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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Primary and Secondary Education in Thailand Currently a 12-year system of general education is in effect, with children starting school at age 6. - Elementary School is 6 years (ages 6-12) Grades 1-6. Culminates in the Certificate of Primary Education. - Lower Secondary School is 3 years (ages 13-15) Grades 7-9. Culminates in the Certificate of Lower Secondary Education - Senior Secondary School is 3 years (ages 16-18) Grades 10-12. Culminates in the Certificate of Secondary Education.
  2. My daughter was also in Temple school grade 5 when she was age 11/12. Primary and Secondary Education in Thailand Currently a 12-year system of general education is in effect, with children starting school at age 6. - Elementary School is 6 years (ages 6-12) Grades 1-6. Culminates in the Certificate of Primary Education. - Lower Secondary School is 3 years (ages 13-15) Grades 7-9. Culminates in the Certificate of Lower Secondary Education - Senior Secondary School is 3 years (ages 16-18) Grades 10-12. Culminates in the Certificate of Secondary Education.
  3. But this story is about Prathom 5 students. And Temple school generally ends at age 12
  4. Strongest Florida hurricane ever was a cat 5 in 1935 (Labour Day) 160kph+, two other cat 5s 1992 (Andrew) 145kph+, and 2018 (Michael) 140kph+ weren't as bad. There's a list of Florida hurricanes on Wiki and it doesn't show any increase in strengths in the past 100 years. If anything the cat 5s are getting weaker. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Florida_hurricanes
  5. Some of us use more advanced systems than lead acid batteries. My BMS chooses when my battery stops discharging. That's if my inverter doesn't switch to grid first.
  6. I rarely eat local food outside the UK. Plenty of German/Brit/Aussie/Mexican restaurants in PI. In Thailand I regularly eat at German and Indian restaurants.
  7. Not cost effective .............. 10 days overcast a year costs me about 10 units of electricity from the PEA ....... 40bht.
  8. I've spent the last 20 years of my life living through super-unlikely scenarios. If I were still living back in the west, I wouldn't believe me either!
  9. Not me, I've been using PEA overnight for the past week. Enough solar to power the day, but not enough to fill the 6kwhr batteries past about 3am.
  10. Filipinos think like Catholics (me being nominally one). You think like a Jew (you nominally being one). I married a Methodist, also a different culture. You aren't part of my culture, just as I am not part or your culture. To share a culture, you need to share a religion. I'm betting Filipinos (Catholic) share more culture with me (Catholic) than I share with either you (Jewish) or my (former) Brit wife (Methodist) or my current Thai wife (Buddhist).
  11. There are no links as such data would conflict with government green propaganda. But I've owned 2 (or more) ICE vehicles for the past 50 years and not one ever burst into flame while parked in my driveway/garage/carport.
  12. I know this isn't good enough housing for asylum seekers, but how about offering it to homeless Brit citizens or returning homeless expats?
  13. We're living in Thailand, my 5.5kw system cost 100kbht (2,300GBP). You're living in the UK, your 4kw system cost 11,600GBP. I'm not surprised Solar isn't worthwhile in the UK, it rains all the time, and equipment is expensive. In Thailand it's sunny all the time, and equipment is cheap, so far this year only last week was wet and overcast.
  14. Crash and burn Vs parked and burn. How many parked ICE cars have spontaneously combusted? Greens never want to compare like with like, and you will never get a straight answer only deflections and bare face lies.
  15. Thais are even ignorant about their own religion.
  16. Only use air-con when it's over 30c at night. We normally sleep with all windows open and a fan blowing to keep mozzies from landing. This year has been unusually cold, so maybe 4 nights in total.
  17. I paid around 100k for 9 x340w panels, 5k5w inverter and 6kwhr battery. This provides 80% of the electricity for my 3 bed house. Air-con, shower heaters and cooker are connected to the grid. Everything else runs on the inverter. You don't need to plan for high wattage low use devices to run off the solar. My monthly PEA bills are under 200bht.
  18. Answer: "and you're ugly for not being able to get a multi-millionaire."
  19. You've got one, but you're not happy with her ..............
  20. None of them were educated in the west, and Thailand only offers peasant education. Therefore my wife, daughter and son are all poorly educated. Even the wealthy Thais educated in western countries seem to prefer cheating rather than learning.
  21. ALL Thais are uneducated peasants IMHO, I choose not to mix with any of them. If you enjoy their company it probably means you're as poorly educated as them. And hookers are for private fun, not public display (even Thais know this).
  22. Indica 15-20%THC works best for my arthritis. Pain totally gone, joints returned to normal size, strength regained. Smoke 0.5gm just before bed and you won't feel any high. If it has 'punch' in the name it'll probably work (Tropical Punch, Critical Orange Punch). If it has 'kush' in the name it probably won't work (Lemon Kush). Sativa does nothing for me.
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