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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. It's sad Thailand has to see an act of terrorism like this before it makes sense to them to have a quality, working CCTV system.

    That's odd.

    Actually, there should still be almost 50,000 new CCTV Kamers.

    All Installed in 2014th

    And now 75% do not work?


    Good find. Now they should haul those people over the coals and find out where all that money went.

    I expect they bought the cheapest rubbish for the retail price of the proper stuff then divvied up the difference.

    But they won't of course. They will more likely use this as an excuse to get funding to 'upgrade' the entire system again.

  2. Some of the replies here are truly pathetic.

    There is zero evidence as to who was responsible for this bombing - it could be the junta itself...

    If Thaksin said nothing, you would condemn him. If he speaks out, you condemn him.

    The junta itself is even less probable than Thaksin. He at least would have a reason. But as you say zero evidence so far.

    what on Earth are you yapping on about? What possible reason would Thaksin have? To demonise himself with his supporters? So the Junta can arrest all of his family and ban the colour red maybe? What would his reason be, please, tell me.

    Nobody will get caught and it will all be swept under the carpet just like those MIB in 2010. The cronies he has throughout the police will make sure of it. The bovine will believe the rhetoric and lies from the likes of Jatuporn that Thaksin was not behind it just like they think the Army fired on unarmed civilians in 2010 even though there is plenty of youtube evidence for those who actually want to know the truth.

    The purpose is to damage the economy, bring dissatisfaction to the people and create public pressure for the Junta to step aside before the reforms can be implemented. If they go ahead, he's not coming back in this lifetime.

    Let me know if you want me to write in single syllable words as it seems you have trouble keeping up.

    I actually hope they find out it was not Thaksin behind it because if it was, all red-shirts will have to live with this stigma for many years to come.

  3. Foreign police forces can probably only offer help to the Thai government after approval from their government. Afterall we are still under a NCPO installed NLA and government. Democratic governments dislike cooperating with juntas and so, allegedly that is.

    "General Prayut also turned down UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond's offer to assist in the investigations. "Do you want foreign countries to intervene in every issue? No country will do this. It is a breach of sovereignty ... There is no need to get outsiders involved. They are welcome to give advice, but they can't take part in the investigation because it happened in Thailand.""


    Could be also that the current gov. is involved, as they needed a good excuse for the down-spiral of the economy and tourism.

    In that case they would never allow any outsiders to look into it.

    It would also explain the much to quick clean up of the crime scene ........

    And last but not least, they have the knowledge and the material .....

    Thank you for your contribution. I will file it with the "9/11 Insider Job", "NASA Moon Deception" and "the JFK answer".

    Along with "Thaksin did it!"

    What on earth are you talking about ?.

    9/11 insider job = nonsense. Moon deception = nonsense. JFK = nonsense. 'Thaksin did it' = Most likely answer at this time. Your comment = nonsense.

  4. "Asked for their opinions on the prime minister’s work ideology, 85.80% agreed he had strong determination to work for the country, and the people."

    This is what makes him unique compared to all other Prime Ministers in recent history, and the reason many of us are willing to forgive his little tantrums and outbursts. And I'm not surprised at them given the people he has to deal with.

    In the overall scheme of things they are not important. It's quite telling that it's just about the only thing the cadres on here have to criticise him for. Ad nauseam in semi-literate style.

  5. There was a Poll of the people over the weekend and 78% of Thai's wanted the present government to remain for another two (2) years! The Red Shirts

    do not like the Charter and Constitution, so maybe the government is doing something right! I personally like the Corruption Courts being setup, so lets

    give the people the government they want and wait until the government is running smoothly before turning the government back to the politicians!

    Oh, another "poll" it must be true then eh?

    Could it be possible that this "poll" result was written to justify the extension of the coup makers power?

    Come on, how could anyone be so naive to think that these "polls" are real?

    Tom, don't you watch Thai television?

    Don't you wonder sometimes about the multitude of news stories running each night featuring the wealthy elites (usually middle aged or older) at gala dinners, award ceremonies etc etc all dressed in their expensive clothes, the endless parade of military officers in their ice cream suits, all happening in Bangkok.

    This is the power structure of Thailand Tom, this is where the money is concentrated and this is where they intend it to remain.

    Not with the 90% of poor Thais in the rest of the country.

    The coup was all about maintaining the power structure of traditional Thailand, the old established families close to the top of the pile, who own everything, but want more.

    They couldn't give tuppence for the poor, it has always been like this and a modern democracy would spoil their party.

    No, this is all about maintaining and entrenching the old power elite for as long as possible.

    If you ever land at Don Muang airport, have a look down the end, past all the terminals, where all the private jets park.

    if you time it right, you might be there when one of the old matrons and her entourage are returning from a shopping trip to Paris, to get the latest bag or a pair of shoes.

    Check out the use of military or police escorts to usher them through the customs and immigration.

    Two different worlds Tom, and they're running the country right now.

    Wow Bob, you have a BIG chip on your shoulder at rich people. If he was still here Bob, the most expensive jet in that line would belong to Thaksin. There will be mega-rich whoever is in government : are you a communist Bob ?.

    Do you seriously think Pheu-Thai care any more for the poor ?. If they did, Bob, why do you think they allowed the vast majority of the rice scheme money disappear in corruption instead of making sure the poor got it ?. Maybe you should go look around at who got rich under Pheu-Thai Bob and have a good whinge about them.

    It's true, Bob, Thailand needs a better option than the Junta, but Thaksin and Pheu-Thai are not it. Maybe if all future politicians can campaign across the country without getting shot at by red-shirts, Thailand will take a step towards it.

