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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. all you experts jumping in here and critisizing but not offering a solution need to <deleted>

    I am no fan of the Thail police and I find them seriously lacking in trainging and the level of corruption we all know about

    That said - I can see no way they could do much better than they are doing now, big city, swamped with tourists - seriously what would you have them do ?

    so they could have done a little more at the crime scene and I agree with that, but at the end of the day some skinny coward walked up to a popular tourist spot with a bomb in a bag- left it there and calmly walked away - wearing possibly a wig and other stuff to hide his identity supposed to be talking English, but the biggest clue to this event is the fact that nobody claimed it

    That's total twaddle.

    1. You don't employ a police force to make an effort- its only and always results which count.

    2. Who could do better? - the USA had the Boston bombers cornered in around 24 hours

    3. You don't spout theories without proof, the facts determine the theory, not the other way around

    4. The FACT that there is no evidence of the bomber after the bombing says what? No hints you make the call.

    5. Look at the most likely perpetrators in trying to find the culprit- who has thrown bombs recently in Bangkok? - Now start investigating there.

    6. Don't sweep everything away, like something to be ashamed of. Close the site and make this a national tragedy that everyone is focused on solving.

    7. No evidence of the person leaving the country by usual ports? What does that tell you.

    8. Disguises- get expert help to provide alternative appearances we could all be looking for.

    Smedley - I disagree with you.there are many lessons to be learned here about how not to handle this situation.

    I agree : there is a big, square faced elephant in the room which everybody is avoiding as much as they can.

    Why ? - his cronies are everywhere. Just mentioning 'a political group in the North East' caused the media to forget about the bomb and run story after story about how he should not be pointing fingers. I haven't seen any article in any newspaper take that option seriously - even though the only argument I have seen against it is 'a Thai could not do this to another Thai'. The Dawson guy on Bangkok Post even criticised them for not investigating if it was a Mafia attack, designed to hide the real victim in a pile of bodies !!!.

    The reason we are looking at every possibility except that one (in public at least) is that the red-shirt propaganda department will quickly turn it into 'elite persecuting the poor' and it will be used as an excuse to go out and murder a few people as well as get the cattle foaming at the mouth even more than they are now. If support looks good enough, it might even be worth laying on some buses for a major protest, get a few thugs to shoot at the army then hope they shoot back and kill a few innocent people for some international publicity.

    Thai's excel at dirty and dishonest politics - and there are plenty of people who see nothing wrong with that. We see their comments here every day to prove it.

  2. I am still a little puzzled.

    How do you get an arrest warrant for an unnamed person?

    I was under the deluded impression that you need to identify the person to be arrested as part of the process of applying for the warrant as it is the first step in the legal process of prosecution.

    Even worse than that : it seems that when you know exactly who you want to arrest, you have to go through the same process.

    And, of course, announce that you are doing it to the press to give the guy ample warning. It's so ridiculous, it's insane.

    The more I see what goes on here, the more obvious it is that the rules have been written by people who want to be sure they have a 'get out' should their own crimes be found out.

  3. Les Majeste aside:

    It's quite simple : you can say what you want as long as you are not writing stuff to promote division.

    What this means, red-shirts, is stop egging each other on to go and commit more terrorism. We have seen enough of your 'democracy' now with your intimidation mobs outside courtrooms, death threats to judges or attacks on non-red shirt politicians if they dare venture into a red-shirt province. Thailand does not need more cowards firing grenades into women and children for a couple of thousand baht.

    I have seen several of the low-end posters here sputtering about a peoples uprising and some sort of 'communist revolution' (which they seem to confuse with 'democracy') which is coming very soon. I reckon that's the sort of thing they are talking about.

    It's quite simple - but obviously not simple enough. What you fail to realise is how you are free to post all this whining on a public forum. If it was anything like you pretend, why aren't you in jail with all the others you try to imply have been arrested ?.

  4. In the past we would get some utter nonsense from Chalerm who would then forbid anyone from asking him about it further. I remember thinking it a bit strange how they never gave him a good grilling but after I learned how Pheu-Thai operated, I now know. A grenade or fire-bomb might not be far away from any newspaper which went too far.

    In the current situation anything which embarrasses the current government is positively encouraged so they have an open field - and we finally see what the RTP are really made of.

  5. What about "justice" for the hundreds of murdered school teachers and other non combatents ? will the murderers be the leaders and people of influence?

