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Samui Coconut

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Posts posted by Samui Coconut

  1. For those of you who have resided on Koh Samui for a long time.

    I am a regular visitor of the island. While I was browsing Google Earth the other day, I noticed the name "Natalie's Art Palace - Club, Hotel, Restaurant" and by checking the posted photo (attached) it looked quite an interesting place.

    The location marked on Google Earth is on the left hand side of the Ghost Road towards BangRak, after the crossing next to the new 7-11 & 99 Karaoke & 99 Hotel.

    Anyone knows if the place still exists?


    Nice attempt of free advertising :o

    Still exists, but not under Nathalie's wathcful eyes anymore. Photo is correct but location is on connecting road of main and Chaweng on the left side 1 klick befoe turn onto lake road. Actually far awaya from ghost road and surely not towards Bangrak.

  2. but what happened to ATM machines? :o

    Recognising that you are making a cheap attempt to be witty...

    Try looking at the photos. Even a half-wit should be able to come to some form of conclusion.

    okay Gatorade, maybe I am halfwit compare to you but the photos are why I ask in first place...where ARE the ATM machines?...you do not think someone could do it for this? lot of money there.

    It was an accident and not a half wit attempt to empty the ATM(s)......

    Sorry, and the new 7/11 next to entrance of Soi Bon Gai is already open ! And it is bigger and better.

  3. but what happened to ATM machines? :o

    Recognising that you are making a cheap attempt to be witty...

    Try looking at the photos. Even a half-wit should be able to come to some form of conclusion.

    okay Gatorade, maybe I am halfwit compare to you but the photos are why I ask in first place...where ARE the ATM machines?...you do not think someone could do it for this? lot of money there.

    It was an accident and not a half wit attempt to empty the ATM(s)......

  4. There is going to be a fundraising event at Admiral Lord Nelson in Bangrak to raise money to help with the medical bills that are going to be coming in as her recovery will take months, if not years. It will begin at 4:00 on Friday, Aug. 15th.

    How did the fund raising go ? I saw many people on my way to Bophut inside the pub but couldn't stop due to work.

  5. can anyone recommend the best way to get from samui to laos by air, and how much it is. i need to fly, as i want to stop in laos for about a week on my way out of samui this winter. Also, if anyone can recommend a beautiful place to spend a week in Laos, it would be appreciated. thanks.

    No direct flight from Samui to Laos. Take PG or TG from USM to BKK and then PG to Laos.

    Fare can easily be calculated on Bangkok Airways website.

  6. 7 / 11 and siam city bank dimonlished. This inclosed is a picture of a car burnt out along with a few motorbikes and the whole of 7/11 and part of siam city bank.

    apartly a car crashed into the store and then fled

    here is picture take a few hrs ago

    Gooooooood Morning BigC, old news already reported in another thread..... :o

  7. just a w-nk fest! 3weeks of nationalistic pride.Many atheletes drug cheats.Host nations spending billions of dollars(sometimes they do not have,china excluded)displacing poor people from their homes to make way for new stadiums and villages.................all for what?Thank heavens the "premier league starts up again soon.

    You obviously hate the games judging by your comments......

    I'm not the greatest fan either, however, a century old tradition is being continued and compared to the Premier league the games are by far superior.....

    What am I talking here, the first games happened in 776 BC.....

    Is there any bigger sporting event on this planet ? I guess not.......

  8. there are many about, but they will be Thai Style, what part of Samui you looking to live?

    Anywhere but not to far past Lamai and no further than Maneam in the other direction roughly.

    Oh and a pool to would be a plus

    Phatong Residence on the way from old airport towards Big Buddha (right in the s-curve after the long straight).

    There are 32 houses on 50 Rai, many expats stay there, have big communal pool, 1-4 bedroom houses, 4 bedroom is 32,000 a month with 450 for cable TV, 30 Baht for garbage collection and 150 Baht for water. Electricity on own bill (no surcharge, direct from the company), ADSL can be arranged. (And houses are not Thai style :o)

  9. I have just spent the last five days in Ao Nang,in fact am still here and cannot get over how good it is here.

    Dont get me wrong i love Samui and have been on the island these past 16 months.

    What i have noticed is(apart from Ao Nang not being an island) that Krabi as a district is so much cleaner than Samui.The beaches are almost rubbish free,and along the main road of Ao Nang there are wheelie bins and rubbish bins everywhere to help keep the place clean.The roads in many cases are made of asphalt and not concrete...........no pot holes either.The local people are so friendly too.No yobo tourists either.Just a pleasure to be on Krabi.Am seriously thinking of making a move here.Would like to hear if anyone else has had similar experience to me.

    Sounds a bit like Samui 15 years ago..... :o

  10. Santiburi is surely not relying on someone payng 200 Baht per hour to make ends meet.

    A new court in Bangrak is great but will have no effect whatsoever for Santiburi.

    Given the poor attitude of people complaining, I can see why they have stopped it.

    And boycotting Singha beer is by some members here is just laughable.....

    especially when most of the folks i know would even drink it if it was offered free.

    Correct, I am one of them :o

  11. Given the poor attitude of people complaining, I can see why they have stopped it.

    The "attitude" was spawned by the stopping, not the other way around. And if I had been playing (and paying) to play tennis at a venue for four years and then told that I wasn't welcome anymore, I'd be miffed too. Wouldn't you?

    "I'm here to play."

    "Sorry, we aren't allowing you to play anymore, even though you have been coming for four years."

    "Really? Wow, great! Now I can finally stop playing this silly game and take up something more interesting, like dominoes! Thanks Mr. Santiburi man!"

    I can sympathize with 'your' frustation, however, you also need to understand that if the present GM has received orders to stop outsiders from playing to allow in-house guests using the court at their convenience, he has to obey. If I would pay 10,000 a night and being told "Sorry Sir, the court is booked by some local residents" I wouldn't be too happy (and neither would you I guess) It was never a money - making idea behind it anyway, and as times change, things also change.

    Think positive and look forward to playing on the new court in Bangrak :o

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