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Paul Henry

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Everything posted by Paul Henry

  1. Trump will cut the tax on overtime when he finishes the border wall.
  2. Problem may be lack of maintainance and cleanliness of three star and down.Last few I stayed at at Pattaya and Jomtien were a disgrace to the hotel industry,torn ,dirty linen and walls and floors that had not been cleaned in years. Now I pay alittle extra and enjoy my stay.
  3. A leader who changes policies/ideas is a good leader as it shows they listen to the wants/needs of the people.Dictators or autocrates are blind to the wants and needs of the people and apply their principles and ideas on the people without consultation
  4. Thaibeachlovers is 100% correct in his asseccment of my coments.Slurs,name calling insults and childish comments will not win an election.However,I assume he is a Trump supporter and a sycophant,yet Trump supporters applaud Trumps constant insults,name calling, lying and childish comments as though he is a new version of the "BARD" and they think he will win. None so blind as HE who will not see!
  5. Trump must be changing his nappy every hour since Harris became the presumptive now endorsed Democrat nominee. No matter where the debate is they will have to have the exhaust fans and air con both on full to get rid of Trumps verbal diarrhoea and his ever lingering full nappy odour.
  6. Pattaya has always been a family friendly place all the bar girls will tell you about their family even down to the fact that dads buffalo has just died or mums motor bike is broken beyond repair or little sister is in the family way. Please help my family I only need 20.000 baht.
  7. The major problem is lack of police commitment to enforcing the traffic laws. Then again I think most of the cops dont know the traffic laws unless it puts a few baht in their pocket.
  8. At the zebra crossings on second road in Pattaya motor bikes and taxi park on the crossing making it almost impossible for people to get onto them,Meanwhile the police are on Beach Rd booking tourists on motor bikes for the most minor infringements. What are the priorities safety or tourist fines?. Pedestrians don't count in Thailand just fodder for the uneducated drivers who have no idea of the road rules.
  9. If he was cremated wouldn't the footprints be black!
  10. Have they put a a resteraunt carriage on the train yet or is still a bottle of warm water.?
  11. "Save the monkeys" forget about the abuse of children and young adults in unsafe sweat shops in Pakistan and other countries. Good to see that Peta has its priorities right.In todays world dogs are treated by many better than they treat their own children and in some cases better than themselves.
  12. Reduce pricing by reducing Patent protection life allowing generics into the market much earlier .The increase in competion will rapidly bring down the costs of most patented drugs. The arguement about the high cost of development is just another way to say lets increase our profits over a longer time frame.Increase usage will increase revenue some simple examples.Asprin,paracetamol,esameprazole and the list goes on,all of these have been restricted at some stage.Same principle applies to agricultural chemicals (often manufactured by the same drug companies.). Check initial pices for Glyposate,sulphonyl ureas etc prices now down by 90%.
  13. Most condos will not be standing in 99 years.All the ones I have stayed in (New or near new) are already falling apart walls cracking,doors not fitting correctly,plumbing that is third rate and the list goes on. Don't know whether the tradesman are up to the job or the developer wants everything on the cheap.
  14. Putin is a cancer and cancer spreads, Ukraine today,then Poland and on it will go. Only one cure cut it out and radiate whats left.
  15. 50 millon arrivals, 30 million tourists who are the other 20 million.Returning citizens,business people, in transit? TAT is managed by dreamers and fantasy lovers. What about some good hard data?
  16. Forget about bacon and beans the price of bacon in Thailand is outragous eventhough it is processed here from local pork?
  17. Cannot see how a Casino will attract tourists.Thailand is surrounded by countries that have casinos. Europeans are well catered for in Europe, Australia has too many. maybe middle east and India may help in this dire event.Only people to suffer and loose will be Thais
  18. Dr. Fauci recommended the same protocols and action implemented by numerous less effected countries than th USA. The MAJOR variable factor in the US was the BIG ORANGE BABY who did nothing but lie about the pandemic. He was quick to claim recognition for the vaccine then ducked and dived on implementing preventative policies, choosing instead to stay on the I am popular platform and change his actions and opinions daily. Trump has no qualifications to contradict the worlds medical scientists. The only qualifications he has is on how to go BANKRUPT and Losing legal battles in the countries courts. A failure as a man, husband, father, businessman and president!. A true embarresment to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
  19. Not only the parking areas try and get onto a pedestrian crossing on second road all accsess blocked by motor bikes. City council and police don't care. A sign that these two identities employ a lot of people but non of them work. Wonder why they are losing tourists.?
  20. They are doing to Alex Jones what he did to other people and he earned it and deservers it. Loud mouth irresponsible ratbag
  21. No mention of the thousand rats and mice that would have died in the fire? They are animals to and pets to some people.
  22. Liverpool Lou uses the word objectively in his weak asinine shot at me.Amazing how quick and illinformed some people are: For the record this is my third one month stay since November 23. Therefore my assessment is base on a broad observation. If he is that all knowing he should be able to prove my observation false without repeating TAT numbers . By the way I have been coming here for over 45 years owned property and business here what is your knowledge base?
  23. Arrived last month airport empty, other than Chinese and Indian very few other tourists (excluding Phuket) bars and reseraunts remain empty. TAT has to start facing reality and start factual reporting on numbers. The only people they are kidding is themselves.
  24. Where does the over valued baht sit in this? Will not only be steel but most Thai produced products will face the same headwind.
  25. Welcome more crime bosses and undesireables. Casinos and crime go hand in hand. The Thai police have no idea how to control traffic let alone a casino. Corruption galore!!!
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