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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. good thing they are going to ban LINE soon in Thailand. No more calls for help from anybody. a big step forward. YOU MORONS.

    throw the conductor from the back of the train at 100 kph. next case.

    Any evidence of that or is it just a blatant lie ?.

    Did you buy a phone which will only run LINE ?. I can make calls on mine as well - in fact that would be my preferred way to get help.

    YOU really shouldn't be calling other people morons. They will not ban LINE and the 'single gateway' will not happen.

  2. He has just told the UN there will be elections in 2017- unless-----?

    ... unless the terrorists get the order and the funding (but mainly the funding).

    Don't concern yourself : it isn't going to happen. The bogeyman realises he can't win against someone who cannot be bought and has an army behind him to prove it.

    But you can console yourself : normal service will be resumed once the people enforcing the law can be bought again. The dirty business you obviously support will soon get back to normal.

    Then you have another 10 years or so of cheating and stealing before the next coup.

  3. Good grief, do you people actually think Prayuth should be personally investigating every instance of corruption and sorting it out himself ?.

    The problem is law enforcement. And if you didn't already know, the RTP are not called 'tomatoes' for nothing, they are as corrupt as anybody in this country and are a product of Thaksin and his 'government'.

    It will be a massive job for anyone to change how they work. Every single senior officer will be fighting against any changes to remove that corruption. Short of sacking the entire force, it will take serious reforms and years of weeding out before the police might approach something in the West.

    I sense Prayuth knows he has no chance and has decided to try and change things politically at the top then let it work it's way down in due course.

    You should place the blame where it lies - but in the usual astounding display of hypocrisy, you actually try to blame the Junta for what your own crooked politicians created. However bad things are under the Junta, it is a giant leap forward compared to what Thailand had under the dirty cronies.

  4. I think some of the lower IQ TVF members are unable to see past the end of their nose.

    Why do you relate everything to the Junta ? - who are running a tight ship with the purpose of stopping anyone inciting red-shirts to do what they usually do : go out and murder or intimidate to get what they want.

    The Junta will be gone soon. Might be next year or maybe the year after, but have no doubt they will be gone. Then everything will go back how it was.

    And after reading the English Thai press during the last protests whilst also following it on social media, I have to say that the media here is an utter disgrace. The corruption and cronyism clearly extends through their ranks as much as it does with the politicians.

    Those that dared to report some truth which a certain group didn't like usually got grenades on their gateposts or ping-pong bombs in their lobby. Or a firebomb on the front drive. And a tomato police farce which never arrested anybody.

    If they want respect, they have to start earning it. Maybe if the grenades can be stopped by other reforms, they might dare to actually start doing some investigative journalism. That would put the cat among the dirty pigeons.

  5. 400 supporters! Wow! I wonder how much it costs Thai taxpayers to fly most of them from Thailand.....

    Any actual evidence of that or just another blatant lie ?.

    You lie as easily as speak the truth - do you even know the difference any more ?.

    I don't need to know anything about Thai politics : I could just read the comments by red-shirts here and know Thailand is better off under a Junta.

  6. Thai politics might be complicated in the detail because it is so full of lies and hypocrisy, but at the top level it is painfully simple.

    The thing Thaksin and his ego want more than anything is to come back to Thailand as the leader of the country. He knows he will probably need a proxy as PM but he fully intends to be in charge.

    The only way he can do it without going to jail is via amnesty. Everything is geared around that.

    He still does not think the last attempt was wrong. He just thinks he went about it the wrong way. He will have a scheme already how he thinks he can get it through into law. Of course it will fail because he deludes himself as to the real situation. Just like Hitler did in his bunker.

    His 'big stick' are his red-shirts. We saw how he is prepared to use them in the last protests, Just like the brown shirts for Hitler. If he tries to take power using them now, all the leaders will be locked up because the Army cannot be bought like the police are.

    So he must wait until the Army are gone. Then it will start all over again.

    Everything else is just detail to achieve the above. The actual country and it's people are secondary : it's clear to anyone willing to see that he does not give a damn about them.

    Nothing will change until this man is removed from the picture and the Pheu-Thai/Red Shirt leaders have to decide what to do for themselves. They will flap around for a while but maybe someone can eventually emerge who actually wants to help the poor instead of just themselves.

  7. There's a lot of posters i.e. every single one so far, who appear to have been in court to hear the evidence that acquitted the man but apparently shouldn't have. Or maybe they were on one of the legal teams, who knows?

    You mean some crucial evidence proving his innocence which - for some reason - he was unable to produce for the original trial ?.

    You must be new in Thailand. Or someone who supports the system as it is. Or a very slow learner.

  8. And yet again someone wealthy is found guilty during the trial and then acquitted in the appeals court.

    This happens so often it cannot be coincidence. It stinks.

