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Posts posted by casualposter

  1. Conspiracy theory #264

    Pilot was distraught by his witnessing his friend being convicted unfairly - the day before. He made a call to high-up official, or maybe head of airport, and said something like, "get a pardon for Anwar, or I crash this plane."

    Response: "I can't get a pardon. That's beyond my powers. He was convicted by a court of law.

    Pilot: "I'm serious."

    Response: "Don't talk such crap about crashing your plane. You're an experienced pilot. Are you drunk? Don't be an ass. I should report you for saying such a stupid thing, but I won't."

    One of the most plausible 'conspiracy theories' I have read. thumbsup.gif

    Ditto, and would explain why the Malaysians are covering this up at all costs.

    Please ... you guys can't be serious.

  2. Well that was a good read. Sorry it ended. These threads that develop into anti-American rants are always entertaining, although I noticed that a few TV heavy-weights were absent on this one. Regarding the Mural depicting 9/11, nothing wrong, just an illustration of of a false flag event that will likely change history. The more Thai people that see it, and question it the better. JD.

    We still do not know however,

    what was being felt by the artist

    it could have truly been sadness that the comic characters then relieved for him, as he or she remembered the youth and spirit of the earlier america?

    Hey ScarBro -- is that Paul Newman in your avatar?

  3. yes, I do.

    sometimes the internet is a persons only friend.

    try not to be, that person, as you may find, an unwillingness to believe YOU

    Hey -- AstroPacinoTroll, how are you!

    You in Florida tonight or Chiang Mai?

    Stay cool.

    I like Chaing Mai, a lot.

    I am in florida, waiting for my music brothers to rescue my mental health

    You're a funny guy.

    How is your Soapie Queen?

  4. I think the internet is often a place people will go to for some kind of advice.

    Some do not have anyone really to offload to (or cannot)

    Some may prefer the anonymity of forum, and the fact you get cold hard advice, rather than a friend papering over the cracks.

    The problem is, i dont think here is the place to go really.

    If the OP is trolling, then maybe the "advice" will help someone else..for, sadly its not really a unique situation (the cheating element at least)

    True. The OP needs to find a community (forum) devoted specifically to the issues he seeks answers to.

    He won't find answers here.

  5. Cheating?

    Who has a 5 year relationship, that doesnt involve living together?

    Hey AstroPolo -- I agree. Five years is way too long not to cohabit.

    The name I've given you, btw, is a blend of astroturfer and Marco Polo.

    Do you like it?

    it sounds better if you assign the Astro, to the actual Astral, and you will be more accurate,

    its less serious than Scarface and Marco Polo, dont you agree?

    How about this -- PacinoTroller?

  6. If you don't co-sign the papers, they won't let her buy it.

    (Particularly the ones at the land office)

    My wife bought a house with a bank loan no problem. I signed nothing. We live in Thailand.

    You are doomed.

    She'll leave you and you'll be forced to pay off the loan.

    They'll squeeze money out of you and all your family back home.

    They'll destroy you.

    Prison will follow Ten years minimum.

    Followed by deportation and blacklisting.

    And who knows what the IRS will do when you get back home.

    You're doomed.

  7. Each country is at a different place on these issues. The progress in the USA has actually already been much faster than most would have ever predicted. This Eich thing, whatever it is, will be hardly a footnote in the big picture. There will still be plenty of setbacks (recently in Mississippi) but the direction towards civil rights equality is clear at least in the USA.

    This Eich thing, whatever it is, will be hardly a footnote in the big picture

    I'm not so sure.

    I think this "Eich thing" may have some serious repercussions.

    I think some of you guys may experience a fair amount of homophobic backlash.

  8. On your personal comments, yes I am quite aware now in the USA a slim majority of Americans now supports marriage equality and even more full civil rights for gay Americans. But the civil rights movement continues ... right now the majority of U.S. states do not allow marriage equality and bigoted discrimination only based on sexual orientation in important matters such as employment and housing remains legal in many states as well. All of that needs to be fixed. It takes time. Also, no. I do not believe supporting "purges" of people like Eich will be at all helpful in speeding this up.

