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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. Not everyone is running a darknet drug marketplace and hiding from the police 🙂
  2. I actually agree with you here. Multiple layers don't help in any way against this attack because the attack causes the clients to not even send the traffic through the first hop and so subsequent hops are bypassed as well. In other words it causes the traffic to not enter the VPN in the first place and flow out somewhere else.
  3. Nothing they researches published mentioned the number 50. I don't know where Heise took that from. Anyways notifying a vendor about a problem doesn't mean they tested it. And it also doesn't mean that the users of a vendor need to worry about it - even if their VPN is vulnerable. Again don't be dense. Of course I have no source. It's a figure of speech and not a claim of fact. You really are German 🙂
  4. Uhm no, the attack is on the IP routing table via DHCP. TCP, UDP, ports etc don't matter. It's at a layer under that.
  5. Where is the number 50 from? It's not from the linked article. They don't mention at all how many they tested. And I want to ask again where the 77% you mentioned is from. Anyways you have to be a bit realistic about the threat model for the majority of users. Most people read these headlines and articles and get duped into fear while in reality it's not going to hurt them in any way. Corporate VPN users for example... if the traffic doesn't go through the VPN then it also wont have access to their networks. Most of these route to non-public IPs anyways in the range or similar. Nobody will be able to snoop on that because there's nothing to route to. And then you have the big number of users who use VPNs to cirmcumvent geo blocking or some such. Again nothing to worry. Big nothing burger for most.
  6. It's getting blown way out of proportion. 99% of VPN users have nothing to worry about. They can continue watching their Netflix or downloading torrents or whatever they use it for.
  7. VPNs on Android. Don't be dense. BTW Android does have a VPN built in.
  8. Alternative facts, bro. Android is not affect. Proper VPN clients setting firewalls are not affected. Wireguard with proper usage of namespaces is not affected. Users using something like a mobile router are not affected. Users at home are not affected. The list goes on. Again, where did the 77% come from?
  9. Where did you take that number from? BTW the second link in your OP just redirects to https://www.techradar.com/features/why-your-business-needs-a-vpn which is a generic article trying to sell VPNs.
  10. Misleading topic. It's absolutely untrue that all VPNs are vulnerable to this attack which btw isn't exactly a new idea just the variation of using that specific DHCP option. It's a variant of prior attacks like Poison Tap. Good VPN clients add firewall rules that prevent this issue. And it's only a concern if you are using someone elses network like a public Wifi. At home you got nothing to worry about because it's the router that has to perform the attack. Nobody on the general internet can snoop on you with this.
  11. Perfect candidate for the presidency then... I feel sorry for satirists. Reality is making them obsolete.
  12. If he was just random trolling then it would be OK. But his "advise" can mislead people into dangerous situations. We are not argueing for his sake but for the random readers sake.
  13. You can't trust AL Jazeera. They are the mouth piece of the Qatari government who is supporting and housing Hamas. That's like getting the news from some Israeli news station. Wouldn't trust that one either.
  14. The judge is instructing the jury and the jury will decide if Trump is guilty and what amounts will be paid according to the framework that the judge explains to them. I don't think that losing the trial will help him in the election. It will strengthen the believes of those who already believe he is being persecuted by the system but he already won these voters. There are plenty of voters on the fence who might not want to vote for a convicted felon. It would mean admitting to themselves either that the justice system is broken or that it's not broken but they are ok with a criminal in charge. Both would be hard to swallow. So by voting against him they can maintain to themselves that the american system works and they did the right thing. Trumps play will be to try to delay the trial until after election but I think he wont succeed in that. After the second loss and the legal cases closing in on him he will also lose massive support in the wider rupublican base. Will he go to prison? I'm not sure. But his political career will be pretty much over. He burned too many former allies on the way.
  15. I'm sure you heard this already many times but dude, you have some serious mental health issues. Try to get professional help. Or you are paid by AN for all these mindbending nonsense troll threads that somehow still get engagement every time. Both options are sad.
  16. Bangkok Bank has an office in London. I don't have experience with this bank in such circumstances but in a similar circumstance in another bank it was possible to remotely do the transfer with the help of the branch in the other country.
  17. You have to admire the audacity. They promise voters 10k THB if they vote them into power. Money that is not theirs but belongs to the people and so essentially they promised them 10k out of their own money. But it gets better. The funds for that are not even there, the people don't have the 10k THB to give to themselves. They have to borrow. So they promised to give the voters 10k THB which they want the voter to borrow from somewhere else. Isn't that a super nice present? Anyone want a free car? I can give you one as long as you borrow 1M THB to pay for it. Any takers? No? 😞
  18. You have to distinguish between rip currents and rip tides. Rip tides are due to tidal movement. Rip currents are mostly induced by waves but can also in certain circumstances come due to other currents. Both of these rips are due to sea floor impediments to the current which channels a normally slow current through a narrower volume which will increase the currents speed. Sandbanks can be enough for that and those are fairly common along Thai beaches.
  19. You seem to be mixing rip tides and rip currents. Rip tides have not much to do with waves. Both exist in Thailands waters btw.
  20. You are constantly bashing Thais but the topic is about an Uzbeki man. You don't understand currents and you don't understand the topic. You have brought zero evidence to back up your ridicolous claims. There are real people dying real deaths every year because of dangerous currents at Thai shores. There is no denying that fact.
  21. You are not an expert you have no clue. There are very dangerous rips in Thailand and they cause real deaths. Most people don't know what a rip tide is or how to deal with it. It's extremely easy to get exhausted and/or panic and drown. I'm a seasoned swimmer and have rescued people who got exhausted in the past. I have at times for fun attempted to swim against some currents in the sea for a bit and wasn't even close to beating them. To claim that there are no rip currents in Thailand is completely disconnected from reality and dangerous to the uninformed reader.
  22. Have you ever even been in water with a current? I guess not or you wouldn't suggest such crazy life threatening stuff. Even an olympic gold medal winner would likely lose against a decent rip current over a given distance.
  23. Rather that they were not able to monetize it. If nobody used it then they wouldn't care. I bet there is a singificant number of people who stored data in there for free and so it became a pure burden for the company. They are transitioning from the VC money fueled growth to trying to be more profitable. That's a trend we are seeing across various services like for eaxmple Grab as well.
  24. I fully agree apart from the intelligence part. They are smart enough to orchistrate vasts amounts of people in order to increase their own power. They are intelligent but evil to the bone. I'd also like to see Hamas gone but I'm trying to raise the point that it wont be on Israel to fully achieve that. Hamas in a sense is an idea that will live on as long as Palestinians allow it to. Israel can weaken Hamas significantly and hopefully that might leads Palestinians to say enough is enough and kill the rest of it. There wont be peace before that happens. Fully agree. Many of the Palestinians are being abused as a tool by terrorists. The more innocent babies and elderly die the better. The more cruel the better. The more visible to the outside the better. Netanyahu in a sense was a fool in the way he executed the attacks on Gaza. It was a hate fueled bomb mess. They cause way too many casualties and have lost massive amounts of goodwill in the west and therefor helped the terrorists in Iran, Qatar etc. Maybe they realized that finally because their last offensives were more targeted.
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