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Samui Coconut

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Posts posted by Samui Coconut

  1. Hi there,

    We plan to stay in Samui for a couple of months from June. What would people here reckon the best practise is in terms of accessing funds - i.e. open a Thai bank account and transfer funds accross, use existing cards at ATMs to draw money from your overseas account, etc?

    Also, if we're looking at renting a house, is it best to speak to an agent or just drive around (do places for rent just have a sign and a phone number out the front)?


    I would use existing ATM's, you might safe a bit on the exchange rate.

    No need to go through an agent, just drive around in the area of your liking, most places have a sign and phone number, or just pop in.

  2. Are there lots of shophouses on Samui? Are these the places where the shop is on the main floor and the apartment is above? What would the rent be on something like this?



    Are you SW19's brother ? :o

    Yes, these places where the shop is on the main floor and the apartment (house) above is called shophouse.

    Anything from 10,000 to 30,000, all depends where, how big, how old....etc.

  3. I understand that noboby likes pushy sales people. I find them annoying myself. But remeber this, no one is forced to buy anything, if you buy something you don't want to buy you need to grow some balls and learn how to tell people no!

    I have been in sales for a while (not timeshare) and the reason more sales are lost than all other things combined is because the salesperson does not ask for the order.

    If a salesperson knows his/her product, does a good presentation, it is then their job to ask for the order. If they do not, they are not doing their job.

    On the other hand if someone walks up too you in the street and you tell them to piss off 3 times and they are still in your face, they may deserve a smack in the mouth.

    A good product sells itself, time shares don't....

  4. Big C Just how the hel_l did you get through the passport application form! Either you are taking the p@@s or it should be a legal requirement to be literate before leaving the country. This is the 21st century for crying out loud. I know we all hit the wrong key occasionaly but come on. Does the fact that 6 year olds can do better not shame you into doing something about it.

    The truth can hurt...... :o

  5. There is an expensive kitchen supply store on the ring road before Chaweng. Near the light I think. I've never actually been able to find it but a friend of mine has been there. It is called 7 I believe. Sorry for the faulty memory . I can check back with him if no one else knows this place.

    Its called 75 Seven Five, between Bophut and Maenam (right side when coming from Bophut). Big building, set back from the street so you might drive past the first time (big parking space outside).

    Supplier of commercial kitchen equipment (incl. pots, freezer, blenders, etc...) pretty big selection.

    Ask for 20% discount when paying.....one usually gets it.

  6. what are you the spelling police. what do u mean i was being siacastic. i know that word was probably spelt wrong. in a suttle way i was saying that thailand has no health and safety harly suprising to see a few fire accidents. when in england they go over the top on health and safety if they had thier way they would force u to have a fire extigusher up your ar++se.

    my spelling is bad becuase i not want ot spell check i want to post fast and get on with my next big C comment.

    Keep going ! :o

  7. i spoke with someone who owns a diving school an d he told me that there is alot f these types of desths around parties like full moon.

    mix full moon sea and alchole and an accident like falling over hitting a rock then the tide coming in or just feeling like a swim.

    this is very comon accident

    If you read the entire post, most of your questions are answered there, Sherlock ! :o

  8. Do you know the name of the resort he was staying at? You might try contacting the owners to see if they knew who he went to the party with.

    As for who pulled him out, etc, well there were literally thousands of people there, most of them drunk. Unless it was a friend, you are unlikely to get details as most people would have left by now.

    There is a rescue squad on Koh Phangan, but I don't know if they would have been the ones to deal with this or not. The nurse who goes with the ambulance (well, pick up truck really) speaks some English, but not much. I am afraid I don't have their number but perhaps someone can look it up for you.

