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true blue

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Posts posted by true blue

  1. think a bit of porkys,with nj post,69 cards issued for 90 day reports,and finished in over a hour,one a minute now I know they have improved but that's exceptional,dont see how you can spot queue card for extensions, As its in the far corner and I agree staff should bring there own stationary,keeps the cost for our visas low.

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  2. well I understood what I was saying,faber was being interviewed on cnn yesterday,About his book doom gloom and bust.and I thought I would add a bit of humour about topical posts on chiang mai forum.but as a lot of posters on here are yanks,And there not in to humour much,It went down like a lead balloon.Anway chock dee have a nice day.

    Or maybe you're just not very funny.

    obviously,one of them.
  3. well I understood what I was saying,faber was being interviewed on cnn yesterday,About his book doom gloom and bust.and I thought I would add a bit of humour about topical posts on chiang mai forum.but as a lot of posters on here are yanks,And there not in to humour much,It went down like a lead balloon.Anway chock dee have a nice day.

  4. Maybe a link, some capital letters and spaces after commas? Just for the sake of coherence, you understand. Oh, and check the spelling of "know".

    grammer police active tonight,pathetic and irreverent post,do grow up if your going to make sarcastic and childish comments.

  5. some people hold a grudge for years,if they have lost money by putting trust in some one, instead of doing a bit of research and checking the advice given,lot of people are greedy and when johnny flash starts building dreams in your head common sense disappears,if it sounds to good to be true,it propaly isn't.big returns, big big risk,and big commission and charges,as they say its a medium to very very long term investment.meaning forget about it for a few years,as I will be left and gone on to some other con by then.

  6. For what it's worth:

    Earlier this week I spoke with a Thai friend who works at a bar atop Maya, he told me they are now closing at 1am as the police are slightly more lenient. Good news I guess...at this rate closing times will be back to normal around 2019 blink.png

    It hasn't chuffed all the residents in the area from what I hear.

    The music rather carries from the rooftop by all accounts.

    maya is still going well past 2am.must have a micky mouse watch your mate

  7. If you're talking big money, like 10k or 20k USD or more, Why not just wire the money to your account in Thailand?

    depends exchange rate at the time,if crap cash gives you a bit of wiggle room to change when rate better.

  8. BTW, did you look at the expiration date? It should show 6 years minus 3+weeks.

    Yup, that's right -- six years minus the three weeks or so after my birthday. I thought the 10 baht was for the little plastic sleeve, which I promptly disposed of since he doesn't fit into my wallet.

    nice to see you driving on the chaos of chiang mai roads,what car you got,???

  9. popped in to promenade this morning,for renewal extension of stay,arrived 8.am quiet surprised to see only 6 people in queue received number 007.yes there was e few comments about number.any way all sorted by 10 am, went home returned at 3 picked up passport.must admit after 10/11 extension of stays this was up there with best.some good guys there doing there thing and had a nice chat with a few,not many for 90 days about 15, re entry permit about 10. extension tourist visa about 30/ 40 seem very efficient to me the system.in fact the place was nearly empty when I left at 10oclock.no one waiting outside.

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  10. Costly but what about travelers checks.

    use to be free,but I think they charge you now,and only give you small denomination,heard some were there fazing them out,but its certinally a safe way of carrying money as if lost or stolen no proplem.

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