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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. This from the man who told everyone he didn't want anything else to do with politics in Thailand and is hiding abroad instead of coming back to face charges for his own justice.

    He could have been guaranteed a more-than-fair trial when Yingluck and the red thugs were around but he didn't. That is pretty clear evidence to me that he knows he is guilty. The amnesty disgrace just confirmed it. I wonder what interpretation of 'justice' that came under.

    The man is a blatant and shameless liar. Anyone who takes what he says seriously are either gullible idiots or admire him for how much he managed to steal with his corruption. I don't have time for either type.

  2. What a pathetic set of comments.

    Whichever side launches a crackdown, the other will try to use it for their own political game. Even when the video evidence is quite clear (like 2010), there are plenty of ignorants who will believe it simply because they want to.

    The point is that he is at least trying to do something about it which is more than the dirty cronies ever did (unless you include the thousands murdered in the drugs war - how many opponents went during that one ?).

    His job would be a lot easier if the tomato police were not dirty and corrupt to the core like their masters were. Did you notice how the only successful raids are by the Army ?. The cops make sure they get paid off by everyone and somehow always find an empty room ..

    Thailand so corrupt, it will take decades to flush it out. This is the first time in 10 years I have seen anyone actually try and start. It's clear a large section of society don't want things to change. I expect the percentage is roughly the same as those taking dirty money and those who have to pay it.

  3. Overstaying a visa is a pretty minor thing compared to overthrowing a government. Just sayin....

    Quite true.

    So is state sponsored terrorism to try and scare protesters off the streets after you committed the most disgusting abuse of power.

    30 counts of murder and gross abuse of power for personal benefit - yet they didn't get any punishment at all for that : kind of makes the overstay penalties look harsh.

    Just sayin ... whistling.gif

  4. So this is an off budget loan. Last I read, the constitutional court ruled against off budget loan of lesser amount.

    No mention of that in the article. What is your source ?.

    But regardless, the key point which must have gone right over your head is that this is a loan against a specific budget for an agreed project.

    The one by the dirty cronies had no plan or any costings. They just wanted to take as big a loan as possible and keep it off-budget for 'allocation' later. The first chunk was very likely to be shoring up the bankrupt rice scheme.

    A world of difference.

  5. Thailand could get some nuclear plants for free.

    Just let the French government hire the Chinese government to build and own them, then guarantee them double the market rate for at least 35 years. Plus make sure the contract is attractive enough for them by making sure you will get stung for an enormous amount in the process as things don't go to the over-optimistic plan (which you can keep quiet for now).

    OK you have completely sold off ownership and control of the most fundamental need of the country and possibly put yourself at their mercy in the future, but if the country is broke and you might not be in power then anyway, it's an easy way out.

    It's good enough for the UK.

  6. Prayut is completely f'n stupid.

    Time for a counter coup, I think.

    lol, I love it when people are so dumb they think they are intelligent enough to call out others who are 10 times the man they will ever be.

    Not you of course Mr WhizBang, a 'counter coup' seems like an excellent idea. Only I think nobody will swallow it as necessary until you put some terrorists on the streets and start murdering innocent civilians again. Or is that already the plan ?.

    Another typically brilliant "know-it-all" posting, from a member of the great, has been British empire! whistling.gif

    What's that got to do with anything ?.

    I think you and Mr Whizbang should get along famously. You have a lot in common.

  7. Prayut is completely f'n stupid.

    Time for a counter coup, I think.

    lol, I love it when people are so dumb they think they are intelligent enough to call out others who are 10 times the man they will ever be.

    Not you of course Mr WhizBang, a 'counter coup' seems like an excellent idea. Only I think nobody will swallow it as necessary until you put some terrorists on the streets and start murdering innocent civilians again. Or is that already the plan ?.

  8. We are getting a glimpse of these tomatoes which we would never have seen without the coup.

    Clearly they expect the tomatoes due to be picked next to try and get rid of the first crop. We've seen many suspicious deaths while in custody - which never seem to get investigated.