    He stayed in a small resort on Koh Samui, together with 2 friends. The two of them saw him last time around 2 at night. That time he was feeling well, not drunk at all (of course they were drinking some beers but not as drunk as you would say he doesn't know anymore what he was doing. They scheduled to meet another time at 3 to decide if they stay longer or go back to the resort, but he did not show up anymore. The friends of us tried to find him, and finally called the police. It took a long way for them to even find out that he died and with the barriers of language they just went through a true nightmare the following days as you can imagine. Meanwhile we have a good contact you can translate between Thai and german... so if you could find out for us the phone number of the nurse we might give it a try and let our translator call for us! Could you do that?

    One more news we have on this subject is, our friend arrived this morning at Frankfurt Airport in Germany. The german state police did not release him for the final home transportation. On the question why, the only answer we got is that the police report from kind of struggles and does not give a true answer. It says something like "most likely drowned". So he will be kept for another autopsy done here in germany. Let's see if there is more information we can get out of this.

    Thats a step into the right direction. At least you will find out the real cause of death and I still cannot believe it was drowning. It would not surprise me if its heart failure (may be caused by an illegal substance)> Ican't help with the phone number, but may be SBK can assist with the number of the hospital there.

  9. Will say hi to everybody 1st as I'm new here.

    I'm planning on driving down to Samui next month and will get there via the car ferry from Don Sak. I know there is also a car ferry between Koh Phangnan and Don Sak but what I need to know is if there is a car ferry service from Samui to Phangnan as I'd like to have a couple of days there before going back to the mainland via the Koh Phangnan to Don Sak ferry.

    I'm getting conflicting information on the web as to if a Samui-Phangnan car ferry service exists. I've read that Seatran have a service but not Raja, My GF has read on a Thai language forum that Raja have a service but not Seatran and a guy who lived on Samui has told me that neither now have a service although 1 existed in the past.

    I know I could get the passenger ferry and leave the car in Samui but my GF is not happy to do this and it's her car so I'm not about to argue, and I'm not going to get the ferry back to Don Sak and then another to Phangnan as it's too much like hard work.

    Any answers gratefully received.

    There was a car ferry from Samui to Phangan, but now the only way is from Donsak to Phangan. Thus if you wanna go from Samui to Phangan you need to get back to Donsak first.

  10. hmm i had heard a german drowned- is this the same case?

    That's what they first said. But we just can't believe he is drowned... and no water found in his lungs. It will take 2-3 months to get the final report. That's why we try to find out something before. Some people must have seen when he was found! So question is if his clothing was wet at this point of time or if he was just laying at the beach etc.

    Okay, you say it takes 2-3 month to get the final report. (I assume you mean the autopsy from the hospital in Thailand). If no water in lungs, then it can not have been a drowning.

    I also assume the body has been already sent back to Germany and if you really want to find out the cause of death, I would get another post mortem to be performed there.

    Did he still have his wallet, watch, necklace etc. when he was found ? What are his friends who travelled with him saying to all of this ?

  11. Could have been electrical, could have been a smouldering cigarette, back half of the bar is torched, hopefully it will get fixed and they will open again soon. There may be a bit of a bash somewhere next weekend to try and get a couple of quid together to start the repairs. P Gaew is the sort of person who would help anyone out and deserves a bit of help herself.

    Could also be an inusurance case.....

  12. Very sorry to hear of your loss.

    What exactly are you trying to find out though, do you not believe he died of drowning?

    We try to recover his last hours... Friends of us met him around 2 a.m. and he seemed to be just fine. Of course everyone had few beers... but really not drunk! That's why we just can't believe that he went swimming! Also the friends of us went to the hospital he was brought to the next day and they confirmed that he was not drowned. Now we are just wondering what has happened in his last 3 hours. We know for sure that he met a lot of people and was chatting with them. Maybe we find somebody seeing him later than 2 and can tell us more... I'm posting a photo, maybe it helps to identify him...

    You are saying that he did not die of drowning ? So what did the post mortem report say ? Could be anything from heart attack to drug overdose.... I am not implying that he took drugs, but if he did not die by drowning (i.e. water in lungs) and no apprent marks on his body (struggle, fight etc.) then the post mortem must surely come up with something.....

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