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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Yep, every bad story used to involve Brits, now it's all Indians and Arabs, TAT wanted them, now they gotta deal with them.
  2. No interest to me at all, just a place to change flights on my way to The Philippines. Maybe best not to wear your sexuality on your arm.
  3. Off topic, Karl Marx, the great man, never worked a day in his life, considered women to be property (not worth the mention) married a Baroness and lived off her income, impregnated both her and her maid, and wanted the workers to get a better deal. What's not to admire about him?
  4. That's OK, we sent you to OZ because we didn't like your kind either. Even if it was only a loaf of bread!
  5. Yep, first story borrower is shooter, second story lender is shooter.
  6. I retired age 45, when I thought I had enough money to live the rest of my life. Life was never that hard, mostly sat in a chair, but tedious work with little time off.
  7. Cat traps aren't all that expensive, and the Tessaban office will collect and dispose of what you catch. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/943437cm-size-xl-cat-trap-cat-cage-i4261654167-s16878772254.html
  8. Did you mean 'I', because I don't care at all what foreign tourists do in Thailand.
  9. Odd as whenever I log on to my WISE account I get a screen saying, "why not pay your pension into WISE"
  10. The banks always monitor customers activity as forced by the UK government with KYC. But I don't believe using WISE would tip them off to you living outside the UK. Plenty of people using WISE in the UK, along with the WISE debit card. Using your UK debit/credit card when overseas would be spotted though. Debanking is driven by government regulations, not by any desire by the banks.
  11. Actually the Thai police are usually very good handling these matters. They visit the house, watch while she packs her stuff, then drive her to the bus station. They'll even buy the bus ticket if she's broke. But her choice to stay.
  12. I'm a Marxist, wouldn't vote for Trump or Biden. I haven't voted since Arthur Skargill's Socialist Labour Party gave up.
  13. Shooting armed intruders in your home would certainly be OK IMHO. Them shooting you would be murder.
  14. Deathbed confession, just in case. Which is totally allowable if you've managed to avoid 'mortal sins'. PS. wedding vows, no mention of a free pass for incurable illness (as far as I can see).
  15. Black Sabbath was the first album I ever purchased. (from Virgin records in Brighton)
  16. God doesn't care about your 'good heart', although your divorcing 3 mentally ill women seems to suggest not that good, remember your oath before God .... sickness and health, etc. God cares about you following his rules, although I'm hoping for a bit of wiggle room on my divorce as I opposed it and was divorced against my consent. Anyway back on topic, Jesus seemed OK with having a hooker as a bestie. If that was good enough for Jesus, why not marry a bar girl.
  17. He can only use one at a time, so does the number he owns really matter?
  18. No freedom of speech in the USA. Dissent and be shot in your own home by the FBI.
  19. Mortal sin ..........no chance of heaven for you. Using condoms/contraception also a mortal sin, "thou shall not kill". So that's two 'mortal sins' you've confessed to on this page of this thread.
  20. I don't hate anyone, but I do prefer to avoid all confrontation, which is not the same. Meeting my former kids would invariably give rise to confrontation. Back on topic 'would you ever marry a bar girl' Yes I would, yes I did, and it's been great (so far).
  21. It's interesting that you profess to believe in god, but break many of his rules. And I claim to not believe in God, but follow all his rules (apart from keeping the sabbath). 9 out of 10 ain't bad IMHO. I see 'honour your father and mother', which I did. But nothing about loving your children.
  22. No need, I'll be dead soon, doubt I have 5 years left in me. I've already outlived all but one of my pals.
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