    I agree with your point, daoyai, but one could also ask about justice for the innocents killed at Tak Bai and Kru Se. Frankly, until the guilty on both sides are held to account, I find it difficult to see how they can find a solution.

    Where do you get 'innocent' from ?.

    From my understanding, those at Tak Bai were not innocent, they just did not deserve to die in the manner which they did.

    Same with the thousands murdered in the war on drugs. You will find these two have just one common denominator.

    And Tak Bai is 78 people compared to over 5,000 others dead. Does the death of one of those 78 count for more than a schoolteacher who only ever did good in their life being gunned down and burned ?.

    Why is one brought up so frequently and the others dismissed after a cursory paragraph in the news ?.

  6. So despite the definite headline, the only evidence behind this is that he can not believe a Thai would do this to another Thai ?. And what rank is he ?.

    Good to know he is going into the investigation with an open mind. Someone should let him know about the Thais who were happy enough to fire grenades into crowds of innocent people which numbered dead women and children in the final tally.

    Anyway, his biggest priority is not to find out who planted the bomb, it is to find out who ordered it. There are plenty of people in this world today who don't care who they kill for the right price.

    I think we all knew the final outcome of this on the same day the bomb went off : the same as who killed the 30 dead during the protests. Absolutely nothing. Nobody wants to know because of the trouble it will cause if people are named.

  7. lol, if you called her a 'pregnant pretty' in the UK you would be strung up by the balls and horsewhipped to teach you some political correctness.

    But presumably not if you called her a 'pregnant model', which is basically all the term means in Thai. Even loan words have different meanings in different languages.

    Err thank you for the information - but putting apostrophes around the word pretty seems to disagree with the theory it is simply a badly chosen word.

  8. Nonsense: The Red Shirts want absolute power. The Yellow shirts want to turn back the clock 20 years. The Democrats want power.

    The Army want to protect the country.

    No one want reconciliation and surely no one want to compromise. Everyone want to pocket what they can.

    Red or Yellow: Suppress them with heavy hands is the only solution.

    Another idiotic statement ... suppress them with heavy hands being the only solution ? I'd really love to post what I think about you, but you're not worth the ban, 20 thousand posts plus, and yet constant drivel, no wonder your post count is so high.

    If the Junta can bring themselves to talks with the Muslim separatists down in the South, and yet can't seem to bring themselves to talk to the Red shirts, that there suggests everything is agenda driven from them.

    I often wonder how people like you live from day to day with so much hatred and bigotry towards one group or the other, life must be incredibly lonely !!!

    My God : take a look in the mirror. Everything you call him, you are worse.

    Red shirts don't want reconciliation. Period. They want 'Winner takes all' democracy and the spoils which come with it.

  9. Thailand isn't ready? Yes it is, it's the controlling elite of the country from all sides who are not ready to lose their grip and control over their minions, if the Military stopped interfering and went back to running the country's golf courses sorry providing defence to the country, trimmed down their over inflated list of Generals, who all need backhanders, sorry salaries, Thailand might actually start being allowed to move into the 21st century.

    It's always the Junta fanbois who keep stating that Thailand isn't ready for any sort of democracy, and yet they whined and bitch about this, but still decided that whatever Thailand has/had to offer, it's a hundred times better than their home countries yes? ... I highly doubt this for one minute!!

    Hilarious : blaming the Junta for stopping progress.

    A bimbo with no political experience put in as a useless PM because she is the brother of a man in exile because of corruption (and don't try to say he is innocent).

    Attempts to take MASSIVE loans off-budget (with no good explanation) to have the people pay it off for the next 50 years. And if you don't realize that it would have been gradually siphoned away on things like the rice-scheme to avoid bankrupting the country then you are living in a fantasy world.

    Railroading an amnesty bill through Parliament in the most disgraceful manner possible to absolve themselves of all corruption charges since 2004.

    Sending terrorists to murder peaceful protestors to scare them off the streets.

    Is this your idea of what Democracy is ?. A 310:0 vote for amnesty : not a single member of the government had the ethics to vote for what was right. Not one !.

    The word hypocrite is not strong enough to describe the people who whine about the Junta and ignore the reasons they are there in the first place.

    You can keep calling us 'Junta Fanboys' if it convinces you that you are right in your little room spitting on your keyboard as you type - but the truth of the situation is that most intelligent people don't agree with a Junta at all. They are far from ideal but they are a hundred times better than that last bunch of dirty cronies who were stealing everything they could from the country and it's people.

