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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. Ok whats deemed as honest use of force , Why would you worry about unhappy citizens when you poll so well.

    Add to that conscription putting an additional 300,000 armed soldiers per year in to mix and it's not looking too rosy!

    Not for the terrorists with M79's at least. Or the organizers of this imminent civil uprising you keep telling us about (when the funding is wired through). The rest of us aren't worried. I feel much safer at an Army checkpoint than a police one.

    And why do you say 'additional 300,000 armed soldiers per year' ?. Is that just a red-shirt lie to agitate the ignorant ?. From what I read, the ones they pick only need to attend training for 2 months. Do you seriously think the Thai Army is going grow by 300,000 men every year ?. cheesy.gif

    "It would allow the conscripts to be summoned for a variety of purposes such as helping with disaster relief, enforcing martial law, responding to emergency situations and preparing for war."

    The real issue about this (which has gone completely over your head) is that it now takes older people who may have skill in some profession which a developing country needs. Don't worry yourself though, I doubt that applies to you.

  2. I wonder how many countries adopt the policy of making their visitors pay for protection? Furthermore on paying this extra fee, how can webe assured we are getting value for money?

    "Furthermore on paying this extra fee, how can webe assured we are getting value for money?"

    And just how much value do you think you might get for 35 baht ???

    Just wondering.

    Might get it in better perspective to phrase it as 2 billion baht a year.

  3. .. are [some] on here really so concerned about where their extra 35 baht will go that they truly feel the need to start righteously debating it? (Maybe you could asked for printed itemisation!).. Oh, and I'd at least learn to spell and do grammar a bit, SOME of you indignant folks, before launching your literary well-I-must-just-says!!! smile.png

    These things are basically another tax and they will keep on steadily ticking their way up. Once they are in, they will never be taken out again because the income will be allocated into budgets and nobody wants their budget cut.

    20 years of this across every aspect of life and Thailand will be like the UK. You pay all your income taxes then you pay for everything you use in your life separately.

    Put a frog in boiling water and it will jump out. Put it in cold water and gradually increase the temperature and it will stay there until it boils.

  4. Hang on a sec,,, wasn't the line yesterday "the report is fake"??? now more evidence is coming out, kind'a hard to keep up that line I guess.

    As for another poster on TVF claiming everything the current government has done is all good and there can not be corruption, and it's all just the red's and Thaksin, yingluck stupid buffalo Isaan dirty poor rice famers did it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, now what???

    If there is solid evidence of corruption, who should be held accountable??? Who is currently being held accountable for the corrupt behavior of others??? Who is currently being told they have to pay money to the government for other peoples corrupt dealings???whistling.gif

    They say the report is fake. Doesn't mean there is no corruption. Maybe you just got here, but you will find every single project like this in Thailand has corruption in it somewhere.

    Don't you think you should let the NACC do their job first instead of waving your arms in a frenzy from your armchair demanding someone goes to jail ?.

    At least the NACC are doing something - which is more than they could under the dirty cronies. But I don't recall you ranting about that at the time. Which means your opinion is just hypocrisy and so we can treat it for what it's worth.

  5. Sounds like little missy doesn't like it when she cannot control everything and justice is finally breathing down her pitiful spineless neck.

    A little cross section of justice over a couple of months under Prayut's government this year.

    12th of January - The Election Commissioner (EC) on Wednesday decided to throw out several complaints made against alleged election misconducts by former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra during the most recent general election in February, 2014. Of course yingluck was happy with the justice system here. It suited her agenda.

    13th of January - The Administrative Court on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit filed by 28 Bangkok and Nakhon Pathom residents against former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra in which they demanded compensation for damages from alleged mismanagement of floodwaters by her government in 2011. Of course yingluck was happy with the justice system here. It suited her agenda.

    21st of January - Former Pheu Thai MP Karoon Hosakul was granted bail after he was found guilty of defaming former Democrat MP Taenkhun Chit-isara

    22nd of January - The Criminal Court on Thursday acquitted two former ministers and a member of the Pheu Thai party of defamation charges lodged against them by former finance minister Korn Chatikavanich

    27th of January - Jatuporn bailed after receiving a two year jail sentence for defaming a former premier in comments made in 2009.

    10th of March - Maj Gen Chamlong Srimuang, Sonthi Limthongkul and eight other leading members of the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) were on Tuesday indicted by the prosecution in the Dusit District Court for staging a rally in 2011 over the Preah Vihear temple dispute

    24th of March - The Criminal Court on Tuesday sentenced a Democrat MP and his wife to 17 years in jail for appropriating and possessing state land in Kanchanaburi province without permission.

