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Paul Henry

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Everything posted by Paul Henry

  1. Everything Trump owns goes bust. A dictator will disolve the supreme court so they cannot stop him in his grab for everything.
  2. Why cannot Thai use their given names. They all have nick names. WHY?????
  3. Great for criminals and organised crime syndicates to ply their skills with less scrutiny.
  4. Can only endorse other comments. Start with the Thai problem. The problem in Pattaya is not foriengers but local resident Thais who are too lazy to do a good days work and want to make an easy living by what ever means they can. Usually ripping off tourists, The find it harder with resident Farangs.
  5. I don't know if I've missed something will the local downtown stores reduce the prices or is it the dumb tourist will pay more?
  6. Transfered to inactive duty, until forgotten about.
  7. Get them into the country first before worrying about secondary cities. Stop manipulating the baht and let it find its true level and this may bring in travellers that have been before and have realised that Thailand is NOT a cheap holiday anymore.
  8. TAT come up with more stories then Reader Digest. But no meaningful action to draw more visitors.
  9. Many tourists from Australia favour Bali,Cambodia and Vietnam over Thailand because of the highly over priced alcholic beverages. Especially wine. Stop protecting the beer duopoly they have made enough over the last decade.
  10. Will be relying heavily on AI.Not their people.
  11. More dart board numbers from TAT. At least they are consistant always wrong.
  12. Trump always gives mixed messages.Does no what he is saying 99% of the time. A liar MUST have a good memory!
  13. Trumps best defence in all 91 charges is that he is not mentally competent to stand trial. He already has numerous public statements by leading psychologists and psychiatrists that he is mentally immature and suffers numerous mental problems.
  14. Will they expound the benefits and full flavour of the wines that have been adulterated with "Orchard Fruit" so as to reduce the alcohol content and still keep the price out of the average wine drinkers budget. Maybe the beer Duopoly will charge high fees to enter the wine expo to keep people out and further protect the beer market. Just got back from Loa where a good quality wine is very affordable.Cant say the same about Thailand.
  15. Currently every time we have a few showers of rain you can already see that the leveling and paving on the Beach Road foreshore is not level with huge pools of rain water all along the new work. So I guess next year they will pull it up yet again for remedial work?.
  16. A sign of desperate times in the tourist industry. Having just spent another month here the bars,resteraunts etc are empty of FARANG tourists, plenty of 711 Indian tourists and a few Eastern Europeans. Talking to staff at the main gathering places they are all complaining how quiet the town is. Had a week in Lao about the same as Thailand few tourists. The Thai government has to bring down the value of the Baht much better value in Cambodia and Vietnam.
  17. They will continue to decline due to the highly over valued Thai Baht! Lets hope the new Government takes the steps to fix the fomer Goverments self interest.
  18. 10 thinking people are better than 10,000 vacuums or echo chambers.
  19. The one thing the wizz kid didn't consider is an amnesty. Many other countries use this with effect. If you get caught now you will face a massive fine, an incentive to go on keeping low. An amnesty would waive any penalties and would probably see a lot of overstayers wanting to leave the country
  20. Thailand is no longer competative with the rest of SE Asia. Baht over valued.Non competative alcohol market.Suicide roads and mini buses (vans) and totally dishonest taxi drivers. I won't go on and list all the things that are killing the tourist business. Hopefully a new govt will start acting instead of empty promises.
  21. Is it still no money to print off images as was the case with speed and red light cameras? Not all lost someone would have made money on the purchase of the AI units.
  22. Remember seeing a booze truck overturn in Melbourne years ago. I have never seen so many police cars at the scene of an accident. For some reason they all had the boot lids up and back door open.
  23. New rules! From now on all recruitment and promotions will be strictly on a weight bases. The heaviest envelopes will go to the head of the queue.
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