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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. Pheu-Thai MP : A crony who receives benefits and privileges in return for following the instructions of his master, no matter how unethical. He risks being outcast and ruined if he disobeys.

    Whatever he says, I want the opposite. I have zero respect for anyone who voted yes to the amnesty embarassment. These reforms are specifically to stop people like him abusing their power in the same disgraceful way again.

  2. Tried to ram a tank in his taxi then later hung himself. And Yingluck praises this as a great sacrifice ?.

    Maybe a hunger strike would do it. Or walking into a hail of fire carrying a 'peace' banner (and without the standard issue UDD M79). But not hanging yourself from a bridge some time later. He was obviously suicidal before it started.

    How I bet they wish he had died under the tank. Then his obvious mental problem would never have been revealed. Making him out as some kind of hero shows just how thin on the ground hero's really are in the ranks of the UDD.

    What's next for praise from Ms Bubblehead : a suicide bomb ?. That will never happen : their only motivation is greed for money and you can't spend it if you are dead.

    Red shirts should realise that choosing to celebrate this particular event embarrasses them more than anything else. Each time I read this particular story I think "What a bunch of idiots".

  3. No "high risk of corruption" here. 100% certainty.

    Can all the people who talk about Thai corruption honestly say they have not participated in any way?

    No point in being hypocritical about this, if there is any sort of corruption that's going to benefit you, then carry on

    and don't complain about it.

    Corruption in the UK is worse, ie the government and the banks, the big difference is that the UK politicians are much cleverer

    and better educated than the Thai politicians, and can therefor use it for themselves and get away with it.

    So much ignorant nonsense on thread after thread.

    Go to the UK, drive your car too fast then try to bribe the policeman and see where that gets you.

    Or sound out an MP about the possibility of an amnesty bill for yourself back to 2004.

    And this idea you people have that if you took part in any corruption (like a traffic fine) then you should not complain about any corruption is typical twisted logic used by the guilty. Your logic puts someone using an illegal copy of windows in the same boat as a politician stealing millions of baht from the taxpayer. Is that how you justify yourselves and what you do ?.

    People pay it because they have to in this society. The real guilty party in any corruption is the one the one demanding and taking the bribes. Only the dirty people blame the person who gives them the money - like the RTP did by offering rewards to their policemen for turning in anyone who offered a bribe. I wonder how many got turned in once the scheme finished.

    It's quite easy on this thread to spot the dirty ones who think corruption is OK. But we should expect plenty of them : after all, TIT.

  4. Mr. PM, how about YOU actually outline exactly what the reforms will be and the timeline for implementation.

    I would be particularily interested in hearing exactly what reforms are planned for the police, judicial system AND the military. Complete with a timeline.

    Without those 3 reforms being at the top of your reform agenda, you are only blowing smoke.

    No chance he can do that in this time frame.

    The priority must be to get a government who are there to serve the country, not some corrupt master. They will then make the legislation to sort out the others.

    Not going to happen though. Few people actually want reform : they are all on the take and want it to stay like that. But he has to try.

    And don't you think the newspapers should be giving you that information ?. Did you wonder why they are not ?.

  5. What are the reforms?......does anyone know?


    Why are the press focusing on non-issues like armoured cars instead of what is going on with the reforms ?. They are insignificant compared to the political transformation which should be taking place and it's impact on the future of the country.

    I see micro-criticism of every little thing the government do - even deliberate misinterpretation if Prayuth is sarcastic because he is fed up with them. The only time reform is ever mentioned is if they can snipe at one specific point.

    But nothing about the progress on the rest of the reforms and analysis of what it would mean to the average Thai.

    The media here are as full of cronies as everywhere else. They are a disgrace to their profession and that is exactly Prayuths point.

  6. He definitely got some ire up down there (with the situation already on edge). They don't need gasoline thrown on this fire so I hope the media quits quoting rogue monks.

    Yes, those 4 deserved to be murdered because a non-Muslim dared to say anything against these people.

    How many more do they consider should be killed to compensate for someone daring to speak out against their religion ?. Another 6 maybe ?.

    The tactic is working as usual : I see you are asking for others to keep quiet so as not to upset them even more. That's why the world is in this mess. Nobody dare speak the truth.

    I was just reading about the Paris attacks on the BBC news. The word Muslim was not used once. They are only 'attackers'.

    I will bet every last stang I have that it was Muslims behind it.

    But, as someone here keeps telling us, it is not about religion.

    Time for the world to wake up. Deport every Muslim who plans or does acts of violence in his host country to some other Muslim country willing to take them in. If they stay, they live life according to the traditions of their host. No special rules or treatment.

  7. So these people had everything set up for making bombs long before the deportations and just decided one day to put a pipe bomb in a public place in the middle of Bangkok, Thailand ?.

