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Samui Coconut

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Posts posted by Samui Coconut

  1. The Blo... hp from homePro never works............so its not easy to know what they have.......but I need to buy some safety boxes.....any Ideas ?

    Buy one in Bangkok and don't tell them you live in Samui........ :D

    Please......only serious comments....... :o

    the safety boxes Im looking for is just the standard type, you find in any hotelroom !

    Master, I am serious. What I mean is buy your safety boxes in Bangkok. If you buy them here, someone else might have the security codes for them (ie shop attendant, manager) There are different types...Elsafe is one of the most well-known and usually offers 24 hours assistance.

  2. KSTPA up in arms over airline’s increased airfares and monopoly, demanding action and threatening to shut the airport down.

    Koh Samui Tourism Promotion Association had a meeting today to discuss putting pressure on Bangkok Airways to reduce the airfare on its Koh Samui route and end its monopoly.

    KSTPA president, Seni Puvasettavorn, reacting to the report in the media, said that Bangkok Airways is establishing a joint flight operation agreement, in the form of code-sharing, under which Thai Airways passengers can travel to and from Samui on Bangkok Airway’s aircraft.

    Mr Seni said this is not an appropriate solution.

    He said a code-share agreement would only allow THAI to support sales for PG’s seats, while the airfare and the airport tax are the real issues that need to be addressed.

    Mr Seni said KSTPA prefers more airfare options for passengers, whether the new players are THAI or low-cost carriers.

    He cited Koh Samui hoteliers, especially in the budget category, are negatively affected by PG’s rate hike, as Thai tourist arrivals by air tend to drop when airfares go up.

    The controversial subject was raised by the KSTPA after the airline increased its airfare to the island resort by 10.28% to Bt10,170, inclusive of surcharges and taxes.

    The association is threatening drastic action against the PG, including closing the island's airport, if their request is ignored.

    Bangkok Airways president and CEO, Prasert Prasarttong-Osoth is being quoted in the media as saying that apart from establishing a joint flight operation agreement, the airline also welcomes THAI's entry to the Samui airport, which PG owns and operates, to put an end to the criticism over its control of the lucrative Bangkok-Samui route.

    However, he defended PG's decision to raise its fares, saying the move is in response to higher operating costs, including those involved in shifting operations to Suvarnabhumi from Don Muang airport.

  3. I have been reading this post for the past 2 days with great amazement.

    the nerve of some people....

    The Samui tourism operators??? who the f... are they. I never heard of them before.

    Where were they when all the hotels have nearly doubled the rates in 2 years time??

    over the past 3 years the baht got stronger and hotel prices seem to get higer making a holiday more expansive to incoming tourists. where are those concerned people and why do they not rally infront of hotels???

    What have they done to stop the taxi meter rip off??? what have they done to enforce the over development of the real estate projects?

    The price of the ferry to samui has changes nearly 5 tim,es over the past 4 years. have those same people made any protest??? the price of the train to Surathani has allso been upgraded but i did not see them protesting.

    it seems some one is trying to make a political gain riding on bangkok airways.

    Bangkok airways is a profiatble company unlike most airlines in the world. it is a business aimed at making money and not a charitble foundation. most airlines can take a few lessons from bangkok airways on how to manage an airline company.

    The prices of jet gasoline have nearly doubled in 4 years but we ejoyed the same prices.

    Samui Airport is a private airport built by bangkok airways to make a profit. and it seems they are doing a good job as every tourist coming to samui by air is greeted by what is considered by many a most beautifull airport.

    I too will suffer from the price change but i respect that.

    for those of you who dont like bangkok airways.... take the ferry and train its much more comfortable...

    It seems that some people in Samui are just to envious.

    While people are happy to pay these prices they are happy to keep charging them. No problem. If people go elseware maybe they will think again. Air Asia : 500 Baht. Bangkok Air : 4,130 Baht including the airport tax and the free plastic cup of coffee and small cake. Easy choice.

    I agree 100% with Highdiver

    Air Asia along with most low cost operators are "cherry pickers" that is they incur no costs for initial or innovative development. They wait for the market to be developed and then move in. Do you seriously think that they would invest and build from nothing a viable commercial operation? BKK Air have developed from scratch 3 airports in Thailand. Why on earth should they give away their profits just to enable a competitor to benefit? Healthy competition is fine but as with so many low cost operations i.e. Phuket Air when the going gets rough they will vanish.

    In any case the fare Samui - BKK v.v. is every bit as competitive (cheaper in fact) than an equivalent European Operation such as Heathrow Brussels. Sooner or later operational costs such as fuel, salaries etc will have to be passed on. I have not seen a fare increase for a number of years and for me the Samui residents card has meant a reduction.

    After commuting on shorthaul airlines in Europe for many years the service and standards of BKK Airways leave little to complain about.

    Safety is another issue but many "no frills operators" are happy meet the minimum operational standards required.

    In short, I believe you get what you pay for and BKK Airways seems to me to be a reliable.safe, and mostly comfortable service.

    If you can't afford it go by boat/train/bus. These were the options before BKK Airways came along.

    P.S.Dr Prasert is a real Doctor don't know about surgeon. The family also own Bangkok International Hospital and he is a Samuian.

    Agree with all the above, but Dr. Prasert (actually a heart surgeon) is from Bangkok (not Samui)

  4. Honorary Consul of the FRG Dirk Naumann in southThailand

    100/425 Chalermprakiat R. 9 Rd.