    What's sad for the country is how so many people support things the way they were.

    To be honest John, I don't think people want it to go back to what it was before. People are well aware how corrupt previous Governments were, in fact how nearly all Thai Governments have ever been.

    I cannot speak for others but the reason i don't particularly like the current state of affairs, is that i find it extremely hypocritical. The army which is in power now have been a major political player in Thai politics since day zero, and have never done anything to fight corruption, change the system to make it more equitable, so at the very least are very complicit in the sad state of affairs we have now.

    Time will tell whether this time is different, but personally i don't suspect it is. For every corrupt politician, there are corrupt military officials. Yes the political system is based on many things, such as cronyism, nepotism, corruption, but so is the military. I find it difficult to comprehend why they would want to change a system which has benefited them for so long.

    One of the over riding factors of corruption in Thailand are the civil servant bodies, call them what you will. Yes the political leaders change but the majority of those in the civil service don't, regardless of who is in power.

    I suppose time will tell whether this time is different.

    I agree with what you say - except I think the one person who does hold the interests of the country above his own is Prayuth.

    But he is up against just about everybody else - and he has his own set of weaknesses which don't help.

    It all hangs on his leadership right now. If anything happens to him, I dread to think what might happen to the country.

    Another reason for them to get reforms into law and get out. Everything is dangling on a thread at the moment.

  9. ' Professional ' pollsters who will still produce the results and figures required.

    Unless, like a recent one, they say something negative about the Junta.

    Then it is all the proof we need that Thailand is falling apart.

    I pay little attention to the polls and even less to those hypocrites whose only comment is to say the response is rigged if they don't like it.

  10. I agree that this is quite a stupid law but doubt that any tourist would be fined or jailed for this.

    This is quite a biased article. As far as school marmish laws go, does anyone remember when Taksin was in power?

    Bars and night clubs all closing at midnight and 1 am because his darling little daughter was partying too much.

    He instituted the ridiculous law of no alcohol sales between 2pm and 5 pm.

    No gasoline sales after 10pm.

    I am not defending this ridiculous law but pointing out that Thailand has a history and culture of making knee jerk reactionary laws to certain problems and this is not exclusive to the current Gov.

    .. Junta .. coup lovers ... Bangkok Elite (a little spittle dribble on the chin after that one)... Democracy .. Human Rights ..

    Don't bother asking the crimson-critics here to apply any actual reason, fact or intelligent thought to what they slag off here. Huge hypocrisy knows no such constraints.

    If any action is taken against any tourist by this law I will buy a large hat and eat it. The whole thing is because Chang have blatantly broken the law by paying celebrities to advertise their product. I'm sure if the Junta did nothing the juveniles would be screaming that they are protecting their 'elite' friends.

  11. The problem at the moment is that the whole government is being held together by Prayuth. He has magnificent qualities in some respects and is woefully lacking in plenty of others.

    And I shudder to think about the degree of incompetence of the military people beneath him.

    Time to push the reforms through to prevent another Parliament of dirty cronies and get out of office before they do too much damage. However I think they are here to stay until 'the event which cannot be named' is over to protect the sovereign status.

  12. that scum suthep should be on it unless he too much of a close pall to the self made pm lol .

    You should spend more time in study instead of embarrassing yourself with semi-literate comments like that.

    Pulled your snout out of the trough did he ?. I don't defend the man at all : every politician is corrupt in this country, but I defend what he did in getting the dirty cronies out.

  13. Why deny the list, too many embarrassing names on it ?

    I'm sure they have a list, just like I'm sure they know who was behind the MIB in 2010 and who was behind the murder of protesters recently.

    And I'm also sure there are a lot of embarrassing names on it (I assume you mean in the military) as well as plenty we all expect. Publishing them without full evidence would be the act of an idiot. This is the land of laws to protect the guilty in situations like this.

  14. Did they not listen ? - play dead until the next elections.

    Thaksin can't buy the military and can't rely on the police protecting his terrorists so they must lie low for now.