    Or their illegal people trafficking got shut down and again just decided to set off a pipe bomb in a public place ?.

    I don't buy it for one minute. Setting a bomb like this is putting your life on the line if you get caught. It makes no sense : we don't have the real reason yet.

  8. I helped out for a charity group for a while - around the time of the Ayutthayah flooding (and when I got my first proper taste of what Pheu-Thai were all about : they didn't do a thing to help - they were busy organising Thaksins football match with Cambodia).

    I was truly amazed by how many people gave up their time to come and help packing the donations (food, cooking oil etc) and the Army sent trucks to carry it all to those who needed it.

    As it turned out, the guy who devoted almost every waking hour to this cause was also shagging as many of the volunteers as he could and he used charity money to keep his own truck going (which he had worn out driving everywhere) because he didn't have a penny to his name most of the time and relied on his cheeky nature for others to give him stuff. It all collapsed after a big, public bust up with his wife one night. With his loss of face, he legged it and is doing the same somewhere else with a new set of volunteers.

    I learned a lot about Thais during that time. One of the main things was that the Army cares a lot more about the people than the government.

  9. I'm glad the source of this article was Coconuts, it has eased the Mind-Blown experience at least a little bit.............

    D​ont want to rain on your parade its headlines in the Unmentionable other English language paper

    Still its utter madness!

    Both articles make it pretty clear it's a long-term plan and it is something that should be aimed for. Of course it is better to use well-trained local teachers than rely on foreign teachers forever. The headline that Coconuts uses is typical of the sensationalism of gutter rags.

    Why ?. It will always be better to have a native speaker doing the teaching. When I went to school, the French teachers were always French. That way you get the correct pronunciation and inflexion as well.

    I've yet to meet a Thai who understands future tense.

  10. Another reason why people should be pressuring the Junta to make the reforms then get out.

    Instead all I see in the Thai media are whining commentaries nit-picking all the detail of what the Junta did today - which, incidentally, they never did when the dirty cronies were about their business.

    Everybody should be supporting and pushing the reform process to get it over with and have some elected, accountable people in office. I shudder to think how incompetent some of these current ministers are.

    I've noticed Thai culture produces a lot of people who have trouble seeing beyond what is in front of their face.

  11. I have no idea who posted pictures of the actor this time but it seems that in so many instances it's done by family and so called friends, who might just might apologise later.

    In situations where it involves staff members, people who have access by virtue of employment etc they should be subject to dismissal, at least.

    Was action ever taken against the cop who posted photos of the bodies on Koh Tau ? I think i can guess the answer.

    Nor was any action taken against the nurses who posted the V sign selfies with the body of someone killed in the South...other than criticism

    Because they are scared of the backlash from other muslims. It would probably be used as an excuse to murder someone else.

    Jade Goody called a muslim Big Brother (a worthless voyeurism TV show in the UK) contestant 'Shilpa Poppadom' and they had riots on the streets of India.

  12. Thailand is incapable of making anything in this league. The budgets are siphoned away through graft and corruption and the final product ends up being the cheapest, most basic thing possible to build.

    When they have finished, nobody else in the world wants to buy it. And to save face, Thailand keeps one or two which it just uses for public display as if to say "look we did a good thing".

    Just like that airship. Whoever was responsible for that should be peeling potatoes.

    I wonder why nobody picks up on that anti-protester monster Pheu-Thai bought. Did everything possible - including burn if you threw a petrol bomb at it so it was never used.

  13. "The report noted that since the military coup in 2014, no independent scrutiny of the defence policy by the legislature is in place."

    Because, then they would have to admit that the biggest threat needed to defend against would be an angry segment of the voting population from within its borders.

    I agree completely. The biggest threat to decent Thai people is more terrorist attacks and murders by the UDD acting on orders from red-shirt politicians.

    Same as it was just before the coup. What's your point ?.

  14. He said that he had no concern that his fellow UDD leaders would be angry with him for voicing his support of General Prayut.

    pffft, that's because he is following Thaksin's appeasement strategy. A strategy which is absolutely doomed to fail and proof that Thaksin doesn't care about small-d democracy.

    The people who really care about the future of Thailand know that the military is not the solution, but the problem and they don't try to "work with them". coffee1.gif

    What is your solution then ?.

    Pheu-Thai back in power with Thaksin at the helm. More massive corruption and maybe you get a bit ?.

    Or a revolution where the 'Elite' get put up against a wall and shot ?. Sorry, but you are about 50 years too late. Communist revolutions went out of style not long after the Vietnam war and people realised it didn't work.

    People who care about Thailand don't murder of their own people who dare protest against a disgrace like the amnesty bill.

    People who care about Thailand know that the solution is a government who are not all dirty cronies who use Parliamentary majority to give their paying master a virtual dictatorship.

