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Posts posted by Vacuum

  1. 16 hours ago, Dexlowe said:

    I've been slapped like that three times by Thai males. The first was by a motorcycle taxi guy near Soi Ngam Duphli - he rode past on the footpath with a passenger and just whacked me yelling "You farang!". The second was a baht bus driver in Pattaya who just wanted to show he was THE MAN (he nearly broke my glasses). The third was senior schoolkids in a shopping mall while I was walking with my little daughter. No cause - that is,, no previous interaction, nothing. Just out of the blue

    Are they still alive? If so, why?

  2. 2 minutes ago, Ban Phe Dezza said:

    Actually it can and does cost more.

    in my case around 8000 Baht.

    yes and I mean doing it Legally.

    for starters  approx 1600 For Stat declaration

    allow 2000 Baht for application 

    cost of trip to Consulate around 3,00 Baht

    of course one can catch Various buses and so on.

    I will be 80 by the time my next so long hours on a bus, Baht bus or Tuk Tuk in Bangkok, are not a viable option for me, 

    then cost of trip to Immigration  office as well

     two days spent on  travel 1 day to Consulate plus basically one day at I/O  

    Pretty close to my Estimate at least that is the amount I have budgeted for this year,

    No doubt I am going to be flamed and told I could do it Much cheaper   


    Well, 8000 in one year is still peanuts. I'm sure some  members are spending this amount in one night at their favourite barstool (barfine included).

  3. 3 minutes ago, markaoffy said:

    They own the sidewalks unless "the law" removes them temporarily. then they return. If a "member of the public" push any of their "fake Junk or poisoned food stand' to get by, then you could be subject to verbal or physical abuse.You'll never change attitude here in a million years

    OP is not talking about sidewalks. It's about a public road which he pays tax for to use.

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  4. 8 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Why would they care? There was no warning, all boats just went about doing their business as they always do.


    Prawit sad the boat left the journeyed from Phuket's shore to the satellite island of Koh Racha despite a weather warning and a ban on boats leaving the dock by the Meteorological Department.


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