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Posts posted by EnglishJohn

  1. of course they want peace and security.

    Who doesn't?

    Waiting to see how this style of polling is used to deny people their right to self-determination...

    Got any new records ? because the one you have now is getting very old.

    If an overall minority of voters manage to elect a government who promise to take all the money from those who didn't vote for them and hand it out (while keeping most for themselves), do you think that is really democracy ?.

    You communists are all the same : but what would you do when everybody else's money runs out ?.

  2. Only 600 billion, well that's down from 700 billion... whistling.gif

    The NACC are just the Junta's attack dogs ... this idea of theirs that they will 'go after' politicians to 'pay back' the government is just political vengeance... It would be like going after GWB to payback American taxpayers for the Iraq war...

    But while they're at it, why not go after Abhisit for the losses incurred under his rice scheme? Oh wait, ... that's right... I forgot, this is all about purging, er reconciliation.

    These people are just nutters...

    The very real faults of the PT rice scheme were well known years ago. Here's an article detailing them back in 2011.


    With the Dems scheme the majority of the money was actually paid to the farmers whereas only about 18% of the PT scheme found it's way to the farmers.

    I was wondering how much actually got to the farmers : if 18% is correct it means Pheu-Thai STOLE nearly 500,000,000,000 baht.

    Can you even comprehend a number like that Mr tbthailand ?. And you think the people they stole from (ie the taxpayer) should just forget about it ?. Exactly the kind of 'reconciliation' you people want.

    Your post makes no sense at all. Keep up with your whining and nonsense statements you copied from something someone else told you : it just makes sure the rest of us know what kind of people we are talking about when we see the phrase "red-shirt".

  3. I had a small package which was a sample come from the USA and it had no value declared.

    Someone in DHL had put the weight as 10Kg when it was in fact just a small jiffy bag about 50g. Nevertheless, they tried to stiff us for something like 2000 baht in duty on something worth 250 baht.

    Even though they had the package and it was clearly not 10Kg, they would not budge. Eventually we told them we would not pay it so send it back. After that they said they would 'absorb the charge themselves' as a goodwill gesture.

    When we got it, it had no such weight declaration on it.

    I will never use FedEx again after they charged me $100 because the person who sent it did it on their own FedEx account and did not pay it. I didn't even have an account with them. Eventually they sold the debt to a debt collection company in the UK and I started to get threatening letters !.

    I will always get stuff sent stuff EMS in the future.

  4. Comparisons with Nazi Germany are ridiculous.

    The German Army was very professional and acted with honour almost the whole time. The SS being the exception.

    Germany would have used the weapons based on military decisions.

    Iran will use them through Islamic hate to bring death to as many infidels as possible in Israel.

    Without any doubt, this is Obama's 'Munich agreement'. Settling for a liars promise in order to avoid going to war. History will be the judge of him and all those supporting him.

    What is very clear is that many innocent people are going to die through terrorism sponsored by Iran when sanctions are lifted. Obama has made that call and their deaths are on him. That is the price of being president.

    The suggestion that the German army under the Nazis was very professional and acted with honour almost the whole time about as useless a statement as those peddling the idea that Iran is just another state but occasionally misunderstood.

    Wow, your comment is on the edge of complete nonsense. I assume English is your second or third language..

    But to humour you, the German Army was the most professional in the world at that time. Go read up a bit about the opinion of the Allied soldiers on their German opposition. Now the Japanese : that was a different story.

    If you think any Army in the history of the world acted with honour the whole time, you are truly challenged in the reality department.

    I bet you don't even know why they paused for a week at Dunkirk do you ? - when they could have easily wiped out the BEF.

  5. Comparisons with Nazi Germany are ridiculous.

    The German Army was very professional and acted with honour almost the whole time. The SS being the exception.

    Germany would have used the weapons based on military decisions.

    Iran will use them through Islamic hate to bring death to as many infidels as possible in Israel.

    Without any doubt, this is Obama's 'Munich agreement'. Settling for a liars promise in order to avoid going to war. History will be the judge of him and all those supporting him.

    What is very clear is that many innocent people are going to die through terrorism sponsored by Iran when sanctions are lifted. Obama has made that call and their deaths are on him. That is the price of being president.

  6. hmmm, ...

    David Lyman, a former president of the American Chamber of Commerce and veteran officer of the US Navy, said: "My personal, and probably controversial, view is that the Thai military did the right thing. They shut out a [possible] civil war, and their rule made the economy stand still," compared with a worsening situation if the military did nothing, Lyman said.

    as a former navy officer, he should ask himself where he would be if he and his military colleagues in the US had done the same thing as the Thai military did in 2014 ... coffee1.gif

    He regurgitates the military propaganda about a 'preventing a civil war' and demonstrates a complete ignorance of the economic and political situation in Thailand. Seriously, such an uninformed and unintelligent comment is better left unsaid...