    25th of March - Yingluck has been cleared of any wrongdoing for her trips to the northern and northeastern provinces in 2014.

    26th of March - The Criminal Court today dropped a libel suit filed against the former chief of the DSI, Tarit over the construction of police stations nationwide.

    All of thee cases finding the PTP or reds innocent while Demq's were found guilty. The list goes on and on and on. yingluck has a selective memory. Justice is served when it suits her agenda.

    "because everything goes according to what this government wants"

    Ironically the shoe is on the other foot now. Maybe yingluck can understand how the majority felt under her "Democratic" government.

    The EC told the previous govt not to hold elections on 2 Feb because they will fail. The previous government didn't listen. The previous government got what they wanted.

    IMF told the previous government to stop rice scheme otherwise it will fail. The previous government didn't listen. The previous government got what they wanted.

    DEM's told the previous government to stop amnesty otherwise it will fail. The previous government didn't listen. The previous government got what they wanted.

    The constitution dictated the previous government should have stopped the 2.2 trillion baht infrastructure loan. The previous government didn't listen. The previous government got what they wanted.

    Democracy demanded that water hearings be held and transparent. The previous government didn't listen. The previous government got what they wanted.

    So everything seemed to go according to what the previous government wanted and under this government the majority of court cases ruled in favour of reds and PTP ministers.

    yingluck is reminiscent of a cockroach that is cornered and about to face the toxic spray of accountability. In her death throws she is spewing anything to win this public support hoping that support has selective memories or short term memories, but unless she is able to bribe them again with unsustainable policy then I cannot see that strategy working. Public support does not mean you are innocent. It means you are popular. Unless your a PTP supporter.

    Going by yinglucks last FB post with 190 000 "likes" compared to Abhisit's with 2100 "likes" that will certainly reinforce to the PTP supporters that yingluck is way more "innocent" that Abhisit is!!

    "Maybe yingluck can understand how the majority felt under her "Democratic" government."

    You mean the majority who voted her government into power?

    "The EC told the previous govt not to hold elections on 2 Feb because they will fail."

    And exactly why did the elections fail? Why aren't elections being held today Mr djjamie when the fair and scientifically astute Dusit polls tell us that Uncle Too enjoys an overwhelming support among the population he so gracefully relived of the troublesome burden to vote?

    "You mean the majority who voted her government into power?"

    Start your argument with a lie and you've lost it already.

    The elections failed because:

    a) They were held during mass protests and with the capital city under emergency law. People would die and they knew it - but they needed an excuse to cling to power whilst still sending their terrorists to murder protesters.

    B) There was no opposition.

    c) Despite all that and over 90% of polling booths open, they still only polled around 30%.

    Decent people had had enough. What about you ?.

  6. Lots of dumbass comments on this thread. Great pictures of animals butt-holes guys. From your personal albums ?. I bet none of you even read the report.

    Should be pretty easy to verify the source and one of the many, many academics who love this sort of thing give an opinion.

    And at least someone internal is highlighting the problem. Unlike the previous government where the Thaksin audio tapes and the al-Qaeda threat photo were both publicly announced as fake by Thaksins family friend Paradron (who should have had the honour to resign as chief of the NSC after he was implicated in that tape but didn't). And both have subsequently been accepted as real. Again prompting Pradorn's resignation given the gravity of making such a deliberate and blatant lie in his official capacity.

    And the whistle blower who spilled the beans on the rice scheme, only to find herself under investigation instead of her claims.

    You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear. Thailand has as good a government now as it is going to get given the raw material.

  7. If people with attitudes like that guy who publicly slapped that staff member for asking him to go through the metal detector are still on the payroll when this is finished, it has failed.

    The root problem for Thailand is the corrupt way people get the top jobs in any and every government organisation. And as most in the decision making positions probably got their job in that way too, nobody wants to open pandoras box.

    I'm sure a few have good intentions but they are never going to change Thai culture.

  8. It is the informal policy of Thailand to deport North Koreans to South Korea.


    The article above is somewhat dated, but I believe that the policy remains unchanged.

    Traditionally that has been the case, off to S. K. but who knows with the new and shifting national alliences it wil be interesting to see where they go. They recently sent 2 U.N .recognized political refugees to Red China, democracy activists no less.

