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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. 20 odd years ago those clowns drug dealers would have been gunned down by the police on sight

    because " they have resisted arrest and shot at police" now days, it seems the cops are more

    merciful, somehow, those days when major drug dealers and serial killers met their demise rather

    than be arrested, are greatly missed.....

    Gunning the drug dealers down was one thing, but gunning down anyone and everyone you didn't like or was competition for your own operations then putting some drugs in their pocket is something else.

    And when the architect of the policy has the ethics and morales of a hyena, you know they aren't going to investigate you too closely after you did it. I wonder if he will ever be held to account.

  2. Of course he is not going to say anything controversial at such an event. He is a diplomat and will not say anything negative unless specifically ordered to.

    However he did say:

    "He also mentioned the collaborations in fighting against the spread of illegal drugs, wildlife and human trafficking and transnational crimes and working to protect the environment. The ambassador said that he would like to see the United States and Thailand’s activities in these areas to continue."

    "The ambassador expressed that he would like to see Thailand become stronger, more prosperous, and to move forward on the path to achieving true democracy, and that Thailand will continue to play a leading regional role as it has since the middle of the last century."

    Those words can be interpreted in many ways (and probably will be), but I see it as a warning that if Thailand doesn't get control of e.g. human trafficking and transnational crimes cooperation as it is now cannot continue. If Thailand does not achieve true democracy they will not continue to play a leading role in the region.

    He is not ordered to say negative things. He is briefed on policy then uses his diplomatic judgement to make statements giving a very high level indication of the official view of the USA to the Thai government and it's policies.

    I've talked to people who play this game in their normal jobs - and you will find trying to get him to say anything specific is like trying to catch the soap in the bath,

    They key word in his second sentence is "move forward to achieving true democracy" which is saying very clearly and deliberately that they recognise Thailand did not have it under Pheu-Thai.

  3. ...but nothing will happen as long as the army illegally holds power..... he should have added.

    I'm sure the Ambassador has a firm grip on reality (does not read The Nation).

    The previous Ambassadors wikileaks emails prove the Americans do have good information and know the official reason for the coup is nonsense.

    But he didn't add it, you did. Maybe he is a bit sharper than you.

    And for us who are not blinded by hate for the 'elite', we watched events unfold right up until the coup and and the official reason is correct. 30 protesters dead by state sponsored terrorism and point blank refusal by the government to do anything about it. They even tried to hold an election with no opposition, with mass protests on the streets and while the capital was under emergency law just so they could claim a mandate to carry on. Disgusting.

    Read up on Wikileaks what they say about your beloved leaders time in office : a prime minister who tells his subordinates that corruption is OK. Get an adult to read it to you if you need to.

    You can be sure they know what is going on. That's why the only sanctions against the Junta are the minimum required by American law and both the president and new ambassador allowed their pictures to be taken shaking Prayuths hand.

  4. In another thread today we hear that they are seriously considering closing down a large public library in Bangkok.

    Can't have young people reading, they may get dangerous ideas, and discover how much they are missing out under the current regime (s).

    I note you had to add 'under the current regime' at the end because it's a whine, not a statement of fact.

    After all your Thaksin governments and red-shirt policies, you are as uneducated and ignorant of civilisation in the real world as your predecessors a hundred years ago. Why do you think so many educated farang disagree so strongly with how you think the world should work ?.

    But you people always blame somebody else. Your generation has no chance : the damage is done. Let's hope the next government don't spend so much time trying to line their own pockets with the money which should be spent on infrastructure and improving the quality of life for the poor.

    You fixation on the Junta is incredibly narrow minded. In the scheme of things, they won't be here long. And they certainly haven't been here long enough for you to blame them for the state of education.

    Still using your free tablet ?. Or did it stop working after a couple of months and it was so cheap, you might as well throw it away ?.

  5. I guess she isn't rich enough to get out of this particular pickle.

    I think the problem is that she might be too rich. With a 15 year jail term hanging over her, there will be a juicy pot of gold waiting for the appeals court to do their usual trick and overturn the original conviction.

    And there is much less attention on the judges etc during appeal for someone famous like this.

  6. "Wait until these lackadaisical retards lack of complete enforcement brings down a fuel loaded A380 on a Bangkok suburb, then see what happens..."

    I don't think a Sky Lantern would bring down an A380! They test those engines by firing frozen chickens at them at speed! I would be more worried by Drones flying around and being digested and that happens everywhere!

    lol, quite right but the frozen part is a bit of a myth. Actually I think mythbusters tried it and at those speeds, frozen or not didn;t make much difference.