    David Lyman is biased. The military could have also prevented civil war by supporting the elected government (which they are legally obligated to do)but chose not to.

    It's clear the military resented any change to the status quo. Which is perfect for Mr Lyman's law firm which benefits from the foreign clients ongoing desperation at the state of intellectual property infringements by thai criminals. Not to mention the overall restrictions to business in thailand.

    It's financially rewarding for Mr Lyman that the existing difficulties in Thailand continue.

    So Mr Time Traveller, you think the military should have supported the actions by the government just as the police did.

    By which of course you mean to shield the UDD terrorists from arrest and leave protestors unguarded whilst they get blown up on the streets.

    Then once enough of them had been murdered so that the rest ran home, Pheu-Thai could have got back to the Amnesty bill and let themselves off the thousands of crimes since 2004 and clear the way for the most divisive and corrupt figure in Thai politics to cancel his convictions (both proven and pending) and come back a free man to go back into politics.

    That attitude disgusts me. Thank God there are a lot of better people than you in the world.

    I expect you think the German Army did the right thing by not opposing Hitler when they had the chance. They were legally obliged to do so as well and look how that turned out.

  7. Do people really think that if someone makes a statement that the Army was 100% to blame (and we know that is the ONLY acceptable result, whatever the truth might have been) then the Muslim's in the South will suddenly be happy and the violence will stop ?.

    Of course not. This is the same as the red-shirts blaming the government for 2010. It has nothing to do with the event : it is being used as a focus for their hate. If it wasn't this it would be something else.

    Of course it would be right and proper to get to the truth of either of those - but don't think for a minute either red-shirts or the Muslim's would accept anything which doesn't suit them or change their attitude at the end of it.

  8. No reference in this article (for reasons not difficult to fathom for anyone acquainted with the Thai phobia about losing face) of Thailand's egregious role in helping the US to murder, main and destroy the livelihoods of millions of innocent civilians in a neighbouring country.

    No mention, either, of the collatoral damage to an untold number of Thais contaminated by the cancer-causing chemical during secretive dummy runs in the Kingdom.

    The willingness of Thailand's leaders to turn their country into "America's fortress in Asia" during the 12-year conflict undoubtedly helped extend one of the most immoral and bloody wars of aggression.in recent history.

    One wonders how many of these inconvenient truths will be told to a growing generation of Thais when new school history books - currently being revised on the orders of the current military regime - are eventually distributed as part of the revamped national curriculum.

    Another point that could be made is that the American military presence in Thailand during the Vietnam War created a communist insurgency in the north and northeast that resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of people.

    How many people might have died do you think if the USA stayed out and the country as a whole was taken over by a communist insurgency ?. And no USA remember so it would have been a slaughter. And no human rights whatsoever.

    How I wish you people could take a trip into a reality where the USA didn't get involved in anything outside their own country.

    Do you think you would sat safely at home on your fat @rses with computers and internet writing comments like these ?.

  9. I don't care too much about this.

    What I really want to know is why the 310 MPs who voted for it are not being prosecuted for the most disgraceful abuse of power I have ever witnessed when they passed the amnesty bill.

    And while we're talking about prosecutions, what happened about the terrorists who murdered the protestors ?. Is there even an investigation going on for that ?. Or are they scared because the red-shirts will get even more shirty if they are publicly accused and say how much it has damaged 'reconciliation' ?.

    Thais should not be surprised that no other country takes them seriously.

  10. He will surely fix in well in his new job being he been involved in North Korean affairs. He will feel right at home here.

    You go way above and beyond hyperbole with this statement. One week living under the NK government and you'd be begging to return to the freedom of Thailand.

    Child-like rhetoric proving he has no clue what is really going on here.

    Try to ignore him. My signature is good advice.

  11. It's Groundhog Day again. Can we really go back to the lawlessness of those street protests. Closing roads and public facilities, airports etc. My recollections of the most recent Shutdown Bangkok/Restart Thailand are disturbing. Coming out of the MRT station at Silom to be confronted by blackclad PAD 'security' demanding to check my bag before i was allowed to walk through 'their' encampment. The stench of urine all pervasive and the opportunistic vendors selling shoes, sunglasses and satays. The street closed to traffic for weeks on end. People paying rent on businesses that their customers couldn't get to. The Dusit Thani hotel pitch black at night save for the suite occupied by Pra Suthep. The red shirts were no better.

    Rallies are one thing but the rest of the population have the right to go about their business freely and without fear of intimidation. Kids have the right to get to and from school. People have the right to get to and from the airport. It's called the Rule of Law and it is part of the Social Contract that defines a civil society, something that Thailand surely is not, I'm afraid.

    Indeed, And where were the police and the army whose job it was to under-write the rights of those affected and the tenure of the elected government of the day?