  10. I'm sorry to say that he is right.

    The cornerstone of democracy is that the people elected by the government are people of the highest morale fiber who will put the needs of the people in their constituency and the country above their own. More than that : if they do not then the people have the power to remove them from office.

    The 310:0 amnesty disgrace was a tragedy with implications far beyond whether the bogeyman comes back or not. It showed just how dishonest and corrupt every single member of the government was.

    A democracy cannot function when the people will elect representatives like that. Thailand needs something else - where naughty officials can get spanked for stealing. Long prison terms and lifetime bans would be a start : the rules as they are now have clearly been written by politicians with an eye to protecting themselves should they end up being the one under the spotlight.

  11. Didn't his brother just get a big promotion?

    Many red-shirts here were spotting keyboards with spittle as they posted in their rage and hate that Prayuth would make certain that his brother got made chief of the Army.

    Then he didn't.

    Instead of feeling a bit stupid and eating a bit of humble like any self-respecting hypocrite would, they ignore it completely and move on with the same enthusiasm (and no doubt similar wet spots) for whatever else gets put in front of them.

    Hence many of us don't bother taking much notice of any of them other than as a source of amusement at what people in our own countries were probably like hundreds of years ago.

  12. how about ensure CCTV is working? Police keep their traps shut? they collect all evidence to ensure not being embarrassed by BBC reporters and IF someone tries to deliver evidence to the National Police HQ they don't say "we are shut"

    that's a good start?

    The BBC reporter embarassed himself by trying once again to use grubby journalism for his own political agenda.


    It would help if he stuck to things he knows something about instead of that sarcastic charade he made which reflects badly on the whole BBC.

    If they did anything, those police should have arrested him for tampering with evidence.

    No police force in the world bothers to gather up every ball bearing or piece of shrapnel.

  13. Very interesting. We rarely hear of anybody getting convicted - though I'm still not sure that means anything with this bizarre Thai setup of bail and appeals (which seem designed to help those with the money to stay out of jail).

    No doubt they are all innocent and it is just politically motivated, or they should not have been prosecuted because lots of people do it so why pick on them. coffee1.gif

  14. If it is true about this government stifling the investigation for the interests of tourism then that is absolutely appualing. I bet some of the sycophants will still be in here defending them though. I see that their biggest fan already has. I bet you think it was the 'reds' eh to don't you john? You'd of thought this government would pour all their reasources into proving that was the case. Just like they wantes to prove the din dao students were reds and supposedly had evidence of this....that they didn't actually have so had to release them.

    Of course they terrifying prospect of them deliberately not wanting to admit their own failures is that this kind Of attack happens again. That will be on Prayuth's hands with no way to spin it.

    Another attack will be on Payuth's hands ?. What are you talking about ?. That sounds an awful like what a terrorist or sympathiser would say.

    Nothing to comment on the police incompetence though ?. Very interesting. I'm sure you know as well of the rest of us why they are called 'Tomatoes'.

    I think we have your card marked. Any progress on the communist uprising you have been sputtering about ?. Are your red flags packed and ready ?.

  15. Truly unbelievable.

    I was in Pattaya when the thing went off, and watching TV about a week later there was a BBC TV Crew that had been scouring the gardens approx 50- 100 meters from the blast. They found quite a bit of shrapnel. They filmed themselves trying to hand it over to the police in front of some large whiteish building. The 8-10 police that were standing around just said they were closed, and refused to take it. The reporter was gobsmacked.

    Do any Thai authorities read these pages to see what the rest of the world thinks of them? Or do they really not care?

    That was Jonathan Head using his job for his own political agenda. A fine example of British tabloid grubby journalism : I have no idea why the BBC keep him on.


    He has basically made an ass of himself to anyone who knows what they are talking about. Just as he did with his reports during the protests and his very selective wording to avoid actually letting people know who was doing all the killing.

    'Peaceful protesters murdered in cold blood by pro-government agents throwing grenades' translated into 'Protests which turned violent'.

  16. Whether they call them servant soldiers or service soldiers doesn't matter. There is nothing "military" in what these kids are asked to do do. This is a carry-over from the corvee labor mentality of old and should be stopped. If these officers need servants, gardeners, etc, they should hire and pay them as employees like everyone else (should).

    The soldiers volunteer for the positions, can't you read?

    And you obviously believe everything you read.

    LOL, how typical. I do enjoy seeing hypocrisy when the culprit is unaware they just bared their @rse.

