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Everything posted by flexomike

  1. You are really one ignorant POS, why don't you just worry about what is going on in your little world, glad you changed your mem, was getting tired of looking at the old one.
  2. You can do it up to fifteen days early, all reports are due at 90 day interval's
  3. So you are one of Trannies supporters, you fit in just rigght with him
  4. He probably didn't know that you were one of the chosen ones
  5. I might have ridden on one of those horses
  6. But don't criticize him or he will go nuts on you. Great post
  7. Almost all of your posts are personal attacks in one way or another.
  8. How about quit posting nonsensical bs. Damn you are one sad person
  9. You have to quit talking about yourself and work on getting both oars in the water. How about posting something positive once instead of your childish rants. Doesn't your better half ever let you out of the house?
  10. how do you know that they are staying so late, you must be one of the old sods - 555
  11. More misinformation in your part, what is your obsession with bashing Americans, is that village life messing up your perception of reality.
  12. Wow, I sure will be able to sleep better at night knowing that.
  13. Yes we the people of the United States of America according to the US Constitution. Why don't you go comment on something where you know what you are talking about.
  14. Did I hurt your feelings? Not trying to take your job away. Hey the world doesn't revolve around you, go wind someone else up.
  15. If you want specifics of dollar amount quit being lazy and do your own research
  16. https://www.cincinnati.com/story/opinion/readers/2014/06/09/left-has-its-own-billionaire-political-donors/10221413/
  17. Where do you think the one and a half billion came from that the dems managed to p*ss away? Damn you can be obnoxious
  18. the only fact that matters is he won and YOU lost
  19. you are the one that should be locked up with all of your nonsensical bs you spew everyday
  20. So far it has only been Kasikorn account holders
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