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  1. Thanks for the replies everyone. I followed the advice above and got a reply within the hour: Dear XXXX, Wealthy Pensioner category only requires one year of income.
  2. The BOI application form says to upload passive income evidence "..in the past 2 years.....". Do they mean to upload 2 years of evidence? Or, 1 year that is no more than 2 years old? Thanks in advance.
  3. You are correct and I have used the Bangkok Bank app to repatriate large sums of Provident Fund savings from working here many years. Somehow, the other banks are not interested in your Thailand work history, and will only help you if they can see a valid Work Permit. (I was rejected by both Kasikorn and SCB).
  4. I worked 20 years in Thailand, working with normal Thai middle class, being the only foreigner at the company. They were gracious, kind, funny, and treated me as a friend, sharing with me their daily life. After the day I retired, I haven't heard from one of them. Not one.
  5. I appears the Xiaomi popular models such as Xiaomi 4 Pro on Lazada are currently "pre-order" with 7 to 30 days delivery. And very few offering the global version. Mostly China version available.
  6. I have seen on a few occasasions the wild dogs in Thailand politely enter a premises full of people and smile and wag their tail wildly until someone throws them some food. Then they go back to their mischief. When I was a teenager with a paper route (in the U.S), I was always chased by dogs in the street. I even got bit once. On the last day of my route, I brought a big wooden stick with me. When I saw them running towards me, I parked the bike and ran after them with the stick. What cowards they were. My eyes opened watching them screech their assault and run in fear. Wish I knew before I got bit.
  7. TIT. You tink too mut.
  8. Oh! I nearly forgot. Give Theera Music in Pinklao a call (Theeramusic.com). They are located a few blocks from Central Pinklao. They are a certified repair shop for Roland and they did a great job repairing a noisey Roland amplifier for me. I would imagine they repair other brands too.
  9. Try CT Music Shop (Google it). They are a well-known pro equipment music shop, which I believe, handles repairs. You can also search through Kaidee.com. Music section. They are an online sales forum (such as Craigslist in the U.S.). But there are many collector music shops that advertise there. Another option is to visit the electronics section of downtown Bangkok. Sorry I don't know the street, but near the Grand Palace there is a few blocks of electronic repair shops. Some of them are quite good at trouble shooting.
  10. My amalgams have been in place 55+ years and still going strong. Meanwhile, the composit fill replacements (on a few) keep cracking and I have paid to have them replaced again more than once. Each time more of my tooth is wittled off. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  11. Update. I was at CW today. The docs required were: 1. Application form 2. Copy of passport 3. Copy of TM30 4. Copy of TM47 (90 day report) And 200 thb., which I paid gladly. Not sure if that was official. All other docs I had were pushed back to me.
  12. Thailand makes it nearly impossible to transfer money out of Thailand unless you have a work permit. However, Bangkok Bank's app allows international transfers out of Thailand with no questions asked up to about 1 million thb/day. After years of working in Thailand, I wanted to send my savings back to the U.S. I was distraught to find out no banks would do it because my work permit was now canceled. Using the Bangkok Bank app solved the problem.
  13. Would anyone like to list the requirements for a COR at CW? I have failed to find it anywhere. I have: Application form (provided above) TM47 TM30 Rental Contract Copy of Owner's ID Card Copy of Owner's House Registration (blue book) Copy of Owner's Chanote Am I missing anything besides first born child and sacrificial lamb?
  14. Thanks much. The form you referenced looks more appropriate for driver's lisence renewal, which is what I am doing. I wonder what would require the TM.18 form.
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