    I'll tell you what : next time let us know which selective parts of the stories you personally choose to believe and which you choose not to.

    That should give the rest of us a good laugh if nothing else. I think we could predict what they are before you even tell us.

    I've met one of these 'servants' and he was fiercely loyal to his 'master'. He looked at him as a father and if any of the 'servants' family got sick or he was in trouble, the 'master' would help them through it by his position. He was a real thug though - if anyone upset his master in a bar or whatever, the slave would beat them up. He even said he shot someone when he was younger (before he joined the Army). I didn't venture into his shirt colour, but I think a career in the UDD would fit him fine after he left.

  17. As demonstrators are required to seek permission for their gathering 24 hours in advance, the guideline also reminds authorities to use careful discretion before agreeing to the request.

    That's the key concept.

    Now watch people defend it by saying other countries do it that way.

    Yes, suppression of basic rights is OK as long as other countries do it also.


    I'm certain all will be allowed to protest as long as they don't bring their violent thugs who have been paid to stir up trouble.

    And I think they will be safe from police shooting at them from the top of the Labour ministry. Or pro-government forces firing live grenades into them.

    Like everything the Junta is doing : far from perfect but heading in the right direction.

    I wonder what 'basic rights' the average Thai is missing in his daily life now which he had before under the last bunch of cronies.

  18. I seem to read a lot more articles about Prayuth being annoyed with people than I do about the Charter, what it contains and what it means.

    Says a lot about the Thai media. I have realised for a long time now that they are a disgrace to journalism : as rotten as every other institution here.

    And I read a lot of juvenile comments here from the Thai contingent who support Thaksin and all he stands for. Says a lot about some Thai people as well.

    Certain parts of society in this country are rotten and needs an enormous kick up the backside to let the dirty schoolboys know that stealing is wrong.

  19. "If the real motive of this act of terrorism is a matter relating to Uighurs," Jomdet said in an email interview, "I believe the government will not disclose it."

    err .. if the Uighurs did it, they would have claimed responsibility. The whole point of those kind of terrorist attacks is deter anyone else from doing the same thing. If they allow everyone to think it was internal politics, it would be a waste of all that effort.

    ".. it may be steering investigators away from one potentially damaging theory, said Jomdet "

    Same one again ?. Does he think the government are inside the police steering them this way and that ?. I know Chalerm made stipulations that certain things were to be ignored and never mentioned in reports again (like the MIB) but I don't believe Prayuth will allow that to happen here.

    I think it all is just plain incompetence and Mr Jomdet has some agenda of his own.

    Mr Jomdet : I'm sorry but you haven't got the job. NEXT.

  20. Hmmmm

    Could any of these groups then be responsible for the recent bombing attack in BKK?

    Regardless, the group responsible for the Shrine bombing will certainly be a group involved with The Superstition of Peace (aka Islam)

    How do you know? The BKK bomber might as well be a frustrated bomb expert who had just lost his job. Anyone.

    You could do a piece for Bangkok Post. That Dawson bloke was trying his best to criticize the Junta and was asking why they didn't consider it might be a Mafia hit.

  21. I have been telling my gf (simply because I have no one to talk to regarding these matters ) that her government is wasting incredible time crapping on the thieving policeman while Muslims are slowly claiming her country. Thaksin should be the very last thing on this government agenda.

    For goodness sake don't ruin the day for the junta groupies, they're willing this to be Thaksin connected so that they can have a good old drip. Anyone with any sense knows the Reds wouldn't carp on themselves by committing an atrocity like the shrine bombing. I think you're right, I suspect a connection with the Uyghur

    deportations and think maybe isis had a hand in it. I could be wrong.

    Dream on. They were happy enough to fire grenades into crowds containing women and children. Over 80 times. And killed 30 innocent people.

    Some of them will do whatever they are told for a few thousand baht. Life is cheap to them. But even saying that, why do you think it had to be red-shirts ?. Mr T has plenty of mercenary connections : we saw that in 2010. I doubt he would use the cattle for something like this : if one blabbed before he could be silenced, there would be no doubt who was behind this heinous act.

    The Uyghur is just nonsense. First you don't just happen to have a network where you can build yourself a bomb like that in a foreign country and what would be the point if they didn't claim responsibility ?. The whole idea would be to terrorise anyone else in the future from doing the same.

    Seems like you people want to throw mud at everybody you can think of except that big, square faced elephant in the room.

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