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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. Only at 5V. Many power banks internally have cells with 3.7V so 100Wh would be roughly 27,000mAh. The Thai guidelines linked to above are as usual clear as mud. They quote the 20,000mAh number but there is an asterisk on the buttom saying "* For 5v power supply" but there is no asterisk anywhere in the content above it so probably it's ment to apply to all of it. It makes much more sense to put a limit on the Wh instead of mAh and that's what most developed countries are using now. For example the TSA specifies 100Wh for a single battery or up to 160Wh and max 2 pieces with approval from the airline. AOT probably wanted to use the same rules but the info flyer doesn't say anything about needing approval for the bigger ones. AirAsia on their website also mentions only the 100/160 Wh limit and no mAh. So in Thailand you should be good with any number of power banks of up to 100Wh (27,000mAh at 3.7V or 20,000mAh at 5V) and up to two power banks of up to 160Wh (43,000mAh at 3.7V or 32,000mAh at 5V). As for recommended power bank one year ago I got one from Veger that are available in many places like BananaIT, Studio 7, PowerBuy etc. The great thing about it is that it has the wall socket connector and two cables (USB-C and Thunderbolt) built in. Plus you get a USB-A and USB-C port. That makes it extremely versatile and you don't need to carry a regular charger anymore. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/veger-power-bank-15000-mah-with-built-in-cable-and-adapter-20w-p15-by-banana-it-i2873575197-s10489316668.html https://googlethatforyou.com?q=what does iirc mean
  2. Youtube is being overrun with these scams. Noticed it especially widely spread on tech channels. Just check the exact name of the comment that supposedly notified you of your win. It wont be 100% the same as the actual name of the channel. It usually contains some numbers or stuff like "contact on telegram" or some emoticons. They copy the avatar of the real user. Note how the real channel owner has a colored background around his username but the imposter doesn't. They usually also post the same comment reply to lots of users. I'm very surprised that Youtube has not managed to get rid of these spam scams yet. They should be trivial to detect and it even got really big channels with millions of subscribers to post warning videos. What a kee-show.
  3. When I bought my Honda car they <deleted> up the paperwork and by the time they tried to finally do it, the certificate of residence was expired so had to do it again. They said oh we have to send it to the HQ and they send it somewhere else blabla. I told them immigration charges 300 baht for it and you'll pay it. I also told them if police stop and fine me for driving a red plated car too long or in other provinces or at night or whatever you'll pay it because it can't take months to file the documents. Guess what? I got fined, went to the dealer and handed them the receipt for the fine. Dealer paid it. Shortly after that the white plates arrived. If it takes longer than 1-2 weeks then they are just messing around. There is no reason why it would take longer. Don't take <deleted> from them.
  4. You don't need a certificate of residence for selling something. It's the buyer that needs it in order to get it registered on his name and address. From my experience, the certificate has to be issued by the immigration office in the province where the buyer's address is. Or rather, immigration would only issue such a certificate for an address in their province.
  5. Probably a mistake or misunderstanding or "I do whatever I want because I work for the gov" case as usual ???? Doesn't make sense to want address proof from seller because the address proof is needed to issue the new registration for the buyer. Where was this btw?
  6. It's not the seller that needs the address proof but the buyer.
  7. All the ones I got in the past had 30 days validity.
  8. Certificate of Residence from Immigration. If you can get that with a visa exempt entry will depend on the office. And passport copies of course.
  9. I think you are remarkably delusional. I really hope you can stop your drug abuse and get back down to earth. Maybe seek help of a mental health professional? Good luck.
  10. You didn't explain how to do that. We are long past the POW blockchain requirement of gobbling up electricity. We can run crypto with virtually zero electricity usage. Biggest one being the Ethereum chain now.
  11. Please explain how to do the fair distribution, that would be an amazing breakthrough and solve many problems thousands of extremely smart people haven't figured out yet. No idea what an EVNEG is.
  12. Judging by prior posts and this one you might want to reconsider your drug usage. You'd see immediately that this can't work for a plethora of reasons starting with the impossibility of just distributing coins amongst people fairly without governments. You are essentially talking about Universal Basic Income but in a more complicated and impossible to implement way.
