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Posts posted by casualposter

  1. I used to do a lot of jogging (include marathon). When I was in uni, I would jog 2 hours almost everyday without a problem.

    I used to cycle round the Oxford ring road almost every day.

    Is this leg pain just a consequence of getting older?


    I'm 80kg and have been around that since I was 16/17

    Stating weight sans height is silly. BMI is a useful indicator. 80kg @ 5'4'' is not the same as 80kg @ 6'2''.

    Am I just being a wimp?


    I try to tell myself that leg pain can be ignored as it's not important like my heart

    The footwear you're using is not appropriate for the surface you're jogging on.

    • Like 1
  2. How about rent?

    I know very few people who pay rent. I personally pay zero.

    Even expats who're not part of your "5%" often have their rent paid. Business owners I'm acquainted with mark it down as a company expense; top-level employees seem to get allowances ranging from 40K -80K.

    I understand that English teachers employed by international schools (Harrow, for example) also get housing allowances.

    I genuinely wonder what sort of expat (not including retirees or unqualified teachers) has to pay rent.

    This is 2014. Food, car, entertainment, insurance, travel, utilities, clothing, vehicles, maids, nannies, drivers.....

    You talk about cars and drivers. No one pays for a chauffeur. It's either a business expense or a perk taken care of by the company.

    Maids and nannies are company expenses (eg, perks / benefits).

    Not sure what you mean by "vehicles".

    Utilities should by part of the package.

    Food. This a a tricky one. I guess much of it depends on whether or not you can do without wine, imported hams and other "luxuries". I buy fresh fish and chicken, and love cooking. Note everyone's the same. Some of the food bills on this thread strike me as very high, though.

    Clothing is pretty much irrelevant since it's the same here as back home.

    I've never considered entertainment to be a major expense, but this is obviously a question of personal preferences.

  3. Why does this only go up to 100k? I know very few people spending under 150k and most are in the 200k + range

    That's BS if i ever heard it.


    Expats -- and I mean REAL expats -- actually spend very little.

    Accommodation is provided gratis; school fees are part of the package; entertainment bills are added to the expense account.

    And a 'real' expat would be the 5% of the expat population that have the 500k a month package with all the ++. The other 95% are spending money. Of the 200 odd people I know here, not one has their schooling paid for them.

    How about rent?

    I know very few people who pay rent. I personally pay zero.

    Even expats who're not part of your "5%" often have their rent paid. Business owners I'm acquainted with mark it down as a company expense; top-level employees seem to get allowances ranging from 40K -80K.

    I understand that English teachers employed by international schools (Harrow, for example) also get housing allowances.

    I genuinely wonder what sort of expat (not including retirees or unqualified teachers) has to pay rent.

  4. Why does this only go up to 100k? I know very few people spending under 150k and most are in the 200k + range

    That's BS if i ever heard it.


    Expats -- and I mean REAL expats -- actually spend very little.

    Accommodation is provided gratis; school fees are part of the package; entertainment bills are added to the expense account.

    • Like 1
  5. My advice, its never going to work out unless you have solid plans to move to Thailand, or to get your girlfriend to move to your home country. If you're not far enough in the relationship to have such plans, then you either need to get to that point quickly, or get out. Without a solid future plan, its not much of a relationship anyway.

    How long will a girl put her life on-hold for you? And how long would you do the same? Unless you're both working toward a real end-game where you can actually be together and have a "real life", its pretty much just a dream.


    Relationship founded on holiday romance + no plans to live together = fail.

    Note. I don't think the OP is talking about the the type of LDR where the husband opts to works overseas for several months at a time.

  6. First off I am not fat nor have a beer gut, tattoos or facial hair. My wallet is also not so fat. My GF is 35 years younger than me and I don't give her a paycheck. She is very lovely, smart, kind and honest. She has a real job and goes to school. I would give her a 9 out of 10 in the looks department. Why is she with me you might wonder. What she tells me... I look and dress smart. I am fun to be with. I am very handsome. I am kind. I have a hot body. Sex is good.... All Her words not mind.

    You young guys will never understand unless you get older and stay in good shape....

    "My GF is 35 years younger than me and I don't give her a paycheck.

    I look and dress smart. I am fun to be with. I am very handsome. I am kind. I have a hot body. Sex is good"

    Are you George Clooney?

    If so, I watched Ocean's 11 again last night. Good movie. But I thought you were better in Ocean's 12.

    Interesting that you mention him.

    I asked the gf once about him.

    Humm ... never heard of George Clooney.

    Ask your GF about George Hamilton. Photo below. I'm fairly sure now that this TTHAILAND guy is "Gorgeous George Hamilton". He starred in Godfather III.


    PS. Weren't you about to get married? Wasn't your wife pregnant with twin girls? I guess she must have had them by now. If so, I hope it worked out well.

