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Posts posted by Vacuum

  1. I'd wait until it the royal decree is actually published.

    I wonder about people who started their overstay before March 2016.

    My friend was at immigration here in Pattaya yesterday. He had to sign a form indicating he understood these new rules. Seems they are instituting this already????

    I think it was the same form they have been getting people to sign since May of last year.

    I have had to sign it for 2 extension now.

    Is this notification in English or Thai?

    I think it's all in Thai.

    Very few farangs can probably understand what they are signing.


  2. For almost 20 years I have used pirated Windows only, because I considered it idiotic to pay a lot of money for something you could get for free, and never had any major problems.

    Only less than 2 weeks ago i decided to go legal, because at the price of the license keys currently I couldn't justify a pirated version anymore, and I have already spent more time trying to get it to work as in all those 20 years of pirate versions.

    Guess what my next step will be.

    I have no idea why you are pissing about with Windows 7 anyway, but as has been said, there have been lots of updates and you just have to bite the bullet.

    Start it updating and go and have a drink.

    Or better still just update to Windows 10.

    Did you notice the screen shot I posted to show that it doesn't download a single Kb from any update?

    I had the same problems yesterday. Installed Win7 and tried to download upgrades, nothing happened.

    So I tried agin this morning , but same result. Then I tried to download only one upgrade, waited ten minutes and it was still 0% downloaded. Waited longer, maybe 1 hour and presto! The upgrade had finnished downloading.

    So I marked the rest of the ugrades and went to the city for some shopping a few hours, came back home and checked the status. All updates were downloaded. smile.png

    Just start the updating and leave it overnight, I'm sure by morning it will be done.

  3. I went to see where Immigration was

    Used the free shuttle from the Impress Hotel

    Quite a few people inside at 1 45

    Also many outside there was a few people complaining also

    1 was told to go to Gt next door

    There was a sign for 90 day allfull it said it bad English at the outside desk

    Went down to G4 there was about 10 to 15 people there

    Only 1 person working in the office

    Will try next month after Kings birthday Holiday to see what happens

    For my first 90 day report

    You could do yourself and all of us a favour by using the post office to do the report. smile.png

  4. They ask if you have a member card when you are at the checkout, say no and they enter a number which looks suspiciously like 99999. We've never had a problem.

    Any particular reason for not joining it if you have used it for a long time and plan on continuing using it.

    Losing his John Doe identity?

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