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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. Well done Prayuth - hit the evil worm where it hurts the most : in the face.

    I'm sure that - even though they keep telling us how this does not matter at all - it will matter enough for the juveniles the flood this thread with their amazingly childish comments.

    I don't think you have any idea what he did do for the country that was good.

    LOL cheesy.gif , what he did was under advice of a foreign PR company who advised him what would make him popular. He doesn't care one bit.

    I know exactly what he did. So does everybody else : that's why he is a fugitive in self imposed exile.

    Wake up for Gods sake. You have been used like s $20 whore.

  2. I got as far as "Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR)" and stopped reading.

    People hiding behind a 'Human Rights' banner to propagate their political rhetoric and bias are as low as snakes. Some people have no shame.

    He got 'Thailand's biggest problem' completely wrong. It's not the number of constitutions, it's the absence of ethics in the people around them. Himself as much as anybody.

  3. Meanwhile in a survey of 1500 resondents, 80% said they didnt understand the question being asked but answered anyway to avoid losing face.

    Of the two posible answers, they choose that with a picture of the PM beside it rather than the alternative with a picture of a jail cell.

    Yes, because a lot of people have been put in jail for that.

    Don't you feel even a bit embarrassed writing lies to try and make a political point ?. What is wrong with you people ?.

    Going by the rest of your post, you need to get on with your homework and leave the stuff which goes over your head to the grown ups.

  4. His passports were revoked for criticising the government! In ten years time who will be regarded as a hero and who will be regarded as pond scum?

    Actually the picture is a bit more complicated than that, but if you'd read the remarks made by Chaturon when he was refused permission to travel a few months back you'd know that. Also, he behaved as the normal "Pheu Thai' pain-in-the-podex before.

    As for 'pond scum', who knows.


    ""I will have to ask for a clear explanation in order to regain my rights,""

    which rights is Chatuporn referring to?

    I'm sure there is a complicated background but the reason advanced for cancellation of passports is crystal clear.

    I'm not sure why you seem to sympathise with the regime in terms of its treatment of people it finds awkward.I would have thought all patriotic Thais have a duty to resist and frustrate the current military government.

    I'm sure the quislings in Soviet dominated Eastern Europe in say 1975 would be unable to imagine in their wildest dreams what would happen ten years later.

    Decent Thais had a duty to resist the disgraceful amnesty bill (all 310 of those dirty cronies are who you should be calling 'pond scum') and they went out to do it and got killed by people who think like you.

    I don't recall red-shirts ever going to protest without it being organised and paid for. Take it from me : you people will never be remembered as heros. Quite the opposite.

  5. This horrible tragedy could have been avoided if the junta government had honored their Human Rights treaties and repatriated the Uighurs to Turkey, Instead of bowing down to their new Chinese overlords.

    Why ? - because everyone should do what terrorists demand then there will be no bombs like this ?.

    Seems like they were linked to terrorism after all - so the Junta did the right thing.

  6. You will probably find that Thaksin had done General P some wrong in the past and now the good general is out for some payback!

    Thais are like that, regardless of the we are 95% Buddhists and the may pen rai attitude on the surface!

    I think the mockery of the show-trials by Pheu-Thai which had were restricted to the verdict "Killed by bullets from Army rifles" did it. Anyone who knows what happened know that the red-shirts were firing them too, but couple this with the official line that 'the army fired on unarmed protestors' and it basically made a headline which said the Army shot and murdered everybody.

    It's called Kama and Thaksin has a LOT of it still waiting to come back his way.

  7. Crickey, the bloke has been out of the country 8 or so years and his proxy party now ousted of power and his enemy elites are STILL obsessed with him.

    cheesy.gif and quite a few of you and your cadres are obsessed enough about that to bother making a comment.

    Thaksin is as active as ever and you know it : you even confirm your hypocrisy with the phrase 'his proxy party' but I expect that point went way over your head.

    Still waiting for the people's uprising and the communist revolution you have been promising. Will your fuhrer come back and lead from the front like he said he would in 2010 ? cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  8. Disgraceful witch-hunt you got criminal evidence of corruption? arrest her! not make up laws and rules as you go everyone I speak to knows it's vengeance 'Thai Style'

    nothing wrong with rice subsidies happens in all countries go look up Europe (Common Agriculcutral Policy) or American farmer subsidies

    I wonder how, in your little world, you reconcile the fact that of the 700 billion or whatever, over 500 billion never made it to the farmers. Where do you think it might have gone ?. Did the spirits who live under your bed take it ?.

    I don't suppose it bothers you too much. That's why we have other people running the country now.

    We've seen plenty of vengeance - Thai Style, at the end of an M79. It's about time the medieval throwbacks joined the rest of the world in the 21st century. This is a start - but only a start.

  9. This is so ridiculous, I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it happen with my own eyes.

    Thailand puffs it's chest and the world laughs at it once again.

    Doesn't the guy even have to be found guilty for them to get the money ?.

    Absolutely crazy : what is wrong with these people to think it's OK ?.

  10. He turned down going to the Erawan shrine not for his own safety of course, but for the safety of his bodyguards and entourage. I therefore assume that his armored car is big enough for all of them too.

    At face value of course, this would seem like the actions of a coward. So I guess he's a coward.

    Does that make many leaders of countries and government services and ceo's of companies cowards too? It's normal that those are driven around in armored cars and do not visit certain places at certain moments for simple safety reasons.

    Sounds quite naive to start calling all those people cowards for that reason.

    Especially in Thailand there's good reason for Prayuth to take safety measures. He took over to end the shootings and bombings that were frequently taking place. Attempts to destabilise the country. There will be many that would love to see him killed. Don't make things easy for them.