    But lapdogs need not worry : your time will come again and the funding with it. And who knows ? - he still might get back and make you rich. I wonder how many innocent people are walking around right now who will be your future victims.

  15. This is why Thais don't like farang interfering with anything.

    All their connections, fake qualifications and bought promotions don't count for anything in the rest of the world. You can't get away with gross incompetence and utter stupidity by relying on your similarly corrupt buddies to back you up and punish those who might stand in your way.

    How many times have we seen some police chief or whoever stand up and say the most ridiculous statements then the press just report it and keep quiet ?. Most officials here would be crucified by a free and responsible press.

  16. Sorry, but after the amnesty disgrace I don't really care what these dirty cronies think.

    Their opinions are those directed by their paying master. They are worthless.

    At the end of the day, 500 billion was stolen from a 600 billion budget. Somebody must be held responsible. If the PM was repeatedly warned and did nothing about it, the ultimate culpability is clear.

    But Thai politics has little to do with right and wrong. I see plenty of that on this forum. 'What's in it for me' is more like it.

  17. It's lies all the way...I'd say the junta should be ashamed but then I don't think they ever had such a feeling. A power grabbing mob not concerned whether it hurts it own countryman or not.

    Congratulations. You win the hypocrite of the day award.

    Any comment on why we even have a junta now ?.

    No, I thought not. Knowledge like that is above your pay grade.

    I wonder if any IT professional here knows more details about this. There is nothing unusual about gateways and the only 'evidence' that this one is the 'bad kind' has thus far only come from ignorant assumptions who have pattern matched the word 'gateway'.

  18. I don't know who advise this government but if they were trying to create a Thailand Aung San Suu Kyi, that would be the most efficient way.

    Ha ha - that made me laugh. Oh wait, you're serious ?.

    Typical Thailand : they took someone else's idea then made an absolutely terrible copy which misses all the good points of the original.

    Funny how all the reds seem to start their 'protests' when it looks like the Shinwatra's might lose some money eh ? wink.png

    Jump Fido, jump.

    You do know Suu Kyi is not a soap start right ?.

  19. The executives of the company responsible for the contract on these cameras should be prosecuted and sent to a maximum security prison for ten to twenty years. Talk about setting a precedent.

    Or taken out into the town square, and lashed, Henry VIII style.

    But will certainly be found guilty on the first trial then acquitted due to insufficient evidence on appeal.

    First go try your luck, second go spend some of the money you made.

    Nobody with the power to make or enforce the laws in Thailand want to change the way it is.

  20. As a general rule, get stuff sent with a tracking number. Then it will show where it went missing.

    I have had lots of untracked stuff go missing in Thailand. Tracked stuff often 'hibernates' in the main sorting office somewhere, but at least you can call to find out. I reckon they keep it for a time then decide nobody really wants it so they may as well have it themselves ...

  21. When are Thais going to say enough is enough and rise up.[emoji35]

    The country is ready for a Khmer Rouge cleanup, where rich and famous, police tops, military tops, politicans should be wiped out.

    Thailand is heading for a Burma style governemt.

    I doubt it : there are not many of the 'foaming at the mouth' communist revolutionary brigade. Their time passed several decades ago.

    The Thais I know think the Junta are much better than the last lot of dirty cronies and everything I see is going roughly in the right direction. It can never change overnight : the only chance for the country is if democracy can get a toe-hold and expand from there.

    I wonder how many people actually realise why LM is being enforced so strictly at this time ....

  22. "Thammasat" and "Nitirat Lawyers" in the same article. No point to read any further.

    I have followed their antics for the last 10 years and the only 'democracy' they are interested in is 'red-shirt style'. And we all saw what that means. They have NEVER had anything to say which I consider represents real democracy.

    Why is it always these cronies who make the headlines ?. Do none of the other institutions have any pro-democracy movements, or is the Thai media so well and truly bought now that they push these people over anyone who does not support the 'winner takes all' philosophy?.

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