    Please feel free to carry on 'not working' with the Junta. Everything is moving along much better without you. You will get your chance to vote for a responsible adult to represent you in due course. Let's hope you use that privilege more wisely next time.

  15. They asked that officials stop summoning people, stop visiting and spying on them, and that they stay in their barracks and perform their duties.

    1) summoning, 800+ people summoned

    2) intimidation is S.O.P. for the military

    3) stay in their barracks and perform their duties : clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    wouldn't it be so nice....

    Until the Thai people collectively kick the generals in the crotch, nothing will send them to their barracks, much less keep them there...

    And will you publicly apologise and tell us all how wrong you were when elections are held ?.

    Of course you won't. You'll ignore what you said and change to something different. That's why I have no time for anything you say.

    Just think : if you people hadn't passed that amnesty disgrace then started murdering protestors to try and scare them back home, none of this would have happened.

    What a shame 'Thammasat' didn't speak out about injustice sooner - say right after the amnesty bill and definitely when women and children started getting blown up. People might still be alive instead of inconvenienced. Do we know why they didn't ?.

    We are all waiting for your uprising. Set a date yet ?. I bet you wish a few people had disappeared or been shot on the streets to help your cause a bit because from where I am standing, the country has a much more promising future now then it did under the dirty cronies. And unfortunately for you, the decent and intelligent people in Thailand realise it too.

  16. No it's not true.

    That's just hate propoganda spread by racists who can't cope with a black president of the USA.


    Cumon man, their Obumers own words. And the health dept in Hawaii (democrat state) that has control of the birth records is covering it up as well! I am Australian so it's not my fight, but you can't change history!

    Listen at the 22 second mark: "I come from Kenya " a common way to say he was born in Kenya. https://www.google.co.th/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=5&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CDYQuAIwBGoVChMIiN7njs-JyQIVI-emCh3N9wa_&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DcQcd41RO25k&usg=AFQjCNHuXMwSoRHf8OkmNV8ddwrEtsM8Jw&sig2=tEcsuhHSaYs0l1IdVldvnA

    I was born in Australia but when a Thai person asks me were I from? I say "I come from Australia"....and do the dinjo thing cos the often think I come from Austria! It's just easier than trying to explain in Thaiglish there's a country next to Indonesia called Australia.

    HAHA! I'm from the US & my wife is from Surin. I've been to 6 continents, my wife has been to 5 or 6 countries.

    A few years ago when my daughter was about 7, she had a little ball with the globe printed on it.

    She came running outside & asked me to show her where Australia was, as she had just seen some kangaroos on TV.

    At least her mom was honest, ... she didn't know, so she sent the kid to ask me. Now they both know.


    Obama is DEFINTELY half Kenyan. His mother was Caucasian citizen of the USA that liked to burn diesel.

    Calling someone a racist over stating a well known fact is just sad. Makes me think the person saying it is the true racist.

    You obviously didn't see him jumping on anyone who dared suggest it was the religion at the root of problems in the South.

    Liberals like him are in the process of destroying common sense and honesty in society. They will happily turn a blind eye and not issue a murmur whilst ISIS brutally beheads thousands of civilians in the street but quickly scream blue murder when a child gets killed because ISIS are using him as a human shield and he wasn't spotted before dropping a bomb.

    People like that should be sent right into the middle of what they think they are experts on to get a real education.

  17. Bringing more money into Thailand than you immediately need is criminal stupidity IMHO.

    E24 million, why would he come to Thailand?

    I think some people come to Thailand because they think their money means they can buy their way out of trouble if it ever catches up with them.

    I wonder if the amount has anything to do with it. I heard stories of when someone is convicted, the police more or less strip his house in a looting frenzy.

  18. Any reds still want to try and claim they didn't burn down CentralWorld as well with their million liters of petrol ?.

    Or do you still try to claim someone else did it ?.

    Or have you really always known just like the rest of us who did it - but lying and blaming others just comes so easy ?..

    It's good to know some more low-life are behind bars where they belong.

    Yes, Red shirt has just less memory, they forget all beautiful video of their leaders, like Nattawut Saikua, call for violent protest and ordered to burn Bangkok

    Ahh - you give them too much credit.

    They remember well enough : they are just selective about what they will admit : they can freely deny it and blame others without care or conscience. We call it hypocrisy and I've been watching them do it for the last 10 years.

  19. So why put it on her facebook page ?.

    If you don't see what they are trying to do, you are the target audience.

    I'm sure we'll get a crocodile tear or two for the cameras before long. All under advisement from her defence team.

    How long before she drops the 'rushing' plea. This has been going on for years now.

    Note how they are trying to drag HM into this : the very reason Prayuth used article 44. That part has her brothers hand all over it.

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