    Someone might think the whole system is set up so dirty people can fight the original case to see if they can get off, then if they don't they have the safety net of using the stolen money to bribe their way out in the appeals court.

  9. These kind of things are why the Junta should implement reforms ASAP to make sure Thailand can not have another parliament of dirty cronies passing amnesty bills and then get out.

    They are not qualified in any way to make major policy decisions with far reaching effects whilst remaining unaccountable to the public. They are Army and should stick to what they know.

  10. I get the impression that Prayuth is genuine in his desire to stop corruption. But nobody else is so he has no chance.

    I think he has since narrowed his aims to try and implement a political system that cannot end up with yet another Parliament of cronies who sold their allegiance to a dictator so in return they were allowed to steadily bleed the country dry - with the ensuing massive corruption leading to more mass killing of protesters by those clinging to power.

    He has given up on corruption. He would have started police reform already if he had any support.

  11. Even a good fiction writer could not come up with this stuff. Just wait until they "appoint" Suthep.....

    Active fans and feces should not be thrown together,

    but they will...........

    I seem to recall you also telling us how the Generals brother was certainly going to be made chief of the army.

    Seems you are incapable of learning from your mistakes. Intelligent people would feel a bit foolish when being proved so absolutely wrong and stop making up such nonsense.

    God only knows what your last line of gibberish is supposed to mean. Is it another threat of the 'upcoming revolution' you people keep sputtering about ?. Didn't you hear your fuhrer tell you to 'play dead' for now ?.

  12. How funny. The EU must be the least democratic organisation on Earth.

    I certainly didn't vote for them to make all my laws - I was never given the chance.

    Even the first 'president' was chosen behind closed doors by the biggest powers to make sure he would be easily manipulated.

    Politics is all about corruption and the EU is right there at the top : I don't trust a single one of those people as far as I could throw him. They are not much higher up the 'dirty' scale than Thai politicians IMHO. They are just better at hiding it.

    Somebody in that organisation is on the payroll.

  13. I applaud any publicity which people in this situation can get. The only language these Thai can understand embarrassment through losing face when their dirty tricks are exposed. At least since the coup there is a faint chance someone will do something about it.

    But I also can't help feeling what a hypocrite Jonathan Head is. He is a staunch supporter of Pheu-Thai and those dirty cronies never did a single thing to stop corruption and dirty officials. In fact they encouraged it.

    Just a bit of journalistic opportunism from someone low on ethics. It seems anything which will reflect badly on the country is fair game for him while the Junta are in charge. I don't think it is coincidence that he never did anything like this while the dirty cronies were in power.

  14. So they don't even know who planted the bomb, yet they felt it prudent to give themselves the 3 million reward before anyone is actually found guilty.

    Why are they allowed to do this without any backlash from whoever is in charge ?. That 'reward' did a huge amount of damage to the reputation of the country.

    And why have the press dropped the story ?. It seems they know to avoid angering certain groups - usually ones which involve people of the crimson variety.

    Prayuth should have nipped this in the bud - but it's clear by now the RTP are so rotten right to the very top, he simply cannot stand up to these people on his own.

  15. it is not for other governments to pass judgement the pm is doing what he thinks is best for his country a country which has been riddled with corruption for as long as I can remember a country he is trying to cleanse with whatever measures are necessary , there are countries in the western hemisphere with the same problems but one doesn't hear about them.

    They are if they are elected officials who had to raise money, eat bad food, get 2 hours of sleep a night. What is happening now is far worse than that idiotic rice scheme; quashing free speech, intimidation, article 44. There are those who are better and those who are worse. Regardless, he deserves to be told off by those who are better than he is. There is nothing noble is usurping power.

    Quite right : there is nothing noble in the act of a coup.

    The noble part was sacrificing his comfortable retirement in order to remove a government murdering it's own citizens on the streets and systematically stealing the wealth of the whole Nation for themselves.

    Prayuth will be in danger for the rest of his life and he knows it. Compare that with the egotistical coward who ran away when he got found out for his corruption and then tried to force a disgraceful amnesty bill through via his entire Parliament of dirty cronies because he knows he is guilty of plenty of other things which are stopping him getting back.

    btw: Why on earth do you think the rice scheme caused the coup ?. It was the point blank refusal of the government to stop sending terrorists to murder innocent civilians on the streets of Bangkok which did it. I expect red-shirts don't talk about that part.

  16. First Suthep, now this. And the current administration took power to maintain peace and order, did they? This is just baiting the other side, pure and simple.

    So she is not allowed to join the police because you don''t like her ?.

    And more : you are saying that you feel 'baited' by it. I get the feeling you would like to take some "action" about it yourself ?. What does she deserve for this ?. A grenade ?. What would Suthep get for daring to stand up to the dirty cronies ?. The same ?.

