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Posts posted by Nielsk

  1. 1 hour ago, bermondburi said:

    And can use swimming pool, walk around thy grounds etc. 

    Won't appeal to tourists, but for those with loved ones in Thailand it's GREAT news. 

    Makes a 3 week holiday viable for me which is easier to arrange, under the old rules I needed 6 weeks to make it worthwhile. 

    Up to You.  To me it is a good news if Phase 3 - from 1 Oct is going to happen  ???? 


    1 hour ago, bermondburi said:

    And can use swimming pool, walk around thy grounds etc. 

    Won't appeal to tourists, but for those with loved ones in Thailand it's GREAT news. 

    Makes a 3 week holiday viable for me which is easier to arrange, under the old rules I needed 6 weeks to make it worthwhile. 


  2. 1 hour ago, Boomer6969 said:

    Please tell me one country where it is easier to cross the border to have 4 weeks holidays.  Most tourists will make shorter stays, while there are easy ways to get visas for 2 months, with a possibility of extensions. 

    To put it in a nutshell: it is preposterous to say that Thai visa regulations hamper tourism. 

    It dos with there stupid Visaruns after 90 days and new economic requirements concerning monthly demands transferring 65000 baht into a Thaibank for the last 12 month ‼️????????????????

    • Like 2
  3. 4 hours ago, 4reaL said:

    wonder if the visa laws will become more favorable, nah that would be too logical......  

    Yes it would help if they rolled back announcement of foreign embassies approval of monthly income of 65000 baht for 1 year extension for Retirement Visa instead of as now "In case of income, a letter from your embassy in Thailand verifying your monthly income; or should your embassy  not issue an income letter, you will provide a 12-month bank statement showing a regular deposit of 65,000 baht into a Thai bank account" ⁉️⁉️

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  4. 3 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    They are never going to scrap the TM 30, it's a nice earner for them,

    the fines are even bigger than most of the fines been handed out on

    the roads,it's always more dangerous not knowing where you are,

    than going through a red light

    regards worgeordie

    How can it be a nice earner for them ?!?    Up to You. Make sure to do Your TM 30 Yourself or the host. Very easy !!

    • Sad 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Nielsk said:

    So many divergent opinions on the TM30 lately so I'm getting completely rundown. For me, I want to do as before. Make sure that the TM30 is sent with information about my permanent address during the period I stay in Thailand (Usually half a year), for me to the Immigration Office (Jomtien). When I take my annual trip to Koh Samet at approx. a week, I will do nothing. If someone comes after me which I do not expect, I just have to pay the fine, whatever it may be. I have an  a Extension of Stay/Retirement Visa ????????????????????


  6. So many divergent opinions on the TM30 lately so I'm getting completely rundown. For me, I want to do as before. Make sure that the TM30 is sent with information about my permanent address during the period I stay in Thailand (Usually half a year), for me to the Immigration Office (Jomtien). When I take my annual trip to Koh Samet at approx. a week, I will do nothing. If someone comes after me which I do not expect, I just have to pay the fine, whatever it may be ????????????????????

  7. "

    The High Season in Thailand

    First things first, when is the high season in Thailand? The answer is actually debatable, but most people generally consider high season in Thailand to coincide with the dry-season months from November to April. The “shoulder” months on either end of that range can be wet or dry. If you’re willing to take a small risk with the weather, they are often enjoyable months to travel."


    1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    A single entry tourist visa would allow you to stay 90 days by extending the 60 day entry from it for 30 days. Then you could  do a border hop for a 30 day visa exempt entry that could be extended for 30 days.

    A multiple entry tourist visa would allow a total stay of 6 months by doing one border hop for a new 60 day entry after extending the first 60 day entry for 30 days.

    Another option might be to get a OA long stay visa at the Thai embassy in your home country. See here for the requirements.


    The OA visa allows unlimited one year entries for one year from the date of issue.

    As always a clear and understandable answer. Thank You Ubonjoe !!

    • Like 1
  9. The last years I have stayed every winter 6 month in Thailand based on Retirement-visa and following years 1 year extension.

    After the new rules  I cannot meet the new requirements. I wonder if any can advise me how to stay for just 3-4- month, without a visa-run and without economic requirements, if possible ?

  10. 17 hours ago, khunPer said:

    Nielsk, I have Danish friends – similar you, living about half of the year, i.e. summer period, in Denmark, and the other about half year, i.e. utterly nasty Danish weather period,  in Thailand – using that option. It works well, but require slightly more (or different) paperwork than applying for extensions of stay in Thailand. However its a good option, as you don't need proof of funds in Thailand, and by continuing as Danish resident, they can obtain full governmental retirement pension (Danish: "Folkepensionstillæg") instead of being cut to the minimum rate...????

    Thank You khumpPer.  I think that are the option I will go for !