    A lantern will never bring down an A380. But a large carbon fibre UAV with brushless motors can certainly take out an engine or maybe even get through a windscreen.

  7. I suppose Prayut needs the publicity of any country being a friend right now. Chailand here we come. I thought the problem was and confirmed by the juntas lack of ideas, they were already affected by too many joints.

    I think the very public handshakes from Obama and the new ambassador - at diplomatic events which are carefully planned - show your ignorance.

    Your last sentence makes no sense at all. Please ask an adult who speaks passable English to help next time.

  8. In 4 months time he will reissue the same warning, but he will speak from the heart god bless you Prayut

    Quite right because nobody in any of the organisations wants to change the little number they have. He will meet with obstruction and reasons 'why not' at every step.

    I'm pretty sure he has given up completely in any possibility of changing the Thai police. The rot in that once is endemic from the lowest levels right to the top. They will be thinking they just have to sit it out and delay until elections are held so they can get back to normal.

  9. Ok well done the kids who competed and did well. Do we always have to over state how important something is. It is hardly an Olympics with 20 countries. An international competition OK, Olympics, not in a million years. I am all for promoting good things but when this is exaggerated it loses any appeal. The Nation should stop trying to over glamorize and be more factual with less sensationalized titles. They would get my respect more.

    But well done to those have a medal I hope that they are grounded and it hasn't gone to their heads too much.

    I agree : well done to those who did well, but these events are designed to promote the subjects and so have as many 'medals' as possible to make as many people happy as possible.

    When students are touted as national success stories like this, it shows just what a bad state the rest is in. Where are the stories of high tech business releasing some product which the rest of the world is buying ?. Or any example where Thailand went up against international professionals and come home as a leader in their field ?.

    Everything form political 'experts' down to 'success' stories like this are from academia here in Thailand - because they are government funded and can't fail. But the fact they are all we hear from speaks volumes.

  10. When they say "eliminate", do they mean detaining the victims in custody at a temporary prison in the compound of the 11th Military Circle in Bangkok? This center has a 66.6% successful elimination rate with the proviso that the crime is LM

    So you think the Junta and the NCPO did that do you ?.

    If they wanted them dead, why even arrest them in the first place and make sure everybody gets to know they died in prison ?.

    And what benefit to any future information they might get from a defendant about everyone else involved would that have ?.

    Or do you think somebody very powerful might be scared sh*tless he will join them and so might be taking steps to silence them ?.

    Assuming they were murdered, which do you think is most likely ?.

    Didn't really think that through did you. Just a simplistic whine at the junta with whatever you are being spoon fed by your red-shirt newspapers.

  11. And then there was only 1 left.

    So the trio is now only a single person. I'm sure he doesn't feel comfortable right now.

    'Mor Yong' dies of septicemia at prison hospital

    The Nation

    BANGKOK: -- Justice Minister General Paiboon Koomchaya said Monday that Suriyan Sujaritpolwong, better known as Mor Yong has died of septicemia at the Prison Hospital.

    Paiboon said Suriyan was pronounced dead at 10 pm on Friday and the autopsy has been done.

    Source: http://www.nationmul...l-30272567.html

    Read this and weep.There will be no accountability, no real explanation and discussion will not be permitted.And apart from the RWNJ does anybody seriously question Thailand is now in a kind of hell?

    So what is your theory ?.

    The Junta just want rid of them even though they can lock them away and try to find out if they still have information about who else is involved ?.

    Or someone else who is very high up is implicated and is scared sh*tless he is going to be next in the cell and has enough power to get someone close to these people ?.

    I would say one of those is much more likely than the other.

    This farce is showing just how lawless Thailand really is. It is making the country look like some typical corrupt 3rd world Asian country from decades ago.

  12. When are Thais going to say enough is enough and rise up.[emoji35]

    Ha ha ha - another mention of the upcoming uprising. Set a date yet ?. I think you will only need a couple of buses this time.

    What is it about this case which you have had enough of ?. It seems to me that these people are criminals who knew exactly what they were doing. Does it annoy you that people can't get on with lying and cheating ?.

    LM is something the civilised world left behind many, many years ago. It should be right up a red-shirts alley.

    If you managed to think about it a bit, you might realise why it is being enforced so strictly at the moment.

  13. Most people want corrupt politicians banished from politics for life

    50% of TVF members do as well.

    The other 50% want the PTP back in power and left alone to continue where they left off. coffee1.gif

    Actually, most of us want Thai people to have a say in who shall lead the country. Yes, I know; preposterous!