    Where or what is Red China?

    Are you really that young to not remember the days when Mainland China, Peoples Republic of China was referred to as "Red" to distinguish it from Taiwan, that liked to be be called The Republic of China (ROC) ? They were red cuz they were and maybe still are commies.... commies and chinese like red.

    Yup : Asia has a history of communist influence which is what the Vietnam war was all about. The threat to democracy has pretty much died out now due to Western influence and people realizing that under a communist government, they are going to remain poor while those 'more equal than others' have cart blanche to steal for themselves.

    But in places which have seen little influence from the West and where ignorance is rife among rural folk out in the sticks, old-style Asian communists still exist. And they don't realise the stigma the years have given to the commie-colour red which makes it quite amusing when they seem proud to wear it.

  9. I laugh at people who try to assassinate Chuwit's character presumably because he exposes things their own dirty cronies or tomato police get up to.

    No saint could ever get this far. The rest of snakes would have had him for breakfast at the first sign of trouble. It needs someone who can match them for cunning and rule-breaking. OK, he's a dodgy character but he also has enough courage to expose the real slime. It's more than anyone else ever does.

    The reason people don't like him is because he might upset their dirty little world and their dirty little ethics.

  10. Don't let him go ,part of his punishment

    Am i missing something? Punishment for what - being a member of the previous government? Presumably you see nothing wrong with a junta leader that took over a country deciding who can leave that country and under what conditions.

    Don't you find that in the least bit disturbing, or are you just another junta punter?

    I personally would like to see the dirty little crony prosecuted for abuse of power because he voted to give amnesty to himself and all his mates for all corruption charges since 2004.

    'under what conditions' ?? - seriously ?. Your are indeed missing something. Here's a clue for you : 30 innocent protesters dead (including children) during 90 grenade attacks as a result of state sponsored terrorism. See if you can work it out yourself from there.

  11. Thailand should realise that letting an ex-police mate of Thaksins go scott free for taking a loaded gun on an aircraft but then making a huge issue about a journalist with a passive bulletproof vest makes the country look like some retarded, corrupt third world Asian country.

    If they want to improve their image abroad, they need to stop the ridiculous double standards like this. Those tomato police need reigning in and sorting out.

  12. Oh I wish Spitting Image would appear in Thailand. Can you imagine what fun they would have with the "float away" statement !!!

    Discussing exactly that with a friend 2 days ago.

    Just the thought of them having a go at the ptb was hilarious. The reaction,along with apoplectic fits of the third kind would be a joy to see.

    Just the thought was hilarious ?. You can't mean mean humorous hilarious so I assume you mean 'Why is that guy laughing so much : is there something wrong with him ?' hilarious.

    Do you have any idea how they would send Yingluck up ?. Or Chalerm ?. Or Plodprasop ?. Or Thaksin ?.

    If you can find just the thought of Prayuth to be funny, those 4 should have your sides split from top to bottom just by reading it.

  13. While reading her 'trial by facebook' posts, I encourage the readers to imagine her sat in her office filing her nails knowing full well that the cronies down the line were stealing billions of baht of taxpayers money.

    And making the conscious decision to let them do it. And then think about how many millions of normal Thais had to get up every day and go to work in order for them to get the tax to do it.

    Lucky for her most of her followers haven't got past the 'oh a pretty face' level of politics.

  14. What on earth is going on ?.

    It seems Yinglucks lawyers think her best chance is 'trial by facebook' where nobody can have a counter argument to correct the simplistic half-truths they know her followers will swallow.

    It's ridiculous. It has no significance at all outside the courtroom.

    All part of the prepping to get some intimidation mobs outside the courtrooms when the time comes. Funny how it always happens when the Shins bank-balance is the victim.

  15. Unless they can prove that she stole money... Many leaders around the world have instigated programs that lost a lot of money and they weren't held personally responsible. Money losing farm subsidies are SOP for some Western countries including the US.

    Where is all of this money she got as a benefit from the rice scheme? I agree that the rice scheme was stupid, but it was a government approved program.

    Are we going to send Obama a bill for doubling the US debt, which he has done? I don't think so. Has he been "negligent" in that regard? Damn right but then so were a lot of other leaders around the world.

    This is personal. Personal.


    Talk about missing the point. Your post exhibits a blinding level of ignorance.

    1) It has nothing to do with the money lost by subsidizing the farmers. It is about 500 billion from a 600 billion budget going to others instead.