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    I think you can still get proof of your pension income verified by the Danish embassy. Not the same as the letter they stopped doing.

    See: http://thailand.um.dk/da/rejse-og-ophold/borgerservice/attester/

    You could also apply for OA long stay visa that allows unlimited one year entries for a year from the date of issue.

    See: http://thaiembassy.dk/non-immigrant-visa/

    If I understand You correctly Ubonjoe I can start allover again applying  for new Non Immigrant O retirement visa for 1 year and don't have to prove I had transferred  65 000 baht for the last 12 month ?  Of course I will go personally to the Thai embassy in Copenhagen and make sure. Your first option will leave me in trouble if Immigration Jomtien don't accept it.  I know I can go and ask, but will not feel sure if I will get a genuine answer if they don't rally understand my explanation. Thanks anyway for always beeing so polite and helpful  ????

  12. 3 hours ago, Kerryd said:

    Seems a lot of people in this thread need to read more threads on TV and talk to more foreigners. 


    I've met a more than a few over the last 15 years that I've been living here that were using various ways to get around the requirements. I've probably read hundreds of threads written by other expats who are either trying to find a way around the rules, or bragging about how they've been getting away with it. (In the years before I started "living here" I was just visiting now and then and didn't care about things like "visas" and didn't spend a lot of time talking to other foreigners.)


    Just because you (as in the generic "you" and not "you" specifically) haven't personally met similar people (and maybe don't read a lot of threads on TV regularly) doesn't mean there are no scammers or maybe only "just a few".

    Every time Immigration cracks down and changes the rules, there is a flood of people whining about how they are trying to get rid of all the foreigners or trying to force them all to use "agents" (etc, etc). When you actually read those threads and all the posts in them, it doesn't take long to figure out that a lot of the people whining are the ones who've been using some scam/loop hole to get around the requirements and have just seen that method get shut down.

    Like a lot of the people who whined when they cracked down on the unlimited "30 Day stamps" at the borders. 

    Like a lot of the people who whined when they cracked down on the "ED" visas.
    Like a lot of the people who whined when they cracked down on the "borrowing 800k for a day to get a bank letter" scam.
    Like a lot of the people who whined when they cracked down on the "Income letter" method.
    Like a lot of the people who whined when they cracked down on the "funds in bank" method. Again. 
    Like a lot of the people who whined when they cracked down on the "Income" method by requiring money to be deposited every month in a Thai bank.


    Like a lot of the people who will whine when Immigration cracks down on that method when they realize how many people are simply transferring a sum to their Thai bank every month and then transferring all (or most of it) "back home" and then doing the same thing next month and every month thereafter.

    Some people on Thaivisa (and people I've talked to in person) have been talking about doing that ever since the rule change was first proposed last year.


    You know. The people who think they've figured out a way to get around the rules by using the same 65k and just transferring it back and forth each month. (Even when you take the transfer fees and exchange rates into account, it would still be a lot cheaper than having to have 800k in an account for 5 months and then 400k in an account for the rest of the year).

    Some thought they could simply transfer the cash from one Thai bank to another, then withdraw it (or transfer it back) and then do it again the next month.

    Some thought they might even get away with simply withdrawing the money and then re-depositing it (using an ATM).

    Some thought they might get away with making a larger deposit every 3-4 months and then transferring it back (as the proposed rules said an "average deposit of 65k/month they were thinking they might transfer 260k every 4 months and then send the money back as it would be cheaper/easier than transferring 65k/month).

    All these rule changes have come about as Thailand tries to get rid of the people that can't meet the financial requirements to live here. (Personally I think their requirements are out of touch with reality but there's not much we can do about that.)


    People were bragging (on internet forums and other places) about how they've been living in Thailand for years by just getting a new 30 Day stamp every month. Immigration cracked down on that and limited the number of times people could do that in a year. (The whining that went on afterwards was of epic proportions.)


    People were bragging (in the same places) about how they were able to get ED visas and never attend a single language class. Immigration started cracking down on the Language schools and the fake students.


    People were bragging about how they were able to get their "bank letter" by borrowing 800k from an agent "for a day", getting their letter, then giving the money back (with interest) and getting their new Extension. Immigration cracked down on that by bringing in the 3 month "seasoning" requirement.


    People were bragging about how they were using "income letters" even though they didn't actually have as much as they claimed and little (if any) of it was actually coming into Thailand. Immigration informed the Embassies that if they didn't verify the income statements were true, they could be held liable.

    Some Embassies decided to stop issuing the letters altogether, perhaps knowing that a large number of them were probably fraudulent and they had no way of actually verifying them (despite what some uninformed people seem to think). Some embassies are apparently willing to assume the liability (or maybe they don't really know what the issue is or didn't bother reading the Immigration notice sent to them).