    "He took over to end the shootings and bombings that were frequently taking place"

    Lets not get carried away with promoting fabricated coup motivations, by parroting coup apologists.

    The PDRC and their gratuitous shootings and bombings were designed to create the impression of political dysfunction, so that those who could not win elections could create another pathway to power.

    I'm sure a timely Prayuth whisper in Suthep's ear would have brought the PDRC nonsense to an abrupt halt.

    And letting the election proceed would have finished the matter.

    Neither of those two things were in the self-serving interest of the PDRC and coup perps, and the rest is history.

    To suggest the coup was designed to end political dysfunction that was contrived, is simply parroting their self-righteous spin..

    The only thing more insane than this post are those who clicked 'like'.

    Do you seriously think the PDRC did the shooting and the murders ?. Surely nobody is that gullible.

    btw: You should wipe that spit off your chin and your keyboard.

  11. Especially in Thailand there's good reason for Prayuth to take safety measures. He took over to end the shootings and bombings that were frequently taking place. Attempts to destabilise the country. There will be many that would love to see him killed. Don't make things easy for them.

    deleted post

    What an excellent post. Right from the horses mouth.

    This, ladies and gentleman, is the UDD. If anyone still has any doubts about who was behind the bloodbath in 2010 and who murdered the innocent men, women and children during the last protests then this should remove them.

    In some ways I hope they do start their communist revolution and charge head-on at the Army - Thailand will have a much brighter future without these medieval murderers, liars and thieves.

  12. So will the TV companies, producers, channel owners, Colonel Winthai and the whole of the Junta PR team be charged under the computer crime act and for disseminating false information which could cause public distress and lead to violence?

    Or will it now be a legitimate excuse to say "it was a mistake" in future?

    Wow - possibly THE most ridiculous comment I have seen this week and some people actually clicked like !!!. It must be because they saw someone attack the Junta but didn't really understand the reason why but have the required lack of ethics just to click like anyway.

    Please let us know what public distress and violence this picture accusing a foreigner with no political colour as a terrorist is going to cause. Enlighten us how it will anger the red-shirts so they resume their grenade attacks and it will divide Thai society even more.

    And then let us know why ALL of those people should be prosecuted - almost of whom will have no idea at all what evidence was found.

    It is a very clumsy and simplistic ploy by the police to associate this man with terrorism and make the public believe he is guilty and get them off the hook for embarassing themselves for the past 2 weeks. It is a dirty trick which shows the real ethics of those in the RTP. They are not called tomatoes for nothing you know.

  13. True to form, "On the question about the situations which have positive impacts on the government" the stuff that follows is right out of the play-book from one side of the political divide. It is the stuff they want to promote and magically, a faux public opinion Poll they characterize as genuine, affirms their spin.

    Anticipating the "confirendum" that will soon be held to bless the constitution, I am expecting a blizzard of these Polls. Magically people will see the charter as the answer to all that ails Thailand. Yes, there will be some things that are questioned, but that is smoke seeking to legitimize these things, plus all the Polling type jargon that will be thrown in.

    I forget who came up with "confirendum' to describe a referendum controlled to achieve a pre-determined outcome. It was creative wordsmithing indeed.

    You know, I can see some writing on the page but all I can hear as I try to read it is 'Whine Whine Whine'.

    Calling every poll a fake is drawing a bit thin now. Just because you don't like the result, stop crying like a schoolboy. It used to be that it was fake because the people doing it would get put in prison if the Junta didn't like it. I notice you people have finally realised you can't get away with that lie any more - so what is the latest reason you have been programmed with by your comrades as to why these independent poll companies are doing it ?.

  14. The main point is that this whole business stinks to high heaven just like the Koh Tao investigation. How come we always have some sudden breakthrough and the culprits are caught. They never ran away and left country while a huge manhunt was going on. And they always make a full confession - which also always fails to answer a lot of questions. And the picture of the vest is a deliberate lie which I am certain is by the police, not the Junta (as the article is trying it's hardest to imply).

    But at least the Junta have taken action to clear it up and stop the false reports which Chalerm would never have done.

  15. Well done Juntaclap2.gif

    Not content with stripping the Thai people of their rights, freedom and voices and driving the nations economy into the ditch - they're ineptitude at governing the country has now piled more misery upon its long suffering citizenry by unnecessarily inviting international terrorism to these shores by their repulsive and shameful treatment of Uighur refuges.

    I see what you are saying : never send terrorists back to their country because someone might put a bomb in your capital city. I think this bomb suggests the Junta were right.

    Excellent advice : don't do anything for fear of being attacked. I wonder what the world would be like if it was full of people like you.

    Would Thai people be speaking German or Japanese now ?.

    Armchair critics : 10 a penny. And most of them not worth even that.

  16. If some Turk wanted to carry out a terrorist attack, they'd carry it out on Kurds, not Thais. I call this BS

    Scissors, duct tape, I have them at my home too.

    HERE IS WHY!!!

    For people that don't know, a few months ago Thailand deported several hundred refugees back to China and Turkey. They were hiding in Thailand, and were being held in camps to determine what to do with them. The press said they were sent back to China, but many were sent back to Turkey as well. The refugees claimed to be Turkish.

    From the beginning, I thought this bombing smelled like payback for sending their buddies back to the governments that were repressing them and probably sending them back to death or certain prison.

    If these are Turks,,,,,it is a direct result of those deportations.

    Here is your Turkey connection for you people that didn't follow the deportations....read this article. TURKEY is heavily involved.


    So they are terrorists after all.

    Seems like the Thai government did the right thing.

    Not that I buy it for a minute.

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