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Posts posted by Vacuum

  1. 24 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    Why did this guy feel that he had to wear a necklace of any kind. Did he not even read any news of

    Thailand before this trip. Is Japan blind to the thefts of gold necklaces from Foreignors of China that

    have made the news.  I cannot feel sorry for any tourist tat feels they have to wear expensive jewelry of

    any kind.


    Yeah right, blame the victim.

  2. It was never legal to drive without international licence if you don't have a Thai one. Your insurance is also not worth the paper and never was, as you are driving without a valid permit.

    Some people want to learn it the hard way. Go for it smile.png.

    It is amazing how many people make posts that are INCORRECT.

    It is legal to drive here with most European and USA Full licenses. FULL STOP.

    I have asked Insurance Co. I have asked Police, I have asked Lawyer, I have asked Consulate. Are they all wrong ????

    I have shown UK license at police stations when paying legit fines, I have had Insurance Companies repair all scratches etc, before I sell car to get new one. I have shown license to Insurance companies to buy new/renew insurance. All in the last 14 years !!

    P.S. I have also been asked to pay 'on the spot' fines for having 'wrong' license, I REFUSED to pay, I have never been to jail !

    Yes, but have you ever had a serious accident, where people have been seriously injured? Not sure the insurance companies would be interested in paying for that, if you don't have a valid license.

  3. Update about mounting the Windows disk.

    I just plugged in the disk and started my desktop....and voila, there it was, ready to use with Linux. smile.png Bye bye Windows, hello Linux.

    Welcome to Linux.

    If you are running into problems writing to the drive, install ntfs-3g. Should be in your repository or a "sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g" will do the trick.

    Thanks, have not tried writing but reading is ok. smile.png

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