    No doubt the rule requiring the "monthly income" to be deposited into a Thai bank every month also came about as a result of what Immigration was seeing on various internet forums. Probably people bragging about how little they actually make (once the ex-wives get their cut) and how little they actually bring into Thailand. I've met people who would go on and on about their (2-3) ex-wives back home and all the alimony/child support they have to pay every month. Most of their "income" is gone the moment it hits their account.


    People were bragging (again) about how they were able to get around the 3 month "seasoning" requirement by using agents (again) that were able to somehow provide bank accounts/letters that appeared to show the foreigner had the required funds in the bank for the required amount of time, despite not actually having a pot to piss in (so to speak - colloquial English).

    Immigration, again, cracked down on that by requiring the funds to be in the bank for 2 (or 3) months prior to applying for an Extension as well as keeping the full amount in the bank for 3 months afterwards and then expecting you to keep 400k in the account for the rest of the year.

    How people get the impression that Immigration is doing that in order to force more people into using agents (so that some IOs can get a kick back) is laughable. The purpose is to get rid of the people who CAN'T meet the requirement and making it even harder for "agents" to be able to help them get around the rules.

    And yes, I doubt it is any "coincidence" that many of those rule changes came about after there were numerous topics and posts (on all manner of internet forums I suspect), many from people who were discussing how they've been getting around the current rules.

    Just like I doubt it will be a "coincidence" if Immigration cracks down on the "65k/month" rule in the near future. They'll see all the threads from all the people trying to figure out ways to beat the rules and then they'll come out with new rules. I suspect nothing will happen during the first year under the new rules, though they could (possibly) suggest changes next Fall and bring them into effect next March (like they did Fall and this March).


    And then there will be a whole slew of new threads from a lot of people complaining about how they had legitimate reasons for transferring the required funds into their Thai bank and then (very soon afterwards) sending it all "back home" again. Every month.
    Just like happens every other time Immigration cracks down on a method "some" people use to get around the rules.
    (Not everyone of course but if you think no one is trying to scam the system one way or another, you really need to open your eyes as it happens - a lot. There are a lot of foreigners living in Thailand because they can't-afford-to-live in their home countries and can barely afford to live in Thailand.)


    You seem to be sitting on the green branch financially. Good for You. But back to my situation. I have come to Thailand for 10 Years. I am single. The last 8 Years for 6 month here and 6 month in Denmark. For my 1 year extension I used the Income letter from my Danish Embassy (I send them my total yearly income from the Government institution) When I have paid my tax insurance and rent for my condo in Denmark I have left 70500 Baht which I spend in Thailand every month for 6 month. (Rent, food and joy a.o. ). Now IO want me to transfer 65 000 Baht every month to my Thaibank. Leave me with 5.500 baht to live for in Denmark a month. Impossible. My question is not how to scam, but if I am allowed to withdraw from my Thaibank every month for my daily life in Denmark, when in Denmark. So You mean that is scamming ? I don't know, that's why I ask ! What will You do in my situation ??

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Kerryd said:

    Uh huh.

    Sounds just exactly like what some others have been asking about ever since the new rules were first proposed last year. 

    I suspect that it won't be long before Immigration clues in to what is really happening and changes the rules (again) to get rid of the "65k" scammers the same way they've been trying to get rid of the "800k" and "income letter" scammers. 


    I mean, it's not like they (or someone that reports to them) isn't reading threads like this on various forums and can't figure out what is really happening.

    "I suspect that it won't be long before Immigration clues in to what is really happening and changes the rules (again) to get rid of the "65k" scammers the same way they've been trying to get rid of the "800k" and "income letter" scammers."   Nothing to do with 65k scammers.  Can You explain where You see the wrong doing in my question and the answers where scam is encouraged??

    • Like 2
  14. 17 hours ago, SEtonal said:

    It sounds like you visit Denmark at least every two years.  Why don't you apply for a Non-Immigrant OA visa at the Thai Embassy in Copenhagen?  You will need a police report, a medical check, and other documents, but you can show your money in a Danish bank and don't have to put money in a Thai bank account.

    The Non-Immigrant OA visa is technically good for one year but will last for two years if you leave and reenter Thailand just before the visa expires at the end of the first year.   If you want to leave and reenter Thailand during the second year of the OA visa, you need to first get a reentry permit from the Immigration Office.



    Sorry ! I should have mentioned I stay in Thailand 6 month and Denmark 6 month every year !

    • Like 1
  15. I have a question about the new rules of 65 000 baht on my thai bank account showing tranferes from my Danish bank within the last 12 month. Can i transfer back 60 000 baht to my Danish bank 1 day later or take out money from an ATM in DK ?   I need the money for my expenses in DK  !!

    I know I can ask IO, but feel insecure, maybe not being able to understand the answer !

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