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Paul Henry

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Everything posted by Paul Henry

  1. Thought they would build a floating solar panel farm in the main streets of Pattaya. They always seem to be under water even after the millions spent on drainage.
  2. "Will not affect peoples confidence in Thailand." Of course it won't you have to have confidence before it can be affected.
  3. This action is purely political and has no relationship to Covid 19. New outbreak may be called Prayut 21.and is highly contagious so stop the gatherings.
  4. Doesn't Thailand have entertainment promoters. Why is the Government getting involved in the entertainment industry or is it just a profit opportunity for certain gov't officials to get a New Year bonus?.
  5. Reflection of lack of police enforcement and Government will to take responsibility for poor quality police and policing. Sad when you can buy your way to promotion.
  6. Sex in Thailand goes back many centuries and has nothing to do with US troops on R&R. Look at Thai history or just the images that adorn the country. Thailand is no different to most other countries of the world. Simply a case of supply and demand. Except if you are from the privileged hierarchy and then its take what you want.
  7. One night in quarantine or until negative result supplied. If large numbers arrive you may have to wait days for your result. You could finish up stuck in an hotel for days or weeks if they don't give you back your results in a guaranteed time. More nonsensical rules made on the run
  8. Desperate actions in desperate times. Great Britain on the list with 100,000 cases a day and going back into lockdown. Thailand badly needs a government that knows how to govern rather than one that flops around trying to be popular. What happened to the great wine announcement about CHEAPER WINE? Oh maybe I dreamt that it really wasn't announced.
  9. No pesticide no crop. Then who complains about the price of produce being too high? The failure to control is not the chemical its the application technique.
  10. Did not think TAT was catering to Australians/ New Zealand. UK< CHINESE<INDIANS rate high on the list. Well I suppose grab what you can while you can!
  11. Endorse "IAMHERE" Russian tourists with no money. Well scams are run by all nationalities.
  12. Give them the Chinese corruption treatment. The whole country is corrupt. Thai govt love the Chinese so follow their lead on dealing with corruption. BANG!
  13. Someone needs to explain to the Thai bureaucrats what a holiday is. They don't have a clue, they believe its people coming to Thailand just to leave their money behind and put up with a myriad of rules, regulations and demands. Forget about enjoying yourself and having fun . Just pass over your money and leave.
  14. Getting tested will be like going through Thai customs " A wink and a nod and a FULL hand shake and your through"
  15. Puts anew meaning of throwing yourself into the job. Great police training.
  16. Definition of low risk countries: Large population, history of tourists visiting Thailand, and money to spend.! Definition of high risk country only 32% of population vaccinated.
  17. How many of these hand guns are ex police firearms left with the owners after police supplied them with new Sauer automatics. The police should have purchased all officers firearms back when they supplied them with new pistols.
  18. Australians will only go to Thailand if all the(Thai) restrictions are lifted and it is a country approved by Australian Govt. Bali and other SE Asian countries currently look better for a holiday. Yes Aussies with Thai wives may give it first option.
  19. This article is to say very confusing for some one as ignorant as me. The 10 -15 baht I assume is thousands. Compare the monthly income to what a policeman or shop assistant gets these figures sound quiet reasonable. I think the minimum daily wage is somewhere around 300bht. In most countries and I am sure in Thailand delivery drivers are a second income? Would love to be advised by someone who knows.
  20. The problem is the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. All the B!! S!!T is just to justify their own position. Again this highlights no direct line responsibility and justifying a job they are not qualified to hold. You are better off sitting there looking like an idiot rather than opening your mouth and removing all doubt.
  21. The situation Thailand is in is a direct result of poor Government and corruption. They can make all the excuses they like but the BUCK stops at the top. Forget about dartboard numbers and ego and put capable people into the jobs given or bought through cronyism.
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