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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. Can't answer for you. Maybe you just have such a sunny disposition that you don't see the bitter, angry and yes, overtly racist comments posted on the forum. I used to spend time calling out the jerks and defending Thailand and the Thai culture but it is like sticking your finger in the dike to try to hold back the flood.

    How did you manage that with only 30 posts?

  2. Full HD Samsung 50" LCD is 22k (list price), 20k for a plasma isn't a bargain these days.

    Watch out though, Big C and places like it often sell low definition, don't buy below full HD.

    Smart is a waste of money.

    Advertising hype.

    Samsung Plasma screens are top picture quality, LG are bottom.

  3. Mammals are therefore designed to digest milk in childhood

    Which animal other than the human drink milk at adulthood?

    Which animal other than the human drink milk of other animals?

    Is milk healthy for adults?

    Dogs and cats will drink milk, given the opportunity.

    I suspect most omnivores would.

    Someone wiser than me answered it really well,

    "Of course we also don't need to eat cooked food, or for that matter food that has been frozen, baked or otherwise prepared. After all, we are the only animals to do that as well, but you see, we kind of like it.

    You may find good reasons not to drink milk, but "we're the only species to do so" is not one of them."

  4. Really easy to make cream cheese from raw milk.

    Just leave out in a covered jug overnight.

    (raw milk only keeps in the fridge for 4 days, after that it's cheese anyway)

    Drain and strain off the whey (use a sticky rice bag 10bht) until it's as dry (or wet) as you like it, add a little salt (not iodised salt, sea salt) as a preservative, and to add taste.

    Cream cheese yield is about 15%

    1l of raw milk (25bht) = 150gm cream cheese.

    Great on cream crackers!

  5. I'm happy with any woman under 40 years, 50Kg that looks good in a sexy dress and will have me.

    Don't care about their race, nationality, social standing, wealth or educational level.

    (Come to think of it, replace 'woman' with 'one')

    No racism or sexism from me (maybe a little agism and stoutism)!

    • Like 1
  6. Loving the increasingly elaborate explanations here.

    Maybe I'm not interested in Thai women because, well, I'm not interested in Thai women.

    Not everyone agrees on everything.

    Quite honestly unless you are a racist how could you not be attracted to Thai women? They are probably the most beautiful women in the World.

    They're certainly the most available women in the world.

  7. I don't agree with that. A man in his 40s is very desirable for several reasons in the eyes of women regardless of nationality.

    Only one in Thailand....money
    You're right. Money seems to rule over all else however, there are many girls that have money and are not actively seeking ours...predominantly Thai/Chinese girls.

    That's quality girls of 'well to do' families who have access to money.

    Several girls who are friends with my wife have made their own money.

    These girls are educated, determined and classy. Even they admit these attributes were instilled from their Chinese ancestry.

    They are somewhat fearful that their equal class Thai/Chinese male will take on a Gik for fun, and a Mia noi after marriage. They are now more averse to pairing up with this man.

    What many are wishing for more than their Thai equal, is a western man who exudes the same attributes as themselves. Their parents understand their wish and will respect their decision to establish a relationship with a western man on the proviso he is of similar standing.

    The problem is however, so few western men here are in their class.

    It truly is a shame.

    I pine for the day when I see more genuinely well partnered couples of different ethnicity.

    No Thai girls with money or respect for themselves would be seen dead with a white foreigner.

    If they were that foolish their parents would disown them, so money gone.


    Plenty of hill tribes with Chinese ancestry, usually the poorest and most primitive people in Thailand.

  8. Even when something positive about Thailand gets posted, a chorus of misery generally forms to discuss how our must be a lie, or they're sure to mess it up because it's Thailand, or things will be as bad as ever in a few months, just you wait.

    Petrol is down to pre 2009 prices (91 @33bht/l and E20 @ 31bht/l)

    You can't get more positive than that.

    Any misery?

    Us mostly being her for younger Thai women, most of us entirely happy with that.

    Any misery?

    (only from you, as far as I can see)

    Reserving a place in food courts

    Any misery?

    (again only from you)

    Seems to me you are the negative and miserable one.

    We are all happy with the women, the food courts, and the petrol prices.

  9. Look at all the ugly ducklings in this forum judging a 16 year old girl and calling her 'average' and so forth. Shame on you all.

    Why don't you post a picture of your but ugly faces on the forum to let us all see who is at least being so critical and why.

    Most of you would have faces like a smacked arse. 555555

    Weeeeeeeeeeeeeell, I am NOT in the contest w00t.gif ...............laugh.png , BUT, for me a bird with boobs really ticks my box.........Of course there are those who don't like boobs, but I LIKE EM.......laugh.png

    Mista Trannyam,

    You're old enuf to be her great,great grandfather, you shouldn't even be looking at the child like that.


    I just see a pretty child having a go and good on her. She's a pretty girl and she won, so what the fleck is wrong with you people.

    Transam and I are both from the UK.

    16 is legal there.

    PS She looks fine to me, unlike miss teen thailand that was very average.

  10. Nobody is forced to go there early.

    If your extension is about to run out, they will fit you in, or arrange for you to be seen next day.

    or you can just pay a VISA agent to "fix it" (jump the queue) for you.

  11. We all know why he's writing what he does and it has nothing to do with anything factual.

    I think he's just walking about muttering "I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay"

    And the postings here are supporting & helping his denial.

    Note to SB,

    We're a pretty broad minded bunch here and really don't mind if you're gay, you just gotta let go and enjoy Thailand.

  12. If you add the general healthcare issues, visa runs etc it makes it vulnerable and that is not a good sense of being at retirement years

    Healthcare is an obsession with a few with an agenda/obsession/nationality (choose any 1 of 3 to suit you).

    Not a problem for most of us (from the EU), we have accident insurance and few long term health problems, along with free healthcare in our home countries.

    If you're that sick, best to stay in your home country (just my opinion).

    Very few doing VISA runs either, most of us have long term extensions.

    Just noticed E20 is down to 31bht/l and 91 at 33bht/l.

    That's back down to the prices 5+ years ago.

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