    2) Yingluck is not accused of taking the money. She is accused of gross negligence because she knew what was going on and consciously chose not to do anything about it. As PM, the responsibility stops with her. She is more guilty than those who stole it because it was her responsibility to stop them.

    3) Hiding behind 'Government Approved' program is seriously lame. It was the government who devised the scheme the way they did in order to make the corruption possible. Using Parliamentary majority to force through things like this does not make it right. Even Thaksin said publicly ".. a little loss is acceptable .." which is about as big a green light for corrution as you are going to get.

    Going by your post, I don't think you have any idea what is actually going on. You should get your news from reliable sources instead of your red-shirt friends.

  16. Only the insane think that more firearms would increase safety.

    Only the ideologically-twisted deny the undeniable fact that many, many crimes of violence have been prevented by firearms in private hands, and that depriving the law-abiding of the means of self-defense whilst the criminals use whatever they want to inflict violence is morally indefensible.

    In Thailand, it should be easier for a farang to to have a gun at their own home. There are too many crazy b****ds here who will do anything to get money. M79's and firebombs included (no names mentioned, but you know who you are).

    But it should be a criminal offence to take it off your own land without notifying the police - who should also do inspections every month.

  17. 30273096-01_big.jpg

    You! , yes you, red shirt, ... tell the Thai people how much you love me ... or it's a week of military AA vacation camp for you...

    Ha ha ha - I see what you did there. You took a picture then added your own comment for your own political agenda which is a complete lie (and unfortunately a witless one).

    Very good - you should take it in to show your teacher. Although I expect she will say you should grow up.

    I never went on an AA camp. Are you saying all red-shirts are alcoholics ?.

  18. The writer has taken a bold and - in my view - an unprecedented step in condemning everything the junta stands for.

    And especially so given Prayuth's continued calls to suppress the media, his ongoing failure to 'reform' and the ever present spectre of corruption.

    People need to take a long hard look at what's happening in Thailand. Since the coup, lip service has been made to any substantive change, while the wealthy and influential continue to consolidate and grow their power.

    An excellent article.

    You must be new here.

    Go spend a few days reading up on what Thaksin did to suppress the media and the outrageous corruption in his governments. Start with an easy one : the rice scheme. 500 billion 'lost' from a 600 billion budget - but there are plenty more.

    Then try to understand that the Junta is here to stop the Thai government murdering it's own people on the streets with UDD terrorists while they pass amnesty bills for themselves and also try to make reforms so the next elected government can make the changes you are talking about instead of going back to the same old farce we had before. Why do you people think they should solve all the problems themselves ?. They are Army people for Christs sake.

    Look around the rest of the world, the wealthy and influential are everywhere just the same. If you think you can change that, you are a communist.

  19. Jeez, didn't hey plan that coup for years? They could have had the "reform" ideas ready before they fired up the tanks.

    Because it has never been the true reason for Suthep's protests and resulting coup. It just looked more acceptable to put it forward, rather than the publicise the true motives

    The coup happened because Pheu-Thai were using the UDD to murder innocent Thais and point-blank refused to stop. Get over it. They could not stop if they wanted to : the order had to come from Dubai and he would never give up his chance to push that amnesty bill through which was sitting on the back burner and could be forced through without the senate in 6 months.

    Did you ever wonder why they did that instead of just scrapping it ?. No, I suppose you didn't.

    Your conspiracy theories are just propaganda-for-the-gullible which you choose to believe instead of accepting the actual truth the rest of us saw by witnessing events day-to-day as they happened.

    But they say ignorance is bliss and you people seem happy enough to have something to whine about.

  20. So; he thinks he will be safe 'at home'....where terrorists bomb shrines in the middle of the Capital, political activists kill each other and innocent people on a by-annual basis, the South of his own country is plagued by a Muslim Insurgency and local madmen attack their wives/girlfriend with guns and knives all over the land on an almost daily basis !!

    So nothing that is not happening in every other country.

    No one is safe anywhere in the world anymore. Except maybe in countries where there are no Muslims, if that's possible of course.

    Thailand (except in the South) is about as good as it gets these days.

  21. He also added that it was too soon to tell if it was a terrorist attack, but most likely wasn't wink.png

    Great job : I often wonder what kind of person skips over something as important as this and tries to get an ultra-cheap political dig in.

    Now I know.

    I wonder if he actually meant it wasn't the work of organised terrorists - like ISIS or Muslims from the South ... coffee1.gif

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