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Paul Henry

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Everything posted by Paul Henry

  1. SandyF obviously can read words but not sentances, I asked a question? didn't get an answer! The cost of living in Thailand is of little importance too me. I sold my house and assets just prior to Covid.I come here every few months to catch up with relatives and friends. The sense of self importance must have been when sandyf looked in the mirror at 1am in the morning. There is an old saying "Sit there and look like an idiot or open you mouth and remove all doubt"
  2. Does this tax effect all household items and food stuffs imported.In the main they are all under 1500Bht. If yes welcome to a new round of inflation.Already many imported food items are way to expensive compared to Thailands neighbours. The Thai Govt really knows how to attract tourists and expats.WELL DONE.
  3. Hanguma may not have realised he endorsed Bidens great economy.He complained about the prices of houses going up.In year one of economics at college they show that in a good/great economy housing prices rise. This is due to a number of factors: More people employed, wages and salaries rise. First home owners can get into the market at the lower end, mid and top end owners sell to upgrade or relocate.Supply and demand increases.Exsisting home owners increase their asset values new home owners start to build an asset.
  4. Hanaguma seems to forget who stuffed up the Covid crisis, "It will be gone in a few weeks" Keep that ship at sea so we don't have to count the cases in our national figures. etc etc. Still Magadonians should know "There is none so blind than he who will not see" AMEN!
  5. Hanaguma has been empowered by Trump to talk for all the local people. You still don't want to look at the Trump years objectively. Ask the millons of unemployed that have been empowered to work under the infrastructure plan.The new business opportunites opened in the last 3.5 years. Remember most of the inflation was caused by Trumps mishandling of the pandemic major supply chain problems, small and big buiness closing. Trumps 10% China tariff drove up many prices, he didn't know Americans had to pay the tariff not the Chinese, more ignorance. Simple facts: Trump Biden GPD -30% +3 Stock market 2000 5000 Unemployment 14% 4% Inflation (Covid) 0 3% Wages growth 2% to 0% 4.5% Plenty more if you do the research
  6. Hanaguma still believe the MAGA propergander. I did quote all verifiable facts. You claim the economy was better under Trump, that is straight out bulls++t. ALL the preformance data from all reliable sources shows the exact opposite to your claim. May I respectfullysuggest you check the performance of the economy over the last 3.5years compared to the previous four under Trump. Facts will prove you 100% wrong.
  7. If Biden is senile and old what does it say about Trump.Biden is not a cheat,criminal, adulterer,lier,bankrupt buisnessman,that can't control his bowels. Oh I forgot the narcisisum,petulance and childish name calling. A man with little or no memory that cannot pick competent staff and blames eveybody for his stuff ups and mistakes. Ops I for got open to bribery and perpetually scamming the American people for money while he claims he is very very rich! Biden is a genuine PATRIOT not a want to be dictator interested in his own self gain and importance. Biden will win the NOvember election ! Americans are not fools or naive.
  8. He is already responsible for over one millon unnessesary Covid 19 deaths through his lies and denialism. In the next breath he will bragg about how he had the Covid 19 vaccine developed in record time and without him we would still be waiting for the vaccine. LOCK HIM UP. "REAL MEN WEAR DIAPERS SO DO BABIES." We know he is not a real man!
  9. Lock Him Up! Lock Him Up. Anything for money! The lowest of the low.
  10. LOCK HIM UP! Then he can grift some more. I am rich REALLY RICH. Send more money
  11. I think his supporters have had enough of his grifting and self pity. At least Orange Nappy will be able to read his $60 make America great again bibles.Second thoughts maybe not enough pictures to keep his attention
  12. Can't see why all the talk about Clinton. The horse has bolted and the gate is closed. Just put your efforts into getting rid of the " BIG ORANGE NAPPY" who cannot distinguish between truth and lies. He has lied so much he cannot remember a fraction of the BS he has come out with, every time he opens his mouth he makes a bigger idiot of himself. "LOCK HIM UP"
  13. What are the stats on vaccinated v non vaccinated of the people infected?
  14. If the fire doesn't kill him the CO2 extinguishers probably will!
  15. The could sell ilegal black panther skins and meat along with a whole range of other protected animal species. Better still run safari tours to shoot your own!
  16. Morgan forgets about the demeaning treat of Melania and Baron Trump. Not once but many times. Trump claims to be a Christian? LOCK HIM UP, LOCK HIM UP!
  17. Pity the police were not on the scene and treated him the way all religious or homophobic idiots should be dealt with. "Live by the sword die by the sword!"
  18. Will look good until the first heavy rain! Just like all previous work one good flood and its gone.
  19. Not sure it will increase tourist numbers in the long term. Three weeks of childish sometimes dangerous behavour will soon turn off tourists. I make it a point not to be in Thailand for Songkran. Do some idiots still deliberately contaminate the water with faeces and other dangerous contaminates?
  20. After the "crucifiction" of the orange dictator a new public holiday should be declared on the 14 June. Ops sorry the 16th as he will have to raise from the dead.
  21. Would someone please remind me the last time Republicans said anything positive?
  22. What else would you expect them to say at a Real Estate conference. "The outlook for the future is grim with pricing and demand dropping off. Sell now before a total collapse sees all of your invest lost.! Invest in a nother country
  23. Will the Fat Orange nappy wearing Mulla cast the first stone on some women who committed adultry?
  24. And still no reduction in tax and excise! China is back buying Aussie wine and here we still pay an arm and leg for wine mixed with fruit juice? Great for Thai sommiliers.
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