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Posts posted by Vacuum

  1. 8 hours ago, chingmai331 said:


    Just another reason to avoid marriage in T'land.

    So, just because you could get a visit (meaning: you don't have to leave your home) from the Immigration police, would refrain yourself from getting married?

    How do you cope with your 90-days reportings?

    • Haha 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

    GROSS! Milk is for infants ONLY...and mother's breast milk at that. Milk and other dairy products are unnecessary and unhealthy. Dairy is the cause of many childhood health problems and for adults as well. Also, most people are lactose intolerant after infancy, which can lead to all sorts of intestinal distress. 


    Some astonishing facts Big Dairy does not want anyone to know...




    I agree completely with your first sentence......the rest is BS.

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  3. 1 hour ago, mikebell said:

    You are right but I didn't tell the full story.  Having procured my Embassy letter in good time, I intended to go Thursday/Friday this week but had an urgent call necessitating using my passport which meant I cannot now get to Immigration until Monday (when they are closed.)


    If I were you, I would seriously consider making a phone call to your local Immigration Office for confirmation about the "1-day late reporting". TIT and local rules do apply.

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  4. On 4/19/2018 at 4:20 AM, KiwiKiwi said:

    There are lots of other behavioural things you can discover and regret at your leisure. Surviving in Thailand requires a highly developed  ability to ignore what doesn't sit well with you on the basis that it probably isn't going to change any time soon or at all.


    It's worth remembering that the Thai culture reflects the Thai people. It is by comparison with developed-world values, very primitive and self-obsessed, some would say narcissistic, as reflected in this article. Giving way to others on the road reflects an acknowledgement of lack of 'pooyay-ness' and for most Thais I have known, that's just not on if you're in the middle classes and need to show everyone how important you are..



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