    I am quite aware now in the USA a slim majority of Americans now supports marriage equality and even more full civil rights for gay Americans

    The "slim majority" you refer to is less slim in many European countries. I think England is way ahead in terms of tolerance and civil rights.

    All of that needs to be fixed. It takes time

    Agreed 100%. The trial of Oscar Wilde was an abomination.


    I guess you guys in the States still have the Bible bashers to contend with. That'll be tough. The religious lobby is generously funded and well orchestrated.

    Like you said, it takes time.

  9. What if it had been revealed that some CEO had donated to a campaign that had successfully nullified the marriages of STRAIGHT PEOPLE? Broken up LEGAL established families of STRAIGHT people. People would just ignore that, do you think?

    People would just ignore that, do you think?

    They would. They'd just laugh at him. They'd do so because he was wrong.

    You're way too sensitive.

    In England we have a famous poof called Elton John. Everyone loves him. Everyone accepts that he has married his boyfriend. No one cares about his homosexuality. People just accept him.

    JT -- you're obviously a poof. What you fail to understand is that you're accepted and welcomed to a far greater extent than you imagine.

    England accepts poofs and has done so for years. Ever heard of Boy George?

    We had problems in the past. I'm sure you know about Quentin Crisp and Oscar Wilde.

    But that's all in the past.

    Have a great day tomorrow, Mr JT.

    Nobody who had their existing established legal marriages annulled by a proposition of hatred and unfair discrimination based on sexual orientation would ignore and laugh. You sir with your slur word obviously don't understand what Proposition 8 was about. It passed and the existing marriages were indeed made illegal. Happily this disgusting injustice was later reversed, but the history remains, Prop 8 was a mean spirited and bigoted proposition designed to strip away legal family relationships that already existed, just because the people were gay.

    Bottom line -- for people who don't "agree with" or "support" marriage equality for gay people, just don't get gay married. Sorted.

    Prop 8 was a mean spirited and bigoted proposition designed to strip away legal family relationships that already existed

    And Prop 8 is gone. Per Wikipedia:

    Proposition 8 was also ultimately ruled unconstitutional by a federal court (on different grounds) in 2010, although only confirmed on June 26, 2013 following the conclusion of proponents' appeals.

    Why not just laugh at this stupidity?

    Better still, why not try to understand the underlying cause of this stupidity.

  10. What if it had been revealed that some CEO had donated to a campaign that had successfully nullified the marriages of STRAIGHT PEOPLE? Broken up LEGAL established families of STRAIGHT people. People would just ignore that, do you think?

    People would just ignore that, do you think?

    They would. They'd just laugh at him. They'd do so because he was wrong.

    You're way too sensitive.

    In England we have a famous poof called Elton John. Everyone loves him. Everyone accepts that he has married his boyfriend. No one cares about his homosexuality. People just accept him.

    JT -- you're obviously a poof. What you fail to understand is that you're accepted and welcomed to a far greater extent than you imagine.

    England accepts poofs and has done so for years. Ever heard of Boy George?

    We had problems in the past. I'm sure you know about Quentin Crisp and Oscar Wilde.

    But that's all in the past.

    Have a great day tomorrow, Mr JT.

  11. A fad means a fashion trend which happens to be short-lived and includes K-pop. It's a lot more diverse than that. Warnings were issues as and when these fads emerged and not with each and every K-soap aired on TV. I never said.

    I have already listed the concerns of the officials & even an advisory among many others wrt K-culture in my posts here. You can always dig up for more & you will readily find them. I am just being a bit lazy. smile.png

    RE: Hippies.

    From Thaivisa back in 2008:


    RE: Banning fashion trends


    In 1969, Prime Minister Field Marshall Thanon Kittikachom condemned girls who wore mini-skirts and told the National Cultural Council to ban short dresses from official buildings.

  12. Singapore was worse.

    Hippies transiting Singapore had their passports stamped with:





    I've never seen a SHIT stamp, by the way, and some people claim it's just an urban myth.

    From the looks of it, it's most likely to be an urban myth though I am not completely sure.