    When you grow up enough to vote for those who will do the best for the country instead of who is going to put the most taxpayers money in your back pocket once they settle their nose into the trough, your idea might work.

    Maybe if reforms can cut down the second option, you will think more about the first.

    Last time you got that chance, you voted for some rich kid who was a pie-chart manager in her brothers business with no political knowledge or experience whatsoever. Once in power, she did precisely zero to help her country : she left everything to the dirty cronies underneath her. I wonder if you are proud of what you did there.

  14. "The punishment is completed through the justice procedure by confiscating or seizing assets."

    Right ... so they just have to give back what they stole ?.

    A few long term prison sentences which do not involve LM would be a start. I do believe Prayuth is serious about tackling corruption, but nobody else is.

    Once he is out of the picture, it will all go back exactly as it was.

    I wonder if he will stand for PM in a proper election when the time comes. God help Thailand if it gets another bubble-head proxy who does precisely nothing.

  15. Travelling to various continents and seeing innovative irrigation systems to cope with water shortages. I would say that Thailand is a major player in rice export for decades and certain people have become filthy rich on the less fortunate community.

    The Thai governemnt could be focusing on building water storage and irrigation systems in major rural locations. To service the heart of Thailand and its people. Although this government seemd content spending millions on celeb appearances, to promote Thailand when there is extreme issues at hand.

    This sums up the current climate.

    Because the last lot were much better right ?. If they cared so much, why didn't they do something to see those farmers got their money instead of stealing 500 out of 600 billion for themselves and their cronies ?.

    And when the opposite happened and Ayuttaya was going under water, the charity group I was helping made a call to Pheu-Thai and asked for trucks to take donations of food to help.

    The reply was "We are all busy with the football match in Cambodia : call again next week".

    And do you think the tourism department (and all others) should close down and the entire government move to the 'drought management' department ?.

    And you do realise those millions spent promoting Thailand is supposed to bring many more millions back in tourism right ?.

    And you do realise the ones who have become filthy rich on those poor rice farmers are the Pheu-Thai politicians, the millers, the warehouse owners and all the others skimming a bit down the line before the farmer got a little bit. They are red-shirts like yourself - the ones who keep telling you the 'Bangkok Elite' are stealing it.

  16. Go ask the people in the South if it a religious war. Or is it just coincidence that those doing the killing are all muslims ?.

    Why do we not get any articles like this criticising the Muslims and their leaders ?. I don't think I ever saw a single one.

    It's the same with Israel : we only ever get reports of what their army did - but a quick search with google shows the many ongoing terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians which simply try to murder as many as possible. Women, children - anyone.

    Why are Muslims allowed to murder other faiths repeatedly with almost no comment at all - yet this monk who didn't even advocate killing gets such attention ?.

    Why do I have to search the internet to find out what ISIS are doing - then be shocked at the barbarity of it ?. Why doesn't it even make the news ?.

    Why does a terrorist bomb in a market in Iraq which kills dozens barley make the BBC news website front page, but a soldier who finished off a wounded extremist combatant after a firefight is all over the media and he gets life in prison ?.,

    Just for the record, I don't agree with his idea. I'm just sick of the one-sided reporting.

  17. There are plenty of red-shirts in the Army : Thaksin boasted about how many he has 'on-board' during the audio scandal.

    So I'm sure there are plenty involved in something like this.

    Prayuth is trying to maintain the integrity of the Army and the royalist stance. I have noticed he will sometimes make a higher level decision then stick to it even if he looks a bit stupid. His comments saying the GT200 bomb detectors worked are another example.

  18. 43 years for a failed attempt and 20.ooo THB of damage!

    Actually kill 9 people while driving in car, without license...48 hours of community work!

    Something seems a bit off, here!

    Sure the drivers sentence was way too light but an accident, what sentence would you recommend for firing a grenade at a group of people with intent to kill, the only reason no one was killed was they were incompetent.

    Okay, here are some more "accidents" for you:

    Chalerm's son= not a day in jail!

    the red bull heir= dito

    the Santika owner= 3 years! I guess, it was also only a tragic accident, that all the emergency escapes were blocked!

    These guys actually killed people!

    They didn't "attempt" to...they did!

    Do I think, the grenade throwers should be punished?

    Hell yeah!

    Do I think, it is a little out of proportion, with no one actually hurt?

    Yes, I do!

    Intent is everything. Apart from Chalerms Son, the others did not set out with the intent to kill anyone. They are just typical Thais with no regard for anything except their own little life.

    Firing a grenade (a nasty weapon) into a crowd is a truly, truly evil thing to do. He expected it to explode in the middle of those people before he pulled the trigger.

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