. If you are one of these 'stick it to the man' types then legalization is counter productive to your goal.

    Revenue is not the only argument, kids are being busted for pot, go to jail and come out REAL criminals. Jail is University for crime. Plus it costs billions to jail someone for self abuse? Please! No one said drugs make the world a better place, dealing with it as a health issue, like cigs and booze, is a logical, well proven response, see Portugal and Czech Republic who have not legalized, but decriminalised all drug use (but not dealing). It's less than I want. But it's worked brilliantly, even HIV is down in both countries, and HIV easily spreads from addicts to non users, so there's another good reason to change the approach.

    You have some weird ideas, and I'm hardly a 'normal thinker' pot smokers are not in any way remotely like alcoholics, for starters, pot is non addictive. It can be kicked cold turkey by anyone who so desires. Also it can be eschewed at will, try doing that with your cancer sticks. Also it can be eaten as a food, or vapourised, so your second hand smoke argument is nonsensical, and pot smokers never 'impose' on others, drunks almost always do, you really know nothing about this do you?

    Big tobacco and weed is something you've brought to the argument, but frankly, I'd rather they made reefers than cigs, or even guns for that matter. For your information, Philip Morris own a sizeable chunk of the world's data networks, I know because I helped provision some of it. They've been diversifying for decades.

    I only bother with 'the man' when the man bothers me or people who can't fight back. More ignorance from you in this statement as well. Legalising or decriminalising weed means anyone could grow their own, unlike tobacco. The profits and taxes would still need to be sensible, or people would just grow their own, or use the black market, like now.

    I think those cigarettes may have clogged more than your lungs, you should have opted to smoke something that gives much more than it takes from you, in the first place, good night!

  13. You obviously haven't been paying attention to what is going on here. The push is becoming more towards prohibition of most things.

    Are you talking about Thailand, Asia, or the world?

    All of Asia eventually does what the west does, sometimes they do it better (China and capitalism).

    The world may be a mess, but I think it is safe to say that liberalism, in the west at least, is prevailing.

    It has been since the suffragettes 100 years ago, and now, gay marriage, and weed, slowly gaining legal ground in many nations and states.

    Yeah, I know that scares a lot of you buttoned up boys shitless, but don't worry, I understand you have more chance of being beheaded by those monkeys in IS, than butt raped by your high, gay married neighbors.

    Gay marriage and weed are not even comparable. I am talking about the fact you said it would someday by legal in Thailand and to mark your words. It is nonsense no matter what side of the issue one is morally. I am not anti-weed, and not calling for unfair penalties just think that maybe countries places like the Netherlands where it isn't completely legal have it right. This means it can be controlled more easily and it doesn't get too corporate.

    You've not answered my question, and I used gay marriage to illustrate that more than just drug law has changed in ways we all never imagined possible, PARTICULARLY in the USA where it all began (the War on Drugs). Extrapolating that to Asia, as I have already explained, is therefore not too great a leap. Singapore did a u turn on gambling, why? $$$ Sure they severely restrict locals access to it, but they still did a u turn. If they can be 'bought' into a u turn, anyone can. Of course the biggest u turn of all was the Commies embracing Capitalism and beating the US at their own game! To say therefore weed will never be legal here is the true nonsense. I think we're done. :)

  14. You obviously haven't been paying attention to what is going on here. The push is becoming more towards prohibition of most things.

    Are you talking about Thailand, Asia, or the world?

    All of Asia eventually does what the west does, sometimes they do it better (China and capitalism).

    The world may be a mess, but I think it is safe to say that liberalism, in the west at least, is prevailing.

    It has been since the suffragettes 100 years ago, and now, gay marriage, and weed, slowly gaining legal ground in many nations and states.

    Yeah, I know that scares a lot of you buttoned up boys shitless, but don't worry, I understand you have more chance of being beheaded by those monkeys in IS, than butt raped by your high, gay married neighbors.

  15. I didn't comment against drugs. I said I am fine with it but I am basically getting tired of the archetypal dipsh!t hippies that drugs seem to attract in this area. You seem to admit that these people refuse to pay the money they owe people and run out on their bills. If that is the case as a business owner why would I want what lures them like moths to the flame to be sold anywhere near me legally?

    i hope that the area where I live starts cracking people with fines of $500 it is the only way they leave anything to the economy.