    Meet Maureen Wheeler, the co-founder of Lonely Planet:


    And from the Lonely Planet story: "Maureen swears the Malaysian officials stamped SHIT in our passports".

    Malaysia isn't Singapore. It's a separate sovereign state. In fact if you read to the end of the page you link to you'll find a mention of the fact that they had to go through Singapore immigration to leave Malaysia.

    Malaysia isn't Singapore

    Everyone on this forum knows Malaysia isn't Singapore. Some people will also know that Malaysia never issued the SHIT stamp.

    Maureen has confused Malaysia with Singapore, but might she also have confused fiction with reality. I've never actually seen a Singaporean SHIT stamp, nor have I come across anyone who has.

    Just about related was the Chinese PERVERT stamp. A few decades ago, foreign men caught in China with local prostitutes had the word PERVERT stamped in their passports.

  13. Similar concerns were raised in past too, way back in 1960s and 70s when the 'hippies' arrived from Europe and US on backpacking trips to Asia. The Thai interior ministry in 1968 declared that 'Hippie' culture won't become fashionable in Thailand because it is too crude and dirty for the sophisticated Thai people. It ordered Thai embassies to bar entry of Hippies into their country and Foreign ministry agreed. It called such scruffy backpackers 'crazy people'.

    Singapore was worse.

    Hippies transiting Singapore had their passports stamped with:





    I've never seen a SHIT stamp, by the way, and some people claim it's just an urban myth.

    From the looks of it, it's most likely to be an urban myth though I am not completely sure.

    Meet Maureen Wheeler, the co-founder of Lonely Planet:


    And from the Lonely Planet story: "Maureen swears the Malaysian officials stamped SHIT in our passports".


    • Like 1
  14. Similar concerns were raised in past too, way back in 1960s and 70s when the 'hippies' arrived from Europe and US on backpacking trips to Asia. The Thai interior ministry in 1968 declared that 'Hippie' culture won't become fashionable in Thailand because it is too crude and dirty for the sophisticated Thai people. It ordered Thai embassies to bar entry of Hippies into their country and Foreign ministry agreed. It called such scruffy backpackers 'crazy people'.

    Singapore was worse.

    Hippies transiting Singapore had their passports stamped with:





    I've never seen a SHIT stamp, by the way, and some people claim it's just an urban myth.

  15. I stayed because I met a 32 year old model, who works in a bathtub,

    OK. I think we can now agree you're either tolling or playing games.

    Which agency was your "model girlfriend" contacted to?

    Was she a fashion model or a photographic model or a glamour model?

    we can all agree, yep

    I'm glad you agree.

    Are you a "managed account" or a schoolboy having a bit of fun?

    Have a nice day, Mr Scarpolo.

  16. Fer chrissakes, do I have to send you letterhead ?

    I'm not quoting some dumbass ESPN doofus here.

    No idea what your current location nor ESPN have to do with anything.

    "When I was at university" sounds British and stuck up to an American who hasn't traveled much.

    We generally say "when I was in college" even if it happened to be at a uni.


    Note the second definition, which if you check out the meanings of the abbreviations, means "college and university are interchangeable terms in the US".

    Want more or are you gonna fuggedaboudid?


    It comes as no surprise in the post-Bush era that there are still people who exemplify faux-bushwhacker speech patterns and designations.

    So you may call me British and stuck up if it helps your argument. In another thread you suggested I was anti-British because I had a similar comment about yobs. It's all about feeling good.

    So fill yer boots there, Wym.

    For my part I am not interested in "what sounds British and stuck up" to an ill-educated, untraveled American ESPN hillbilly.

    These are the bumpkins who will say that "usage" justifies just about any blurring of meaning and that linguistic abomination and lack of precision are one of many cultural ideals that "keep 'markins together."

    The goofy "If I 'would of'(sic) known I 'would of'(sic) brought my own" comes to mind.

    Along with the *signature* . . . . . . "he should of (sic) went (sic) home at three-thirty.

    They had a President who faked this posture and look where THAT got everybody.

    Educated Americans are quite capable of distinguishing between the two. . . . and they do.

