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Everything posted by flexomike

  1. Always have to get that last shot in, give it up
  2. Yes with a face like that I am sure it would crack
  3. You are the king of <removed>
  4. NO we just want you to take your BS elsewhere
  5. Wow, you are really special.
  6. Yes, that is what just happened after four years of absolutely no respect from the Democrats. Try again
  7. You are the one that doesn't understand, you just live on one side of the fence. Open up your mind, its a big world out there
  8. Oh the attacks on Harris were shameful but the ones on Trump were ok.
  9. OK he needed three seats, Alaska was a shoe in that gave him the win, I don't understand why you just don't worry about your own countries problems. You are nothing but a troll
  10. For someone who isn't even a US citizen you sure can make a lot of ignorant statements about US voters, I'm not a Trumpette, I am against all of the Democrats policies.
  11. A hell of a lot better than the cackling clown
  12. I thought I told you already we are tired of your useless juvenile posts
  13. Jokes on you he won, try again
  14. You are a poor loser, get a life
  15. Or Tug and Danderman
  16. Hey I am from MN, hope they don't give him his job back
  17. Its time for you to just STFU listened to your condesending bs too long
  18. You are the one that always proclaims that you are the winner and everyone else is a loser, get a life
  19. Sorry Jing but you have that backwards.
  20. Kamala is the master of not answering questions, must have learned from Trumpers
  21. Well he let in more than three times as many so that only makes sense
  22. There is a big difference between legal and illegal, I have no problem with legal immigration
  23. You are the one that doesn't get you are so obsessed with Trump that you can't even make a rational statement.
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