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Samui Coconut

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Posts posted by Samui Coconut

  1. Over on Samui in August and staying in house without pool.

    We normally drive down to Buddys in Lamai, but with the increased traffic etc its getting a bit of a drag.

    We pay about 80 baht each in Buddys, which is great.

    Is there any where similar around Bangrak, Chong Mon & Plai Leam?

    I have used the Mermaid in the past but find the pools a bit warm and hardly any beds.

    You are not choosy are you ? :o

  2. :o Why has the new general manager seen it fit to stop non guest from paying to use the tennis court and the gym at the resort,may be they should also stop non residences from playing golf at the over priced golf course as well

    didn't you ask him/her?

    Did not know they had a new one again ...no more Jean - Stephane ? Whatever, it's up to him to allow or stop non-guests from using the facilities.

  3. Hi ill be coming down to the Full moon party next week and would like some comments on whether to get the Bus or train down, so for you guys who have done it which one did you prefer bus or train?

    Train is more comfortable for sure.

    However, you can take the bus to Chumporn and then jump on the Lompraya ferry which takes you to Phangan over Koh Tao without stopping on Samui.

  4. Hi,

    My girlfriend would like to work as a volunteer for 3 months on Koh Samui this fall. Does anyone know about NGO\s, schools, kindergardens, and other places with people needing help on the island?

    Please leave me a massage here ***email removed per forum rules***



    I assume your g/f is farrang ?!?! Are you working here too ? Does she speak some Thai ? Why does she want to work here for 3 month ? I mean, what's her reason to be here ?

    Why do you need to know? If your not offering to help it not really any of your business, particularly her reasons to be here. :o

    Believe it or not, I might be able to help. and for that I need to know a few things. And your post if even less helpful :D

  5. Hi,

    My girlfriend would like to work as a volunteer for 3 months on Koh Samui this fall. Does anyone know about NGO\s, schools, kindergardens, and other places with people needing help on the island?

    Please leave me a massage here ***email removed per forum rules***



    I assume your g/f is farrang ?!?! Are you working here too ? Does she speak some Thai ? Why does she want to work here for 3 month ? I mean, what's her reason to be here ?

  6. It is always low this time of year. Has been ever since I started living here 20 years ago. However, according to TAT reports for Krabi and Phuket, tourist arrivals are down from the same time last year. So, presumably the same is true for the Gulf side as well.

    Phuket Tourist Numbers Drop: Downturn Feared

    Krabi’s Low Season Is Inactive This Year While Some Airlines Have Suspended Or Cut Down Their Flights.

    yes i have been here 6 years i get the same people moaning every year. why so quite now. u would think that by now people specially thai's would know about the high low mid season. people need to calme down or move to bangkok where there is more business

    Last night Chaweng heaps of tourists.....and my business has picked up as well...Let's hope for a good high season.

  7. I have a friend who is an honest man looking for an honest job.

    He is on the older side of life and would like a job such as security or something that it not too physically demanding.

    I have known him for quite some time and if I had a job for him I would of course hire him myself.

    It can be very hard to find responsible, trustworthy and, most of all, honest staff here, but this man lives up to these ideals.

    If anyone has or knows of a job for him to apply for, please PM me.


    PA :D

    Seen that post before somewhere....... :o

  8. The electricity supply has been really erratic here in Plai Lam for the last few weeks. Outages of 2-5 hours are not uncommon and even when working we are often reduced to quarter/half power for a lot of the time. Not enough to drive water pumps etc.

    I do not ever remember it being this bad, even 20 years ago.

    Apart from T.I.T. anyone know what the problem might be? Any other areas suffering? :o

    Probably increased demand between 6 and 8 pm and additional x-mas lighting throughout the year along the main road......

  9. Yes, you 'can' walk through any property, and guards hardly stop any white faces.....however, the property is usually private and they could deny access to the property, but beaches are public and you can basically sit anywhere.

    Its much easier in Bangrak, Maenam etc.....and usually quieter and cleaner too.....

  10. I can Fed Ex you some, down from Chiang Mai. There are at least 3-4 pairs in my garden and 1 pair have a nest way up at the top of a mango tree in the front of my garden. :o

    I have seen the workers from a building site down the street eyeing them up suspiciously. :D

    They taste a bit like a mixture of chicken and wild boar.....not bad actually.

  11. Hi,

    Can someone please help me?????

    I am in the process of buying a house. We have decided what price we are paying, paid our deposit and now the estate agent is telling us we need to under declare the property by a massive 30%. Is this normal or are we being had over? We don`t want to have problems later on, when we come to sell the house.


    Sounds fishy......to say the least. Good luck !

  12. Hi all,

    I'm planning to go to Koh Tao in the Gulf around the beginning of July. Is it still a good time to go?

    Would anyone please recommend a resort for me? Could you also provide info how to contact them, if permitted?

    I just want to spend three or four nights relaxing and reading books, and perhaps a day in Koh Nang Yuan. So, the accommodation I prefer would:

    * Be in centralized location, or at least close to shops, convenient marts, food stalls, or restaurants (in walking distance preferably)

    * Be clean, in acceptable shape, and services are not below standard

    * Not be too crowded and noisy at night from musical bands, karaoke or loud speakers (not too mind during the day)

    * Cost around 1,000 - 1,500 Baht a night approximately (definitely no more than 2,000!)

    * Not necessarily be adjacent to the beach, as long as it is not too far or too difficult to walk to

    * TV and Air-con preferred, but not necessarily a must have.

    I would appreciate it if those who have been there could give me any suggestions or tips, including places of interest, restaurants, activities, etc.


    What blood group should the manager have ? :o

  13. Anybody knows where to find "Oriental Galleries" - furniture shop, supposed to be somewhere Maenam-Chaweng area..

    THX, Claude

    Correct, coming from Nathon on your left side, after Maenam village and before Zazen and Suzy Nina, some furniture standing outside, not hard to find.

  14. I am here now for the best part of 10 years....

    Initially wanted to stay 2 may be 3 years. I have worked in various parts of Asia and Europe for a minimum of 2 - 3 years each and have found Samui at this stage of my life the right decision.

    It might not work for everyone and sure there have been changes since I first arrived, but considering all pros and cons, I am very much okay with working and living here, probably happier than in my home country. There are many opportunities everywhere, but they do not always come fast, everythings takes time.

    If you will be employed by a proper company then I do not see any reasons as to why not to give it shot.....you have nothing to loose I guess.

    If you need more info just PM me and I will give you honest feedback.

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