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Paul Henry

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Everything posted by Paul Henry

  1. Its Christmas time ! Have to have aditional income to celebrate a Christian holiday in a Buddist country. No fine, 100 bht Christmas gift thank you. Come February everything back to normal.
  2. And to think many Americans want to re elect a despot who wants to have an authoritarian government run by him and his family to increase their wealth and power and jail his opponents now most of his other scams are closing in on him. Remember America the "LAND OF THE FREE" Lets hope it still is after 2024
  3. Don't have a mobile phone let alone a smart phone. Looks like I can't holiday in Thailand. Well, I will have to go some were else.
  4. Assume that the "anti vaxxors" will refuse blood transfusions if they require major surgery or from an accident. With a large percentage of the population vaccinate most blood will be "contaminated" with the Covid antibodies. This will be their acid test on what they really want or believe. Then we will see if they are prepared to die for their misguided beliefs.
  5. Many countries put up a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of a suspected felon. Surely Thailand could do the same if they want Boss caught and brought back to face justice. But then again this is RTP we are talking about.
  6. Definitely NOT Australia. Australia's border security is amongst the best in the world. All his and family money would not get him into the country if he is on an INTERPOL red list. First flight back to Thailand. After that anything could happen.
  7. Gradually the authorities in Thailand are working hard to facilitate tourists entering the country with the least amount of hassle and bureaucratic red tape. In true Thai fashion it will need a number of changes and modifications all be slow to save face. At least I think the reality has hit home that the current system is a hinderance to attracting tourists and needs radical re-think. I hope they keep up the good work and attract tourists early next year. Including me and mine!
  8. Was the headline a pun. maybe another word instead of "CRACKDOWN". I am sure the police would not stoop to that level to see if a person is a prostitute.
  9. No change , just another lot of window dressing from TAT. They never give specific actions to improve tourism or service. They even admit in this article that that Thai tourism standards are R*T S**T and they will use new technology to improve it. Guess we will see robots serving in restaurants and robots in mini skirts at the bars. This will be the start of the new Thailand holiday experience. Thank god there is no prostitution in Thailand otherwise the robot idea would never work. One good thing would be if they replaced most government employees (not workers) with robots we may see some common sense ideas implemented.
  10. Will the anti vacs minority refuse a blood transfusion if the donor has been vaccinated.? The donated blood will carry the antibodies. With a 90% vacs target there will be very little blood available for the anti- vaccors. Are they ready to die for their misguided belief?
  11. The Australian media is stating that the Aus - Singapore bubble has result in all planes being fully booked. The fact for this is the seamless requirements for both countries. Double vaccination and negative test 72 hours before departure. Maybe our friends in the Thai Govt may need to take a lesson from their Singapore neighbours.
  12. Air Asia is laying off staff because millionaires don't fly on discount airlines and both TAT and Government have clearly stated that the target tourist are the very rich. That is also why we plebs are not travelling to Thailand for our holidays.
  13. Why watch porn when for a few dollars you can watch the real thing any where in Thailand, public or in private. Maybe even with a high govt official sitting next to you cheering on the acts.
  14. More window dressing and not fixing the problem. ALL drivers should be on a demerit points system like in most other countries. Forget about 100 points give them 12 and make them accept responsibility. In a few years they may even reduce the road toll.
  15. The Culture Minister driving culture against the will of 66% of the population. Maye he and the PM have forgotten there is a pandemic raging. More public holidays, roll on the water festival and every other money making scheme and forget about the health and well being of the Thai people.
  16. This man has no idea about the 20 and 21st century. You can maintain culture and have personal and community freedom. Dictatorial control changes culture to the needs and wants of those in power. Not fit for the job. Another square peg in a round hole like most government appointees.
  17. Shame wanting to allow porn in a country that does not have prostitution according to the Government. Time to completely ban alcohol as this weakens the will of good clean living people.
  18. Huge opportunity for the decision makers in govt to secure their pension supplement. Purchase modern lottery computorised machines and win a big brown envelope. and solve the problem of pricing. A smart official could sell the franchise to one of the big chains like 711 or Tesco. "PENNIES FROM HEAVEN"
  19. The brown envelopes would have been big enough for several high up polies to retire after delivery is complete
  20. Great idea make Covid 19 vaccine public goods then the Govt can purchase from whoever gives the greatest kickback. The major manufactures do not entertain the Thai business methodology, that's why they purchased what they did at the beginning. Not purchased on efficacy.
  21. The lawmakers were educated in Thailand and we can see how good that education was! Another case of the inmates running the asylum.
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