    Lawlessness is a major factor in failed states becoming failed states.

    Are you serious ?.

    The police were obeying everything the government told them. From intimidating protestors by hitting their cars whilst wearing gas masks right through to allowing terrorists through checkpoints and failing to arrest a SINGLE ONE even after being caught full face on CCTV.

    The Army were trying their hardest to stay out of it because hypocrites like you start crying foul any time they interfere with politics. Their role started by escorting people away from areas under fire by red-shirt snipers (on a bridge guarded at each end by those same police), moved on the manning their own checkpoints to try and stop the murders because the police were letting the UDD terrorists in and out then eventually to the coup because Pheu-Thai would not budge an inch and were murdering women and children on the street to try and scare the protestors away.

    I don't know if you are just simple or perhaps just a ten-a-penny red-shirt hypocrite - but either way your grasp of reality is pitiful.

    And you people crowing about the airport as if it is in any way comparable to 2010 or the recent murders have no shame. Did you cheer as well when the UDD fired grenades into innocent people ?. Those victims haven't just been inconvenienced - they are dead.

    It's a simple fact that virtually all political violence in Thailand is by red-shirts. You know it as well as I do. But you will deny it because it suits you. If they don't get what they want, intimidation, threats and grenades soon follow. Luckily Thailand has people prepared to stand up to these medieval throwbacks.

  12. What makes me laugh is that Thai governments easily change the law to suit them when they want to, but are quick hide behind it when it doesn't.

    The question of what is right or wrong doesn't come into it.

    The Junta somehow need a deadline for reform then maybe they will concentrate on doing it instead of tinkering with policy decisions like railways and submarines which should be left for the next elected government who will be the ones accountable.

  13. Why can't Suthep keep quite and let everyone carry on with the dirty politics and easy way to make money through bribes and kickbacks ?.

    Those that get it are happy and those who don't have the dream that they will get it too someday.

    The millions of poor who think nothing can change and just get on with their lives don't count.

    The people who earn the money and pay the taxes to cover it are just ' Bangkok Elite' and deserve to lose it.

  14. All this fake shock and horror whenever spying is uncovered is pure hypocrisy.

    Every government does it on any other government they can. Diplomats never tell the whole truth and it's the only way to know what they might do in the future.

    Anyone who thinks otherwise is just naïve. The world is not this 'let's all be friends' place some people seem to think it is.

    Would this have made the headline if someone else was spying on the USA ?. Definitely not.

  15. Suthep only does what is good for suthep.

    I think he got enough offers from the man in Dubai to be silent in exchange of a nice bank account in Singapore.....Staying in dirt for many month without profit is surely not the best thing he could have for himself

    most stupid post of the month award

    do you have a SHRED of evidence? link? quote? or are you just making it up as usual?

    Making it up ?. You should learn to read : Suthep has been a monk for the last year. As the OP said, not the best thing he could do. Tick that box as true.

    And Abhisit already said that Thaksin had approached them looking for a deal to get his own amnesty (I expect you missed it: it was the whole point of charging them with murder). It would be reasonable to assume Suthep was included in that given Pheu-Thai tried to nail them both on several different occasions. My favourite was that clown Sukumpol who spent he whole time trying to find draft papers from 30 years ago while violence flared in the South.

    I would say that makes your posts more stupid - but given the competition you have from your comrades who write like under-developed 6 year olds having a tantrum, you don't make the winner this month I'm afraid.

  16. I don't know which is worse : some ego-driven idiot from the last lot making some stupid rule then sticking to it come-what-may to save his face (Plodprasop and Chalerm spring immediately to mind) , or this lot changing their mind every 5 minutes when they realise they misjudged something yet again.

    Is Thai society incapable of producing people of the required standard ?. It seems all avenues of advancement in this country are based on everything except ability.

  17. Someone should tell them to shut up and go live in a Muslim country if they want to live under those kind of rules.

    Why should the rest of us have to put up with rules based on their medieval faith ?. I come to Thailand and abide by it's traditions and lifestyle. If I don't like it, I can always leave.

    Thailand must nip this in the bud if it doesn't want to end up like the UK. This would NOT be the end of things : once this becomes the baseline, they will start to push for more and more concessions to fit their religion.

    The question of whether killing animals is right or wrong is immaterial. They wouldn't complain if it was a goat farm so they can slit it's throat in their back yard whenever they want Allah to smile on them.

  18. So he dead and gone and maybe guilty as charged they gonna sue him lock him up or what?, another waste of public money.

    I'm sure a LOT of these cases are as a result of lawyers telling people what kind of cash they might get in compensation. Particularly if the dead are not their to defend themselves.

    First step is to get some blame established and tell the public we just want to get to the truth. Then all the claims will follow.

    Lawyers have ruined the UK with their ambulance chasing and compensation claims.

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