    Now, of course more people probably "went to calage" than went to UNIVERSITY and I'll grant you the "usage" point for that reason. I'm sure American Creationists and calage dropouts are enthusiastic blurrers of the distinction.

    A University is a collocation of colleges on a campus.

    In any case:

    No one has EVER used Harvard "college".

    It's "University" as is the "U" in UCLA and Stanford, Princeton, Michigan State, Texas A&M, Washington State (or ANY "State" University that anyone can come up with.

    While we're at it there's also this crowd of IT mavens who call themselves scientists because they graduated from a computer science department. By THAT token then, so are secretaries (Secretarial Science) politicians (Political Science) Actuaries (Actuarial Science) etc.

    But you go ahead there, with your "whatever".

    The goofy "If I 'would of'(sic) known I 'would of'(sic) brought my own" comes to mind.

    Along with the *signature* . . . . . . "he should of (sic) went (sic) home at three-thirty.

    Donnie, I think you SHOULD OF taken your meds this morning.

    You're not well.

    • Like 1
  17. Not really at odds with evolutionary theory at all in regards to the sexual superiority of a woman over a man.. Do you really think you can keep up with a woman who is sexually liberated to enjoy sex without all the societal BS running through her head? Physically you will be unable to compete sexually with a woman.. They can exhaust one man after another in quick succession or all at once.. Men may be superior in physical strength, but not sexual abilities no matter the size of their unit or libido!

    As to being the 'driver' of monogamy, I agree to disagree. Any woman I have known as a guy in the rear seat just in case the one in the driver's seat doesn't work out - especially if she is pregnant or has a kid. Women I've known tend to get over a man emotionally far quicker than the other way around - nature might of intended it that way so a woman can move on quicker in securing the next provider for offspring. And again, if women are in the driver's seat of monogomy, it is because they were indoctrinated by the religious morals of a patriarchal society to believe monogamy is 'right' because the male image of the society's imaginary sky daddy says so.. Why? The human male mate wants to monopolize a human female, to dominate her by controlling her sexually superior abilities so that he can be assured he is the father of the children he then provides for. The human female is biologically no different than many other female species in that she was designed by evolution to mate with, and receive the sperm of multiple males, and often in quick succession.

    Ever notice after child bearing years women start straying at a far greater rate than during? You'll find vast numbers of over 40 MILFS cheating on their hubbies at 'hook up' sites because they don't really want or need monogamy after they'd done their child rearing duties as mothers. If that's what you mean by being in the driver's seat of monogamy after coming to the conclusion she doesn't need it anymore, I'll agree wai.gif And by the way, at a statistical level, women are far more adulterous than their male counterpart boyfriends and husbands - at least in the US and I would suspect most anywhere in the world because they are sexually superior than their male counterpart.

    Please tell me you're paid to post this crud.

    Seriously, please.

    What? If you read something crude, I'd say your a bit over sensitive about relationships and human sexuality - perhaps from your upbringing? Maybe you've been conditioned by your western patriarchal society to believe human sexuality is an embarrassing topic?.. It is what it is..

    Oh wait - you said crud, not crude! Tell ya what - when you can make some valid point by rationally debating what was written rather than resorting to the meaningless forum ad hominem fallacy uttering 'crud', by all means go for it.. Or is debate beyond the utterance of 'crud' exceed your reasoning abilities? Try expressing your thoughts with reason, rather than unsubstantiated opinion.. You might learn something in the process..

    I used to operate forums.
    I employed lackeys (ie, moderators); I set up managed accounts (ie, trolls).
    Do you really believe I can't spot someone like you a mile off?
    You're going wrong because your fake indignation is way too fake.
    Tone it down a bit and you might be a bit more convincing.
  18. Bringing them to orgasm twice in 15 minutes, doesnt take a ton of pushups,

    but it will cause them to scream, if you dont get off them soon after,

    and will bring them back,

    every time

    You sound like a real stud.

    Odd then, isn't it, that you flew thousands of miles to Thailand (because girls back home don't want you) and could only find a worn out hooker.

    You'll fool lots of idiots on forums such as these. But you'll never fool the big boys.

    Enjoy your little fantasy.

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