  7. First off I am not fat nor have a beer gut, tattoos or facial hair. My wallet is also not so fat. My GF is 35 years younger than me and I don't give her a paycheck. She is very lovely, smart, kind and honest. She has a real job and goes to school. I would give her a 9 out of 10 in the looks department. Why is she with me you might wonder. What she tells me... I look and dress smart. I am fun to be with. I am very handsome. I am kind. I have a hot body. Sex is good.... All Her words not mind.

    You young guys will never understand unless you get older and stay in good shape....

    "My GF is 35 years younger than me and I don't give her a paycheck.

    I look and dress smart. I am fun to be with. I am very handsome. I am kind. I have a hot body. Sex is good"

    Are you George Clooney?

    If so, I watched Ocean's 11 again last night. Good movie. But I thought you were better in Ocean's 12.

    • Like 1
  8. Usually Al Jazeera is OK unless the news is concerning the Middle East and then it is very biased.

    Al Jazeera is state media, owned by the government of Qatar and the United States Department of State internal communications claim that the Qatar government manipulates Al Jazeera coverage to suit political interests. Numerous prominent staff members and 22 members of Al Jazeera's Egyptian bureau resigned citing biased coverage - in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood. I do think that they do some interesting coverage, but I do not trust them when it comes to Islam or the Middle East.

    I like Channel News Asia best for political coverage on Thailand, but I watch it on WETV and it doesn't have the problems that Gonzo mentioned.

    If you are going to cut and paste from somewhere, it is customary and polite to give credit. Forum rules, too, I think.

    In fact it is you who is being biased here because you failed to mention the same Wiki article also details the 8 or 9 Muslim countries that have at various times either banned, jammed, or criticised Al Jazeera for being too biased against them.

    It can not be said that Al Jazeera is pro-Islam. I used to watch it every day and found it suprisingly refreshing how forthright they would be in telling it as it is, even when it invloved a Muslim or Muslim country.

    I didn't notice this comment last time.

    Yes, Ulysses has copied and pasted from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Jazeera_controversies_and_criticism

    The article's claims of bias stem from US embassy cables on WikiLeaks.

  9. Usually Al Jazeera is OK unless the news is concerning the Middle East and then it is very biased.

    Al Jazeera is state media, owned by the government of Qatar and the United States Department of State internal communications claim that the Qatar government manipulates Al Jazeera coverage to suit political interests. Numerous prominent staff members and 22 members of Al Jazeera's Egyptian bureau resigned citing biased coverage - in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood. I do think that they do some interesting coverage, but I do not trust them when it comes to Islam or the Middle East.

    I like Channel News Asia best for political coverage on Thailand, but I watch it on WETV and it doesn't have the problems that Gonzo mentioned.

    "Usually Al Jazeera is OK unless the news is concerning the Middle East and then it is very biased."

    I've not noticed overt bias. I think Al Jazeera is generally excellent.

    The company is one of the world's top brands and (apparently) watched by Lady Clinton.

  10. Several inflammatory and argumentative posts from the same suspects removed.


    I'll send you a PM.

    Please close this thread. We can all agree that HeavyDrinker has some deep-rooted psychological issues that are beyond the scope of this thread and would be better addressed in the medical forum.

  11. How doubly obnoxious. Wanking off into the mirror whilst spitting at other people's personal lives.

    What the whoremongering vain loser fool doesn't know about me is that I'm actually a proud Grandfather of 3 lovely grandkids but he thinks mocking my wife's inabilty to have kids will make his lame poorly written utterly irrelevant wiki article seem important to anyone. ever.

    I think he's just masking over his jealousies towards those who actually do live normal lives here, have well paid jobs, have REAL academic awards and recognition in the field of South East Asian studies and don't need to sit in some shack with their Thai Friendly hooker, rattling on about some nonsense on Wikipedia, posting here every day begging for a pat on the back like some desperate saddo.

    WOW. You are OBSESSED by my Wiki article.

    Did it really hurt you that much? I mean, are you really pained to learn that I know more about Thailand' history than you?

    Please -- keep posting. I am absolutely loving this. You are outrageous!!!

    PS. I am not mocking your wife's inability to have kids. I sincerely apologize if I gave that impression.

    • Like 1
  12. Indeed......

    Yes indeed.

    One of us has been married for more than twenty years and has failed as both a man and husband. One of us is a sterile loser and a huge disappointment to his wife.

    One of us has a great Thai-English son who attends a top school in BKK

    We both know who the failure is.


    Don't creep me round again. I detest losers.

    • Like 2
  13. Are you still w*nking yourself off about your dreadful unimportant Wiki entry? Hardly going to take the nation into the next millennia. Get over yourself.

    Your jealousy is delicious. It's actually tangible.

    Please keep it up. I love laughing at failures!

    • Like 1
  14. Question

    What have you ever done for Thailand?

    A few words about me

    In my previous thread I discussed how I wrote Wikipedia's best article about Thailand. Today (June 4th), the article takes pride of place on Wikipedia's home page as Featured Article of the Day. Statistics show that my article may be viewed up to 50,000 times.