    Rassada/Phuket Town 83000

    TEL. : 076-354119

    Fax : 076-354602

    mobile: 096683635 (old number?) maybe its now : 0896683635 not sure but there are other ways to contact them.

    E-mail: [email protected]

    I think it was every first tuesday of every month, in a hotel in chaweng.

    contact the office and they will tell you!

    Thanks guys, its every first Tuesday of the month at The Buri Rasa Village Resort in Chaweng,

    Honory Consular Mr. Dirk Naumann, email above is correct.

  5. You only need to own a company to get a residents card. Bangkok Airways don't give a toss whether you own property or pay taxes. Not that I am defending them - they have been taking the piss for years.


    So where can I get this resident card an what do I have to bring???

    I do have a "company" but I dont live on Samui.......is that good enough ?

    If you do not live on Samui, forget it. That's why it is called Samui RESIDENT Card.

    Otherwise bring Baht 300,-, a nice pic of you, a letter that you are employed here/or own a company. Takes approx. 4 weeks to process. Can only apply in October or March.

  6. Is there any way to stop the taxis in Samui hooting all the time at people who obviuosly are not looking for a taxi ! They are more annoying than the tailors who wisper in your ear as you walk past .

    one idea - When they hoot stop them and ask what they want !

    Good idea, would result in a major traffic jam.

    As for the tailors, I always give them a name card of my favourite one :o

  7. Bangkok Airways fares up by Bht 1,000.00.

    When you book on the net , you have 3 options.

    1/ Promotion price.......................................Bht 2,000.00 +++

    2/ Ticket valid for 6 months.....M TICKET.....................Bht 3,385.00 +++

    3/Yearly ticket .......................Y TICKET.................... Bht 4,365.00+++ .Now that one used to be a difference of a couple of hundred baht on the net from the M Ticket & that is the one they charge you for when you book in person at the airport.

    So we all in reality now have to pay an extra 1,000.00,because if you even want to use your resident card discount,you have to book in person.So in reality we can throw the resident card discount away.

    Spoke to a few locals today, they are up in arms & had a meeting.They gave Bangkok Air 2 weeks,then they will start protests blockade the airport.

    Further to that international & domestic departure taxes have gone up,so let's see what follow on effect that will have on Samui airport.

    You can ask someone to book your ticket without being there in person. Just give them your SRC

    and thats it.

    What 'locals' did you talk to ? Local Thais or local Farrangs ?

    Do you really believe somebody will blockade the airport ? :o

    What good would that do ?

    Prices rise every year wherever you look....if you don't like, shop somewhere else i.e. take the bus ! :D

  8. and charge a rediculous price for tickets so nobody will bother going?

    Thank you for your constructive response.

    What would you regard as a reasonable price to see Brian Ferry?

    LindsayBKK obviously feels the cost of an airfare would be worthwhile. We know people who travel to Bangkok especially to see visiting artists and then pay top dollar for their tickets. Why is there such a negative response when we try and bring artists here? We cannot please everyone and certainly not the poorfarang.

    The island needs positive thinking people trying to do something for the island and the people who live here and visit here, not negative whiners all the time.

    May be you should compare how many guest attended this years Coco Music Festival over the 5 (?) day period. Take the average, mulitply by entrance fees, add additional food and drink revenues, deduct costs for one evening (i.e. fees for band) and then you know whether you made money or not. (my guess is may be break even)

    Add 50% more guests for Brian Ferry. Calculate your cost of having him (and may be his band) shipped down here incl. fees, airfares, hotel etc....and you will find out that you will not make any profit.......unless you charge horrendous prices.

    My suggestion - forget it ! :o

  9. I think the Stones pulled out because of the SARS (sudden acute respiratory syndrome) scare which was a major regional health hazard at the time.

    Equipment loss in India was the official excuse.

    Correct, equipment got stranded in Mumbai, however, yeah old Mick was in Samui on the day of the concert and staying at a 5 star hotel for a few days, so guess he wasn't scared of SARS. :o

  10. 13 to say "do a Google search on light bulbs before posting questions about light bulbs"

    I am one of the 13 :o

    Doctors remove lightbulb from man's ass

    On Wednesday, Fateh Mohammad of Multan, Pakistan underwent surgery to have a lightbulb removed from his rectum. The prison inmate says he has no idea how it ended up there. From Reuters:

    Mohammad, who is serving a four-year sentence for making liquor, prohibited for Muslims, said he was shocked when he was first told the cause of his discomfort. He swears he didn't know the bulb was there.

    "When I woke up I felt a pain in my lower abdomen, but later in hospital, they told me this," Mohammad said.

    "I don't know who did this to me. Police or other prisoners."

    Link to Reuters article, Link to the classic Rectal Foreign Bodies page


  11. Hi i have seen all these hotels on various websites but its hard to choose between them. We are looking to pay upto $40 per night what will be the best hotel interms of near the action, best facilities, best service, etc. I have seen Chaweng Garden is good but this is not bookable over the internet hence im looking for something sort of similar with a good atmosphere, good facilities and good service. Also a hotel which is bookable via the web. Plz Help

    just check www.sawadee.com

  12. Mafaso, there are alot of threads in the Health section that discuss just this topic. Please use the search function at the bottom of the health forum to find the posts.

    I always go for BUPA. Costs approx. 28,000 per year (Platinum), covers all in-patient cost and covers you world wide (except America and Canada)

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