    Because (without trying to sound like, I'm explaining this to a five-year-old) legalization would bring all the responsible high rolling stoners you don't believe exist, into town, as well as the hippies.

    What is it about drugs never going away, and billions of dollars of juicy revenue never going into the legitimate economy, or government coffers, that people don't understand?

  16. Thailand's anti marijuana laws were strongly influenced by the U,S DEA.

    since recent changes in Thai government, the relation with the US are not what they always were before the change.

    I doubt the the US relaxing laws against marijuana now will have much influence here.

    Does anyone know what Thailand's new friends, China and North Korea's, policies are on the use of marijuana?

    Indeed, Uncle Sam pays numerous countries a small fortune to 'toe the drug line' and always has.

    Tricky dickys WoD, long the darling of authoritarian and conservative control freak 'Asian values' types, will change (in all of Asia) when they start to see the tax revenue dollars the legalizing US states start crowing about, once recreational weed really gets into er, high gear.

    It will, as always, be about the bucks. They'll soon find ways to U turn on policy once they wake up to the true sums they're handing over to organized crime, and blowing on a lost cause. Which will happen right after the second bigger badder uglier GFC, which they pretend they don't know is coming, and can't afford to avert, or fix.

    It will all come to pass, and soon, you read it here first.

    PS: interesting fact, weed is legal in DPRK, but not in China.

  17. I really don't have much against weed but am happy it won't be legal anytime soon. the type of tourist that comes for weed is worse than sex tourists. Maybe I am just more burnt out on drug tourists because I live in Laos but they tend to have a problem paying their bills. They tend to think they are travelers not tourists.

    Every tourist thinks they're a 'traveller' and the other guy is a 'tourist'. What's that got to do with why drugs m'bad?

    Newsflash, if you live in this region you're going to see lots of the archetypal 'hippie stoners doing asia, and doing the things hippies tend to do, like not paying their bills'.

    Responsible stoners are anonymous and legion, you'll never pick them, because they are in every other respect, law abiding, contributing, valuable members of societies everywhere, and often they are the BETTER people you're going to find within those societies, they are grandparents, mother's, doctors, police officers, the rich (lots!) and poor, every colour of the rainbow, and sexual proclivity, every age and stage of adulthood. And shock, horror, they are even Thai, and middle-class Thai at that!

    If you must comment against drugs try to add some intelligent insight, lawd knows, your side of the argument, as a whole, could use it!

  18. TAT should pick up on this...sitting on one of those pretty islands,watching the sun goes down and a spliff...could boost tourism,innit?

    They could make a fortune, the users world wide would beat a path to their door, nickname the place 'Sabailand'. And it would become the global capital of subculture cool. like 'Burning Man' only all year round.

    Lets' face it, the world could use a chill-out spot in the sun, seriously.

    Look what a bloody mess most of it is right now.

    Uptight people slaughtering each other.

    And seems we're all just fine with that, but don't decrim a plant!

    it'll unleash hell on earth, our kids will end up on heroin! What Bo-locks!

  19. This is terrible treatment of people. If you detained 9000 people in western countries on *suspicion* of overstaying but without proof it would be condemned by everyone. They also targeted the Africans, I don't see any farangs or Asians in that group. It's funny how Thailand can do what they want. Meanwhile in Europe hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees keep coming in without identity checks and anyone raising a finger of caution gets labeled a racist.

    Overstay hardly requires a CIS team to 'prove' it, you either have a stamp or ya don't.

    It is entirely reasonable to detain somebody who is suspected of being here illegally, because there is no other way of ensuring they don't 'disappear' while you send them off to fetch their passport.

    They got just as many if not more whites and Asians (as in the picture discussed here) that picture is on this website.

    The way the western world is going, if you detained 9000 people on suspicion of overstaying, they'd likely dance in the streets! I'm not saying that's laudable, I'm just saying most people have a pretty thin veneer of civilised 'tolerant' behaviour over the innards of fearful, territorial, troglodytes.

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