    Thank you for the insight to red-shirt "equal rights" which are all part of democracy in the Western world. And also for highlighting yet again why nobody takes you people seriously.

  17. Too bad the local media will blank out what response he gets...

    HRW? Isn't that the "disturbing" organization that was refused to hold a press conference over their annual report at the Foreign Correspondents Club here?

    Ha ha ha - nice try, but you people need to know that if you want to spread red-shirt propaganda, outright lies are not good enough for the educated people here.

    HRW are a political organisation who shamefully hide behind the 'Human Rights' banner to get attention. The truth you are missing is that they REFUSED to hold their annual report in Bangkok because it meant asking the Junta for permission - and they did not want to acknowledge their authority. Since when did any 'Human Rights' organisation make political statements like that ?.

    Absolutely disgusting bunch of cronies. That organisation needs a total overhaul before we can take anything they say seriously. The shameful part is that only causes which suit their political agenda get attention : the people who really need them have no one to turn to.

  18. But not to the poor farmers that it was intended to help.

    The govt has spent more than it expects to receive for the rice.

    Who did it give the money to? Farmers, rice mills, warehouses, trucking companies.

    The money went into the economy.

    Sure some of the dosh was redirected away from it's intended destination. That's what corruption does. But the money doesn't disappear it is spent/saved and so remains part of the economy. The damage to the economy caused by the coup however is a true loss.

    OMG you are justifying corruption.

    SHAME ON YOU. I would not believe such disgusting comments if I did not read them directly.

    You people belong in some primitive medieval village. You were born about 500 years after your time.

  19. This is all going to end very very badly.

    Seems like the military is trying to provoke war. What else could they possibly be trying to acheive with this exactly?

    Humiliate the losers. Great strategy, it worked on Germany after World War One.

    We farang call it accountability. What you are suggesting is appeasement. We tried that at the start of WWII and the lesson we learned in the West is that if someone wants a war, they will find a reason no matter what.

    Are you actually saying WWII was the fault of the Allies ?. True enough Hitler used it as a driving force. but do you seriously think WWII would not have happened otherwise ?. The fact that Germany lost was enough for him.

    Go read some history books so you might learn from them. Hitler simply wanted Germany to be great again. He was a patriot in the extreme sense of the word. You can't even say that about the bogeyman and his cronies who are just greedy lowlife who only care about themselves.

  20. In the 10 years I have been in Thailand, I have heard absolutely nothing from Thammasat University which I would consider to be 'pro democracy'.

    They are a disgrace to the principles of education and what a university should be.

    Just a very quick google found this https://www.facebook.com/anthony.cartalucci/posts/1548006848808717

    A link to a Facebook post that provides a link to a blog. What does that prove?

    You don't think an attempt at a democracy seminar, shut down by the junta, counts as pro-democracy? http://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/10/03/junta-suppression-academic-talk-democracy-exposes-cracks-in-thailand-peaceful/

    So are you saying the facebook information is fake ?. Because the information is extremely relevant.

    And a link to a USA news site is even worse. I'm currently reading a book by Max Hastings about the war in Korea. It goes into some detail about American policy in Asia and who they support and why. Of course the communism threat no longer exists, but the rest of it is extremely relevant and extremely interesting.

    Bottom line: They will tolerate any level of corruption as long as they can be sure foreign policy will remain in the interest of the USA business. Are you familiar with the 'free trade' agreement Thaksin was trying to railroad through before he got 'found out' ?.

    This is your 'democracy'. You should stop trying to pretend you know what it means.

  21. So will people be given re-education classes if they criticize China now also?

    Nobody has been 're-educated' for criticism. I have seen many articles criticising the Junta in the press and none of them resulted in anyone being 'taken in'. The only offence I have heard anyone be taken in for is attempting to promote division in society which may incite red-shirts to more violence. They have stated this quite openly so people are in no doubt before they do it (except tact demands they don't mention red-shirts directly).

    Why do you people keep spreading this lie ?.

  22. Okay now I'm worried about staying in Thailand. The situation is getting worst for foreigners. Bombs, lack of human rights, immigration rules changing, borders monitored and now this. Time to get out, before the lynch mobs arrive.

    Yes, time for you to go. Your attitude belongs to old-style medieval Thailand which we all hope will be phased out after the reforms.

    I will stay because the only lynch mobs I have ever seen here have been red-shirts - and since the coup, they have been kept at home because the people who pay them can't trust the police to protect them now.

    Plus I am safe to walk anywhere in Bangkok without fear of a grenade attack and the only people whose rights have been restricted are those intent on taking things back how they were.

    The immigration situation will sort itself out once the petulant egos have been satisfied. It's been the same whoever is in charge and always will be with the ridiculous Thai 'Face'.

    Oh - you didn't go anywhere. What a surprise.

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