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BritManToo last won the day on March 4

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  1. Don't understand, I've been paying 4bht/unit for the last 12 years. How has it been skyrocketing?
  2. They're up late waiting for Santa!
  3. WHO has always been a political leftie organization, best not to finance your enemies. I'd suggest they leave NATO and the UN as well, as they're all a waste of money. ........ and forget Climate Change .........
  4. I'd rather DIY than start hiring anyone below an 8. Married an 8-9 who kept her looks for 10 years, now at 15 years on she's down to a 5 but I still love her. I was a 5 when we met and am still a 5 .........
  5. I only consider people with a Chinese passport to be Chinese.
  6. Agree, cycling = no impact stress on legs.
  7. I always click on the 'send to bank account' button to get money out of my Lazada wallet, about 30s for it to appear in my bank. I don't really understand why other people seem to have a problem.
  8. Nope, hit and run got me, taken to SanSai government hospital, no money required until I left the hospital. Total bill for 3 nights + 4 months outpatient 13,500bht. Paid by gov min m/c insurance.
  9. I don't interact with the locals so have no problems.
  10. You can keep your fine wine and snobby restaurants, I'm ok with KFC and a Pepsi!
  11. Sounds like the poor chap is suffering from dementia.
  12. If you're after teens, I have no problem with that, just pointing out it's not for everyone.
  13. I was always looking for the company of women in their early 30s. My pal preferred the company of women in their early 40s.
  14. I was drinking next to there in the Jungle Bar Friday night, and Mad Dog was busy as normal ....... 10hrs later gone.
  15. Buy from the manufacturers official store and never any problems. Generally 1TB costs 1,000bht, although I did manage to get a 10Tb Seagate hub from Seagate official store on 11.11 sale for 7,600bht.

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