    I consider this an achievement. I consider this doing something for Thailand.

    A few more words about me

    I met my current girlfriend on ThaiFriendly in August 2011. A few months earlier, however, I met another girl on ThaiFriendly. She was a Thai-Chinese girl aged 30.

    She told me how she often went to temples in Ayuthaya and stayed for the weekend; she told me how she donned white robes and prayed to Lord Buddha. The truth is that she was probably a virgin.

    But that didn't bother me. When I first came here I did a hundred or so girls. I got all of that silly nonsense out of my system years ago. Experienced men will know what I mean.

    I eventually asked the girl for a date. She wrote back and suggested we go to an orphan house in Nonthaburi. This was back in June 2011.

    To be frank, it was a harrowing experience. But the girl from ThaiFriendly was amazing. The orphans adored her. She was like a mother. She organized lunch. She took control of the cooking. She served each and every one of the orphans.

    After a while I joined in. I helped her. And the more I helped, the more I enjoyed it.

    Hence it was -- back in June 2011 -- I spent a Saturday afternoon helping the Thai orphans in Nonthaburi.

    How about you?

    What have you done for Thailand? I'm not talking about paying taxes or giving money to the families of prostitutes. I'm talking about genuine altruism.

  15. Nice job! Where did you get the research from?

    Research was mainly about tracking down the known primary sources for Siam in the 17th century. Once you've downloaded these and have them on your computer, putting together the history is quite easy.

    Finding the Thai language sources was easier than digging out material in English, French or Dutch.

    But it still took a long time!

  16. No -- But I play one on TV.

    Ha! And you fooled someone, too.


    Here's some tedious urine which I ought to explain.

    In the Wikipedia Category FA-class Thailand articles there are six featured articles.

    1. Durian

    2. Javan Rhinoceros

    3. Sumatran Rhinoceros

    4. The KIng and I

    5. Typhoon Gay (1989)

    6. Sultanate of Singora

    These articles have all achieved FA status and are shown in the Thailand category.

    However -- as ought to be obvious -- five merely pertain to Thailand; only one is about Thailand.


    And here's the Wikipedia page showing the calender for Today's Featured Article throughout June 2014. Please note that I did NOT write the (crappy) blurb for my article.

  17. I have one article published on Wikipedia. It was at first an unpleasant experience as I got hammered. Finally, a seasoned WIkipedia guy cleaned up the article and it has stayed pretty stable for the past few years. I would not have been able to do it on my own.

    Thanks for sharing. Wanna share a bit more?

    I'm guessing your article was law related.

    PS. What happened to our friend WYM? I chatted to him via PMs a couple of months back and have heard nothing since.

    Actually, it was an obituary-type for a (then) recently deceased American Buddhist scholar/author -- I did post it once on here and most of the comments were negative. So I'll consider your request but I'm not eager.

    Learn to deal with the haters on this forum by understanding their issues. When you know how pitiful they really are (eg, fat wives, tattooed GFs, childless marriages, etc), their comments carry no weight at all.

    I'll leave it up to you.

    By the way, WYM talked about you via PM. He described you as a very intelligent American lawyer. Are you?

  18. I have one article published on Wikipedia. It was at first an unpleasant experience as I got hammered. Finally, a seasoned WIkipedia guy cleaned up the article and it has stayed pretty stable for the past few years. I would not have been able to do it on my own.

    Thanks for sharing. Wanna share a bit more?

    I'm guessing your article was law related.

    PS. What happened to our friend WYM? I chatted to him via PMs a couple of months back and have heard nothing since.

  19. Hi all I'm Andy form the UK

    Hello Andrew. My name is Andrew, too.

    You sound very young.

    Forget about living and working in Thailand.

    Just come here with a bit of cash ... bang lots of girls ... and have fun.

    You won't need to pay for the girls. At your age, everything is free. Enjoy!

  20. How long did it take to complete?...nice job btw.


    If it's of any interest, this article used to be a FEATURED ARTICLE:


    Do this:

    1. Click the TALK link at top left

    2. Where it says ARTICLE MILESTONES, click "show"

    3. The ISAN article achieved FA status back in 2004 but was demoted in 2009.

    It's not a bad article. The problem is that it's not properly sourced. It's just not professional. Maybe you could improve it.

    If you want to give it a go, all the best to you.

    PS. Please feel free to ask for advice if necessary. I'll happily help when and where possible.

    • Like 1
  21. i found this article quite interesting, the comments are pretty entertaining as well.


    That's a good reply. Thanks.

    I'm actually discussing my article here in the hope and belief that some of this forum's resident schizophrenics will engage in what Wikipedia terms "vandalism".

    If an article gets repeatedly vandalized (all of which can easily be undone -- and is usually automatically undone), it gets locked.

    So there you have it -- I want my article to be locked.

    I object strongly to the idea that anyone can come along and edit what I've written. Many other Wikipedians feel the same.

    When an article is locked, it can only be edited by its author and account holders with the appropriate permissions.

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