    Oh - and the coup was because Pheu-Thai were murdering protesters on the streets and had every intention of continuing to do it. If they stopped, there would have been no coup. Why do you people refuse to accept it Bob ?. What newspapers do you read ?.

  6. Anything new about the Bosch microphones?

    555 you must be new around here. Nothing has happened and nothing will ever happen. If a person can get away with B 680 mil fortune without proving how he got it and that the taxes has been paid on this fortune why will they do something about a few million worth of mics. You could have asked the same question about the junta employing family members and friends, remember that one ?

    Nice try, but bought under the eyes of Pheu-Thai I believe.

    And at least someone feels he can come forward and make it public under the Junta.

    Remember the rice-scheme whistleblower ?. The immediate reaction was to out her under investigation, not the claims.

    I'm sure there will be all the paperwork with all the names and everything in accordance with the law. Another case to be dismissed due to lack of evidence even though the crime is as clear as day.

  7. I think we all know they aint gonna catch this guy. All of these reports sound too staged to lead the authorities down the wrong track. And in true keystone fashion, they are being obliging and making any conclusions they can come up with on the spur of the moment so they can feel important and think they did a good job for their 'face'

    I reckon he's a disguised Thai and is now in some remote village keeping his head down. He is probably scared stiff someone is going to bump him off, but at least his family will have some money now.

    I miss Chalerm. He would have announced what happened at breakfast, would have a couple of suspects paraded in front of the TV cameras by lunchtime then by dinner he would declare the case closed and nobody must mention it again.

  8. I wouldn't let anything like this change my plans. No way you let the terrorists win.

    This is probably ... literally true .. would not change your PLANS.

    Willing to bet a tidy sum, unlike me and my peers . YOUR plans do not include living and working in the BKK Central Business District in constant contact with what can only be described as the "top ten list of likely targets" ... certain BTS stops, infamous intersections for protests (and now ... bombings), globally known shopping malls and business addresses .. etc.

    Duly noted Bill, more tough talk from a keyboard warrior who is probably not even in the Kingdom today, and certainly not Bangkok.

    How do I know this?

    Because if you were, the correct sentence and verb tense would be "has not changed my plans"

    So, sir, happily tucked away from from the fray, might those of us under the gun having to make the tough decisions about where to go today to get done, what must get done .. who now scour every inch of the BTS, the pinch points and most crowded areas, who no long insist on the best dinner tables sitting by huge plate glass windows ...

    May we respectfully ask you to shut your pie hole and save the keyboard heroics for another day?

    Thank You.

    "who no long insist on the best dinner tables sitting by huge plate glass windows ..."

    You go into a restaurant and insist on the best table ?. Maybe you should shut your pie hole. Clearly one of Bangkok's totally self-centered millions. I was so glad to get out of there.

    Like he said don't give in to the terrorists. Even if you're scared, hold your head up and tell the scum to go to hell. And remember the odds of it being you next are actually very very small.

    Like they say, freedom is not free.

  9. Whatever he does, the image people have is a government of Army personnel who are wholly unqualified through competence or experience to bear the responsibility they are given.

    They are there to change the rules to prevent another farce like the last bunch of dirty cronies then give power back to elected people. They should get on with that and stop playing with power by implementing policies whose effect will reach far into the future.

    As much as I admire the General (compared to the alternatives) and the courage and patriotism he showed in saving people from being murdered by their own government, I can never forget the GT200 bomb detectors and wonder what other decisions have been made on a similar 'assessment'.

  10. ''Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday urged the public to be eyes and ears for soldiers and police in a bid to ensure public safety and he called on people to quickly inform the authorities if they see anything suspicious...'


    In his excitement to criticise the current government, Mr Head has a complete <deleted> of himself and discredited the BBC by using his position for his own political agenda.

    A grubby reporter more suited to the tabloids then anything to be taken seriously. I wonder how he has kept his job over the years given the criticism he has endured : I expect Asia is a place to send people you don't want anywhere important.

  11. It says something is very bad in a society if a national tragedy like this, doesn't unite the country against the perpetrators.

    On one hand are the denies saying 'No Thai person could ever do this', on the other, people blaming the various factions they stand against.

    All of which shows that the country was in a dark downward spiral and the military are required to stop everyone from crossing over the line.

    No it doesn't because the military and their political allies are the main cause of the "dark downward spiral".

    Ha ha ha ha. Do you seriously believe that ?.

    You don't think perhaps it was the rice scheme theft of billions, the amnesty bill disgrace or the COLD BLOODED MURDER of 30 protesters by firing grenades into crowds of civilians by these 'Thais who could never do such a thing' ?.

    Thailand has no chance to move forward until some people wake up and stop being major hypocrites.

  12. So current gov is not corrupted? They all milionairies, and they already secured top positions with family members smile.png

    First step is the real dirty b*stards. The ones who voted to absolve themselevs of all corruption crimes since 2004.

    Then, if Thailand manages to remove the real low-life from politics and get a proper democratic government who does what's best for the country installed, the Armed Forces will get there comeuppance as a matter of course.

    When ridding the kitchen of rats, get the biggest, dirtiest ones first.

  13. Somkid Jatusripitak better known as Thaksin Shinawatra's deputy prime minister and finance minister to the rescue

    But wait... according to some here weren't Thaksin's chums all incompetents who ruined Thailand....

    No, they were a dirty bunch of cronies who stole billions of baht from the taxpayer then for afters they voted 310:0 to absolve themselves of all corruption charges since 2004.

    Then they murdered people who protested about this on the street.

    Incompetent comes some way down the list of what they were. But hey - your version is a lot simpler for you to understand so you may as well stick with it.

    At least (as far as I know) Somkid is not a self-confessed liar like the last mate Thaksin put in the position. clap2.gif

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