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Everything posted by flexomike

  1. BS you dems can twist everything, getting really sick of it
  2. No I would just like her to start answering questions that are asked of her. Typical Dem rehtoric
  3. you could have done the whole registration process on the internet, so two trips to the US for nothing, must be nice to have money to piss into the wind, but you are so worried that you might have to pay taxes in Thailand.
  4. If it is ok for Kamala it should be ok for everyone
  5. How many people do you personally know with WR Life that have had problems? None thought so, I have a large group of friends that are insured with them, a few have made claims with no issues. One has made multiple claims with no issues.
  6. your 90 days restarted when you re entered Thailand, that is why your online report was rejected
  7. That's not true in the US even the dead ones vote
  8. You just got lucky, I needed translated copies of my passport and marriage certificate, costed me 300 baht for expidited service, 5000 baht is pretty pricy for something that is free at most offices
  9. the 600 baht is a different program, don't think they will mess with that
  10. hey every ten years it goes up 100 baht, so if you make it to 100 years old you will get 1000 baht a month
  11. maybe because they are tired of the Dems policies. Kamala is not the answer to the problems in the US, she will just make the divide bigger.
  12. never been asked too do that in my 56 plus year history in Thailand. I can afford to go to a doctor that charges more than 100 baht
  13. And he asks you to bend over and cough
  14. Hua Hin is a long way from California
  15. Not even close, I am from Walz's state and he is a mental midget
  16. Sounds like Bob has returned
  17. the day it is due is day one, so you were one day over on the 22nd
  18. You could subsitute Kamala for Trump in this post and you would be spot on.
  19. You don't and never have had a humble opinion. Can bet any post with Trump in it you will be one of the first ones bashing him. As I have said before I am not a Trump fan, but there is no way in Hell that I will vote for Kamala, she is the most unqualifed candidate for president in the history of our country.
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