  13. Maybe he wants to let someone else ride the thing while he's away? Maybe he wants to visit regularily? Maybe he just likes owning things instead of renting. Maybe he wants to ride it like a maniac offroad? Maybe he wants better insurance coverage? Point being: motivation doesn't matter when the question is if he can register it in his name or not. Pretty sure OP is aware that he could rent a scooter if he's already doing research on how to register a bike and has a Thai GF.
  14. I can only concur with "In the jungle" and blackcab. You don't need a Thai driver license to register a vehicle in your name and it can be done on a tourist visa. If they try to tell you otherwise then they just don't know. Consider this: vehicles can be registered in the name of a company but a company can not obtain a driver license. You are well prepared with a US motorcycle license plus IDP (not IDL). With those you could also go to immigration, get a certificate of residence and get a thai driver license from the DLT without doing all the tests etc. Costs a few hundred bath. This license might be useful in all kinds of circumstances.
  15. Like I said, not the best memory ???? None of the manufacturers claimed it would prevent infection, neither did anyone with serious experience in vaccines or immunology. BTW some vaccines do indeed provide lifetime coverage but it doesn't mean all vaccines are like that. The Covid vaccines unfortunately don't have 100% protection and have a lifetime measured in months. Nonetheless they probably saved millions of lives. But really those are basics that after two pandemic years should be common knowledge. If you want to read more about vaccines lifetimes this might be a start: https://www.science.org/content/article/how-long-do-vaccines-last-surprising-answers-may-help-protect-people-longer
  16. Not a good memory then. They don't have to admit because they never claimed it would prevent infection - same like any vaccine before. The vaccine just primes the immune system for the fight - it's not an invisible force field. Why are we in 2022 still talking about this?
  17. If you always do heavy lockdowns and don't allow your population to develop immunity and at the same time don't allow the most effective vaccines into the country you'll be doing lockdowns in regular intervals for a very long time because the virus does not disappear. It will flare up -> lockdown -> subdue -> flare up -> lockdown... rinse repeat. And that's exactly what we've seen them do. Doesn't look like a winning strategy to me.
  18. North Korea has even less even though they had apparently 20x the amount of cases! Must be the amazing health care system the folks there have ????
  19. On the one hand we have a country that reacts very harshly with lockdowns which of course helps keep cases low (though it's questionable how truthful the numbers are) and on the other hand we have a country with tons of anti vaxxers murricah freedom f* yeah! nutties who don't exactly make it easier. I don't like either approach. Companies are trying to diversify their supply chain away from China more and more recently and the lockdowns are one factor.
  20. Wait until you hear about sunlight causing cancer. OP: a really helpful post! We need more like these in the forum. Thank you!
  21. Facebook is dying. Our company tried to buy ad traffic from them and the vast majority was completely worthless. The whole thing with the "metaverse" was a panic attempt by Zuckerberg to turn the company around. He bet the whole company on this thing which imho wont go anywhere. When I ask people what they think of it they all give different answers and are not sure, not a single person used it. Maybe it was just a desperate attempt to pump the stock.
  22. OP: I have a bridge to sell, uhm sorry lease. 6% ROI! Guaranteed, uhm sorry I mean not guaranteed but promised for sure! Put your money into SP500 for 30 years you'll be much happier.
  23. Well that's not surprising. Most people have cars that are on the cheaper side of things. Obviously more expensive cars cost roughly proportionally more to insure. But let's not get too much into this because the topic is actually if the OP is covered while driving his GFs car.
  24. I had a similar experience at Thai Watsadu. Wanted to return an unopened item becasue wrong size despite the seller telling me it would fit. Went to the return counter where they conveniently have a printout of the refund policy which stated that they would just refund the money to my card. Clerk there said that's not possible and we can just get a voucher. I pointed out that there is a clear printed policy for refunds hanging right next to him which says otherwise. A lot of back and forth and they said OK but now I need to sign this huge staple of papers and btw they need my passport. Left me standing there waiting for 20minutes. They obviously started a whole convoluted process just to push you accepting a voucher instead which for some reason would not need all that paperwork and passport. Clearly the corporate heads of the big companies have design the process to be as cumbersome as possible. An excercise in how to not make a customer happy. I've had a much better experience at HomePro.
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