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Paul Henry

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Everything posted by Paul Henry

  1. The Mayor was just having a "Flight of Fantasy"
  2. The claim Trump is getting deals done is only Trumps imagination. Name ONE deal he has done to benefit the USA.
  3. Thingamabob, How many blacks died at the hands of white farmers? Maybe 50 to one.
  4. This coming from the MASTER of payback. Recon he would have supported the horrors of the Boers and the suffering of the indiginous people of South Africa.I saw it first hand the non whites were treated worse than the animals the invaders owned.
  5. THe research grants are ALL human/medical related irrespective off how the terminology reads!
  6. Trump is DUMB. On again off again.Full of bluster but no BALLS.The typical playground bully that loves to show off but when push comes to shove he makes all the excuses blaming everyone else.Now he is blaming Trudeau for the fentanyl coming into America.When his administration has stated that very little drugs come through the Canadian border.WIll and canot ever except responsibility for his F ups. America will not prosper until this idiot leaves the White House either by vote or in a long box.
  7. Trumps family and half of his cabinet should stop funding the drug manufactures and importers. The cartels run on money.Don JR and a number of Trumps cabinet either need a good ENT Doctor or should give up using and BUYING drugs which intern funds the criminals behind the drug industry.So if trump is serious on drug control he needs to enforce the law and lock up the users starting with his own family.
  8. Trump hates competition. Only he is a allowed to indoctrinate and form a cult.Nobody else will be tollerated doing the same.MAGA for ever!!!!
  9. Suggest those that believe this BS should look up the recent interview with the two astronauts where they claim the Biden story is all BS.They state they were involved in the decison to stay up there. This is a live recorded interview but know doubt the MAGA numbnuts will say its fake. Remember DOnald likes the uneducated.
  10. Harrisfan claims Zelinsky is a celebrity. What is Trump "YOUR FIRED". Trump show was scripted Z was off the cuff as a comedian. Also don't forget the top 5 savins president MUSK made are all false and have been removed from the government website. Actual savings FA. More lies from the DYNAMIC DUO "FATMAN & ROBEM"
  11. The arguement in the oval office was between a man with no suit and a suit with NO man!
  12. I have been on two flights where someone has died (both men).The staff have left the body in the seat and attached it with two very large safety pins through the shoulders of the clothing on the body into the seat upholstry and then covered the body with a blanket. Near by passengers have been moved to other seating.On arrival all passenger are off before they move the body.
  13. Trump has never entered into a win/win relationship, in business,marriage or politics. He always has to be the winner. A real sign of immaturity. Not fit to lead anything let alone a country.
  14. Lancelot101.Even more reason probably has no idea where these Islands are.His geography and history is that of a 10 year old as he has shown us in the past. I am sure his school records would back this up but he still hides them.
  15. If the truth is known Trump probably has no idea where any of this islands are or who controls them. He didn'teven know what AUKUS was.Some presidential self proclaimed genius?
  16. The story of the discovery vary the Sheriff stated that a Pest Controller visited the house and thought something was not right and called a security guard who discovered the bodies.Amazing how reporting varies this article says the neighbours saw the bodies though a window and the deputies found them after a wellfare check.
  17. Time will tell who is a patriot and who is a self fulfilling criminal. Only one party can be right!.
  18. Unfortunately none of these jobs 20,000 jobs will go to MAGA folks because as Trump said many times at his MAGA rallys he likes the uneducated.
  19. The vampires are finally running the blood bank, Goodbye JUSTICE hello revenge and illegal acts against opposition. THe Dictator will be happy when JUSTICE and Democracy have completely gone.
  20. The Dems may not need all of these big donors in 2026 as President Musk and Media Man are doing plenty to make even MAGA supporter doubt their last vote. By 2026 the comedy duo will have burnt all their bridges that even Republican nominees may distance themselves from the clowns.
  21. What do you expect .Your in Thailand!
  22. Unless the Republicans at least hold their numbers in the mid terms Mr.Media wont accept them and claim it was rigged AGAIN. My bet is he will do all within his power to stop the mid terms in his futile effort to hang on to power and his dictatorship.
  23. MR Webb, I can admitt when I make an error, Unlike so many others. I did not deliberatley make a mistake and then BS to try to cover up like President Musk and and media personallity Trump do. Maybe Bangkok Ready could take a lesson from others rather than the brainwashing machine called MAGA
  24. Bangkok Ready I never contradiced myself. Trump over the course of a few hours lifted the sum from $50mio to $!00mio, They also claimed it went to Hamas to make condom bombs! when the money went to Gaza in Africa nothing to do with Hamas and it wasn't to make bombs but to assist in health control and benefits in a country not conected to Palestine or Hamas,WHERE IS THE CONTRADICTION only in your pro Trump Maga mind! GOD SAVE TRUMP BECAUSE AMERICA WON"T
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